{% set page_title = title %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% import "common_elements.html" as common_elements %} {% import "comments.html" as comments with context %} {% block style %} <link href="/youtube.com/static/message_box.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="/youtube.com/static/watch.css" rel="stylesheet"/> {% endblock style %} {% block main %} {% if playability_error %} <div class="playability-error"> <span>{{ 'Error: ' + playability_error }} {% if invidious_reload_button %} <a href="{{ video_url }}&use_invidious=0"><br> Reload without invidious (for usage of new identity button).</a> {% endif %} </span> </div> {% elif (video_sources.__len__() == 0 or live) and hls_formats.__len__() != 0 %} <div class="live-url-choices"> <span>Copy a url into your video player:</span> <ol> {% for fmt in hls_formats %} <li class="url-choice"><div class="url-choice-label">{{ fmt['video_quality'] }}: </div><input class="url-choice-copy" value="{{ fmt['url'] }}" readonly onclick="this.select();"></li> {% endfor %} </ol> </div> {% else %} <figure class="sc-video"> <video id="js-video-player" playsinline controls> {% for video_source in video_sources %} <source src="{{ video_source['src'] }}" type="{{ video_source['type'] }}"> {% endfor %} {% for source in subtitle_sources %} {% if source['on'] %} <track label="{{ source['label'] }}" src="{{ source['url'] }}" kind="subtitles" srclang="{{ source['srclang'] }}" default> {% else %} <track label="{{ source['label'] }}" src="{{ source['url'] }}" kind="subtitles" srclang="{{ source['srclang'] }}"> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </video> </figure> {% if time_start != 0 %} <script> document.getElementById('js-video-player').currentTime = {{ time_start|tojson }}; </script> {% endif %} {% endif %} <div class="sc-info"> <div class="video-info"> <h1 class="v-title">{{ title }}</h1> <ul class="labels"> {%- if unlisted -%} <li class="is-unlisted">Unlisted</li> {%- endif -%} {%- if age_restricted -%} <li class="age-restricted">Age-restricted</li> {%- endif -%} {%- if limited_state -%} <li>Limited state</li> {%- endif -%} {%- if live -%} <li>Live</li> {%- endif -%} </ul> <address class="v-uploaded">Uploaded by <a href="{{ uploader_channel_url }}">{{ uploader }}</a></address> <span class="v-views">{{ view_count }} views</span> <time class="v-published" datetime="{{ time_published_utc }}">Published on {{ time_published }}</time> <span class="v-likes-dislikes">{{ like_count }} likes {{ dislike_count }} dislikes</span> <div class="external-player-controls"> <input class="speed" id="speed-control" type="text"> <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/speedyplay.js"></script> </div> <input class="v-checkbox" name="video_info_list" value="{{ video_info }}" form="playlist-edit" type="checkbox"> <details class="v-download"> <summary class="download-dropdown-label">Download</summary> <ul class="download-dropdown-content"> {% for format in download_formats %} <li class="download-format"> <a class="download-link" href="{{ format['url'] }}" download="{{ title }}.{{ format['ext'] }}"> {{ format['ext'] }} {{ format['video_quality'] }} {{ format['audio_quality'] }} {{ format['file_size'] }} {{ format['codecs'] }} </a> </li> {% endfor %} {% for download in other_downloads %} <li class="download-format"> <a href="{{ download['url'] }}" download> {{ download['ext'] }} {{ download['label'] }} </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </details> <span class="v-description">{{ common_elements.text_runs(description)|escape|urlize|timestamps|safe }}</span> <div class="v-music-list"> {% if music_list.__len__() != 0 %} <hr> <table> <caption>Music</caption> <tr> {% for attribute in music_attributes %} <th>{{ attribute }}</th> {% endfor %} </tr> {% for track in music_list %} <tr> {% for attribute in music_attributes %} <td>{{ track.get(attribute.lower(), '') }}</td> {% endfor %} </tr> {% endfor %} </table> {% endif %} </div> <details class="v-more-info"> <summary>More info</summary> <div class="more-info-content"> <p>Tor exit node: {{ ip_address }}</p> {% if invidious_used %} <p>Used Invidious as fallback.</p> {% endif %} <p class="allowed-countries">Allowed countries: {{ allowed_countries|join(', ') }}</p> {% if settings.use_sponsorblock_js %} <ul class="more-actions"> <li><label><input type=checkbox id=skip_sponsors checked>skip sponsors</label> <span id=skip_n></span> </ul> {% endif %} </div> </details> </div> <div class="side-videos"> <!-- playlist --> {% if playlist %} <div class="site-playlist"> <div class="playlist-header"> <a href="{{ playlist['url'] }}" title="{{ playlist['title'] }}"><h3>{{ playlist['title'] }}</h3></a> <ul class="playlist-metadata"> <li>Autoplay: <input type="checkbox" id="autoplay-toggle"></li> {% if playlist['current_index'] is none %} <li>[Error!]/{{ playlist['video_count'] }}</li> {% else %} <li>{{ playlist['current_index']+1 }}/{{ playlist['video_count'] }}</li> {% endif %} <li><a href="{{ playlist['author_url'] }}" title="{{ playlist['author'] }}">{{ playlist['author'] }}</a></li> </ul> </div> <nav class="playlist-videos"> {% for info in playlist['items'] %} {# non-lazy load for 5 videos surrounding current video #} {# for non-js browsers or old such that IntersectionObserver doesn't work #} {# -10 is sentinel to not load anything if there's no current_index for some reason #} {% if (playlist.get('current_index', -10) - loop.index0)|abs is lt(5) %} {{ common_elements.item(info, include_badges=false, lazy_load=false) }} {% else %} {{ common_elements.item(info, include_badges=false, lazy_load=true) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} </nav> {% if playlist['current_index'] is not none %} <script> // @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL-v3-or-Later (function main() { // from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6969486 function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string } let playability_error = {{ 'true' if playability_error else 'false' }}; let playlist_id = {{ playlist['id']|tojson }}; playlist_id = escapeRegExp(playlist_id); // read cookies on whether to autoplay thru playlist // pain in the ass: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/cookie let cookieValue = document.cookie.replace(new RegExp( '(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)autoplay_' + playlist_id + '\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$'), '$1'); let autoplayEnabled = 0; if(cookieValue.length === 0){ autoplayEnabled = 0; } else { autoplayEnabled = Number(cookieValue); } // check the checkbox if autoplay is on let checkbox = document.querySelector('#autoplay-toggle'); if(autoplayEnabled){ checkbox.checked = true; } // listen for checkbox to turn autoplay on and off checkbox.addEventListener( 'change', function() { if(this.checked) { autoplayEnabled = 1; document.cookie = 'autoplay_' + playlist_id + '=1'; } else { autoplayEnabled = 0; document.cookie = 'autoplay_' + playlist_id + '=0'; } }); const vid = document.getElementById('js-video-player'); if(!playability_error){ if(autoplayEnabled){ vid.play(); } } let currentIndex = {{ playlist['current_index']|tojson }}; {% if playlist['current_index']+1 == playlist['items']|length %} let nextVideoUrl = null; {% else %} let nextVideoUrl = {{ (playlist['items'][playlist['current_index']+1]['url'])|tojson }}; {% endif %} let nextVideoDelay = 1000; // scroll playlist to proper position let pl = document.querySelector('.playlist-videos'); // item height + gap == 100 pl.scrollTop = 100*currentIndex; // go to next video when video ends // https://stackoverflow.com/a/2880950 if(nextVideoUrl){ if(playability_error){ videoEnded(); } else { vid.addEventListener('ended', videoEnded, false); } function nextVideo(){ if(autoplayEnabled){ window.location.href = nextVideoUrl; } } function videoEnded(e) { window.setTimeout(nextVideo, nextVideoDelay); } } }()); // @license-end </script> {% endif %} {% if playlist['id'] is not none %} <script> // @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL-v3-or-Later (function main() { // lazy load playlist images // copied almost verbatim from // https://css-tricks.com/tips-for-rolling-your-own-lazy-loading/ // IntersectionObserver isn't supported in pre-quantum // firefox versions, but the alternative of making it // manually is a performance drain, so oh well let observer = new IntersectionObserver(lazyLoad, { // where in relation to the edge of the viewport, we are observing rootMargin: "100px", // how much of the element needs to have intersected // in order to fire our loading function threshold: 1.0 }); function lazyLoad(elements) { elements.forEach(item => { if (item.intersectionRatio > 0) { // set the src attribute to trigger a load item.target.src = item.target.dataset.src; // stop observing this element. Our work here is done! observer.unobserve(item.target); }; }); }; // Tell our observer to observe all img elements with a "lazy" class let lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('img.lazy'); lazyImages.forEach(img => { observer.observe(img); }); }()); // @license-end </script> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} <!-- /playlist --> {% if subtitle_sources %} <details id="transcript-details"> <summary>Transcript</summary> <div id="transcript-div"> <select id="select-tt"> {% for source in subtitle_sources %} <option>{{ source['label'] }}</option> {% endfor %} </select> <label for="transcript-use-table">Table view</label> <input id="transcript-use-table" type="checkbox"> <table id="transcript-table"></table> </div> </details> {% endif %} {% if settings.related_videos_mode != 0 %} <details class="related-videos-outer" {{'open' if settings.related_videos_mode == 1 else ''}}> <summary>Related Videos</summary> <nav class="related-videos-inner"> {% for info in related %} {{ common_elements.item(info, include_badges=false) }} {% endfor %} </nav> </details> {% endif %} </div> <!-- comments --> {% if settings.comments_mode != 0 %} {% if comments_disabled %} <div class="comments-area-outer comments-disabled">Comments disabled</div> {% else %} <details class="comments-area-outer" {{'open' if settings.comments_mode == 1 else ''}}> <summary>{{ comment_count|commatize }} comment{{'s' if comment_count != 1 else ''}}</summary> <div class="comments-area-inner comments-area"> {% if comments_info %} {{ comments.video_comments(comments_info) }} {% endif %} </div> </details> {% endif %} {% endif %} </div> <script> // @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL-v3-or-Later data = {{ js_data|tojson }}; // @license-end </script> <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/common.js"></script> <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/transcript-table.js"></script> {% if settings.use_video_hotkeys %} <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/hotkeys.js"></script> {% endif %} {% if settings.use_comments_js %} <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/comments.js"></script> {% endif %} {% if settings.use_sponsorblock_js %} <script src="/youtube.com/static/js/sponsorblock.js"></script> {% endif %} {% endblock main %}