path: root/python/gevent/server.py
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1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/gevent/server.py b/python/gevent/server.py
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index 0000000..f2afab7
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+++ b/python/gevent/server.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details.
+"""TCP/SSL server"""
+import sys
+import _socket
+from gevent.baseserver import BaseServer
+from gevent.socket import EWOULDBLOCK, socket
+from gevent._compat import PYPY, PY3
+__all__ = ['StreamServer', 'DatagramServer']
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # SO_REUSEADDR on Windows does not mean the same thing as on *nix (issue #217)
+class StreamServer(BaseServer):
+ """
+ A generic TCP server.
+ Accepts connections on a listening socket and spawns user-provided
+ *handle* function for each connection with 2 arguments: the client
+ socket and the client address.
+ Note that although the errors in a successfully spawned handler
+ will not affect the server or other connections, the errors raised
+ by :func:`accept` and *spawn* cause the server to stop accepting
+ for a short amount of time. The exact period depends on the values
+ of :attr:`min_delay` and :attr:`max_delay` attributes.
+ The delay starts with :attr:`min_delay` and doubles with each
+ successive error until it reaches :attr:`max_delay`. A successful
+ :func:`accept` resets the delay to :attr:`min_delay` again.
+ See :class:`~gevent.baseserver.BaseServer` for information on defining the *handle*
+ function and important restrictions on it.
+ **SSL Support**
+ The server can optionally work in SSL mode when given the correct
+ keyword arguments. (That is, the presence of any keyword arguments
+ will trigger SSL mode.) On Python 2.7.9 and later (any Python
+ version that supports the :class:`ssl.SSLContext`), this can be
+ done with a configured ``SSLContext``. On any Python version, it
+ can be done by passing the appropriate arguments for
+ :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`.
+ The incoming socket will be wrapped into an SSL socket before
+ being passed to the *handle* function.
+ If the *ssl_context* keyword argument is present, it should
+ contain an :class:`ssl.SSLContext`. The remaining keyword
+ arguments are passed to the :meth:`ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket`
+ method of that object. Depending on the Python version, supported arguments
+ may include:
+ - server_hostname
+ - suppress_ragged_eofs
+ - do_handshake_on_connect
+ .. caution:: When using an SSLContext, it should either be
+ imported from :mod:`gevent.ssl`, or the process needs to be monkey-patched.
+ If the process is not monkey-patched and you pass the standard library
+ SSLContext, the resulting client sockets will not cooperate with gevent.
+ Otherwise, keyword arguments are assumed to apply to :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`.
+ These keyword arguments bay include:
+ - keyfile
+ - certfile
+ - cert_reqs
+ - ssl_version
+ - ca_certs
+ - suppress_ragged_eofs
+ - do_handshake_on_connect
+ - ciphers
+ .. versionchanged:: 1.2a2
+ Add support for the *ssl_context* keyword argument.
+ """
+ # the default backlog to use if none was provided in __init__
+ backlog = 256
+ reuse_addr = DEFAULT_REUSE_ADDR
+ def __init__(self, listener, handle=None, backlog=None, spawn='default', **ssl_args):
+ BaseServer.__init__(self, listener, handle=handle, spawn=spawn)
+ try:
+ if ssl_args:
+ ssl_args.setdefault('server_side', True)
+ if 'ssl_context' in ssl_args:
+ ssl_context = ssl_args.pop('ssl_context')
+ self.wrap_socket = ssl_context.wrap_socket
+ self.ssl_args = ssl_args
+ else:
+ from gevent.ssl import wrap_socket
+ self.wrap_socket = wrap_socket
+ self.ssl_args = ssl_args
+ else:
+ self.ssl_args = None
+ if backlog is not None:
+ if hasattr(self, 'socket'):
+ raise TypeError('backlog must be None when a socket instance is passed')
+ self.backlog = backlog
+ except:
+ self.close()
+ raise
+ @property
+ def ssl_enabled(self):
+ return self.ssl_args is not None
+ def set_listener(self, listener):
+ BaseServer.set_listener(self, listener)
+ try:
+ self.socket = self.socket._sock
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def init_socket(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, 'socket'):
+ # FIXME: clean up the socket lifetime
+ # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ self.socket = self.get_listener(self.address, self.backlog, self.family)
+ self.address = self.socket.getsockname()
+ if self.ssl_args:
+ self._handle = self.wrap_socket_and_handle
+ else:
+ self._handle = self.handle
+ @classmethod
+ def get_listener(cls, address, backlog=None, family=None):
+ if backlog is None:
+ backlog = cls.backlog
+ return _tcp_listener(address, backlog=backlog, reuse_addr=cls.reuse_addr, family=family)
+ if PY3:
+ def do_read(self):
+ sock = self.socket
+ try:
+ fd, address = sock._accept()
+ except BlockingIOError: # python 2: pylint: disable=undefined-variable
+ if not sock.timeout:
+ return
+ raise
+ sock = socket(sock.family, sock.type, sock.proto, fileno=fd)
+ # XXX Python issue #7995?
+ return sock, address
+ else:
+ def do_read(self):
+ try:
+ client_socket, address = self.socket.accept()
+ except _socket.error as err:
+ if err.args[0] == EWOULDBLOCK:
+ return
+ raise
+ sockobj = socket(_sock=client_socket)
+ if PYPY:
+ client_socket._drop()
+ return sockobj, address
+ def do_close(self, sock, *args):
+ # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
+ sock.close()
+ def wrap_socket_and_handle(self, client_socket, address):
+ # used in case of ssl sockets
+ ssl_socket = self.wrap_socket(client_socket, **self.ssl_args)
+ return self.handle(ssl_socket, address)
+class DatagramServer(BaseServer):
+ """A UDP server"""
+ reuse_addr = DEFAULT_REUSE_ADDR
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # The raw (non-gevent) socket, if possible
+ self._socket = None
+ BaseServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ from gevent.lock import Semaphore
+ self._writelock = Semaphore()
+ def init_socket(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, 'socket'):
+ # FIXME: clean up the socket lifetime
+ # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ self.socket = self.get_listener(self.address, self.family)
+ self.address = self.socket.getsockname()
+ self._socket = self.socket
+ try:
+ self._socket = self._socket._sock
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def get_listener(cls, address, family=None):
+ return _udp_socket(address, reuse_addr=cls.reuse_addr, family=family)
+ def do_read(self):
+ try:
+ data, address = self._socket.recvfrom(8192)
+ except _socket.error as err:
+ if err.args[0] == EWOULDBLOCK:
+ return
+ raise
+ return data, address
+ def sendto(self, *args):
+ self._writelock.acquire()
+ try:
+ self.socket.sendto(*args)
+ finally:
+ self._writelock.release()
+def _tcp_listener(address, backlog=50, reuse_addr=None, family=_socket.AF_INET):
+ """A shortcut to create a TCP socket, bind it and put it into listening state."""
+ sock = socket(family=family)
+ if reuse_addr is not None:
+ sock.setsockopt(_socket.SOL_SOCKET, _socket.SO_REUSEADDR, reuse_addr)
+ try:
+ sock.bind(address)
+ except _socket.error as ex:
+ strerror = getattr(ex, 'strerror', None)
+ if strerror is not None:
+ ex.strerror = strerror + ': ' + repr(address)
+ raise
+ sock.listen(backlog)
+ sock.setblocking(0)
+ return sock
+def _udp_socket(address, backlog=50, reuse_addr=None, family=_socket.AF_INET):
+ # backlog argument for compat with tcp_listener
+ # pylint:disable=unused-argument
+ # we want gevent.socket.socket here
+ sock = socket(family=family, type=_socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ if reuse_addr is not None:
+ sock.setsockopt(_socket.SOL_SOCKET, _socket.SO_REUSEADDR, reuse_addr)
+ try:
+ sock.bind(address)
+ except _socket.error as ex:
+ strerror = getattr(ex, 'strerror', None)
+ if strerror is not None:
+ ex.strerror = strerror + ': ' + repr(address)
+ raise
+ return sock