from youtube import util, yt_data_extract, html_common, channel import settings from string import Template import sqlite3 import os import time import gevent import html import json import traceback import contextlib import defusedxml.ElementTree with open('yt_subscriptions_template.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: subscriptions_template = Template( with open('yt_subscription_manager_template.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: subscription_manager_template = Template( thumbnails_directory = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, "subscription_thumbnails") # database_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, "subscriptions.sqlite") def open_database(): if not os.path.exists(settings.data_dir): os.makedirs(settings.data_dir) connection = sqlite3.connect(database_path, check_same_thread=False) # Create tables if they don't exist try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subscribed_channels ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, yt_channel_id text UNIQUE NOT NULL, channel_name text NOT NULL, time_last_checked integer )''') cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS videos ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, sql_channel_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES subscribed_channels(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, video_id text UNIQUE NOT NULL, title text NOT NULL, duration text, time_published integer NOT NULL, description text )''') cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tag_associations ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, tag text NOT NULL, sql_channel_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES subscribed_channels(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE(tag, sql_channel_id) )''') connection.commit() except: connection.rollback() connection.close() raise # return contextlib.closing(connection) def _subscribe(channels): ''' channels is a list of (channel_id, channel_name) ''' # set time_last_checked to 0 on all channels being subscribed to channels = ( (channel_id, channel_name, 0) for channel_id, channel_name in channels) with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: cursor.executemany('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO subscribed_channels (yt_channel_id, channel_name, time_last_checked) VALUES (?, ?, ?)''', channels) # TODO: delete thumbnails def _unsubscribe(channel_ids): ''' channel_ids is a list of channel_ids ''' with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: cursor.executemany("DELETE FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id=?", ((channel_id, ) for channel_id in channel_ids)) def _get_videos(number, offset): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: db_videos = cursor.execute('''SELECT video_id, title, duration, channel_name FROM videos INNER JOIN subscribed_channels on videos.sql_channel_id = ORDER BY time_published DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?''', (number, offset)) for db_video in db_videos: yield { 'id': db_video[0], 'title': db_video[1], 'duration': db_video[2], 'author': db_video[3], } def _get_subscribed_channels(): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: for item in cursor.execute('''SELECT channel_name, yt_channel_id FROM subscribed_channels ORDER BY channel_name'''): yield item def _add_tags(channel_ids, tags): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: pairs = [(tag, yt_channel_id) for tag in tags for yt_channel_id in channel_ids] cursor.executemany('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_associations (tag, sql_channel_id) SELECT ?, id FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id = ? ''', pairs) def _remove_tags(channel_ids, tags): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: pairs = [(tag, yt_channel_id) for tag in tags for yt_channel_id in channel_ids] cursor.executemany('''DELETE FROM tag_associations WHERE tag = ? AND sql_channel_id = ( SELECT id FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id = ? )''', pairs) def _get_tags(cursor, channel_id): return [row[0] for row in cursor.execute('''SELECT tag FROM tag_associations WHERE sql_channel_id = ( SELECT id FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id = ? )''', (channel_id,))] def _get_all_tags(): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: return [row[0] for row in cursor.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM tag_associations''')] def _get_channel_names(channel_ids): ''' returns list of (channel_id, channel_name) ''' with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: result = [] for channel_id in channel_ids: row = cursor.execute('''SELECT channel_name FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id = ?''', (channel_id,)).fetchone() result.append( (channel_id, row[0]) ) return result def _channels_with_tag(cursor, tag, order=False): ''' returns list of (channel_id, channel_name) ''' statement = '''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name FROM subscribed_channels WHERE IN ( SELECT tag_associations.sql_channel_id FROM tag_associations WHERE tag=? ) ''' if order: statement += '''ORDER BY channel_name''' return cursor.execute(statement, [tag]).fetchall() units = { 'year': 31536000, # 365*24*3600 'month': 2592000, # 30*24*3600 'week': 604800, # 7*24*3600 'day': 86400, # 24*3600 'hour': 3600, 'minute': 60, 'second': 1, } def youtube_timestamp_to_posix(dumb_timestamp): ''' Given a dumbed down timestamp such as 1 year ago, 3 hours ago, approximates the unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970) ''' dumb_timestamp = dumb_timestamp.lower() now = time.time() if dumb_timestamp == "just now": return now split = dumb_timestamp.split(' ') number, unit = int(split[0]), split[1] if number > 1: unit = unit[:-1] # remove s from end return now - number*units[unit] try: existing_thumbnails = set(os.path.splitext(name)[0] for name in os.listdir(thumbnails_directory)) except FileNotFoundError: existing_thumbnails = set() thumbnails_queue = util.RateLimitedQueue() check_channels_queue = util.RateLimitedQueue() # Use this to mark a thumbnail acceptable to be retrieved at the request of the browser # can't simply check if it's in the queue because items are removed when the download starts, not when it finishes downloading_thumbnails = set() checking_channels = set() # Just to use for printing channel checking status to console without opening database channel_names = dict() def download_thumbnail_worker(): while True: video_id = thumbnails_queue.get() try: success = util.download_thumbnail(thumbnails_directory, video_id) if success: existing_thumbnails.add(video_id) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() finally: downloading_thumbnails.remove(video_id) def check_channel_worker(): while True: channel_id = check_channels_queue.get() try: _get_upstream_videos(channel_id) finally: checking_channels.remove(channel_id) for i in range(0,5): gevent.spawn(download_thumbnail_worker) gevent.spawn(check_channel_worker) def download_thumbnails_if_necessary(thumbnails): for video_id in thumbnails: if video_id not in existing_thumbnails and video_id not in downloading_thumbnails: downloading_thumbnails.add(video_id) thumbnails_queue.put(video_id) def check_channels_if_necessary(channel_ids): for channel_id in channel_ids: if channel_id not in checking_channels: checking_channels.add(channel_id) check_channels_queue.put(channel_id) def _get_upstream_videos(channel_id): try: print("Checking channel: " + channel_names[channel_id]) except KeyError: print("Checking channel " + channel_id) videos = [] json_channel_videos = channel.get_grid_items(channel.get_channel_tab(channel_id)[1]['response']) for i, json_video in enumerate(json_channel_videos): info = yt_data_extract.renderer_info(json_video['gridVideoRenderer']) if 'description' not in info: info['description'] = '' try: info['time_published'] = youtube_timestamp_to_posix(info['published']) - i # subtract a few seconds off the videos so they will be in the right order except KeyError: print(info) videos.append((channel_id, info['id'], info['title'], info['duration'], info['time_published'], info['description'])) now = time.time() download_thumbnails_if_necessary(video[1] for video in videos if (now - video[4]) < 30*24*3600) # Don't download thumbnails from videos older than a month with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: cursor.executemany('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO videos (sql_channel_id, video_id, title, duration, time_published, description) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id=?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', videos) cursor.execute('''UPDATE subscribed_channels SET time_last_checked = ? WHERE yt_channel_id=?''', [int(time.time()), channel_id]) def check_all_channels(): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: channel_id_name_list = cursor.execute('''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name FROM subscribed_channels''').fetchall() channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list) check_channels_if_necessary([item[0] for item in channel_id_name_list]) def check_tags(tags): channel_id_name_list = [] with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: for tag in tags: channel_id_name_list += _channels_with_tag(cursor, tag) channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list) check_channels_if_necessary([item[0] for item in channel_id_name_list]) def check_specific_channels(channel_ids): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: for channel_id in channel_ids: channel_id_name_list += cursor.execute('''SELECT yt_channel_id, channel_name FROM subscribed_channels WHERE yt_channel_id=?''', [channel_id]).fetchall() channel_names.update(channel_id_name_list) check_channels_if_necessary(channel_ids) def import_subscriptions(env, start_response): content_type = env['parameters']['subscriptions_file'][0] file = env['parameters']['subscriptions_file'][1] file = file.decode('utf-8') if content_type == 'application/json': try: file = json.loads(file) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: traceback.print_exc() start_response('400 Bad Request', () ) return b'400 Bad Request: Invalid json file' try: channels = ( (item['snippet']['resourceId']['channelId'], item['snippet']['title']) for item in file) except (KeyError, IndexError): traceback.print_exc() start_response('400 Bad Request', () ) return b'400 Bad Request: Unknown json structure' elif content_type in ('application/xml', 'text/xml', 'text/x-opml'): try: root = defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring(file) assert root.tag == 'opml' channels = [] for outline_element in root[0][0]: if (outline_element.tag != 'outline') or ('xmlUrl' not in outline_element.attrib): continue channel_name = outline_element.attrib['text'] channel_rss_url = outline_element.attrib['xmlUrl'] channel_id = channel_rss_url[channel_rss_url.find('channel_id=')+11:].strip() channels.append( (channel_id, channel_name) ) except (AssertionError, IndexError, defusedxml.ElementTree.ParseError) as e: start_response('400 Bad Request', () ) return b'400 Bad Request: Unable to read opml xml file, or the file is not the expected format' else: start_response('400 Bad Request', () ) return b'400 Bad Request: Unsupported file format: ' + html.escape(content_type).encode('utf-8') + b'. Only subscription.json files (from Google Takeouts) and XML OPML files exported from Youtube\'s subscription manager page are supported' _subscribe(channels) start_response('303 See Other', [('Location', util.URL_ORIGIN + '/subscription_manager'),] ) return b'' sub_list_item_template = Template('''
  • $channel_name $tags
  • ''') tag_group_template = Template('''
  • $tag

  • ''') def get_subscription_manager_page(env, start_response): with open_database() as connection: with connection as cursor: if env['parameters'].get('group_by_tags', '0')[0] == '1': sort_name = "Don't group" sort_link = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/subscription_manager' main_list_html = '' else: sort_name = "Group by tags" sort_link = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/subscription_manager?group_by_tags=1' main_list_html = '
      ' for channel_name, channel_id in _get_subscribed_channels(): main_list_html += sub_list_item_template.substitute( channel_url = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/channel/' + channel_id, channel_name = html.escape(channel_name), channel_id = channel_id, tags = ', '.join(_get_tags(cursor, channel_id)), ) main_list_html += '
    ' start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/html'),]) return subscription_manager_template.substitute( header = html_common.get_header(), main_list = main_list_html, sort_name = sort_name, sort_link = sort_link, page_buttons = '', ).encode('utf-8') def list_from_comma_separated_tags(string): return [tag.strip() for tag in string.split(',') if tag.strip()] unsubscribe_list_item_template = Template('''
  • $channel_name
  • ''') def post_subscription_manager_page(env, start_response): params = env['parameters'] action = params['action'][0] if action == 'add_tags': _add_tags(params['channel_ids'], [tag.lower() for tag in list_from_comma_separated_tags(params['tags'][0])]) elif action == 'remove_tags': _remove_tags(params['channel_ids'], [tag.lower() for tag in list_from_comma_separated_tags(params['tags'][0])]) elif action == 'unsubscribe': _unsubscribe(params['channel_ids']) elif action == 'unsubscribe_verify': page = ''' Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from these channels?
    ''' for channel_id in params['channel_ids']: page += '\n' page += '''
    ''' start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/html'),]) return html_common.yt_basic_template.substitute( page_title = 'Unsubscribe?', style = '', header = html_common.get_header(), page = page, ).encode('utf-8') else: start_response('400 Bad Request', ()) return b'400 Bad Request' start_response('303 See Other', [('Location', util.URL_ORIGIN + '/subscription_manager'),] ) return b'' sidebar_tag_item_template = Template('''
  • $tag_name
  • ''') sidebar_channel_item_template = Template('''
  • $channel_name
  • ''') def get_subscriptions_page(env, start_response): items_html = '''''' tag_list_html = '' for tag_name in _get_all_tags(): tag_list_html += sidebar_tag_item_template.substitute(tag_name = tag_name) sub_list_html = '' for channel_name, channel_id in _get_subscribed_channels(): sub_list_html += sidebar_channel_item_template.substitute( channel_url = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/channel/' + channel_id, channel_name = html.escape(channel_name), channel_id = channel_id, ) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/html'),]) return subscriptions_template.substitute( header = html_common.get_header(), items = items_html, tags = tag_list_html, sub_list = sub_list_html, page_buttons = '', ).encode('utf-8') def post_subscriptions_page(env, start_response): params = env['parameters'] action = params['action'][0] if action == 'subscribe': if len(params['channel_id']) != len(params['channel_name']): start_response('400 Bad Request', ()) return b'400 Bad Request, length of channel_id != length of channel_name' _subscribe(zip(params['channel_id'], params['channel_name'])) elif action == 'unsubscribe': _unsubscribe(params['channel_id']) elif action == 'refresh': type = params['type'][0] if type == 'all': check_all_channels() elif type == 'tag': check_tags(params['tag_name']) elif type == 'channel': check_specific_channels(params['channel_id']) else: start_response('400 Bad Request', ()) return b'400 Bad Request' start_response('204 No Content', ()) return b'' else: start_response('400 Bad Request', ()) return b'400 Bad Request' start_response('204 No Content', ()) return b''