path: root/youtube/subscriptions.py
diff options
authorJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2019-06-09 16:03:20 -0700
committerJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2019-06-09 16:03:20 -0700
commit27ee2990e97b1e73df41c1512332a1facd56f759 (patch)
tree183e892af367061f79a6ff37c64ff9c86e7873ed /youtube/subscriptions.py
parentf5c76462d722d45645029754b4fc85252cf8212e (diff)
Overhaul refresh system, make it asynchronous
Diffstat (limited to 'youtube/subscriptions.py')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/youtube/subscriptions.py b/youtube/subscriptions.py
index ff74d94..ba27655 100644
--- a/youtube/subscriptions.py
+++ b/youtube/subscriptions.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ database_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, "subscriptions.sqlite")
def open_database():
if not os.path.exists(settings.data_dir):
- connection = sqlite3.connect(database_path)
+ connection = sqlite3.connect(database_path, check_same_thread=False)
# Create tables if they don't exist
@@ -172,17 +172,75 @@ def youtube_timestamp_to_posix(dumb_timestamp):
unit = unit[:-1] # remove s from end
return now - number*units[unit]
+ existing_thumbnails = set(os.path.splitext(name)[0] for name in os.listdir(thumbnails_directory))
+except FileNotFoundError:
+ existing_thumbnails = set()
+thumbnails_queue = util.RateLimitedQueue()
+check_channels_queue = util.RateLimitedQueue()
# Use this to mark a thumbnail acceptable to be retrieved at the request of the browser
+# can't simply check if it's in the queue because items are removed when the download starts, not when it finishes
downloading_thumbnails = set()
-def download_thumbnails(thumbnails_directory, thumbnails):
- try:
- g = gevent.spawn(util.download_thumbnails, thumbnails_directory, thumbnails)
- g.join()
- finally:
- downloading_thumbnails.difference_update(thumbnails)
+checking_channels = set()
+# Just to use for printing channel checking status to console without opening database
+channel_names = dict()
+def download_thumbnail_worker():
+ while True:
+ video_id = thumbnails_queue.get()
+ try:
+ success = util.download_thumbnail(thumbnails_directory, video_id)
+ if success:
+ existing_thumbnails.add(video_id)
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ downloading_thumbnails.remove(video_id)
+def check_channel_worker():
+ while True:
+ channel_id = check_channels_queue.get()
+ try:
+ _get_upstream_videos(channel_id)
+ finally:
+ checking_channels.remove(channel_id)
+for i in range(0,5):
+ gevent.spawn(download_thumbnail_worker)
+ gevent.spawn(check_channel_worker)
+def download_thumbnails_if_necessary(thumbnails):
+ for video_id in thumbnails:
+ if video_id not in existing_thumbnails and video_id not in downloading_thumbnails:
+ downloading_thumbnails.add(video_id)
+ thumbnails_queue.put(video_id)
+def check_channels_if_necessary(channel_ids):
+ for channel_id in channel_ids:
+ if channel_id not in checking_channels:
+ checking_channels.add(channel_id)
+ check_channels_queue.put(channel_id)
def _get_upstream_videos(channel_id):
+ try:
+ print("Checking channel: " + channel_names[channel_id])
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Checking channel " + channel_id)
videos = []
json_channel_videos = channel.get_grid_items(channel.get_channel_tab(channel_id)[1]['response'])
@@ -190,23 +248,56 @@ def _get_upstream_videos(channel_id):
info = yt_data_extract.renderer_info(json_video['gridVideoRenderer'])
if 'description' not in info:
info['description'] = ''
- info['time_published'] = youtube_timestamp_to_posix(info['published']) - i # subtract a few seconds off the videos so they will be in the right order
- videos.append(info)
+ try:
+ info['time_published'] = youtube_timestamp_to_posix(info['published']) - i # subtract a few seconds off the videos so they will be in the right order
+ except KeyError:
+ print(info)
+ videos.append((channel_id, info['id'], info['title'], info['duration'], info['time_published'], info['description']))
+ now = time.time()
+ download_thumbnails_if_necessary(video[1] for video in videos if (now - video[4]) < 30*24*3600) # Don't download thumbnails from videos older than a month
+ with open_database() as connection:
+ with connection as cursor:
+ cursor.executemany('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO videos (sql_channel_id, video_id, title, duration, time_published, description)
+ VALUES ((SELECT id FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id=?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', videos)
+ cursor.execute('''UPDATE subscribed_channels
+ SET time_last_checked = ?
+ WHERE yt_channel_id=?''', [int(time.time()), channel_id])
- try:
- existing_thumbnails = set(os.path.splitext(name)[0] for name in os.listdir(thumbnails_directory))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- existing_thumbnails = set()
- missing_thumbnails = set(video['id'] for video in videos) - existing_thumbnails
- downloading_thumbnails.update(missing_thumbnails)
- gevent.spawn(download_thumbnails, thumbnails_directory, missing_thumbnails)
- return videos
+def check_all_channels():
+ with open_database() as connection:
+ with connection as cursor:
+ channel_id_name_list = cursor.execute('''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name FROM subscribed_channels''').fetchall()
+ channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list)
+ check_channels_if_necessary([item[0] for item in channel_id_name_list])
+def check_tags(tags):
+ channel_id_name_list = []
+ with open_database() as connection:
+ with connection as cursor:
+ for tag in tags:
+ channel_id_name_list += cursor.execute('''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name
+ FROM subscribed_channels
+ WHERE subscribed_channels.id IN (
+ SELECT tag_associations.sql_channel_id FROM tag_associations WHERE tag=?
+ )''', [tag]).fetchall()
+ channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list)
+ check_channels_if_necessary([item[0] for item in channel_id_name_list])
+def check_specific_channels(channel_ids):
+ with open_database() as connection:
+ with connection as cursor:
+ for channel_id in channel_ids:
+ channel_id_name_list += cursor.execute('''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name
+ FROM subscribed_channels
+ WHERE yt_channel_id=?''', [channel_id]).fetchall()
+ channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list)
+ check_channels_if_necessary(channel_ids)
@@ -408,15 +499,18 @@ def post_subscriptions_page(env, start_response):
elif action == 'refresh':
- with open_database() as connection:
- with connection as cursor:
- for sql_channel_id, yt_channel_id in cursor.execute('''SELECT id, yt_channel_id FROM subscribed_channels''').fetchall():
- db_videos = ( (sql_channel_id, info['id'], info['title'], info['duration'], info['time_published'], info['description']) for info in _get_upstream_videos(yt_channel_id) )
- cursor.executemany('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO videos (sql_channel_id, video_id, title, duration, time_published, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', db_videos)
- cursor.execute('''UPDATE subscribed_channels SET time_last_checked = ?''', ( int(time.time()), ) )
+ type = params['type'][0]
+ if type == 'all':
+ check_all_channels()
+ elif type == 'tag':
+ check_tags(params['tag_name'])
+ elif type == 'channel':
+ check_specific_channels(params['channel_id'])
+ else:
+ start_response('400 Bad Request', ())
+ return b'400 Bad Request'
- start_response('303 See Other', [('Location', util.URL_ORIGIN + '/subscriptions'),] )
+ start_response('204 No Content', ())
return b''
start_response('400 Bad Request', ())