diff options
authorJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2018-11-10 21:13:49 -0800
committerJames Taylor <user234683@users.noreply.github.com>2018-11-10 21:13:49 -0800
commit409fea01971c13eae62109f1b8afc01b94960beb (patch)
parent717bf210937c757595624348db9389969be9654f (diff)
Use post/redirect/get method to prevent form resubmission for comments
4 files changed, 396 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/youtube/account_functions.py b/youtube/account_functions.py
index 0c7973b..22346e4 100644
--- a/youtube/account_functions.py
+++ b/youtube/account_functions.py
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ def delete_comment(video_id, comment_id, author_id, session_token, cookie):
content = response.read()
xsrf_token_regex = re.compile(r'''XSRF_TOKEN"\s*:\s*"([\w-]*(?:=|%3D){0,2})"''')
-def post_comment(query_string, fields):
+def post_comment(parameters, fields):
with open(os.path.join(settings.data_dir, 'cookie.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
cookie_data = f.read()
- parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
+ #parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
video_id = fields['video_id'][0]
except KeyError:
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def post_comment(query_string, fields):
if 'parent_id' in parameters:
code = _post_comment_reply(fields['comment_text'][0], parameters['video_id'][0], parameters['parent_id'][0], token, cookie_data)
- try:
+ '''try:
response = comments.get_comments_page(query_string)
except socket.error as e:
@@ -137,10 +137,11 @@ def post_comment(query_string, fields):
except Exception as e:
return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 500 Internal Server Error.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
- return response
+ return response'''
code = _post_comment(fields['comment_text'][0], fields['video_id'][0], token, cookie_data)
- try:
+ '''try:
response = comments.get_comments_page('ctoken=' + comments.make_comment_ctoken(video_id, sort=1))
except socket.error as e:
@@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ def post_comment(query_string, fields):
except Exception as e:
return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 500 Internal Server Error.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
- return response
+ return response'''
+ return code
def get_post_comment_page(query_string):
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ textarea{
comment_box = comments.comment_box_template.substitute(
- form_action = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?ctoken=' + comments.make_comment_ctoken(video_id, sort=1).replace("=", "%3D"),
+ form_action = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/post_comment',
video_id_input = '''<input type="hidden" name="video_id" value="''' + video_id + '''">''',
post_text = "Post comment",
diff --git a/youtube/account_functions_.py b/youtube/account_functions_.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a64d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/youtube/account_functions_.py
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+# Contains functions having to do with logging in or requiring that one is logged in
+import urllib
+import json
+from youtube import common, proto, comments
+import re
+import traceback
+import settings
+def _post_comment(text, video_id, session_token, cookie):
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1',
+ 'Accept': '*/*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
+ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '2',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180823',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'Cookie': cookie,
+ }
+ comment_params = proto.string(2, video_id) + proto.nested(5, proto.uint(1, 0)) + proto.uint(10, 1)
+ comment_params = proto.percent_b64encode(comment_params).decode('ascii')
+ sej = json.dumps({"clickTrackingParams":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/service_ajax","sendPost":True}},"createCommentEndpoint":{"createCommentParams": comment_params}})
+ data_dict = {
+ 'comment_text': text,
+ 'sej': sej,
+ 'session_token': session_token,
+ }
+ data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data_dict).encode()
+ req = urllib.request.Request("https://m.youtube.com/service_ajax?name=createCommentEndpoint", headers=headers, data=data)
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout = 5)
+ content = response.read()
+ content = common.decode_content(content, response.getheader('Content-Encoding', default='identity'))
+ code = json.loads(content)['code']
+ print("Comment posting code: " + code)
+ return code
+ '''with open('debug/post_comment_response', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(content)'''
+def _post_comment_reply(text, video_id, parent_comment_id, session_token, cookie):
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1',
+ 'Accept': '*/*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
+ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '2',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180823',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'Cookie': cookie,
+ }
+ comment_params = proto.string(2, video_id) + proto.string(4, parent_comment_id) + proto.nested(5, proto.uint(1, 0)) + proto.uint(6,0) + proto.uint(10, 1)
+ comment_params = proto.percent_b64encode(comment_params).decode('ascii')
+ sej = json.dumps({"clickTrackingParams":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/service_ajax","sendPost":True}},"createCommentReplyEndpoint":{"createReplyParams": comment_params}})
+ data_dict = {
+ 'comment_text': text,
+ 'sej': sej,
+ 'session_token': session_token,
+ }
+ data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data_dict).encode()
+ req = urllib.request.Request("https://m.youtube.com/service_ajax?name=createCommentReplyEndpoint", headers=headers, data=data)
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout = 5)
+ content = response.read()
+ content = common.decode_content(content, response.getheader('Content-Encoding', default='identity'))
+ code = json.loads(content)['code']
+ print("Comment posting code: " + code)
+ return code
+ '''with open('debug/post_comment_response', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(content)'''
+def delete_comment(video_id, comment_id, author_id, session_token, cookie):
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1',
+ 'Accept': '*/*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
+ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '2',
+ 'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180823',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'Cookie': cookie,
+ }
+ action = proto.uint(1,6) + proto.string(3, comment_id) + proto.string(5, video_id) + proto.string(9, author_id)
+ action = proto.percent_b64encode(action).decode('ascii')
+ sej = json.dumps({"clickTrackingParams":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/service_ajax","sendPost":True}},"performCommentActionEndpoint":{"action":action}})
+ data_dict = {
+ 'sej': sej,
+ 'session_token': session_token,
+ }
+ data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data_dict).encode()
+ req = urllib.request.Request("https://m.youtube.com/service_ajax?name=performCommentActionEndpoint", headers=headers, data=data)
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout = 5)
+ content = response.read()
+xsrf_token_regex = re.compile(r'''XSRF_TOKEN"\s*:\s*"([\w-]*(?:=|%3D){0,2})"''')
+def post_comment(query_string, fields):
+ with open(os.path.join(settings.data_dir, 'cookie.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ cookie_data = f.read()
+ parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
+ try:
+ video_id = fields['video_id'][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ video_id = parameters['video_id'][0]
+ # Get session token for mobile
+ # youtube-dl uses disable_polymer=1 which uses a different request format which has an obfuscated javascript algorithm to generate a parameter called "bgr"
+ # Tokens retrieved from disable_polymer pages only work with that format. Tokens retrieved on mobile only work using mobile requests
+ # Additionally, tokens retrieved without sending the same cookie won't work. So this is necessary even if the bgr and stuff was reverse engineered.
+ headers = {'User-Agent': common.mobile_user_agent,
+ 'Cookie': cookie_data,}
+ mobile_page = common.fetch_url('https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=' + video_id, headers, report_text="Retrieved session token for comment").decode()
+ match = xsrf_token_regex.search(mobile_page)
+ if match:
+ token = match.group(1).replace("%3D", "=")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Couldn't find xsrf_token")
+ if 'parent_id' in parameters:
+ code = _post_comment_reply(fields['comment_text'][0], parameters['video_id'][0], parameters['parent_id'][0], token, cookie_data)
+ try:
+ response = comments.get_comments_page(query_string)
+ except socket.error as e:
+ traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__)
+ return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 502 Bad Gateway.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__)
+ return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 500 Internal Server Error.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
+ return response
+ else:
+ code = _post_comment(fields['comment_text'][0], fields['video_id'][0], token, cookie_data)
+ try:
+ response = comments.get_comments_page('ctoken=' + comments.make_comment_ctoken(video_id, sort=1))
+ except socket.error as e:
+ traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__)
+ return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 502 Bad Gateway.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__)
+ return b'Refreshing comment page yielded error 500 Internal Server Error.\nPost comment status code: ' + code.encode('ascii')
+ return response
+_LOGIN_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin'
+_TWOFACTOR_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/signin/challenge'
+_LOOKUP_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/_/signin/sl/lookup'
+_CHALLENGE_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/_/signin/sl/challenge'
+_TFA_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/_/signin/challenge?hl=en&TL={0}'
+def _login(username, password):
+ """
+ Attempt to log in to YouTube.
+ True is returned if successful or skipped.
+ False is returned if login failed.
+ Taken from youtube-dl
+ """
+ login_page = self._download_webpage(
+ _LOGIN_URL, None,
+ note='Downloading login page',
+ errnote='unable to fetch login page', fatal=False)
+ if login_page is False:
+ return
+ login_form = self._hidden_inputs(login_page)
+ def req(url, f_req, note, errnote):
+ data = login_form.copy()
+ data.update({
+ 'pstMsg': 1,
+ 'checkConnection': 'youtube',
+ 'checkedDomains': 'youtube',
+ 'hl': 'en',
+ 'deviceinfo': '[null,null,null,[],null,"US",null,null,[],"GlifWebSignIn",null,[null,null,[]]]',
+ 'f.req': json.dumps(f_req),
+ 'flowName': 'GlifWebSignIn',
+ 'flowEntry': 'ServiceLogin',
+ })
+ return self._download_json(
+ url, None, note=note, errnote=errnote,
+ transform_source=lambda s: re.sub(r'^[^[]*', '', s),
+ fatal=False,
+ data=urlencode_postdata(data), headers={
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
+ 'Google-Accounts-XSRF': 1,
+ })
+ def warn(message):
+ print("Login: " + message)
+ lookup_req = [
+ username,
+ None, [], None, 'US', None, None, 2, False, True,
+ [
+ None, None,
+ [2, 1, None, 1,
+ 'https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?passive=true&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsignin%3Fnext%3D%252F%26action_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26hl%3Den%26app%3Ddesktop%26feature%3Dsign_in_button&hl=en&service=youtube&uilel=3&requestPath=%2FServiceLogin&Page=PasswordSeparationSignIn',
+ None, [], 4],
+ 1, [None, None, []], None, None, None, True
+ ],
+ username,
+ ]
+ lookup_results = req(
+ _LOOKUP_URL, lookup_req,
+ 'Looking up account info', 'Unable to look up account info')
+ if lookup_results is False:
+ return False
+ user_hash = try_get(lookup_results, lambda x: x[0][2], compat_str)
+ if not user_hash:
+ warn('Unable to extract user hash')
+ return False
+ challenge_req = [
+ user_hash,
+ None, 1, None, [1, None, None, None, [password, None, True]],
+ [
+ None, None, [2, 1, None, 1, 'https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?passive=true&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsignin%3Fnext%3D%252F%26action_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26hl%3Den%26app%3Ddesktop%26feature%3Dsign_in_button&hl=en&service=youtube&uilel=3&requestPath=%2FServiceLogin&Page=PasswordSeparationSignIn', None, [], 4],
+ 1, [None, None, []], None, None, None, True
+ ]]
+ challenge_results = req(
+ _CHALLENGE_URL, challenge_req,
+ 'Logging in', 'Unable to log in')
+ if challenge_results is False:
+ return
+ login_res = try_get(challenge_results, lambda x: x[0][5], list)
+ if login_res:
+ login_msg = try_get(login_res, lambda x: x[5], compat_str)
+ warn(
+ 'Unable to login: %s' % 'Invalid password'
+ if login_msg == 'INCORRECT_ANSWER_ENTERED' else login_msg)
+ return False
+ res = try_get(challenge_results, lambda x: x[0][-1], list)
+ if not res:
+ warn('Unable to extract result entry')
+ return False
+ login_challenge = try_get(res, lambda x: x[0][0], list)
+ if login_challenge:
+ challenge_str = try_get(login_challenge, lambda x: x[2], compat_str)
+ if challenge_str == 'TWO_STEP_VERIFICATION':
+ # SEND_SUCCESS - TFA code has been successfully sent to phone
+ # QUOTA_EXCEEDED - reached the limit of TFA codes
+ status = try_get(login_challenge, lambda x: x[5], compat_str)
+ if status == 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED':
+ warn('Exceeded the limit of TFA codes, try later')
+ return False
+ tl = try_get(challenge_results, lambda x: x[1][2], compat_str)
+ if not tl:
+ warn('Unable to extract TL')
+ return False
+ tfa_code = self._get_tfa_info('2-step verification code')
+ if not tfa_code:
+ warn(
+ 'Two-factor authentication required. Provide it either interactively or with --twofactor <code>'
+ '(Note that only TOTP (Google Authenticator App) codes work at this time.)')
+ return False
+ tfa_code = remove_start(tfa_code, 'G-')
+ tfa_req = [
+ user_hash, None, 2, None,
+ [
+ 9, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
+ [None, tfa_code, True, 2]
+ ]]
+ tfa_results = req(
+ _TFA_URL.format(tl), tfa_req,
+ 'Submitting TFA code', 'Unable to submit TFA code')
+ if tfa_results is False:
+ return False
+ tfa_res = try_get(tfa_results, lambda x: x[0][5], list)
+ if tfa_res:
+ tfa_msg = try_get(tfa_res, lambda x: x[5], compat_str)
+ warn(
+ 'Unable to finish TFA: %s' % 'Invalid TFA code'
+ if tfa_msg == 'INCORRECT_ANSWER_ENTERED' else tfa_msg)
+ return False
+ check_cookie_url = try_get(
+ tfa_results, lambda x: x[0][-1][2], compat_str)
+ else:
+ 'LOGIN_CHALLENGE': "This device isn't recognized. For your security, Google wants to make sure it's really you.",
+ 'USERNAME_RECOVERY': 'Please provide additional information to aid in the recovery process.',
+ 'REAUTH': "There is something unusual about your activity. For your security, Google wants to make sure it's really you.",
+ }
+ challenge = CHALLENGES.get(
+ challenge_str,
+ '%s returned error %s.' % (IE_NAME, challenge_str))
+ warn('%s\nGo to https://accounts.google.com/, login and solve a challenge.' % challenge)
+ return False
+ else:
+ check_cookie_url = try_get(res, lambda x: x[2], compat_str)
+ if not check_cookie_url:
+ warn('Unable to extract CheckCookie URL')
+ return False
+ check_cookie_results = self._download_webpage(
+ check_cookie_url, None, 'Checking cookie', fatal=False)
+ if check_cookie_results is False:
+ return False
+ if 'https://myaccount.google.com/' not in check_cookie_results:
+ warn('Unable to log in')
+ return False
+ return True
+def get_post_comment_page(query_string):
+ parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
+ video_id = parameters['video_id'][0]
+ parent_id = common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'parent_id', 0, default='')
+ style = ''' main{
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: 3fr 2fr;
+ display:grid;
+ grid-template-columns: 1fr 640px;
+ width: 460px;
+ height: 85px;
+ grid-column:2;
+ if parent_id: # comment reply
+ comment_box = comments.comment_box_template.substitute(
+ form_action = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?parent_id=' + parent_id + "&video_id=" + video_id,
+ video_id_input = '',
+ post_text = "Post reply",
+ )
+ else:
+ comment_box = comments.comment_box_template.substitute(
+ form_action = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?ctoken=' + comments.make_comment_ctoken(video_id, sort=1).replace("=", "%3D"),
+ video_id_input = '''<input type="hidden" name="video_id" value="''' + video_id + '''">''',
+ post_text = "Post comment",
+ )
+ page = '''<div class="left">\n''' + comment_box + '''</div>\n'''
+ return common.yt_basic_template.substitute(
+ page_title = "Post comment reply" if parent_id else "Post a comment",
+ style = style,
+ header = common.get_header(),
+ page = page,
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/youtube/comments.py b/youtube/comments.py
index fef04a9..fe89ac9 100644
--- a/youtube/comments.py
+++ b/youtube/comments.py
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ def get_comments_page(query_string):
thumbnail = '/i.ytimg.com/vi/'+ metadata['video_id'] + '/mqdefault.jpg',
comment_box = comment_box_template.substitute(
- form_action= common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?ctoken=' + make_comment_ctoken(metadata['video_id'], sort=1).replace("=", "%3D"),
+ form_action= common.URL_ORIGIN + '/post_comment',
video_id_input='''<input type="hidden" name="video_id" value="''' + metadata['video_id'] + '''">''',
post_text='Post comment'
diff --git a/youtube/youtube.py b/youtube/youtube.py
index 5451254..0701beb 100644
--- a/youtube/youtube.py
+++ b/youtube/youtube.py
@@ -95,9 +95,19 @@ def youtube(env, start_response):
start_response('400 Bad Request', ())
return b'400 Bad Request'
elif path in ("/post_comment", "/comments"):
- start_response('200 OK', () )
- return account_functions.post_comment(query_string, fields).encode()
+ parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
+ account_functions.post_comment(parameters, fields)
+ if 'parent_id' in parameters:
+ start_response('303 See Other', (('Location', common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?' + query_string),) )
+ else:
+ try:
+ video_id = fields['video_id'][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ video_id = parameters['video_id'][0]
+ start_response('303 See Other', (('Location', common.URL_ORIGIN + '/comments?ctoken=' + comments.make_comment_ctoken(video_id, sort=1)),) )
+ return ''
start_response('404 Not Found', ())