path: root/hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py')
1 files changed, 590 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py b/hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py
index 18ebb36..66d1eb8 100644
--- a/hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py
+++ b/hypervideo_dl/extractor/twitter.py
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
+import functools
import json
import re
-import urllib.error
from .common import InfoExtractor
from .periscope import PeriscopeBaseIE, PeriscopeIE
-from ..compat import functools # isort: split
from ..compat import (
@@ -13,10 +12,12 @@ from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (
+ filter_dict,
+ remove_end,
@@ -30,13 +31,67 @@ from ..utils import (
class TwitterBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _NETRC_MACHINE = 'twitter'
_API_BASE = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/'
_GRAPHQL_API_BASE = 'https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/'
- _TOKENS = {
- }
_BASE_REGEX = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m(?:obile)?)\.)?(?:twitter\.com|twitter3e4tixl4xyajtrzo62zg5vztmjuricljdp2c5kshju4avyoid\.onion)/'
+ _flow_token = None
+ _LOGIN_INIT_DATA = json.dumps({
+ 'input_flow_data': {
+ 'flow_context': {
+ 'debug_overrides': {},
+ 'start_location': {
+ 'location': 'unknown'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'subtask_versions': {
+ 'action_list': 2,
+ 'alert_dialog': 1,
+ 'app_download_cta': 1,
+ 'check_logged_in_account': 1,
+ 'choice_selection': 3,
+ 'contacts_live_sync_permission_prompt': 0,
+ 'cta': 7,
+ 'email_verification': 2,
+ 'end_flow': 1,
+ 'enter_date': 1,
+ 'enter_email': 2,
+ 'enter_password': 5,
+ 'enter_phone': 2,
+ 'enter_recaptcha': 1,
+ 'enter_text': 5,
+ 'enter_username': 2,
+ 'generic_urt': 3,
+ 'in_app_notification': 1,
+ 'interest_picker': 3,
+ 'js_instrumentation': 1,
+ 'menu_dialog': 1,
+ 'notifications_permission_prompt': 2,
+ 'open_account': 2,
+ 'open_home_timeline': 1,
+ 'open_link': 1,
+ 'phone_verification': 4,
+ 'privacy_options': 1,
+ 'security_key': 3,
+ 'select_avatar': 4,
+ 'select_banner': 2,
+ 'settings_list': 7,
+ 'show_code': 1,
+ 'sign_up': 2,
+ 'sign_up_review': 4,
+ 'tweet_selection_urt': 1,
+ 'update_users': 1,
+ 'upload_media': 1,
+ 'user_recommendations_list': 4,
+ 'user_recommendations_urt': 1,
+ 'wait_spinner': 3,
+ 'web_modal': 1
+ }
+ }, separators=(',', ':')).encode()
def _extract_variant_formats(self, variant, video_id):
variant_url = variant.get('url')
@@ -88,73 +143,179 @@ class TwitterBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
'height': int(m.group('height')),
- @functools.cached_property
+ @property
def is_logged_in(self):
return bool(self._get_cookies(self._API_BASE).get('auth_token'))
- def _call_api(self, path, video_id, query={}, graphql=False):
- cookies = self._get_cookies(self._API_BASE)
- headers = {}
+ def _fetch_guest_token(self, display_id):
+ guest_token = traverse_obj(self._download_json(
+ f'{self._API_BASE}guest/activate.json', display_id, 'Downloading guest token', data=b'',
+ headers=self._set_base_headers(legacy=display_id and self._configuration_arg('legacy_api'))),
+ ('guest_token', {str}))
+ if not guest_token:
+ raise ExtractorError('Could not retrieve guest token')
+ return guest_token
+ def _set_base_headers(self, legacy=False):
+ bearer_token = self._LEGACY_AUTH if legacy and not self.is_logged_in else self._AUTH
+ return filter_dict({
+ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {bearer_token}',
+ 'x-csrf-token': try_call(lambda: self._get_cookies(self._API_BASE)['ct0'].value),
+ })
+ def _call_login_api(self, note, headers, query={}, data=None):
+ response = self._download_json(
+ f'{self._API_BASE}onboarding/task.json', None, note,
+ headers=headers, query=query, data=data, expected_status=400)
+ error = traverse_obj(response, ('errors', 0, 'message', {str}))
+ if error:
+ raise ExtractorError(f'Login failed, Twitter API says: {error}', expected=True)
+ elif traverse_obj(response, 'status') != 'success':
+ raise ExtractorError('Login was unsuccessful')
+ subtask = traverse_obj(
+ response, ('subtasks', ..., 'subtask_id', {str}), get_all=False)
+ if not subtask:
+ raise ExtractorError('Twitter API did not return next login subtask')
- csrf_cookie = cookies.get('ct0')
- if csrf_cookie:
- headers['x-csrf-token'] = csrf_cookie.value
+ self._flow_token = response['flow_token']
+ return subtask
+ def _perform_login(self, username, password):
if self.is_logged_in:
- headers.update({
- 'x-twitter-auth-type': 'OAuth2Session',
- 'x-twitter-client-language': 'en',
- 'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
- })
+ return
+ webpage = self._download_webpage('https://twitter.com/', None, 'Downloading login page')
+ guest_token = self._search_regex(
+ r'\.cookie\s*=\s*["\']gt=(\d+);', webpage, 'gt', default=None) or self._fetch_guest_token(None)
+ headers = {
+ **self._set_base_headers(),
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'x-guest-token': guest_token,
+ 'x-twitter-client-language': 'en',
+ 'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
+ 'Referer': 'https://twitter.com/',
+ 'Origin': 'https://twitter.com',
+ }
- last_error = None
- for bearer_token in self._TOKENS:
- for first_attempt in (True, False):
- headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {bearer_token}'
- if not self.is_logged_in:
- if not self._TOKENS[bearer_token]:
- headers.pop('x-guest-token', None)
- guest_token_response = self._download_json(
- self._API_BASE + 'guest/activate.json', video_id,
- 'Downloading guest token', data=b'', headers=headers)
- self._TOKENS[bearer_token] = guest_token_response.get('guest_token')
- if not self._TOKENS[bearer_token]:
- raise ExtractorError('Could not retrieve guest token')
- headers['x-guest-token'] = self._TOKENS[bearer_token]
- try:
- allowed_status = {400, 403, 404} if graphql else {403}
- result = self._download_json(
- (self._GRAPHQL_API_BASE if graphql else self._API_BASE) + path,
- video_id, headers=headers, query=query, expected_status=allowed_status)
- except ExtractorError as e:
- if last_error:
- raise last_error
- if not isinstance(e.cause, urllib.error.HTTPError) or e.cause.code != 404:
- raise
- last_error = e
- self.report_warning(
- 'Twitter API gave 404 response, retrying with deprecated auth token. '
- 'Only one media item can be extracted')
- break # continue outer loop with next bearer_token
- if result.get('errors'):
- errors = traverse_obj(result, ('errors', ..., 'message'), expected_type=str)
- if first_attempt and any('bad guest token' in error.lower() for error in errors):
- self.to_screen('Guest token has expired. Refreshing guest token')
- self._TOKENS[bearer_token] = None
- continue
+ def build_login_json(*subtask_inputs):
+ return json.dumps({
+ 'flow_token': self._flow_token,
+ 'subtask_inputs': subtask_inputs
+ }, separators=(',', ':')).encode()
+ def input_dict(subtask_id, text):
+ return {
+ 'subtask_id': subtask_id,
+ 'enter_text': {
+ 'text': text,
+ 'link': 'next_link'
+ }
+ }
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Downloading flow token', headers, query={'flow_name': 'login'}, data=self._LOGIN_INIT_DATA)
+ while not self.is_logged_in:
+ if next_subtask == 'LoginJsInstrumentationSubtask':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting JS instrumentation response', headers, data=build_login_json({
+ 'subtask_id': next_subtask,
+ 'js_instrumentation': {
+ 'response': '{}',
+ 'link': 'next_link'
+ }
+ }))
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginEnterUserIdentifierSSO':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting username', headers, data=build_login_json({
+ 'subtask_id': next_subtask,
+ 'settings_list': {
+ 'setting_responses': [{
+ 'key': 'user_identifier',
+ 'response_data': {
+ 'text_data': {
+ 'result': username
+ }
+ }
+ }],
+ 'link': 'next_link'
+ }
+ }))
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginEnterAlternateIdentifierSubtask':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting alternate identifier', headers,
+ data=build_login_json(input_dict(next_subtask, self._get_tfa_info(
+ 'one of username, phone number or email that was not used as --username'))))
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginEnterPassword':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting password', headers, data=build_login_json({
+ 'subtask_id': next_subtask,
+ 'enter_password': {
+ 'password': password,
+ 'link': 'next_link'
+ }
+ }))
+ elif next_subtask == 'AccountDuplicationCheck':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting account duplication check', headers, data=build_login_json({
+ 'subtask_id': next_subtask,
+ 'check_logged_in_account': {
+ 'link': 'AccountDuplicationCheck_false'
+ }
+ }))
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginTwoFactorAuthChallenge':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting 2FA token', headers, data=build_login_json(input_dict(
+ next_subtask, self._get_tfa_info('two-factor authentication token'))))
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginAcid':
+ next_subtask = self._call_login_api(
+ 'Submitting confirmation code', headers, data=build_login_json(input_dict(
+ next_subtask, self._get_tfa_info('confirmation code sent to your email or phone'))))
+ elif next_subtask == 'ArkoseLogin':
+ self.raise_login_required('Twitter is requiring captcha for this login attempt', method='cookies')
+ elif next_subtask == 'DenyLoginSubtask':
+ self.raise_login_required('Twitter rejected this login attempt as suspicious', method='cookies')
+ elif next_subtask == 'LoginSuccessSubtask':
+ raise ExtractorError('Twitter API did not grant auth token cookie')
- error_message = ', '.join(set(errors)) or 'Unknown error'
- raise ExtractorError(f'Error(s) while querying API: {error_message}', expected=True)
+ else:
+ raise ExtractorError(f'Unrecognized subtask ID "{next_subtask}"')
+ self.report_login()
+ def _call_api(self, path, video_id, query={}, graphql=False):
+ headers = self._set_base_headers(legacy=not graphql and self._configuration_arg('legacy_api'))
+ headers.update({
+ 'x-twitter-auth-type': 'OAuth2Session',
+ 'x-twitter-client-language': 'en',
+ 'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
+ } if self.is_logged_in else {
+ 'x-guest-token': self._fetch_guest_token(video_id)
+ })
+ allowed_status = {400, 401, 403, 404} if graphql else {403}
+ result = self._download_json(
+ (self._GRAPHQL_API_BASE if graphql else self._API_BASE) + path,
+ video_id, headers=headers, query=query, expected_status=allowed_status,
+ note=f'Downloading {"GraphQL" if graphql else "legacy API"} JSON')
- return result
+ if result.get('errors'):
+ errors = ', '.join(set(traverse_obj(result, ('errors', ..., 'message', {str}))))
+ if errors and 'not authorized' in errors:
+ self.raise_login_required(remove_end(errors, '.'))
+ raise ExtractorError(f'Error(s) while querying API: {errors or "Unknown error"}')
+ return result
def _build_graphql_query(self, media_id):
raise NotImplementedError('Method must be implemented to support GraphQL')
@@ -293,7 +454,7 @@ class TwitterCardIE(InfoExtractor):
class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
IE_NAME = 'twitter'
- _VALID_URL = TwitterBaseIE._BASE_REGEX + r'(?:(?:i/web|[^/]+)/status|statuses)/(?P<id>\d+)'
+ _VALID_URL = TwitterBaseIE._BASE_REGEX + r'(?:(?:i/web|[^/]+)/status|statuses)/(?P<id>\d+)(?:/(?:video|photo)/(?P<index>\d+))?'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://twitter.com/freethenipple/status/643211948184596480',
@@ -313,6 +474,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'age_limit': 18,
@@ -336,7 +498,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'id': '665052190608723968',
'display_id': '665052190608723968',
'ext': 'mp4',
- 'title': 'md5:55fef1d5b811944f1550e91b44abb82e',
+ 'title': r're:Star Wars.*A new beginning is coming December 18.*',
'description': 'A new beginning is coming December 18. Watch the official 60 second #TV spot for #StarWars: #TheForceAwakens. https://t.co/OkSqT2fjWJ',
'uploader_id': 'starwars',
'uploader': r're:Star Wars.*',
@@ -391,6 +553,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': ['Damndaniel'],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -431,6 +594,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -451,7 +615,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
# has mp4 formats via mobile API
'url': 'https://twitter.com/news_al3alm/status/852138619213144067',
'info_dict': {
- 'id': '852138619213144067',
+ 'id': '852077943283097602',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'عالم الأخبار - كلمة تاريخية بجلسة الجناسي التاريخية.. النائب خالد مؤنس العتيبي للمعارضين : اتقوا الله .. الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة',
'description': 'كلمة تاريخية بجلسة الجناسي التاريخية.. النائب خالد مؤنس العتيبي للمعارضين : اتقوا الله .. الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة https://t.co/xg6OhpyKfN',
@@ -460,8 +624,16 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'duration': 277.4,
'timestamp': 1492000653,
'upload_date': '20170412',
+ 'display_id': '852138619213144067',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/news_al3alm',
+ 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg',
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'comment_count': int,
- 'skip': 'Account suspended',
}, {
'url': 'https://twitter.com/i/web/status/910031516746514432',
'info_dict': {
@@ -480,6 +652,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': ['Maria'],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -505,6 +678,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -517,18 +691,19 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'id': '1087791272830607360',
'display_id': '1087791357756956680',
'ext': 'mp4',
- 'title': 'Twitter - A new is coming. Some of you got an opt-in to try it now. Check out the emoji button, quick keyboard shortcuts, upgraded trends, advanced search, and more. Let us know your thoughts!',
+ 'title': 'X - A new is coming. Some of you got an opt-in to try it now. Check out the emoji button, quick keyboard shortcuts, upgraded trends, advanced search, and more. Let us know your thoughts!',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg',
'description': 'md5:6dfd341a3310fb97d80d2bf7145df976',
- 'uploader': 'Twitter',
- 'uploader_id': 'Twitter',
+ 'uploader': 'X',
+ 'uploader_id': 'X',
'duration': 61.567,
'timestamp': 1548184644,
'upload_date': '20190122',
- 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/Twitter',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/X',
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -589,6 +764,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': [],
'age_limit': 0,
@@ -597,9 +773,9 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'url': 'https://twitter.com/UltimaShadowX/status/1577719286659006464',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1577719286659006464',
- 'title': 'Ultima | #\u0432\u029f\u043c - Test',
+ 'title': 'Ultima📛 | #вʟм - Test',
'description': 'Test https://t.co/Y3KEZD7Dad',
- 'uploader': 'Ultima | #\u0432\u029f\u043c',
+ 'uploader': 'Ultima📛 | #вʟм',
'uploader_id': 'UltimaShadowX',
'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/UltimaShadowX',
'upload_date': '20221005',
@@ -630,12 +806,12 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
'tags': ['HurricaneIan'],
'age_limit': 0,
}, {
- # Adult content, uses old token
- # Fails if not logged in (GraphQL)
+ # Adult content, fails if not logged in (GraphQL)
'url': 'https://twitter.com/Rizdraws/status/1575199173472927762',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1575199163847000068',
@@ -648,16 +824,16 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/Rizdraws',
'upload_date': '20220928',
'timestamp': 1664391723,
- 'thumbnail': 're:^https?://.*\\.jpg',
+ 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.+\.jpg',
'like_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'age_limit': 18,
'tags': []
- 'expected_warnings': ['404'],
+ 'skip': 'Requires authentication',
}, {
- # Description is missing one https://t.co url (GraphQL)
+ # Playlist result only with auth
'url': 'https://twitter.com/Srirachachau/status/1395079556562706435',
'playlist_mincount': 2,
'info_dict': {
@@ -669,14 +845,13 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'upload_date': '20210519',
'age_limit': 0,
'repost_count': int,
- 'description': 'Here it is! Finished my gothic western cartoon. Pretty proud of it. It\'s got some goofs and lots of splashy over the top violence, something for everyone, hope you like it https://t.co/fOsG5glUnw https://t.co/kbXZrozlY7',
+ 'description': 'Here it is! Finished my gothic western cartoon. Pretty proud of it. It\'s got some goofs and lots of splashy over the top violence, something for everyone, hope you like it https://t.co/fOsG5glUnw',
'uploader_id': 'Srirachachau',
'comment_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/Srirachachau',
'timestamp': 1621447860,
}, {
- # Description is missing one https://t.co url (GraphQL)
'url': 'https://twitter.com/DavidToons_/status/1578353380363501568',
'playlist_mincount': 2,
'info_dict': {
@@ -688,7 +863,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'uploader': str,
'timestamp': 1665143744,
'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/DavidToons_',
- 'description': 'Chris sounds like Linda from Bob\'s Burgers, so as an animator: this had to be done. https://t.co/glfQdgfFXH https://t.co/WgJauwIW1w',
+ 'description': 'Chris sounds like Linda from Bob\'s Burgers, so as an animator: this had to be done. https://t.co/WgJauwIW1w',
'tags': [],
'comment_count': int,
'upload_date': '20221007',
@@ -722,11 +897,174 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'uploader': r're:Monique Camarra.+?',
'uploader_id': 'MoniqueCamarra',
'live_status': 'was_live',
- 'description': 'md5:acce559345fd49f129c20dbcda3f1201',
- 'timestamp': 1658407771464,
+ 'release_timestamp': 1658417414,
+ 'description': 'md5:4dc8e972f1d8b3c6580376fabb02a3ad',
+ 'timestamp': 1658407771,
+ 'release_date': '20220721',
+ 'upload_date': '20220721',
'add_ie': ['TwitterSpaces'],
'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
+ 'skip': 'Requires authentication',
+ }, {
+ # URL specifies video number but --yes-playlist
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/CTVJLaidlaw/status/1600649710662213632/video/1',
+ 'playlist_mincount': 2,
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1600649710662213632',
+ 'title': 'md5:be05989b0722e114103ed3851a0ffae2',
+ 'timestamp': 1670459604.0,
+ 'description': 'md5:591c19ce66fadc2359725d5cd0d1052c',
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ 'uploader_id': 'CTVJLaidlaw',
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'tags': ['colorectalcancer', 'cancerjourney', 'imnotaquitter'],
+ 'upload_date': '20221208',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'uploader': 'Jocelyn Laidlaw',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/CTVJLaidlaw',
+ 'like_count': int,
+ },
+ }, {
+ # URL specifies video number and --no-playlist
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/CTVJLaidlaw/status/1600649710662213632/video/2',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1600649511827013632',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': 'md5:7662a0a27ce6faa3e5b160340f3cfab1',
+ 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.+\.jpg',
+ 'timestamp': 1670459604.0,
+ 'uploader_id': 'CTVJLaidlaw',
+ 'uploader': 'Jocelyn Laidlaw',
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ 'tags': ['colorectalcancer', 'cancerjourney', 'imnotaquitter'],
+ 'duration': 102.226,
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/CTVJLaidlaw',
+ 'display_id': '1600649710662213632',
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
+ 'description': 'md5:591c19ce66fadc2359725d5cd0d1052c',
+ 'upload_date': '20221208',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ },
+ 'params': {'noplaylist': True},
+ }, {
+ # id pointing to TweetWithVisibilityResults type entity which wraps the actual Tweet over
+ # note the id different between extraction and url
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/s2FAKER/status/1621117700482416640',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1621117577354424321',
+ 'display_id': '1621117700482416640',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': '뽀 - 아 최우제 이동속도 봐',
+ 'description': '아 최우제 이동속도 봐 https://t.co/dxu2U5vXXB',
+ 'duration': 24.598,
+ 'uploader': '뽀',
+ 'uploader_id': 's2FAKER',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/s2FAKER',
+ 'upload_date': '20230202',
+ 'timestamp': 1675339553.0,
+ 'thumbnail': r're:https?://pbs\.twimg\.com/.+',
+ 'age_limit': 18,
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
+ },
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/hlo_again/status/1599108751385972737/video/2',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1599108643743473680',
+ 'display_id': '1599108751385972737',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': '\u06ea - \U0001F48B',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/hlo_again',
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'uploader_id': 'hlo_again',
+ 'thumbnail': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1599108643743473680/pu/img/UG3xjov4rgg5sbYM.jpg?name=orig',
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'duration': 9.531,
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
+ 'upload_date': '20221203',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'timestamp': 1670092210.0,
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'uploader': '\u06ea',
+ 'description': '\U0001F48B https://t.co/bTj9Qz7vQP',
+ },
+ 'params': {'noplaylist': True},
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/MunTheShinobi/status/1600009574919962625',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1600009362759733248',
+ 'display_id': '1600009574919962625',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/MunTheShinobi',
+ 'description': 'This is a genius ad by Apple. \U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525 https://t.co/cNsA0MoOml',
+ 'view_count': int,
+ 'thumbnail': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1600009362759733248/pu/img/XVhFQivj75H_YxxV.jpg?name=orig',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'uploader': 'Mün The Friend Of YWAP',
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'upload_date': '20221206',
+ 'title': 'Mün The Friend Of YWAP - This is a genius ad by Apple. \U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525\U0001f525',
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'uploader_id': 'MunTheShinobi',
+ 'duration': 139.987,
+ 'timestamp': 1670306984.0,
+ },
+ }, {
+ # url to retweet id w/ legacy api
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/liberdalau/status/1623739803874349067',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1623274794488659969',
+ 'display_id': '1623739803874349067',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': 'Johnny Bullets - Me after going viral to over 30million people: Whoopsie-daisy',
+ 'description': 'md5:b06864cd3dc2554821cc327f5348485a',
+ 'uploader': 'Johnny Bullets',
+ 'uploader_id': 'Johnnybull3ts',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/Johnnybull3ts',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'duration': 8.033,
+ 'timestamp': 1675853859.0,
+ 'upload_date': '20230208',
+ 'thumbnail': r're:https://pbs\.twimg\.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/.+',
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ },
+ 'params': {'extractor_args': {'twitter': {'legacy_api': ['']}}},
+ 'skip': 'Protected tweet',
+ }, {
+ # orig tweet w/ graphql
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/liberdalau/status/1623739803874349067',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1623274794488659969',
+ 'display_id': '1623739803874349067',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': '@selfisekai@hackerspace.pl 🐀 - RT @Johnnybull3ts: Me after going viral to over 30million people: Whoopsie-daisy',
+ 'description': 'md5:9258bdbb54793bdc124fe1cd47e96c6a',
+ 'uploader': '@selfisekai@hackerspace.pl 🐀',
+ 'uploader_id': 'liberdalau',
+ 'uploader_url': 'https://twitter.com/liberdalau',
+ 'age_limit': 0,
+ 'tags': [],
+ 'duration': 8.033,
+ 'timestamp': 1675964711.0,
+ 'upload_date': '20230209',
+ 'thumbnail': r're:https://pbs\.twimg\.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/.+',
+ 'like_count': int,
+ 'view_count': int,
+ 'repost_count': int,
+ 'comment_count': int,
+ },
+ 'skip': 'Protected tweet',
}, {
# onion route
'url': 'https://twitter3e4tixl4xyajtrzo62zg5vztmjuricljdp2c5kshju4avyoid.onion/TwitterBlue/status/1484226494708662273',
@@ -769,12 +1107,23 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
result = traverse_obj(data, (
'threaded_conversation_with_injections_v2', 'instructions', 0, 'entries',
lambda _, v: v['entryId'] == f'tweet-{twid}', 'content', 'itemContent',
- 'tweet_results', 'result'
- ), expected_type=dict, default={}, get_all=False)
+ 'tweet_results', 'result', ('tweet', None), {dict},
+ ), default={}, get_all=False) if self.is_logged_in else traverse_obj(
+ data, ('tweetResult', 'result', {dict}), default={})
+ if result.get('__typename') not in ('Tweet', 'TweetTombstone', 'TweetUnavailable', None):
+ self.report_warning(f'Unknown typename: {result.get("__typename")}', twid, only_once=True)
if 'tombstone' in result:
- cause = traverse_obj(result, ('tombstone', 'text', 'text'), expected_type=str)
+ cause = remove_end(traverse_obj(result, ('tombstone', 'text', 'text', {str})), '. Learn more')
raise ExtractorError(f'Twitter API says: {cause or "Unknown error"}', expected=True)
+ elif result.get('__typename') == 'TweetUnavailable':
+ reason = result.get('reason')
+ if reason == 'NsfwLoggedOut':
+ self.raise_login_required('NSFW tweet requires authentication')
+ elif reason == 'Protected':
+ self.raise_login_required('You are not authorized to view this protected tweet')
+ raise ExtractorError(reason or 'Requested tweet is unavailable', expected=True)
status = result.get('legacy', {})
status.update(traverse_obj(result, {
@@ -786,7 +1135,7 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
# extra transformation is needed since result does not match legacy format
binding_values = {
binding_value.get('key'): binding_value.get('value')
- for binding_value in traverse_obj(status, ('card', 'binding_values', ...), expected_type=dict)
+ for binding_value in traverse_obj(status, ('card', 'binding_values', ..., {dict}))
if binding_values:
status['card']['binding_values'] = binding_values
@@ -825,25 +1174,74 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'verified_phone_label_enabled': False,
'vibe_api_enabled': True,
+ } if self.is_logged_in else {
+ 'variables': {
+ 'tweetId': media_id,
+ 'withCommunity': False,
+ 'includePromotedContent': False,
+ 'withVoice': False,
+ },
+ 'features': {
+ 'creator_subscriptions_tweet_preview_api_enabled': True,
+ 'tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled': True,
+ 'responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled': True,
+ 'graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled': True,
+ 'view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled': True,
+ 'longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled': True,
+ 'responsive_web_twitter_article_tweet_consumption_enabled': False,
+ 'tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled': False,
+ 'freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled': True,
+ 'standardized_nudges_misinfo': True,
+ 'tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled': True,
+ 'longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled': True,
+ 'longform_notetweets_inline_media_enabled': True,
+ 'responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled': True,
+ 'verified_phone_label_enabled': False,
+ 'responsive_web_media_download_video_enabled': False,
+ 'responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled': False,
+ 'responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled': True,
+ 'responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled': False
+ },
+ 'fieldToggles': {
+ 'withArticleRichContentState': False
+ }
- def _real_extract(self, url):
- twid = self._match_id(url)
- if self.is_logged_in or self._configuration_arg('force_graphql'):
- self.write_debug(f'Using GraphQL API (Auth = {self.is_logged_in})')
- result = self._call_graphql_api('zZXycP0V6H7m-2r0mOnFcA/TweetDetail', twid)
- status = self._graphql_to_legacy(result, twid)
- else:
- status = self._call_api(f'statuses/show/{twid}.json', twid, {
+ def _extract_status(self, twid):
+ if self.is_logged_in:
+ return self._graphql_to_legacy(
+ self._call_graphql_api('zZXycP0V6H7m-2r0mOnFcA/TweetDetail', twid), twid)
+ try:
+ if not self._configuration_arg('legacy_api'):
+ return self._graphql_to_legacy(
+ self._call_graphql_api('2ICDjqPd81tulZcYrtpTuQ/TweetResultByRestId', twid), twid)
+ return traverse_obj(self._call_api(f'statuses/show/{twid}.json', twid, {
'cards_platform': 'Web-12',
'include_cards': 1,
'include_reply_count': 1,
'include_user_entities': 0,
'tweet_mode': 'extended',
- })
+ }), 'retweeted_status', None)
+ except ExtractorError as e:
+ if e.expected:
+ raise
+ self.report_warning(
+ f'{e.orig_msg}. Falling back to syndication endpoint; some metadata may be missing', twid)
+ status = self._download_json(
+ 'https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/tweet-result', twid, 'Downloading syndication JSON',
+ headers={'User-Agent': 'Googlebot'}, query={'id': twid})
+ status['extended_entities'] = {'media': status.get('mediaDetails')}
+ return status
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ twid, selected_index = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'index')
+ status = self._extract_status(twid)
- title = description = status['full_text'].replace('\n', ' ')
+ title = description = traverse_obj(
+ status, (('full_text', 'text'), {lambda x: x.replace('\n', ' ')}), get_all=False) or ''
# strip 'https -_t.co_BJYgOjSeGA' junk from filenames
title = re.sub(r'\s+(https?://[^ ]+)', '', title)
user = status.get('user') or {}
@@ -852,13 +1250,6 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
title = f'{uploader} - {title}'
uploader_id = user.get('screen_name')
- tags = []
- for hashtag in (try_get(status, lambda x: x['entities']['hashtags'], list) or []):
- hashtag_text = hashtag.get('text')
- if not hashtag_text:
- continue
- tags.append(hashtag_text)
info = {
'id': twid,
'title': title,
@@ -871,17 +1262,19 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'repost_count': int_or_none(status.get('retweet_count')),
'comment_count': int_or_none(status.get('reply_count')),
'age_limit': 18 if status.get('possibly_sensitive') else 0,
- 'tags': tags,
+ 'tags': traverse_obj(status, ('entities', 'hashtags', ..., 'text')),
def extract_from_video_info(media):
- media_id = traverse_obj(media, 'id_str', 'id', expected_type=str_or_none)
+ media_id = traverse_obj(media, 'id_str', 'id', (
+ 'video_info', 'variants', ..., 'url',
+ {functools.partial(re.search, r'_video/(\d+)/')}, 1
+ ), get_all=False, expected_type=str_or_none) or twid
self.write_debug(f'Extracting from video info: {media_id}')
- video_info = media.get('video_info') or {}
formats = []
subtitles = {}
- for variant in video_info.get('variants', []):
+ for variant in traverse_obj(media, ('video_info', 'variants', ...)):
fmts, subs = self._extract_variant_formats(variant, twid)
subtitles = self._merge_subtitles(subtitles, subs)
@@ -905,7 +1298,8 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'formats': formats,
'subtitles': subtitles,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
- 'duration': float_or_none(video_info.get('duration_millis'), 1000),
+ 'view_count': traverse_obj(media, ('mediaStats', 'viewCount', {int_or_none})),
+ 'duration': float_or_none(traverse_obj(media, ('video_info', 'duration_millis')), 1000),
# The codec of http formats are unknown
'_format_sort_fields': ('res', 'br', 'size', 'proto'),
@@ -984,15 +1378,37 @@ class TwitterIE(TwitterBaseIE):
- media_path = ((None, 'quoted_status'), 'extended_entities', 'media', lambda _, m: m['type'] != 'photo')
- videos = map(extract_from_video_info, traverse_obj(status, media_path, expected_type=dict))
- cards = extract_from_card_info(status.get('card'))
- entries = [{**info, **data, 'display_id': twid} for data in (*videos, *cards)]
+ videos = traverse_obj(status, (
+ (None, 'quoted_status'), 'extended_entities', 'media', lambda _, m: m['type'] != 'photo', {dict}))
+ if self._yes_playlist(twid, selected_index, video_label='URL-specified video number'):
+ selected_entries = (*map(extract_from_video_info, videos), *extract_from_card_info(status.get('card')))
+ else:
+ desired_obj = traverse_obj(status, (
+ (None, 'quoted_status'), 'extended_entities', 'media', int(selected_index) - 1, {dict}), get_all=False)
+ if not desired_obj:
+ raise ExtractorError(f'Video #{selected_index} is unavailable', expected=True)
+ elif desired_obj.get('type') != 'video':
+ raise ExtractorError(f'Media #{selected_index} is not a video', expected=True)
+ # Restore original archive id and video index in title
+ for index, entry in enumerate(videos, 1):
+ if entry.get('id') != desired_obj.get('id'):
+ continue
+ if index == 1:
+ info['_old_archive_ids'] = [make_archive_id(self, twid)]
+ if len(videos) != 1:
+ info['title'] += f' #{index}'
+ break
+ return {**info, **extract_from_video_info(desired_obj), 'display_id': twid}
+ entries = [{**info, **data, 'display_id': twid} for data in selected_entries]
if not entries:
expanded_url = traverse_obj(status, ('entities', 'urls', 0, 'expanded_url'), expected_type=url_or_none)
if not expanded_url or expanded_url == url:
- raise ExtractorError('No video could be found in this tweet', expected=True)
+ self.raise_no_formats('No video could be found in this tweet', expected=True)
+ return info
return self.url_result(expanded_url, display_id=twid, **info)
@@ -1116,7 +1532,42 @@ class TwitterSpacesIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'uploader': r're:Lucio Di Gaetano.*?',
'uploader_id': 'luciodigaetano',
'live_status': 'was_live',
- 'timestamp': 1659877956397,
+ 'timestamp': 1659877956,
+ 'upload_date': '20220807',
+ 'release_timestamp': 1659904215,
+ 'release_date': '20220807',
+ },
+ 'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
+ }, {
+ # post_live/TimedOut but downloadable
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vAxRAVQWONJl',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1vAxRAVQWONJl',
+ 'ext': 'm4a',
+ 'title': 'Framing Up FinOps: Billing Tools',
+ 'description': 'Twitter Space participated by rupa, Alfonso Hernandez',
+ 'uploader': 'Google Cloud',
+ 'uploader_id': 'googlecloud',
+ 'live_status': 'post_live',
+ 'timestamp': 1681409554,
+ 'upload_date': '20230413',
+ 'release_timestamp': 1681839000,
+ 'release_date': '20230418',
+ },
+ 'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
+ }, {
+ # Needs ffmpeg as downloader, see: https://github.com/hypervideo/hypervideo/issues/7536
+ 'url': 'https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaKbrQbjoRKX',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '1eaKbrQbjoRKX',
+ 'ext': 'm4a',
+ 'title': 'あ',
+ 'description': 'Twitter Space participated by nobody yet',
+ 'uploader': '息根とめる🔪Twitchで復活',
+ 'uploader_id': 'tomeru_ikinone',
+ 'live_status': 'was_live',
+ 'timestamp': 1685617198,
+ 'upload_date': '20230601',
'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8'},
@@ -1156,32 +1607,39 @@ class TwitterSpacesIE(TwitterBaseIE):
def _real_extract(self, url):
space_id = self._match_id(url)
+ if not self.is_logged_in:
+ self.raise_login_required('Twitter Spaces require authentication')
space_data = self._call_graphql_api('HPEisOmj1epUNLCWTYhUWw/AudioSpaceById', space_id)['audioSpace']
if not space_data:
raise ExtractorError('Twitter Space not found', expected=True)
metadata = space_data['metadata']
live_status = try_call(lambda: self.SPACE_STATUS[metadata['state'].lower()])
+ is_live = live_status == 'is_live'
formats = []
if live_status == 'is_upcoming':
self.raise_no_formats('Twitter Space not started yet', expected=True)
- elif live_status == 'post_live':
- self.raise_no_formats('Twitter Space ended but not downloadable yet', expected=True)
- else:
- source = self._call_api(
- f'live_video_stream/status/{metadata["media_key"]}', metadata['media_key'])['source']
- # XXX: Native downloader does not work
- formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
- traverse_obj(source, 'noRedirectPlaybackUrl', 'location'),
- metadata['media_key'], 'm4a', 'm3u8', live=live_status == 'is_live',
- headers={'Referer': 'https://twitter.com/'})
+ elif not is_live and not metadata.get('is_space_available_for_replay'):
+ self.raise_no_formats('Twitter Space ended and replay is disabled', expected=True)
+ elif metadata.get('media_key'):
+ source = traverse_obj(
+ self._call_api(f'live_video_stream/status/{metadata["media_key"]}', metadata['media_key']),
+ ('source', ('noRedirectPlaybackUrl', 'location'), {url_or_none}), get_all=False)
+ formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats( # XXX: Some Spaces need ffmpeg as downloader
+ source, metadata['media_key'], 'm4a', entry_protocol='m3u8', live=is_live,
+ headers={'Referer': 'https://twitter.com/'}, fatal=False) if source else []
for fmt in formats:
fmt.update({'vcodec': 'none', 'acodec': 'aac'})
+ if not is_live:
+ fmt['container'] = 'm4a_dash'
participants = ', '.join(traverse_obj(
space_data, ('participants', 'speakers', ..., 'display_name'))) or 'nobody yet'
+ if not formats and live_status == 'post_live':
+ self.raise_no_formats('Twitter Space ended but not downloadable yet', expected=True)
return {
'id': space_id,
'title': metadata.get('title'),
@@ -1191,7 +1649,9 @@ class TwitterSpacesIE(TwitterBaseIE):
'uploader_id': traverse_obj(
metadata, ('creator_results', 'result', 'legacy', 'screen_name')),
'live_status': live_status,
- 'timestamp': metadata.get('created_at'),
+ 'release_timestamp': try_call(
+ lambda: int_or_none(metadata['scheduled_start'], scale=1000)),
+ 'timestamp': int_or_none(metadata.get('created_at'), scale=1000),
'formats': formats,
@@ -1207,7 +1667,7 @@ class TwitterShortenerIE(TwitterBaseIE):
if eid:
id = eid
url = self._BASE_URL + id
- new_url = self._request_webpage(url, id, headers={'User-Agent': 'curl'}).geturl()
+ new_url = self._request_webpage(url, id, headers={'User-Agent': 'curl'}).url
__UNSAFE_LINK = "https://twitter.com/safety/unsafe_link_warning?unsafe_link="
if new_url.startswith(__UNSAFE_LINK):
new_url = new_url.replace(__UNSAFE_LINK, "")