path: root/hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py b/hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py
index 2429521..4892419 100644
--- a/hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py
+++ b/hypervideo_dl/extractor/cbc.py
@@ -2,17 +2,22 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
+import json
+import base64
+import time
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (
+ int_or_none,
+ join_nonempty,
- smuggle_url,
- try_get,
+ smuggle_url,
+ try_get,
@@ -122,9 +127,9 @@ class CBCIE(InfoExtractor):
def _real_extract(self, url):
display_id = self._match_id(url)
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
- title = self._og_search_title(webpage, default=None) or self._html_search_meta(
- 'twitter:title', webpage, 'title', default=None) or self._html_search_regex(
- r'<title>([^<]+)</title>', webpage, 'title', fatal=False)
+ title = (self._og_search_title(webpage, default=None)
+ or self._html_search_meta('twitter:title', webpage, 'title', default=None)
+ or self._html_extract_title(webpage))
entries = [
self._extract_player_init(player_init, display_id)
for player_init in re.findall(r'CBC\.APP\.Caffeine\.initInstance\(({.+?})\);', webpage)]
@@ -244,37 +249,129 @@ class CBCGemIE(InfoExtractor):
'params': {'format': 'bv'},
'skip': 'Geo-restricted to Canada',
- _API_BASE = 'https://services.radio-canada.ca/ott/cbc-api/v2/assets/'
+ _TOKEN_API_KEY = '3f4beddd-2061-49b0-ae80-6f1f2ed65b37'
+ _NETRC_MACHINE = 'cbcgem'
+ _claims_token = None
+ def _new_claims_token(self, email, password):
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'email': email,
+ 'password': password,
+ }).encode()
+ headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
+ query = {'apikey': self._TOKEN_API_KEY}
+ resp = self._download_json('https://api.loginradius.com/identity/v2/auth/login',
+ None, data=data, headers=headers, query=query)
+ access_token = resp['access_token']
+ query = {
+ 'access_token': access_token,
+ 'apikey': self._TOKEN_API_KEY,
+ 'jwtapp': 'jwt',
+ }
+ resp = self._download_json('https://cloud-api.loginradius.com/sso/jwt/api/token',
+ None, headers=headers, query=query)
+ sig = resp['signature']
+ data = json.dumps({'jwt': sig}).encode()
+ headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'ott-device-type': 'web'}
+ resp = self._download_json('https://services.radio-canada.ca/ott/cbc-api/v2/token',
+ None, data=data, headers=headers)
+ cbc_access_token = resp['accessToken']
+ headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'ott-device-type': 'web', 'ott-access-token': cbc_access_token}
+ resp = self._download_json('https://services.radio-canada.ca/ott/cbc-api/v2/profile',
+ None, headers=headers)
+ return resp['claimsToken']
+ def _get_claims_token_expiry(self):
+ # Token is a JWT
+ # JWT is decoded here and 'exp' field is extracted
+ # It is a Unix timestamp for when the token expires
+ b64_data = self._claims_token.split('.')[1]
+ data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64_data + "==")
+ return json.loads(data)['exp']
+ def claims_token_expired(self):
+ exp = self._get_claims_token_expiry()
+ if exp - time.time() < 10:
+ # It will expire in less than 10 seconds, or has already expired
+ return True
+ return False
+ def claims_token_valid(self):
+ return self._claims_token is not None and not self.claims_token_expired()
+ def _get_claims_token(self, email, password):
+ if not self.claims_token_valid():
+ self._claims_token = self._new_claims_token(email, password)
+ self._downloader.cache.store(self._NETRC_MACHINE, 'claims_token', self._claims_token)
+ return self._claims_token
+ def _real_initialize(self):
+ if self.claims_token_valid():
+ return
+ self._claims_token = self._downloader.cache.load(self._NETRC_MACHINE, 'claims_token')
+ def _find_secret_formats(self, formats, video_id):
+ """ Find a valid video url and convert it to the secret variant """
+ base_format = next((f for f in formats if f.get('vcodec') != 'none'), None)
+ if not base_format:
+ return
+ base_url = re.sub(r'(Manifest\(.*?),filter=[\w-]+(.*?\))', r'\1\2', base_format['url'])
+ url = re.sub(r'(Manifest\(.*?),format=[\w-]+(.*?\))', r'\1\2', base_url)
+ secret_xml = self._download_xml(url, video_id, note='Downloading secret XML', fatal=False)
+ if not secret_xml:
+ return
+ for child in secret_xml:
+ if child.attrib.get('Type') != 'video':
+ continue
+ for video_quality in child:
+ bitrate = int_or_none(video_quality.attrib.get('Bitrate'))
+ if not bitrate or 'Index' not in video_quality.attrib:
+ continue
+ height = int_or_none(video_quality.attrib.get('MaxHeight'))
+ yield {
+ **base_format,
+ 'format_id': join_nonempty('sec', height),
+ # Note: \g<1> is necessary instead of \1 since bitrate is a number
+ 'url': re.sub(r'(QualityLevels\()\d+(\))', fr'\g<1>{bitrate}\2', base_url),
+ 'width': int_or_none(video_quality.attrib.get('MaxWidth')),
+ 'tbr': bitrate / 1000.0,
+ 'height': height,
+ }
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
- video_info = self._download_json(self._API_BASE + video_id, video_id)
- last_error = None
- attempt = -1
- retries = self.get_param('extractor_retries', 15)
- while attempt < retries:
- attempt += 1
- if last_error:
- self.report_warning('%s. Retrying ...' % last_error)
- m3u8_info = self._download_json(
- video_info['playSession']['url'], video_id,
- note='Downloading JSON metadata%s' % f' (attempt {attempt})')
- m3u8_url = m3u8_info.get('url')
- if m3u8_url:
- break
- elif m3u8_info.get('errorCode') == 1:
- self.raise_geo_restricted(countries=['CA'])
- else:
- last_error = f'{self.IE_NAME} said: {m3u8_info.get("errorCode")} - {m3u8_info.get("message")}'
- # 35 means media unavailable, but retries work
- if m3u8_info.get('errorCode') != 35 or attempt >= retries:
- raise ExtractorError(last_error)
+ video_info = self._download_json('https://services.radio-canada.ca/ott/cbc-api/v2/assets/' + video_id, video_id)
+ email, password = self._get_login_info()
+ if email and password:
+ claims_token = self._get_claims_token(email, password)
+ headers = {'x-claims-token': claims_token}
+ else:
+ headers = {}
+ m3u8_info = self._download_json(video_info['playSession']['url'], video_id, headers=headers)
+ m3u8_url = m3u8_info.get('url')
+ if m3u8_info.get('errorCode') == 1:
+ self.raise_geo_restricted(countries=['CA'])
+ elif m3u8_info.get('errorCode') == 35:
+ self.raise_login_required(method='password')
+ elif m3u8_info.get('errorCode') != 0:
+ raise ExtractorError(f'{self.IE_NAME} said: {m3u8_info.get("errorCode")} - {m3u8_info.get("message")}')
formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(m3u8_url, video_id, m3u8_id='hls')
+ formats.extend(self._find_secret_formats(formats, video_id))
- for i, format in enumerate(formats):
+ for format in formats:
if format.get('vcodec') == 'none':
if format.get('ext') is None:
format['ext'] = 'm4a'
@@ -328,7 +425,8 @@ class CBCGemPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
show = match.group('show')
show_info = self._download_json(self._API_BASE + show, season_id)
season = int(match.group('season'))
- season_info = try_get(show_info, lambda x: x['seasons'][season - 1])
+ season_info = next((s for s in show_info['seasons'] if s.get('season') == season), None)
if season_info is None:
raise ExtractorError(f'Couldn\'t find season {season} of {show}')
@@ -377,7 +475,7 @@ class CBCGemPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor):
class CBCGemLiveIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'gem.cbc.ca:live'
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://gem\.cbc\.ca/live/(?P<id>[0-9]{12})'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://gem\.cbc\.ca/live/(?P<id>\d+)'
_TEST = {
'url': 'https://gem.cbc.ca/live/920604739687',
'info_dict': {
@@ -396,21 +494,21 @@ class CBCGemLiveIE(InfoExtractor):
# It's unclear where the chars at the end come from, but they appear to be
# constant. Might need updating in the future.
- _API = 'https://tpfeed.cbc.ca/f/ExhSPC/t_t3UKJR6MAT'
+ # There are two URLs, some livestreams are in one, and some
+ # in the other. The JSON schema is the same for both.
+ _API_URLS = ['https://tpfeed.cbc.ca/f/ExhSPC/t_t3UKJR6MAT', 'https://tpfeed.cbc.ca/f/ExhSPC/FNiv9xQx_BnT']
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
- live_info = self._download_json(self._API, video_id)['entries']
- video_info = None
- for stream in live_info:
- if stream.get('guid') == video_id:
- video_info = stream
- if video_info is None:
- raise ExtractorError(
- 'Couldn\'t find video metadata, maybe this livestream is now offline',
- expected=True)
+ for api_url in self._API_URLS:
+ video_info = next((
+ stream for stream in self._download_json(api_url, video_id)['entries']
+ if stream.get('guid') == video_id), None)
+ if video_info:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ExtractorError('Couldn\'t find video metadata, maybe this livestream is now offline', expected=True)
return {
'_type': 'url_transparent',