path: root/youtube/channel.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'youtube/channel.py')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/youtube/channel.py b/youtube/channel.py
index d993d3b..b7a4462 100644
--- a/youtube/channel.py
+++ b/youtube/channel.py
@@ -1,252 +1,253 @@
-import base64
-import youtube.common as common
-from youtube.common import default_multi_get, URL_ORIGIN, get_thumbnail_url, video_id
-import urllib
-import json
-from string import Template
-import youtube.proto as proto
-import html
-import math
-import gevent
-import re
-import functools
-with open("yt_channel_items_template.html", "r") as file:
- yt_channel_items_template = Template(file.read())
-with open("yt_channel_about_template.html", "r") as file:
- yt_channel_about_template = Template(file.read())
-'''continuation = Proto(
- Field('optional', 'continuation', 80226972, Proto(
- Field('optional', 'browse_id', 2, String),
- Field('optional', 'params', 3, Base64(Proto(
- Field('optional', 'channel_tab', 2, String),
- Field('optional', 'sort', 3, ENUM
- Field('optional', 'page', 15, String),
- )))
- ))
-'''channel_continuation = Proto(
- Field('optional', 'pointless_nest', 80226972, Proto(
- Field('optional', 'channel_id', 2, String),
- Field('optional', 'continuation_info', 3, Base64(Proto(
- Field('optional', 'channel_tab', 2, String),
- Field('optional', 'sort', 3, ENUM
- Field('optional', 'page', 15, String),
- )))
- ))
-headers_1 = (
- ('Accept', '*/*'),
- ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.5'),
- ('X-YouTube-Client-Name', '1'),
- ('X-YouTube-Client-Version', '2.20180614'),
-# https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?action_continuation=1&direct_render=1&continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D
-# https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?ctoken=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D&continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D&itct=CDsQybcCIhMIhZi1krTc2wIVjMicCh2HXQnhKJsc
-# grid view: 4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA
-# list view: 4qmFsgJCEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJkVnWjJhV1JsYjNNWUF5QUFNQUk0QVdBQmFnQjZBVEs0QVFBJTNE
-# SORT:
-# Popular - 1
-# Oldest - 2
-# Newest - 3
-# view:
-# grid: 0 or 1
-# list: 2
-def channel_ctoken(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view=1):
- tab = proto.string(2, tab )
- sort = proto.uint(3, int(sort))
- page = proto.string(15, str(page) )
- view = proto.uint(6, int(view))
- continuation_info = proto.string( 3, proto.percent_b64encode(tab + view + sort + page) )
- channel_id = proto.string(2, channel_id )
- pointless_nest = proto.string(80226972, channel_id + continuation_info)
- return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pointless_nest).decode('ascii')
-def get_channel_tab(channel_id, page="1", sort=3, tab='videos', view=1):
- ctoken = channel_ctoken(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view).replace('=', '%3D')
- url = "https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?ctoken=" + ctoken
- print("Sending channel tab ajax request")
- content = common.fetch_url(url, headers_1)
- print("Finished recieving channel tab response")
- info = json.loads(content)
- return info
-grid_video_item_template = Template('''
- <div class="small-item-box">
- <div class="small-item">
- <a class="video-thumbnail-box" href="$url" title="$title">
- <img class="video-thumbnail-img" src="$thumbnail">
- <span class="video-duration">$duration</span>
- </a>
- <a class="title" href="$url" title="$title">$title</a>
- <span class="views">$views</span>
- <time datetime="$datetime">Uploaded $published</time>
- </div>
- <input class="item-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="video_info_list" value="$video_info" form="playlist-add">
- </div>
-def grid_video_item_info(grid_video_renderer, author):
- renderer = grid_video_renderer
- return {
- "title": renderer['title']['simpleText'],
- "id": renderer['videoId'],
- "views": renderer['viewCountText'].get('simpleText', None) or renderer['viewCountText']['runs'][0]['text'],
- "author": author,
- "duration": default_multi_get(renderer, 'lengthText', 'simpleText', default=''), # livestreams dont have a length
- "published": default_multi_get(renderer, 'publishedTimeText', 'simpleText', default=''),
- }
-def grid_video_item_html(item):
- video_info = json.dumps({key: item[key] for key in ('id', 'title', 'author', 'duration')})
- return grid_video_item_template.substitute(
- title = html.escape(item["title"]),
- views = item["views"],
- duration = item["duration"],
- url = URL_ORIGIN + "/watch?v=" + item["id"],
- thumbnail = get_thumbnail_url(item['id']),
- video_info = html.escape(json.dumps(video_info)),
- published = item["published"],
- datetime = '', # TODO
- )
-def get_number_of_videos(channel_id):
- # Uploads playlist
- playlist_id = 'UU' + channel_id[2:]
- url = 'https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=' + playlist_id + '&ajax=1&disable_polymer=true'
- print("Getting number of videos")
- response = common.fetch_url(url, common.mobile_ua + headers_1)
- with open('playlist_debug_metadata', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(response)
- response = response.decode('utf-8')
- print("Got response for number of videos")
- return int(re.search(r'"num_videos_text":\s*{(?:"item_type":\s*"formatted_string",)?\s*"runs":\s*\[{"text":\s*"([\d,]*) videos"', response).group(1).replace(',',''))
-def get_channel_id(username):
- # method that gives the smallest possible response at ~10 kb
- # needs to be as fast as possible
- url = 'https://m.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/about?ajax=1&disable_polymer=true'
- response = common.fetch_url(url, common.mobile_ua + headers_1).decode('utf-8')
- return re.search(r'"channel_id":\s*"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)"', response).group(1)
-def channel_videos_html(polymer_json, current_page=1, number_of_videos = 1000, current_query_string=''):
- microformat = polymer_json[1]['response']['microformat']['microformatDataRenderer']
- channel_url = microformat['urlCanonical'].rstrip('/')
- channel_id = channel_url[channel_url.rfind('/')+1:]
- try:
- items = polymer_json[1]['response']['continuationContents']['gridContinuation']['items']
- except KeyError:
- items = polymer_json[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'][1]['tabRenderer']['content']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'][0]['itemSectionRenderer']['contents'][0]['gridRenderer']['items']
- items_html = ''
- for video in items:
- items_html += grid_video_item_html(grid_video_item_info(video['gridVideoRenderer'], microformat['title']))
- return yt_channel_items_template.substitute(
- channel_title = microformat['title'],
- channel_about_url = URL_ORIGIN + "/channel/" + channel_id + "/about",
- avatar = '/' + microformat['thumbnail']['thumbnails'][0]['url'],
- page_title = microformat['title'] + ' - Channel',
- items = items_html,
- page_buttons = common.page_buttons_html(current_page, math.ceil(number_of_videos/30), URL_ORIGIN + "/channel/" + channel_id + "/videos", current_query_string)
- )
-channel_link_template = Template('''
-<a href="$url">$text</a>''')
-stat_template = Template('''
-def channel_about_page(polymer_json):
- avatar = '/' + polymer_json[1]['response']['microformat']['microformatDataRenderer']['thumbnail']['thumbnails'][0]['url']
- # my goodness...
- channel_metadata = polymer_json[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'][5]['tabRenderer']['content']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'][0]['itemSectionRenderer']['contents'][0]['channelAboutFullMetadataRenderer']
- channel_links = ''
- for link_json in channel_metadata['primaryLinks']:
- channel_links += channel_link_template.substitute(
- url = html.escape(link_json['navigationEndpoint']['urlEndpoint']['url']),
- text = common.get_plain_text(link_json['title']),
- )
- stats = ''
- for stat_name in ('subscriberCountText', 'joinedDateText', 'viewCountText', 'country'):
- try:
- stat_value = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata[stat_name])
- except KeyError:
- continue
- else:
- stats += stat_template.substitute(stat_value=stat_value)
- try:
- description = common.format_text_runs(common.get_formatted_text(channel_metadata['description']))
- except KeyError:
- description = ''
- return yt_channel_about_template.substitute(
- page_title = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata['title']) + ' - About',
- channel_title = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata['title']),
- avatar = html.escape(avatar),
- description = description,
- links = channel_links,
- stats = stats,
- channel_videos_url = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/channel/' + channel_metadata['channelId'] + '/videos',
- )
-def get_channel_page(url, query_string=''):
- path_components = url.rstrip('/').lstrip('/').split('/')
- channel_id = path_components[0]
- try:
- tab = path_components[1]
- except IndexError:
- tab = 'videos'
- parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
- page_number = int(common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'page', 0, default='1'))
- sort = common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'sort', 0, default='3')
- view = common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'view', 0, default='1')
- if tab == 'videos':
- tasks = (
- gevent.spawn(get_number_of_videos, channel_id ),
- gevent.spawn(get_channel_tab, channel_id, page_number, sort, 'videos', view)
- )
- gevent.joinall(tasks)
- number_of_videos, polymer_json = tasks[0].value, tasks[1].value
- return channel_videos_html(polymer_json, page_number, number_of_videos, query_string)
- elif tab == 'about':
- polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/channel/' + channel_id + '/about?pbj=1', headers_1)
- polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
- return channel_about_page(polymer_json)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown channel tab: ' + tab)
-def get_user_page(url, query_string=''):
- path_components = url.rstrip('/').lstrip('/').split('/')
- username = path_components[0]
- try:
- page = path_components[1]
- except IndexError:
- page = 'videos'
- if page == 'videos':
- polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/videos?pbj=1', headers_1)
- polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
- return channel_videos_html(polymer_json)
- elif page == 'about':
- polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/about?pbj=1', headers_1)
- polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
- return channel_about_page(polymer_json)
- else:
+import base64
+import youtube.common as common
+from youtube.common import default_multi_get, URL_ORIGIN, get_thumbnail_url, video_id
+import urllib
+import json
+from string import Template
+import youtube.proto as proto
+import html
+import math
+import gevent
+import re
+import functools
+with open("yt_channel_items_template.html", "r") as file:
+ yt_channel_items_template = Template(file.read())
+with open("yt_channel_about_template.html", "r") as file:
+ yt_channel_about_template = Template(file.read())
+'''continuation = Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'continuation', 80226972, Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'browse_id', 2, String),
+ Field('optional', 'params', 3, Base64(Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'channel_tab', 2, String),
+ Field('optional', 'sort', 3, ENUM
+ Field('optional', 'page', 15, String),
+ )))
+ ))
+'''channel_continuation = Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'pointless_nest', 80226972, Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'channel_id', 2, String),
+ Field('optional', 'continuation_info', 3, Base64(Proto(
+ Field('optional', 'channel_tab', 2, String),
+ Field('optional', 'sort', 3, ENUM
+ Field('optional', 'page', 15, String),
+ )))
+ ))
+headers_1 = (
+ ('Accept', '*/*'),
+ ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.5'),
+ ('X-YouTube-Client-Name', '1'),
+ ('X-YouTube-Client-Version', '2.20180614'),
+# https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?action_continuation=1&direct_render=1&continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D
+# https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?ctoken=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D&continuation=4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA%3D%3D&itct=CDsQybcCIhMIhZi1krTc2wIVjMicCh2HXQnhKJsc
+# grid view: 4qmFsgJAEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJEVnWjJhV1JsYjNNZ0FEZ0JZQUZxQUhvQk1yZ0JBQSUzRCUzRA
+# list view: 4qmFsgJCEhhVQzdVY3M0MkZaeTN1WXpqcnF6T0lIc3caJkVnWjJhV1JsYjNNWUF5QUFNQUk0QVdBQmFnQjZBVEs0QVFBJTNE
+# SORT:
+# Popular - 1
+# Oldest - 2
+# Newest - 3
+# view:
+# grid: 0 or 1
+# list: 2
+def channel_ctoken(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view=1):
+ tab = proto.string(2, tab )
+ sort = proto.uint(3, int(sort))
+ page = proto.string(15, str(page) )
+ view = proto.uint(6, int(view))
+ continuation_info = proto.string( 3, proto.percent_b64encode(tab + view + sort + page) )
+ channel_id = proto.string(2, channel_id )
+ pointless_nest = proto.string(80226972, channel_id + continuation_info)
+ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pointless_nest).decode('ascii')
+def get_channel_tab(channel_id, page="1", sort=3, tab='videos', view=1):
+ ctoken = channel_ctoken(channel_id, page, sort, tab, view).replace('=', '%3D')
+ url = "https://www.youtube.com/browse_ajax?ctoken=" + ctoken
+ print("Sending channel tab ajax request")
+ content = common.fetch_url(url, headers_1)
+ print("Finished recieving channel tab response")
+ info = json.loads(content)
+ return info
+grid_video_item_template = Template('''
+ <div class="small-item-box">
+ <div class="small-item">
+ <a class="video-thumbnail-box" href="$url" title="$title">
+ <img class="video-thumbnail-img" src="$thumbnail">
+ <span class="video-duration">$duration</span>
+ </a>
+ <a class="title" href="$url" title="$title">$title</a>
+ <span class="views">$views</span>
+ <time datetime="$datetime">Uploaded $published</time>
+ </div>
+ <input class="item-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="video_info_list" value="$video_info" form="playlist-add">
+ </div>
+def grid_video_item_info(grid_video_renderer, author):
+ renderer = grid_video_renderer
+ return {
+ "title": renderer['title']['simpleText'],
+ "id": renderer['videoId'],
+ "views": renderer['viewCountText'].get('simpleText', None) or renderer['viewCountText']['runs'][0]['text'],
+ "author": author,
+ "duration": default_multi_get(renderer, 'lengthText', 'simpleText', default=''), # livestreams dont have a length
+ "published": default_multi_get(renderer, 'publishedTimeText', 'simpleText', default=''),
+ }
+def grid_video_item_html(item):
+ video_info = json.dumps({key: item[key] for key in ('id', 'title', 'author', 'duration')})
+ return grid_video_item_template.substitute(
+ title = html.escape(item["title"]),
+ views = item["views"],
+ duration = item["duration"],
+ url = URL_ORIGIN + "/watch?v=" + item["id"],
+ thumbnail = get_thumbnail_url(item['id']),
+ video_info = html.escape(json.dumps(video_info)),
+ published = item["published"],
+ datetime = '', # TODO
+ )
+def get_number_of_videos(channel_id):
+ # Uploads playlist
+ playlist_id = 'UU' + channel_id[2:]
+ url = 'https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=' + playlist_id + '&ajax=1&disable_polymer=true'
+ print("Getting number of videos")
+ response = common.fetch_url(url, common.mobile_ua + headers_1)
+ with open('playlist_debug_metadata', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(response)
+ response = response.decode('utf-8')
+ print("Got response for number of videos")
+ return int(re.search(r'"num_videos_text":\s*{(?:"item_type":\s*"formatted_string",)?\s*"runs":\s*\[{"text":\s*"([\d,]*) videos"', response).group(1).replace(',',''))
+def get_channel_id(username):
+ # method that gives the smallest possible response at ~10 kb
+ # needs to be as fast as possible
+ url = 'https://m.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/about?ajax=1&disable_polymer=true'
+ response = common.fetch_url(url, common.mobile_ua + headers_1).decode('utf-8')
+ return re.search(r'"channel_id":\s*"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)"', response).group(1)
+def channel_videos_html(polymer_json, current_page=1, number_of_videos = 1000, current_query_string=''):
+ microformat = polymer_json[1]['response']['microformat']['microformatDataRenderer']
+ channel_url = microformat['urlCanonical'].rstrip('/')
+ channel_id = channel_url[channel_url.rfind('/')+1:]
+ try:
+ items = polymer_json[1]['response']['continuationContents']['gridContinuation']['items']
+ except KeyError:
+ items = polymer_json[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'][1]['tabRenderer']['content']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'][0]['itemSectionRenderer']['contents'][0]['gridRenderer']['items']
+ items_html = ''
+ for video in items:
+ items_html += grid_video_item_html(grid_video_item_info(video['gridVideoRenderer'], microformat['title']))
+ return yt_channel_items_template.substitute(
+ channel_title = microformat['title'],
+ channel_about_url = URL_ORIGIN + "/channel/" + channel_id + "/about",
+ avatar = '/' + microformat['thumbnail']['thumbnails'][0]['url'],
+ page_title = microformat['title'] + ' - Channel',
+ items = items_html,
+ page_buttons = common.page_buttons_html(current_page, math.ceil(number_of_videos/30), URL_ORIGIN + "/channel/" + channel_id + "/videos", current_query_string),
+ number_of_results = '{:,}'.format(number_of_videos) + " videos",
+ )
+channel_link_template = Template('''
+<a href="$url">$text</a>''')
+stat_template = Template('''
+def channel_about_page(polymer_json):
+ avatar = '/' + polymer_json[1]['response']['microformat']['microformatDataRenderer']['thumbnail']['thumbnails'][0]['url']
+ # my goodness...
+ channel_metadata = polymer_json[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer']['tabs'][5]['tabRenderer']['content']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'][0]['itemSectionRenderer']['contents'][0]['channelAboutFullMetadataRenderer']
+ channel_links = ''
+ for link_json in channel_metadata['primaryLinks']:
+ channel_links += channel_link_template.substitute(
+ url = html.escape(link_json['navigationEndpoint']['urlEndpoint']['url']),
+ text = common.get_plain_text(link_json['title']),
+ )
+ stats = ''
+ for stat_name in ('subscriberCountText', 'joinedDateText', 'viewCountText', 'country'):
+ try:
+ stat_value = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata[stat_name])
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ stats += stat_template.substitute(stat_value=stat_value)
+ try:
+ description = common.format_text_runs(common.get_formatted_text(channel_metadata['description']))
+ except KeyError:
+ description = ''
+ return yt_channel_about_template.substitute(
+ page_title = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata['title']) + ' - About',
+ channel_title = common.get_plain_text(channel_metadata['title']),
+ avatar = html.escape(avatar),
+ description = description,
+ links = channel_links,
+ stats = stats,
+ channel_videos_url = common.URL_ORIGIN + '/channel/' + channel_metadata['channelId'] + '/videos',
+ )
+def get_channel_page(url, query_string=''):
+ path_components = url.rstrip('/').lstrip('/').split('/')
+ channel_id = path_components[0]
+ try:
+ tab = path_components[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ tab = 'videos'
+ parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string)
+ page_number = int(common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'page', 0, default='1'))
+ sort = common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'sort', 0, default='3')
+ view = common.default_multi_get(parameters, 'view', 0, default='1')
+ if tab == 'videos':
+ tasks = (
+ gevent.spawn(get_number_of_videos, channel_id ),
+ gevent.spawn(get_channel_tab, channel_id, page_number, sort, 'videos', view)
+ )
+ gevent.joinall(tasks)
+ number_of_videos, polymer_json = tasks[0].value, tasks[1].value
+ return channel_videos_html(polymer_json, page_number, number_of_videos, query_string)
+ elif tab == 'about':
+ polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/channel/' + channel_id + '/about?pbj=1', headers_1)
+ polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
+ return channel_about_page(polymer_json)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown channel tab: ' + tab)
+def get_user_page(url, query_string=''):
+ path_components = url.rstrip('/').lstrip('/').split('/')
+ username = path_components[0]
+ try:
+ page = path_components[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ page = 'videos'
+ if page == 'videos':
+ polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/videos?pbj=1', headers_1)
+ polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
+ return channel_videos_html(polymer_json)
+ elif page == 'about':
+ polymer_json = common.fetch_url('https://www.youtube.com/user/' + username + '/about?pbj=1', headers_1)
+ polymer_json = json.loads(polymer_json)
+ return channel_about_page(polymer_json)
+ else:
raise ValueError('Unknown channel page: ' + page) \ No newline at end of file