path: root/youtube/watch.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'youtube/watch.py')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/youtube/watch.py b/youtube/watch.py
index c3c90bc..0274cd0 100644
--- a/youtube/watch.py
+++ b/youtube/watch.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from flask import request
import flask
import json
-import html
import gevent
import os
import math
@@ -16,6 +15,10 @@ import traceback
import urllib
import re
import urllib3.exceptions
+from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+from math import ceil
with open(os.path.join(settings.data_dir, 'decrypt_function_cache.json'), 'r') as f:
@@ -24,29 +27,148 @@ except FileNotFoundError:
decrypt_cache = {}
-def get_video_sources(info, tor_bypass=False):
- video_sources = []
- if (not settings.theater_mode) or (settings.route_tor == 2) or tor_bypass:
- max_resolution = 360
+def codec_name(vcodec):
+ if vcodec.startswith('avc'):
+ return 'h264'
+ elif vcodec.startswith('av01'):
+ return 'av1'
+ elif vcodec.startswith('vp'):
+ return 'vp'
- max_resolution = settings.default_resolution
+ return 'unknown'
+def get_video_sources(info, target_resolution):
+ '''return dict with organized sources: {
+ 'uni_sources': [{}, ...], # video and audio in one file
+ 'uni_idx': int, # default unified source index
+ 'pair_sources': [{video: {}, audio: {}, quality: ..., ...}, ...],
+ 'pair_idx': int, # default pair source index
+ }
+ '''
+ audio_sources = []
+ video_only_sources = {}
+ uni_sources = []
+ pair_sources = []
for fmt in info['formats']:
- if not all(fmt[attr] for attr in ('quality', 'width', 'ext', 'url')):
+ if not all(fmt[attr] for attr in ('ext', 'url', 'itag')):
- if fmt['acodec'] and fmt['vcodec'] and fmt['height'] <= max_resolution:
- video_sources.append({
- 'src': fmt['url'],
+ # unified source
+ if fmt['acodec'] and fmt['vcodec']:
+ source = {
'type': 'video/' + fmt['ext'],
- 'quality': fmt['quality'],
- 'height': fmt['height'],
- 'width': fmt['width'],
- })
+ 'quality_string': short_video_quality_string(fmt),
+ }
+ source['quality_string'] += ' (integrated)'
+ source.update(fmt)
+ uni_sources.append(source)
+ continue
- #### order the videos sources so the preferred resolution is first ###
+ if not (fmt['init_range'] and fmt['index_range']):
+ continue
- video_sources.sort(key=lambda source: source['quality'], reverse=True)
+ # audio source
+ if fmt['acodec'] and not fmt['vcodec'] and (
+ fmt['audio_bitrate'] or fmt['bitrate']):
+ if fmt['bitrate']: # prefer this one, more accurate right now
+ fmt['audio_bitrate'] = int(fmt['bitrate']/1000)
+ source = {
+ 'type': 'audio/' + fmt['ext'],
+ 'quality_string': audio_quality_string(fmt),
+ }
+ source.update(fmt)
+ source['mime_codec'] = (source['type'] + '; codecs="'
+ + source['acodec'] + '"')
+ audio_sources.append(source)
+ # video-only source
+ elif all(fmt[attr] for attr in ('vcodec', 'quality', 'width', 'fps',
+ 'file_size')):
+ if codec_name(fmt['vcodec']) == 'unknown':
+ continue
+ source = {
+ 'type': 'video/' + fmt['ext'],
+ 'quality_string': short_video_quality_string(fmt),
+ }
+ source.update(fmt)
+ source['mime_codec'] = (source['type'] + '; codecs="'
+ + source['vcodec'] + '"')
+ quality = str(fmt['quality']) + 'p' + str(fmt['fps'])
+ if quality in video_only_sources:
+ video_only_sources[quality].append(source)
+ else:
+ video_only_sources[quality] = [source]
+ audio_sources.sort(key=lambda source: source['audio_bitrate'])
+ uni_sources.sort(key=lambda src: src['quality'])
+ webm_audios = [a for a in audio_sources if a['ext'] == 'webm']
+ mp4_audios = [a for a in audio_sources if a['ext'] == 'mp4']
+ for quality_string, sources in video_only_sources.items():
+ # choose an audio source to go with it
+ # 0.5 is semiarbitrary empirical constant to spread audio sources
+ # between 144p and 1080p. Use something better eventually.
+ quality, fps = map(int, quality_string.split('p'))
+ target_audio_bitrate = quality*fps/30*0.5
+ pair_info = {
+ 'quality_string': quality_string,
+ 'quality': quality,
+ 'height': sources[0]['height'],
+ 'width': sources[0]['width'],
+ 'fps': fps,
+ 'videos': sources,
+ 'audios': [],
+ }
+ for audio_choices in (webm_audios, mp4_audios):
+ if not audio_choices:
+ continue
+ closest_audio_source = audio_choices[0]
+ best_err = target_audio_bitrate - audio_choices[0]['audio_bitrate']
+ best_err = abs(best_err)
+ for audio_source in audio_choices[1:]:
+ err = abs(audio_source['audio_bitrate'] - target_audio_bitrate)
+ # once err gets worse we have passed the closest one
+ if err > best_err:
+ break
+ best_err = err
+ closest_audio_source = audio_source
+ pair_info['audios'].append(closest_audio_source)
+ if not pair_info['audios']:
+ continue
- return video_sources
+ def video_rank(src):
+ ''' Sort by settings preference. Use file size as tiebreaker '''
+ setting_name = 'codec_rank_' + codec_name(src['vcodec'])
+ return (settings.current_settings_dict[setting_name],
+ src['file_size'])
+ pair_info['videos'].sort(key=video_rank)
+ pair_sources.append(pair_info)
+ pair_sources.sort(key=lambda src: src['quality'])
+ uni_idx = 0 if uni_sources else None
+ for i, source in enumerate(uni_sources):
+ if source['quality'] > target_resolution:
+ break
+ uni_idx = i
+ pair_idx = 0 if pair_sources else None
+ for i, pair_info in enumerate(pair_sources):
+ if pair_info['quality'] > target_resolution:
+ break
+ pair_idx = i
+ return {
+ 'uni_sources': uni_sources,
+ 'uni_idx': uni_idx,
+ 'pair_sources': pair_sources,
+ 'pair_idx': pair_idx,
+ }
def make_caption_src(info, lang, auto=False, trans_lang=None):
@@ -56,7 +178,7 @@ def make_caption_src(info, lang, auto=False, trans_lang=None):
if trans_lang:
label += ' -> ' + trans_lang
return {
- 'url': '/' + yt_data_extract.get_caption_url(info, lang, 'vtt', auto, trans_lang),
+ 'url': util.prefix_url(yt_data_extract.get_caption_url(info, lang, 'vtt', auto, trans_lang)),
'label': label,
'srclang': trans_lang[0:2] if trans_lang else lang[0:2],
'on': False,
@@ -82,7 +204,7 @@ def lang_eq(lang1, lang2):
def equiv_lang_in(lang, sequence):
'''Extracts a language in sequence which is equivalent to lang.
e.g. if lang is en, extracts en-GB from sequence.
- Necessary because if only a specific variant like en-GB is available, can't ask Youtube for simply en. Need to get the available variant.'''
+ Necessary because if only a specific variant like en-GB is available, can't ask YouTube for simply en. Need to get the available variant.'''
lang = lang[0:2]
for l in sequence:
if l[0:2] == lang:
@@ -100,6 +222,8 @@ def get_subtitle_sources(info):
pref_lang (Automatic)
pref_lang (Manual)'''
sources = []
+ if not yt_data_extract.captions_available(info):
+ return []
pref_lang = settings.subtitles_language
native_video_lang = None
if info['automatic_caption_languages']:
@@ -186,14 +310,6 @@ def save_decrypt_cache():
-watch_headers = (
- ('Accept', '*/*'),
- ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.5'),
- ('X-YouTube-Client-Name', '2'),
- ('X-YouTube-Client-Version', '2.20180830'),
-) + util.mobile_ua
def decrypt_signatures(info, video_id):
'''return error string, or False if no errors'''
if not yt_data_extract.requires_decryption(info):
@@ -217,7 +333,20 @@ def decrypt_signatures(info, video_id):
return err
-def extract_info(video_id, use_invidious, playlist_id=None, index=None):
+def _add_to_error(info, key, additional_message):
+ if key in info and info[key]:
+ info[key] += additional_message
+ else:
+ info[key] = additional_message
+def fetch_player_response(client, video_id):
+ return util.call_youtube_api(client, 'player', {
+ 'videoId': video_id,
+ })
+def fetch_watch_page_info(video_id, playlist_id, index):
# bpctr=9999999999 will bypass are-you-sure dialogs for controversial
# videos
url = 'https://m.youtube.com/embed/' + video_id + '?bpctr=9999999999'
@@ -225,33 +354,55 @@ def extract_info(video_id, use_invidious, playlist_id=None, index=None):
url += '&list=' + playlist_id
if index:
url += '&index=' + index
- watch_page = util.fetch_url(url, headers=watch_headers,
+ headers = (
+ ('Accept', '*/*'),
+ ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.5'),
+ ('X-YouTube-Client-Name', '2'),
+ ('X-YouTube-Client-Version', '2.20180830'),
+ ) + util.mobile_ua
+ watch_page = util.fetch_url(url, headers=headers,
watch_page = watch_page.decode('utf-8')
- info = yt_data_extract.extract_watch_info_from_html(watch_page)
+ return yt_data_extract.extract_watch_info_from_html(watch_page)
- # request player urls if it's missing
- # see https://github.com/user234683/youtube-local/issues/22#issuecomment-706395160
- if info['age_restricted'] or info['player_urls_missing']:
- if info['age_restricted']:
- print('Age restricted video. Fetching get_video_info page')
- else:
- print('Missing player. Fetching get_video_info page')
- data = {
- 'video_id': video_id,
- 'eurl': 'https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/' + video_id,
- }
- url = 'https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(data)
- video_info_page = util.fetch_url(
- url, headers=watch_headers, debug_name='get_video_info',
- report_text='Fetched get_video_info page').decode('utf-8')
- yt_data_extract.update_with_age_restricted_info(info, video_info_page)
+def extract_info(video_id, use_invidious, playlist_id=None, index=None):
+ primary_client = 'android_vr'
+ fallback_client = 'ios'
+ last_resort_client = 'tv_embedded'
+ tasks = (
+ # Get video metadata from here
+ gevent.spawn(fetch_watch_page_info, video_id, playlist_id, index),
+ gevent.spawn(fetch_player_response, primary_client, video_id)
+ )
+ gevent.joinall(tasks)
+ util.check_gevent_exceptions(*tasks)
+ info = tasks[0].value or {}
+ player_response = tasks[1].value or {}
+ yt_data_extract.update_with_new_urls(info, player_response)
+ # Fallback to 'ios' if no valid URLs are found
+ if not info.get('formats') or info.get('player_urls_missing'):
+ print(f"No URLs found in '{primary_client}', attempting with '{fallback_client}'.")
+ player_response = fetch_player_response(fallback_client, video_id) or {}
+ yt_data_extract.update_with_new_urls(info, player_response)
+ # Final attempt with 'tv_embedded' if there are still no URLs
+ if not info.get('formats') or info.get('player_urls_missing'):
+ print(f"No URLs found in '{fallback_client}', attempting with '{last_resort_client}'")
+ player_response = fetch_player_response(last_resort_client, video_id) or {}
+ yt_data_extract.update_with_new_urls(info, player_response)
# signature decryption
- decryption_error = decrypt_signatures(info, video_id)
- if decryption_error:
- decryption_error = 'Error decrypting url signatures: ' + decryption_error
- info['playability_error'] = decryption_error
+ if info.get('formats'):
+ decryption_error = decrypt_signatures(info, video_id)
+ if decryption_error:
+ info['playability_error'] = 'Error decrypting url signatures: ' + decryption_error
# check if urls ready (non-live format) in former livestream
# urls not ready if all of them have no filesize
@@ -265,22 +416,21 @@ def extract_info(video_id, use_invidious, playlist_id=None, index=None):
# livestream urls
# sometimes only the livestream urls work soon after the livestream is over
- if (info['hls_manifest_url']
- and (info['live'] or not info['formats'] or not info['urls_ready'])
- ):
- manifest = util.fetch_url(
- info['hls_manifest_url'],
- debug_name='hls_manifest.m3u8',
- report_text='Fetched hls manifest'
- ).decode('utf-8')
- info['hls_formats'], err = yt_data_extract.extract_hls_formats(manifest)
- if not err:
- info['playability_error'] = None
- for fmt in info['hls_formats']:
- fmt['video_quality'] = video_quality_string(fmt)
- else:
- info['hls_formats'] = []
+ info['hls_formats'] = []
+ if info.get('hls_manifest_url') and (info.get('live') or not info.get('formats') or not info['urls_ready']):
+ try:
+ manifest = util.fetch_url(info['hls_manifest_url'],
+ debug_name='hls_manifest.m3u8',
+ report_text='Fetched hls manifest'
+ ).decode('utf-8')
+ info['hls_formats'], err = yt_data_extract.extract_hls_formats(manifest)
+ if not err:
+ info['playability_error'] = None
+ for fmt in info['hls_formats']:
+ fmt['video_quality'] = video_quality_string(fmt)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Error obteniendo HLS manifest: {e}")
+ info['hls_formats'] = []
# check for 403. Unnecessary for tor video routing b/c ip address is same
info['invidious_used'] = False
@@ -319,15 +469,30 @@ def video_quality_string(format):
return '?'
-def audio_quality_string(format):
- if format['acodec']:
- result = str(format['audio_bitrate'] or '?') + 'k'
- if format['audio_sample_rate']:
- result += ' ' + str(format['audio_sample_rate']) + ' Hz'
+def short_video_quality_string(fmt):
+ result = str(fmt['quality'] or '?') + 'p'
+ if fmt['fps']:
+ result += str(fmt['fps'])
+ if fmt['vcodec'].startswith('av01'):
+ result += ' AV1'
+ elif fmt['vcodec'].startswith('avc'):
+ result += ' h264'
+ else:
+ result += ' ' + fmt['vcodec']
+ return result
+def audio_quality_string(fmt):
+ if fmt['acodec']:
+ if fmt['audio_bitrate']:
+ result = '%d' % fmt['audio_bitrate'] + 'k'
+ else:
+ result = '?k'
+ if fmt['audio_sample_rate']:
+ result += ' ' + '%.3G' % (fmt['audio_sample_rate']/1000) + 'kHz'
return result
- elif format['vcodec']:
+ elif fmt['vcodec']:
return 'video only'
return '?'
@@ -346,12 +511,71 @@ def format_bytes(bytes):
return '%.2f%s' % (converted, suffix)
-time_table = {'h': 3600, 'm': 60, 's': 1}
+def get_storyboard_vtt():
+ """
+ See:
+ https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/blob/9a8b81fcbe49ff8d88f197b7f731d6bf79fc8087/src/invidious.cr#L3603
+ https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/blob/3bb7fbb2f119790ee6675076b31cd990f75f64bb/src/invidious/videos.cr#L623
+ """
+ spec_url = request.args.get('spec_url')
+ url, *boards = spec_url.split('|')
+ base_url, q = url.split('?')
+ q = parse_qs(q) # for url query
+ storyboard = None
+ wanted_height = 90
+ for i, board in enumerate(boards):
+ *t, _, sigh = board.split("#")
+ width, height, count, width_cnt, height_cnt, interval = map(int, t)
+ if height != wanted_height: continue
+ q['sigh'] = [sigh]
+ url = f"{base_url}?{urlencode(q, doseq=True)}"
+ storyboard = SimpleNamespace(
+ url = url.replace("$L", str(i)).replace("$N", "M$M"),
+ width = width,
+ height = height,
+ interval = interval,
+ width_cnt = width_cnt,
+ height_cnt = height_cnt,
+ storyboard_count = ceil(count / (width_cnt * height_cnt))
+ )
+ if not storyboard:
+ flask.abort(404)
+ def to_ts(ms):
+ s, ms = divmod(ms, 1000)
+ h, s = divmod(s, 3600)
+ m, s = divmod(s, 60)
+ return f"{h:02}:{m:02}:{s:02}.{ms:03}"
+ r = "WEBVTT" # result
+ ts = 0 # current timestamp
+ for i in range(storyboard.storyboard_count):
+ url = '/' + storyboard.url.replace("$M", str(i))
+ interval = storyboard.interval
+ w, h = storyboard.width, storyboard.height
+ w_cnt, h_cnt = storyboard.width_cnt, storyboard.height_cnt
+ for j in range(h_cnt):
+ for k in range(w_cnt):
+ r += f"{to_ts(ts)} --> {to_ts(ts+interval)}\n"
+ r += f"{url}#xywh={w * k},{h * j},{w},{h}\n\n"
+ ts += interval
+ return flask.Response(r, mimetype='text/vtt')
+time_table = {'h': 3600, 'm': 60, 's': 1}
def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
video_id = request.args.get('v') or video_id
if not video_id:
@@ -392,16 +616,20 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
return flask.render_template('error.html', error_message=info['error'])
video_info = {
- "duration": util.seconds_to_timestamp(info["duration"] or 0),
- "id": info['id'],
- "title": info['title'],
- "author": info['author'],
+ 'duration': util.seconds_to_timestamp(info['duration'] or 0),
+ 'id': info['id'],
+ 'title': info['title'],
+ 'author': info['author'],
+ 'author_id': info['author_id'],
# prefix urls, and other post-processing not handled by yt_data_extract
for item in info['related_videos']:
+ item['thumbnail'] = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/{}/hqdefault.jpg".format(item['id']) # set HQ relateds thumbnail videos
+ for song in info['music_list']:
+ song['url'] = util.prefix_url(song['url'])
if info['playlist']:
playlist_id = info['playlist']['id']
for item in info['playlist']['items']:
@@ -413,10 +641,11 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
item['url'] += '&index=' + str(item['index'])
info['playlist']['author_url'] = util.prefix_url(
- # Don't prefix hls_formats for now because the urls inside the manifest
- # would need to be prefixed as well.
- for fmt in info['formats']:
- fmt['url'] = util.prefix_url(fmt['url'])
+ if settings.img_prefix:
+ # Don't prefix hls_formats for now because the urls inside the manifest
+ # would need to be prefixed as well.
+ for fmt in info['formats']:
+ fmt['url'] = util.prefix_url(fmt['url'])
# Add video title to end of url path so it has a filename other than just
# "videoplayback" when downloaded
@@ -430,12 +659,6 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
'/videoplayback/name/' + filename)
- if settings.gather_googlevideo_domains:
- with open(os.path.join(settings.data_dir, 'googlevideo-domains.txt'), 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- url = info['formats'][0]['url']
- subdomain = url[0:url.find(".googlevideo.com")]
- f.write(subdomain + "\n")
download_formats = []
for format in (info['formats'] + info['hls_formats']):
@@ -452,9 +675,53 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
'codecs': codecs_string,
- video_sources = get_video_sources(info, tor_bypass=info['tor_bypass_used'])
- video_height = yt_data_extract.deep_get(video_sources, 0, 'height', default=360)
- video_width = yt_data_extract.deep_get(video_sources, 0, 'width', default=640)
+ if (settings.route_tor == 2) or info['tor_bypass_used']:
+ target_resolution = 240
+ else:
+ target_resolution = settings.default_resolution
+ source_info = get_video_sources(info, target_resolution)
+ uni_sources = source_info['uni_sources']
+ pair_sources = source_info['pair_sources']
+ uni_idx, pair_idx = source_info['uni_idx'], source_info['pair_idx']
+ pair_quality = yt_data_extract.deep_get(pair_sources, pair_idx, 'quality')
+ uni_quality = yt_data_extract.deep_get(uni_sources, uni_idx, 'quality')
+ pair_error = abs((pair_quality or 360) - target_resolution)
+ uni_error = abs((uni_quality or 360) - target_resolution)
+ if uni_error == pair_error:
+ # use settings.prefer_uni_sources as a tiebreaker
+ closer_to_target = 'uni' if settings.prefer_uni_sources else 'pair'
+ elif uni_error < pair_error:
+ closer_to_target = 'uni'
+ else:
+ closer_to_target = 'pair'
+ if settings.prefer_uni_sources == 2:
+ # Use uni sources unless there's no choice.
+ using_pair_sources = (
+ bool(pair_sources) and (not uni_sources)
+ )
+ else:
+ # Use the pair sources if they're closer to the desired resolution
+ using_pair_sources = (
+ bool(pair_sources)
+ and (not uni_sources or closer_to_target == 'pair')
+ )
+ if using_pair_sources:
+ video_height = pair_sources[pair_idx]['height']
+ video_width = pair_sources[pair_idx]['width']
+ else:
+ video_height = yt_data_extract.deep_get(
+ uni_sources, uni_idx, 'height', default=360
+ )
+ video_width = yt_data_extract.deep_get(
+ uni_sources, uni_idx, 'width', default=640
+ )
# 1 second per pixel, or the actual video width
theater_video_target_width = max(640, info['duration'] or 0, video_width)
@@ -487,19 +754,16 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
template_name = 'embed.html'
template_name = 'watch.html'
- return flask.render_template(
- template_name,
- header_playlist_names = local_playlist.get_playlist_names(),
- uploader_channel_url = ('/' + info['author_url']) if info['author_url'] else '',
- time_published = info['time_published'],
- time_published_utc=time_utc_isoformat(info['time_published']),
+ return flask.render_template(template_name,
+ header_playlist_names = local_playlist.get_playlist_names(),
+ uploader_channel_url = ('/' + info['author_url']) if info['author_url'] else '',
+ time_published = info['time_published'],
view_count = (lambda x: '{:,}'.format(x) if x is not None else "")(info.get("view_count", None)),
like_count = (lambda x: '{:,}'.format(x) if x is not None else "")(info.get("like_count", None)),
dislike_count = (lambda x: '{:,}'.format(x) if x is not None else "")(info.get("dislike_count", None)),
download_formats = download_formats,
other_downloads = other_downloads,
video_info = json.dumps(video_info),
- video_sources = video_sources,
hls_formats = info['hls_formats'],
subtitle_sources = subtitle_sources,
related = info['related_videos'],
@@ -528,13 +792,26 @@ def get_watch_page(video_id=None):
invidious_used = info['invidious_used'],
invidious_reload_button = info['invidious_reload_button'],
video_url = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/watch?v=' + video_id,
- time_start = time_start,
+ video_id = video_id,
+ storyboard_url = (util.URL_ORIGIN + '/ytl-api/storyboard.vtt?' +
+ urlencode([('spec_url', info['storyboard_spec_url'])])
+ if info['storyboard_spec_url'] else None),
js_data = {
- 'video_id': video_info['id'],
+ 'video_id': info['id'],
+ 'video_duration': info['duration'],
+ 'settings': settings.current_settings_dict,
+ 'has_manual_captions': any(s.get('on') for s in subtitle_sources),
+ **source_info,
+ 'using_pair_sources': using_pair_sources,
+ 'time_start': time_start,
+ 'playlist': info['playlist'],
+ 'related': info['related_videos'],
+ 'playability_error': info['playability_error'],
- # for embed page
- font_family=youtube.font_choices[settings.font],
+ font_family = youtube.font_choices[settings.font], # for embed page
+ **source_info,
+ using_pair_sources = using_pair_sources,