path: root/python/atoma/rss.py
diff options
authorJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2019-09-06 15:45:01 -0700
committerJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2019-09-06 15:45:01 -0700
commitac32b24b2a011292b704a3f27e8fd08a7ae9424b (patch)
tree0d6e021519dee62089733e20880c65cdb85d8841 /python/atoma/rss.py
parent7a93acabb3f5a8dd95ec0d56ae57cc34eb57c1b8 (diff)
parentc393031ac54af959561214c8b1d6b22647a81b89 (diff)
Merge subscriptions into master
Diffstat (limited to 'python/atoma/rss.py')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/atoma/rss.py b/python/atoma/rss.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f447a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/atoma/rss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import Optional, List
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
+import attr
+from .utils import (
+ parse_xml, get_child, get_text, get_int, get_datetime, FeedParseError
+class RSSImage:
+ url: str = attr.ib()
+ title: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ link: str = attr.ib()
+ width: int = attr.ib()
+ height: int = attr.ib()
+ description: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+class RSSEnclosure:
+ url: str = attr.ib()
+ length: Optional[int] = attr.ib()
+ type: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+class RSSSource:
+ title: str = attr.ib()
+ url: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+class RSSItem:
+ title: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ link: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ description: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ author: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ categories: List[str] = attr.ib()
+ comments: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ enclosures: List[RSSEnclosure] = attr.ib()
+ guid: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ pub_date: Optional[datetime] = attr.ib()
+ source: Optional[RSSSource] = attr.ib()
+ # Extension
+ content_encoded: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+class RSSChannel:
+ title: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ link: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ description: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ language: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ copyright: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ managing_editor: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ web_master: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ pub_date: Optional[datetime] = attr.ib()
+ last_build_date: Optional[datetime] = attr.ib()
+ categories: List[str] = attr.ib()
+ generator: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ docs: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+ ttl: Optional[int] = attr.ib()
+ image: Optional[RSSImage] = attr.ib()
+ items: List[RSSItem] = attr.ib()
+ # Extension
+ content_encoded: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
+def _get_image(element: Element, name,
+ optional: bool=True) -> Optional[RSSImage]:
+ child = get_child(element, name, optional)
+ if child is None:
+ return None
+ return RSSImage(
+ get_text(child, 'url', optional=False),
+ get_text(child, 'title'),
+ get_text(child, 'link', optional=False),
+ get_int(child, 'width') or 88,
+ get_int(child, 'height') or 31,
+ get_text(child, 'description')
+ )
+def _get_source(element: Element, name,
+ optional: bool=True) -> Optional[RSSSource]:
+ child = get_child(element, name, optional)
+ if child is None:
+ return None
+ return RSSSource(
+ child.text.strip(),
+ child.attrib.get('url'),
+ )
+def _get_enclosure(element: Element) -> RSSEnclosure:
+ length = element.attrib.get('length')
+ try:
+ length = int(length)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ length = None
+ return RSSEnclosure(
+ element.attrib['url'],
+ length,
+ element.attrib.get('type'),
+ )
+def _get_link(element: Element) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Attempt to retrieve item link.
+ Use the GUID as a fallback if it is a permalink.
+ """
+ link = get_text(element, 'link')
+ if link is not None:
+ return link
+ guid = get_child(element, 'guid')
+ if guid is not None and guid.attrib.get('isPermaLink') == 'true':
+ return get_text(element, 'guid')
+ return None
+def _get_item(element: Element) -> RSSItem:
+ root = element
+ title = get_text(root, 'title')
+ link = _get_link(root)
+ description = get_text(root, 'description')
+ author = get_text(root, 'author')
+ categories = [e.text for e in root.findall('category')]
+ comments = get_text(root, 'comments')
+ enclosure = [_get_enclosure(e) for e in root.findall('enclosure')]
+ guid = get_text(root, 'guid')
+ pub_date = get_datetime(root, 'pubDate')
+ source = _get_source(root, 'source')
+ content_encoded = get_text(root, 'content:encoded')
+ return RSSItem(
+ title,
+ link,
+ description,
+ author,
+ categories,
+ comments,
+ enclosure,
+ guid,
+ pub_date,
+ source,
+ content_encoded
+ )
+def _parse_rss(root: Element) -> RSSChannel:
+ rss_version = root.get('version')
+ if rss_version != '2.0':
+ raise FeedParseError('Cannot process RSS feed version "{}"'
+ .format(rss_version))
+ root = root.find('channel')
+ title = get_text(root, 'title')
+ link = get_text(root, 'link')
+ description = get_text(root, 'description')
+ language = get_text(root, 'language')
+ copyright = get_text(root, 'copyright')
+ managing_editor = get_text(root, 'managingEditor')
+ web_master = get_text(root, 'webMaster')
+ pub_date = get_datetime(root, 'pubDate')
+ last_build_date = get_datetime(root, 'lastBuildDate')
+ categories = [e.text for e in root.findall('category')]
+ generator = get_text(root, 'generator')
+ docs = get_text(root, 'docs')
+ ttl = get_int(root, 'ttl')
+ image = _get_image(root, 'image')
+ items = [_get_item(e) for e in root.findall('item')]
+ content_encoded = get_text(root, 'content:encoded')
+ return RSSChannel(
+ title,
+ link,
+ description,
+ language,
+ copyright,
+ managing_editor,
+ web_master,
+ pub_date,
+ last_build_date,
+ categories,
+ generator,
+ docs,
+ ttl,
+ image,
+ items,
+ content_encoded
+ )
+def parse_rss_file(filename: str) -> RSSChannel:
+ """Parse an RSS feed from a local XML file."""
+ root = parse_xml(filename).getroot()
+ return _parse_rss(root)
+def parse_rss_bytes(data: bytes) -> RSSChannel:
+ """Parse an RSS feed from a byte-string containing XML data."""
+ root = parse_xml(BytesIO(data)).getroot()
+ return _parse_rss(root)