Name | Description | Owner | Idle | Links |
containers |
gitolite-cgit-docker.git | Docker image with cgit dark-mode and gitolite running on top of alpine base imag... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperbola-docker.git | Hyperbola Docker is base image build setup that employs the bootstrap tarball | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperbola-mirror.git | Synchronize Hyperbola Project repositories with docker | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
mediagoblin-docker-compose.git | A basic container for a MediaGoblin media server | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
microlab.git | Docker image of Hyperbola GNU plus Linux-libre with tmate client support access ... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
tunnel.git | Tunnel configuration: dnscrypt-proxy + wireguard + pihole | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
yt-local-docker.git | YT-Local configuration for docker | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
documentation |
book.git | Daily usage annotations | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
cloudflare-tor.git | Copy repo: The Great Cloudwall | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
cv.git | Curriculum vitae of Jesús E. | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
notcovid19.git | Recommendations to stop 2019-nCov or other viruses | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
softwarelibre-xmpp-jabber.git | Reglas de la comunidad de en Jabber/XMPP | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
ufo.git | UFOs: Fact or Fiction? | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
services |
cl-theme.git | Theme built in Bulma CSS framework | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
cl.git | Source code of | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
libretube-theme.git | Theme built in Bootstrap CSS framework | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
libretube.git | LibreTube is a video publishing platform without coding process on the server. I... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
personal-site.git | Personal website built in Django | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
portfolio.git | portfolio with Smarty PHP | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
resolvers-list.git | Public resolvers for dnscrypt | heckyel | 19 hours | summarylogtree |
software |
apitool.git | Bank API built with Node.js and Express | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
css3kokoro.git | Heart in CSS3 for Valentine's Day | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
dwm-patches.git | Patches to dynamic window manager | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
dwm.git | Fork of dynamic window manager | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
emacs-base.git | Emacs base configuration is a lightweight | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
emacs-personal.git | My Personal Emacs configuration | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
ematrix.git | Fork of uMatrix, a browser extension to block/allow list requests | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
emmet-mode.git | emmet's support for emacs | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
fair-viewer.git | A lightweight application for searching and streaming videos from YouTube, using... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
gen-pass.git | Generate password from simple pass | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
git-snapsign.git | Sign a repository archive tarball for use with cgit | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
heroeapi.git | Make your Heroes API | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperbola-bootstrap.git | Bootstrap a base Hyperbola system from any GNU distro | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperbot.git | Hyperbot - Testing | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperfi.git | Hyperbola Fast Installer: tutorial installer | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hyperterm.git | Custom Prompt Shell Bash | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hypervideo-gui.git | Simple Hypervideo Downloader GUI | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hypervideo-pre.git | Pre-build of hypervideo | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
hypervideo.git | A fork of youtube-dl without nonfree parts | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
i3-config.git | My config of i3wm on Hyperbola | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
iglpcp.git | IGLPCP, es una interfaz web realizado en HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript para PfSense | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
initify.git | This utility converts simple systemd services to OpenRC init-scripts | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librecart.git | Fork of OpenCart with language spanish | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librejsxul.git | LibreJS under Unified XUL Platform | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
libresocial.git | Font Fonts for Free Social Networks and other decentralized services that suppor... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librevideoconverter.git | Con Libre Video Converter ahora es súper sencillo convertir casi cualquier víd... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librevideojs-html5-player.git | Embed video files with LibreVideoJS beautifully in WordPress, adaptable to diffe... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librevideojs.git | LibreVideoJS es un reproductor de Vídeo escrito en ECMAScript compatible con Li... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
librix.git | A modern flat theme with dark elements. It supports GNOME, Unity, Xfce and Openb... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
lidra-theme.git | WordPress Theme written in HTML5, Bootstrap 3, CSS3, for a world free and compat... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
lidra.git | Theme built in Bulma CSS framework | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
livie.git | Livie is a small script to search and watch YouTube videos from emacs | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
maintenance.git | Web base for manintenance web-site | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
maqueta-bootstrap.git | Maqueta básica de un blog utilizando el framework bootstrap 3 compatible con Li... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
mediagoblin.git | MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run, wi... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
plyr.git | A fork of plyr without nonfree parts | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
pwndbtorcredentials.git | Search for leaked passwords from an email | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
simple.git | Simple theme CSS with a bit javascript | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
spectre-meltdown-checker.git | Spectre, Meltdown, Foreshadow, Fallout, RIDL, ZombieLoad vulnerability-mitigatio... | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
srt2vtt.git | Convertidor de Subtítulos SRT a VTT, escrito en python | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
st.git | st - simple terminal | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
vtt2srt.git | Convertidor de Subtítulos VTT a SRT, escrito en python | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
w3c-validator.git | Validate HTML and CSS files using the WC3 validators | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
web-base.git | web grid base | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
yt-local.git | Browser-based client for watching YouTube anonymously without forcing javascript | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
ytexplode.git | Single youtube explode API in PHP | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
ytlibre.git | Extractor de vídeos de YouTube escrito en PHP, ECMAScript, CSS y HTML | heckyel | | summarylogtree |
testing |
countries.git | Show countries using ECMAScript, CSS and HTML | heckyel | | summarylogtree |