typeof navigator === "object" && function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
    var descriptor = props[i];
    descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
    descriptor.configurable = true;
    if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
    Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);

function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  return Constructor;

function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
  if (key in obj) {
    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
      value: value,
      enumerable: true,
      configurable: true,
      writable: true
  } else {
    obj[key] = value;

  return obj;

function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
  var keys = Object.keys(object);

  if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
    var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
    if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {
      return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
    keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);

  return keys;

function _objectSpread2(target) {
  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};

    if (i % 2) {
      ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {
        _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
    } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {
      Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));
    } else {
      ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {
        Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));

  return target;

function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
  if (source == null) return {};
  var target = {};
  var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
  var key, i;

  for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
    key = sourceKeys[i];
    if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
    target[key] = source[key];

  return target;

function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
  if (source == null) return {};

  var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);

  var key, i;

  if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
    var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);

    for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {
      key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];
      if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
      if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue;
      target[key] = source[key];

  return target;

function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
  return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();

function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
  return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();

function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
  if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);

function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
  if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;

function _iterableToArray(iter) {
  if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter);

function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
  if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;
  var _arr = [];
  var _n = true;
  var _d = false;
  var _e = undefined;

  try {
    for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) {

      if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
  } catch (err) {
    _d = true;
    _e = err;
  } finally {
    try {
      if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
    } finally {
      if (_d) throw _e;

  return _arr;

function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
  if (!o) return;
  if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
  var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
  if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;
  if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
  if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);

function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
  if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;

  for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];

  return arr2;

function _nonIterableSpread() {
  throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");

function _nonIterableRest() {
  throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");

function _classCallCheck$1(e, t) {
  if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

function _defineProperties$1(e, t) {
  for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
    var r = t[n];
    r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);

function _createClass$1(e, t, n) {
  return t && _defineProperties$1(e.prototype, t), n && _defineProperties$1(e, n), e;

function _defineProperty$1(e, t, n) {
  return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
    value: n,
    enumerable: !0,
    configurable: !0,
    writable: !0
  }) : e[t] = n, e;

function ownKeys$1(e, t) {
  var n = Object.keys(e);

  if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
    var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
    t && (r = r.filter(function (t) {
      return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable;
    })), n.push.apply(n, r);

  return n;

function _objectSpread2$1(e) {
  for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
    var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
    t % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(n), !0).forEach(function (t) {
      _defineProperty$1(e, t, n[t]);
    }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : ownKeys$1(Object(n)).forEach(function (t) {
      Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t));

  return e;

var defaults = {
  addCSS: !0,
  thumbWidth: 15,
  watch: !0

function matches(e, t) {
  return function () {
    return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(t)).includes(this);
  }.call(e, t);

function trigger(e, t) {
  if (e && t) {
    var n = new Event(t, {
      bubbles: !0

var getConstructor = function getConstructor(e) {
  return null != e ? e.constructor : null;
    instanceOf = function instanceOf(e, t) {
  return !!(e && t && e instanceof t);
    isNullOrUndefined = function isNullOrUndefined(e) {
  return null == e;
    isObject = function isObject(e) {
  return getConstructor(e) === Object;
    isNumber = function isNumber(e) {
  return getConstructor(e) === Number && !Number.isNaN(e);
    isString = function isString(e) {
  return getConstructor(e) === String;
    isBoolean = function isBoolean(e) {
  return getConstructor(e) === Boolean;
    isFunction = function isFunction(e) {
  return getConstructor(e) === Function;
    isArray = function isArray(e) {
  return Array.isArray(e);
    isNodeList = function isNodeList(e) {
  return instanceOf(e, NodeList);
    isElement = function isElement(e) {
  return instanceOf(e, Element);
    isEvent = function isEvent(e) {
  return instanceOf(e, Event);
    isEmpty = function isEmpty(e) {
  return isNullOrUndefined(e) || (isString(e) || isArray(e) || isNodeList(e)) && !e.length || isObject(e) && !Object.keys(e).length;
    is = {
  nullOrUndefined: isNullOrUndefined,
  object: isObject,
  number: isNumber,
  string: isString,
  boolean: isBoolean,
  function: isFunction,
  array: isArray,
  nodeList: isNodeList,
  element: isElement,
  event: isEvent,
  empty: isEmpty

function getDecimalPlaces(e) {
  var t = "".concat(e).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);
  return t ? Math.max(0, (t[1] ? t[1].length : 0) - (t[2] ? +t[2] : 0)) : 0;

function round(e, t) {
  if (1 > t) {
    var n = getDecimalPlaces(t);
    return parseFloat(e.toFixed(n));

  return Math.round(e / t) * t;

var RangeTouch = function () {
  function e(t, n) {
    _classCallCheck$1(this, e), is.element(t) ? this.element = t : is.string(t) && (this.element = document.querySelector(t)), is.element(this.element) && is.empty(this.element.rangeTouch) && (this.config = _objectSpread2$1({}, defaults, {}, n), this.init());

  return _createClass$1(e, [{
    key: "init",
    value: function value() {
      e.enabled && (this.config.addCSS && (this.element.style.userSelect = "none", this.element.style.webKitUserSelect = "none", this.element.style.touchAction = "manipulation"), this.listeners(!0), this.element.rangeTouch = this);
  }, {
    key: "destroy",
    value: function value() {
      e.enabled && (this.config.addCSS && (this.element.style.userSelect = "", this.element.style.webKitUserSelect = "", this.element.style.touchAction = ""), this.listeners(!1), this.element.rangeTouch = null);
  }, {
    key: "listeners",
    value: function value(e) {
      var t = this,
          n = e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
      ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"].forEach(function (e) {
        t.element[n](e, function (e) {
          return t.set(e);
        }, !1);
  }, {
    key: "get",
    value: function value(t) {
      if (!e.enabled || !is.event(t)) return null;
      var n,
          r = t.target,
          i = t.changedTouches[0],
          o = parseFloat(r.getAttribute("min")) || 0,
          s = parseFloat(r.getAttribute("max")) || 100,
          u = parseFloat(r.getAttribute("step")) || 1,
          c = r.getBoundingClientRect(),
          a = 100 / c.width * (this.config.thumbWidth / 2) / 100;
      return 0 > (n = 100 / c.width * (i.clientX - c.left)) ? n = 0 : 100 < n && (n = 100), 50 > n ? n -= (100 - 2 * n) * a : 50 < n && (n += 2 * (n - 50) * a), o + round(n / 100 * (s - o), u);
  }, {
    key: "set",
    value: function value(t) {
      e.enabled && is.event(t) && !t.target.disabled && (t.preventDefault(), t.target.value = this.get(t), trigger(t.target, "touchend" === t.type ? "change" : "input"));
  }], [{
    key: "setup",
    value: function value(t) {
      var n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
          r = null;
      if (is.empty(t) || is.string(t) ? r = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(is.string(t) ? t : 'input[type="range"]')) : is.element(t) ? r = [t] : is.nodeList(t) ? r = Array.from(t) : is.array(t) && (r = t.filter(is.element)), is.empty(r)) return null;

      var i = _objectSpread2$1({}, defaults, {}, n);

      if (is.string(t) && i.watch) {
        var o = new MutationObserver(function (n) {
          Array.from(n).forEach(function (n) {
            Array.from(n.addedNodes).forEach(function (n) {
              is.element(n) && matches(n, t) && new e(n, i);
        o.observe(document.body, {
          childList: !0,
          subtree: !0

      return r.map(function (t) {
        return new e(t, n);
  }, {
    key: "enabled",
    get: function get() {
      return "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement;
  }]), e;

// ==========================================================================
// Type checking utils
// ==========================================================================
var getConstructor$1 = function getConstructor(input) {
  return input !== null && typeof input !== 'undefined' ? input.constructor : null;

var instanceOf$1 = function instanceOf(input, constructor) {
  return Boolean(input && constructor && input instanceof constructor);

var isNullOrUndefined$1 = function isNullOrUndefined(input) {
  return input === null || typeof input === 'undefined';

var isObject$1 = function isObject(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === Object;

var isNumber$1 = function isNumber(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === Number && !Number.isNaN(input);

var isString$1 = function isString(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === String;

var isBoolean$1 = function isBoolean(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === Boolean;

var isFunction$1 = function isFunction(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === Function;

var isArray$1 = function isArray(input) {
  return Array.isArray(input);

var isWeakMap = function isWeakMap(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, WeakMap);

var isNodeList$1 = function isNodeList(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, NodeList);

var isElement$1 = function isElement(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, Element);

var isTextNode = function isTextNode(input) {
  return getConstructor$1(input) === Text;

var isEvent$1 = function isEvent(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, Event);

var isKeyboardEvent = function isKeyboardEvent(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, KeyboardEvent);

var isCue = function isCue(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, window.TextTrackCue) || instanceOf$1(input, window.VTTCue);

var isTrack = function isTrack(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, TextTrack) || !isNullOrUndefined$1(input) && isString$1(input.kind);

var isPromise = function isPromise(input) {
  return instanceOf$1(input, Promise) && isFunction$1(input.then);

var isEmpty$1 = function isEmpty(input) {
  return isNullOrUndefined$1(input) || (isString$1(input) || isArray$1(input) || isNodeList$1(input)) && !input.length || isObject$1(input) && !Object.keys(input).length;

var isUrl = function isUrl(input) {
  // Accept a URL object
  if (instanceOf$1(input, window.URL)) {
    return true;
  } // Must be string from here

  if (!isString$1(input)) {
    return false;
  } // Add the protocol if required

  var string = input;

  if (!input.startsWith('http://') || !input.startsWith('https://')) {
    string = "http://".concat(input);

  try {
    return !isEmpty$1(new URL(string).hostname);
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

var is$1 = {
  nullOrUndefined: isNullOrUndefined$1,
  object: isObject$1,
  number: isNumber$1,
  string: isString$1,
  boolean: isBoolean$1,
  function: isFunction$1,
  array: isArray$1,
  weakMap: isWeakMap,
  nodeList: isNodeList$1,
  element: isElement$1,
  textNode: isTextNode,
  event: isEvent$1,
  keyboardEvent: isKeyboardEvent,
  cue: isCue,
  track: isTrack,
  promise: isPromise,
  url: isUrl,
  empty: isEmpty$1

// ==========================================================================
var transitionEndEvent = function () {
  var element = document.createElement('span');
  var events = {
    WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd',
    MozTransition: 'transitionend',
    OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
    transition: 'transitionend'
  var type = Object.keys(events).find(function (event) {
    return element.style[event] !== undefined;
  return is$1.string(type) ? events[type] : false;
}(); // Force repaint of element

function repaint(element, delay) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    try {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
      element.hidden = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions

      element.offsetHeight; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

      element.hidden = false;
    } catch (e) {// Do nothing
  }, delay);

// ==========================================================================
// Browser sniffing
// Unfortunately, due to mixed support, UA sniffing is required
// ==========================================================================
var browser = {
  /* @cc_on!@ */
  isEdge: window.navigator.userAgent.includes('Edge'),
  isWebkit: 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style && !/Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent),
  isIPhone: /(iPhone|iPod)/gi.test(navigator.platform),
  isIos: /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/gi.test(navigator.platform)

function cloneDeep(object) {
  return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
} // Get a nested value in an object

function getDeep(object, path) {
  return path.split('.').reduce(function (obj, key) {
    return obj && obj[key];
  }, object);
} // Deep extend destination object with N more objects

function extend() {
  var target = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};

  for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
    sources[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];

  if (!sources.length) {
    return target;

  var source = sources.shift();

  if (!is$1.object(source)) {
    return target;

  Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {
    if (is$1.object(source[key])) {
      if (!Object.keys(target).includes(key)) {
        Object.assign(target, _defineProperty({}, key, {}));

      extend(target[key], source[key]);
    } else {
      Object.assign(target, _defineProperty({}, key, source[key]));
  return extend.apply(void 0, [target].concat(sources));

function wrap(elements, wrapper) {
  // Convert `elements` to an array, if necessary.
  var targets = elements.length ? elements : [elements]; // Loops backwards to prevent having to clone the wrapper on the
  // first element (see `child` below).

  Array.from(targets).reverse().forEach(function (element, index) {
    var child = index > 0 ? wrapper.cloneNode(true) : wrapper; // Cache the current parent and sibling.

    var parent = element.parentNode;
    var sibling = element.nextSibling; // Wrap the element (is automatically removed from its current
    // parent).

    child.appendChild(element); // If the element had a sibling, insert the wrapper before
    // the sibling to maintain the HTML structure; otherwise, just
    // append it to the parent.

    if (sibling) {
      parent.insertBefore(child, sibling);
    } else {
} // Set attributes

function setAttributes(element, attributes) {
  if (!is$1.element(element) || is$1.empty(attributes)) {
  } // Assume null and undefined attributes should be left out,
  // Setting them would otherwise convert them to "null" and "undefined"

  Object.entries(attributes).filter(function (_ref) {
    var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
        value = _ref2[1];

    return !is$1.nullOrUndefined(value);
  }).forEach(function (_ref3) {
    var _ref4 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2),
        key = _ref4[0],
        value = _ref4[1];

    return element.setAttribute(key, value);
} // Create a DocumentFragment

function createElement(type, attributes, text) {
  // Create a new <element>
  var element = document.createElement(type); // Set all passed attributes

  if (is$1.object(attributes)) {
    setAttributes(element, attributes);
  } // Add text node

  if (is$1.string(text)) {
    element.innerText = text;
  } // Return built element

  return element;
} // Inaert an element after another

function insertAfter(element, target) {
  if (!is$1.element(element) || !is$1.element(target)) {

  target.parentNode.insertBefore(element, target.nextSibling);
} // Insert a DocumentFragment

function insertElement(type, parent, attributes, text) {
  if (!is$1.element(parent)) {

  parent.appendChild(createElement(type, attributes, text));
} // Remove element(s)

function removeElement(element) {
  if (is$1.nodeList(element) || is$1.array(element)) {

  if (!is$1.element(element) || !is$1.element(element.parentNode)) {

} // Remove all child elements

function emptyElement(element) {
  if (!is$1.element(element)) {

  var length = element.childNodes.length;

  while (length > 0) {
    length -= 1;
} // Replace element

function replaceElement(newChild, oldChild) {
  if (!is$1.element(oldChild) || !is$1.element(oldChild.parentNode) || !is$1.element(newChild)) {
    return null;

  oldChild.parentNode.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
  return newChild;
} // Get an attribute object from a string selector

function getAttributesFromSelector(sel, existingAttributes) {
  // For example:
  // '.test' to { class: 'test' }
  // '#test' to { id: 'test' }
  // '[data-test="test"]' to { 'data-test': 'test' }
  if (!is$1.string(sel) || is$1.empty(sel)) {
    return {};

  var attributes = {};
  var existing = extend({}, existingAttributes);
  sel.split(',').forEach(function (s) {
    // Remove whitespace
    var selector = s.trim();
    var className = selector.replace('.', '');
    var stripped = selector.replace(/[[\]]/g, ''); // Get the parts and value

    var parts = stripped.split('=');

    var _parts = _slicedToArray(parts, 1),
        key = _parts[0];

    var value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace(/["']/g, '') : ''; // Get the first character

    var start = selector.charAt(0);

    switch (start) {
      case '.':
        // Add to existing classname
        if (is$1.string(existing.class)) {
          attributes.class = "".concat(existing.class, " ").concat(className);
        } else {
          attributes.class = className;


      case '#':
        // ID selector
        attributes.id = selector.replace('#', '');

      case '[':
        // Attribute selector
        attributes[key] = value;
  return extend(existing, attributes);
} // Toggle hidden

function toggleHidden(element, hidden) {
  if (!is$1.element(element)) {

  var hide = hidden;

  if (!is$1.boolean(hide)) {
    hide = !element.hidden;
  } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

  element.hidden = hide;
} // Mirror Element.classList.toggle, with IE compatibility for "force" argument

function toggleClass(element, className, force) {
  if (is$1.nodeList(element)) {
    return Array.from(element).map(function (e) {
      return toggleClass(e, className, force);

  if (is$1.element(element)) {
    var method = 'toggle';

    if (typeof force !== 'undefined') {
      method = force ? 'add' : 'remove';

    return element.classList.contains(className);

  return false;
} // Has class name

function hasClass(element, className) {
  return is$1.element(element) && element.classList.contains(className);
} // Element matches selector

function matches$1(element, selector) {
  var _Element = Element,
      prototype = _Element.prototype;

  function match() {
    return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).includes(this);

  var method = prototype.matches || prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || prototype.mozMatchesSelector || prototype.msMatchesSelector || match;
  return method.call(element, selector);
} // Closest ancestor element matching selector (also tests element itself)

function closest(element, selector) {
  var _Element2 = Element,
      prototype = _Element2.prototype; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill

  function closestElement() {
    var el = this;

    do {
      if (matches$1.matches(el, selector)) return el;
      el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
    } while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);

    return null;

  var method = prototype.closest || closestElement;
  return method.call(element, selector);
} // Find all elements

function getElements(selector) {
  return this.elements.container.querySelectorAll(selector);
} // Find a single element

function getElement(selector) {
  return this.elements.container.querySelector(selector);
} // Set focus and tab focus class

function setFocus() {
  var element = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
  var tabFocus = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;

  if (!is$1.element(element)) {
  } // Set regular focus

    preventScroll: true
  }); // If we want to mimic keyboard focus via tab

  if (tabFocus) {
    toggleClass(element, this.config.classNames.tabFocus);

var defaultCodecs = {
  'audio/ogg': 'vorbis',
  'audio/wav': '1',
  'video/webm': 'vp8, vorbis',
  'video/mp4': 'avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2',
  'video/ogg': 'theora'
}; // Check for feature support

var support = {
  // Basic support
  audio: 'canPlayType' in document.createElement('audio'),
  video: 'canPlayType' in document.createElement('video'),
  // Check for support
  // Basic functionality vs full UI
  check: function check(type, provider, playsinline) {
    var canPlayInline = browser.isIPhone && playsinline && support.playsinline;
    var api = support[type] || provider !== 'html5';
    var ui = api && support.rangeInput && (type !== 'video' || !browser.isIPhone || canPlayInline);
    return {
      api: api,
      ui: ui
  // Picture-in-picture support
  // Safari & Chrome only currently
  pip: function () {
    if (browser.isIPhone) {
      return false;
    } // Safari
    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkitjs/adding_picture_in_picture_to_your_safari_media_controls

    if (is$1.function(createElement('video').webkitSetPresentationMode)) {
      return true;
    } // Chrome
    // https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/10/watch-video-using-picture-in-picture

    if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled && !createElement('video').disablePictureInPicture) {
      return true;

    return false;
  // Airplay support
  // Safari only currently
  airplay: is$1.function(window.WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent),
  // Inline playback support
  // https://webkit.org/blog/6784/new-video-policies-for-ios/
  playsinline: 'playsInline' in document.createElement('video'),
  // Check for mime type support against a player instance
  // Credits: http://diveintohtml5.info/everything.html
  // Related: http://www.leanbackplayer.com/test/h5mt.html
  mime: function mime(input) {
    if (is$1.empty(input)) {
      return false;

    var _input$split = input.split('/'),
        _input$split2 = _slicedToArray(_input$split, 1),
        mediaType = _input$split2[0];

    var type = input; // Verify we're using HTML5 and there's no media type mismatch

    if (!this.isHTML5 || mediaType !== this.type) {
      return false;
    } // Add codec if required

    if (Object.keys(defaultCodecs).includes(type)) {
      type += "; codecs=\"".concat(defaultCodecs[input], "\"");

    try {
      return Boolean(type && this.media.canPlayType(type).replace(/no/, ''));
    } catch (e) {
      return false;
  // Check for textTracks support
  textTracks: 'textTracks' in document.createElement('video'),
  // <input type="range"> Sliders
  rangeInput: function () {
    var range = document.createElement('input');
    range.type = 'range';
    return range.type === 'range';
  // Touch
  // NOTE: Remember a device can be mouse + touch enabled so we check on first touch event
  touch: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
  // Detect transitions support
  transitions: transitionEndEvent !== false,
  // Reduced motion iOS & MacOS setting
  // https://webkit.org/blog/7551/responsive-design-for-motion/
  reducedMotion: 'matchMedia' in window && window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches

// https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPM6172J22g

var supportsPassiveListeners = function () {
  // Test via a getter in the options object to see if the passive property is accessed
  var supported = false;

  try {
    var options = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
      get: function get() {
        supported = true;
        return null;
    window.addEventListener('test', null, options);
    window.removeEventListener('test', null, options);
  } catch (e) {// Do nothing

  return supported;
}(); // Toggle event listener

function toggleListener(element, event, callback) {
  var _this = this;

  var toggle = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;
  var passive = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : true;
  var capture = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : false;

  // Bail if no element, event, or callback
  if (!element || !('addEventListener' in element) || is$1.empty(event) || !is$1.function(callback)) {
  } // Allow multiple events

  var events = event.split(' '); // Build options
  // Default to just the capture boolean for browsers with no passive listener support

  var options = capture; // If passive events listeners are supported

  if (supportsPassiveListeners) {
    options = {
      // Whether the listener can be passive (i.e. default never prevented)
      passive: passive,
      // Whether the listener is a capturing listener or not
      capture: capture
  } // If a single node is passed, bind the event listener

  events.forEach(function (type) {
    if (_this && _this.eventListeners && toggle) {
      // Cache event listener
        element: element,
        type: type,
        callback: callback,
        options: options

    element[toggle ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'](type, callback, options);
} // Bind event handler

function on(element) {
  var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
  var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true;
  var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
  toggleListener.call(this, element, events, callback, true, passive, capture);
} // Unbind event handler

function off(element) {
  var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
  var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true;
  var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
  toggleListener.call(this, element, events, callback, false, passive, capture);
} // Bind once-only event handler

function once(element) {
  var _this2 = this;

  var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
  var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true;
  var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;

  var onceCallback = function onceCallback() {
    off(element, events, onceCallback, passive, capture);

    for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
      args[_key] = arguments[_key];

    callback.apply(_this2, args);

  toggleListener.call(this, element, events, onceCallback, true, passive, capture);
} // Trigger event

function triggerEvent(element) {
  var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var bubbles = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
  var detail = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};

  // Bail if no element
  if (!is$1.element(element) || is$1.empty(type)) {
  } // Create and dispatch the event

  var event = new CustomEvent(type, {
    bubbles: bubbles,
    detail: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, detail), {}, {
      plyr: this
  }); // Dispatch the event

} // Unbind all cached event listeners

function unbindListeners() {
  if (this && this.eventListeners) {
    this.eventListeners.forEach(function (item) {
      var element = item.element,
          type = item.type,
          callback = item.callback,
          options = item.options;
      element.removeEventListener(type, callback, options);
    this.eventListeners = [];
} // Run method when / if player is ready

function ready() {
  var _this3 = this;

  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    return _this3.ready ? setTimeout(resolve, 0) : on.call(_this3, _this3.elements.container, 'ready', resolve);
  }).then(function () {});

 * Silence a Promise-like object.
 * This is useful for avoiding non-harmful, but potentially confusing "uncaught
 * play promise" rejection error messages.
 * @param  {Object} value An object that may or may not be `Promise`-like.

function silencePromise(value) {
  if (is$1.promise(value)) {
    value.then(null, function () {});

function validateRatio(input) {
  if (!is$1.array(input) && (!is$1.string(input) || !input.includes(':'))) {
    return false;

  var ratio = is$1.array(input) ? input : input.split(':');
  return ratio.map(Number).every(is$1.number);
function reduceAspectRatio(ratio) {
  if (!is$1.array(ratio) || !ratio.every(is$1.number)) {
    return null;

  var _ratio = _slicedToArray(ratio, 2),
      width = _ratio[0],
      height = _ratio[1];

  var getDivider = function getDivider(w, h) {
    return h === 0 ? w : getDivider(h, w % h);

  var divider = getDivider(width, height);
  return [width / divider, height / divider];
function getAspectRatio(input) {
  var parse = function parse(ratio) {
    return validateRatio(ratio) ? ratio.split(':').map(Number) : null;
  }; // Try provided ratio

  var ratio = parse(input); // Get from config

  if (ratio === null) {
    ratio = parse(this.config.ratio);
  } // Get from embed

  if (ratio === null && !is$1.empty(this.embed) && is$1.array(this.embed.ratio)) {
    ratio = this.embed.ratio;
  } // Get from HTML5 video

  if (ratio === null && this.isHTML5) {
    var _this$media = this.media,
        videoWidth = _this$media.videoWidth,
        videoHeight = _this$media.videoHeight;
    ratio = reduceAspectRatio([videoWidth, videoHeight]);

  return ratio;
} // Set aspect ratio for responsive container

function setAspectRatio(input) {
  if (!this.isVideo) {
    return {};

  var wrapper = this.elements.wrapper;
  var ratio = getAspectRatio.call(this, input);

  var _ref = is$1.array(ratio) ? ratio : [0, 0],
      _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
      w = _ref2[0],
      h = _ref2[1];

  var padding = 100 / w * h;
  wrapper.style.paddingBottom = "".concat(padding, "%"); // For Vimeo we have an extra <div> to hide the standard controls and UI

  if (this.isVimeo && !this.config.vimeo.premium && this.supported.ui) {
    var height = 100 / this.media.offsetWidth * parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(this.media).paddingBottom, 10);
    var offset = (height - padding) / (height / 50);
    this.media.style.transform = "translateY(-".concat(offset, "%)");
  } else if (this.isHTML5) {
    wrapper.classList.toggle(this.config.classNames.videoFixedRatio, ratio !== null);

  return {
    padding: padding,
    ratio: ratio

// ==========================================================================
var html5 = {
  getSources: function getSources() {
    var _this = this;

    if (!this.isHTML5) {
      return [];

    var sources = Array.from(this.media.querySelectorAll('source')); // Filter out unsupported sources (if type is specified)

    return sources.filter(function (source) {
      var type = source.getAttribute('type');

      if (is$1.empty(type)) {
        return true;

      return support.mime.call(_this, type);
  // Get quality levels
  getQualityOptions: function getQualityOptions() {
    // Whether we're forcing all options (e.g. for streaming)
    if (this.config.quality.forced) {
      return this.config.quality.options;
    } // Get sizes from <source> elements

    return html5.getSources.call(this).map(function (source) {
      return Number(source.getAttribute('data-res'));
  setup: function setup() {
    if (!this.isHTML5) {

    var player = this; // Set speed options from config

    player.options.speed = player.config.speed.options; // Set aspect ratio if fixed

    if (!is$1.empty(this.config.ratio)) {
    } // Quality

    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'quality', {
      get: function get() {
        // Get sources
        var sources = html5.getSources.call(player);
        var source = sources.find(function (s) {
          return s.getAttribute('src') === player.source;
        }); // Return size, if match is found

        return source && Number(source.getAttribute('data-res'));
      set: function set(input) {
        if (player.quality === input) {
        } // If we're using an an external handler...

        if (player.config.quality.forced && is$1.function(player.config.quality.onChange)) {
        } else {
          // Get sources
          var sources = html5.getSources.call(player); // Get first match for requested size

          var source = sources.find(function (s) {
            return Number(s.getAttribute('data-res')) === input;
          }); // No matching source found

          if (!source) {
          } // Get current state

          var _player$media = player.media,
              currentTime = _player$media.currentTime,
              paused = _player$media.paused,
              preload = _player$media.preload,
              readyState = _player$media.readyState,
              playbackRate = _player$media.playbackRate; // Set new source

          player.media.src = source.getAttribute('src'); // Prevent loading if preload="none" and the current source isn't loaded (#1044)

          if (preload !== 'none' || readyState) {
            // Restore time
            player.once('loadedmetadata', function () {
              player.speed = playbackRate;
              player.currentTime = currentTime; // Resume playing

              if (!paused) {
            }); // Load new source

        } // Trigger change event

        triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'qualitychange', false, {
          quality: input
  // Cancel current network requests
  // See https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/174
  cancelRequests: function cancelRequests() {
    if (!this.isHTML5) {
    } // Remove child sources

    removeElement(html5.getSources.call(this)); // Set blank video src attribute
    // This is to prevent a MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error
    // Info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32231579/how-to-properly-dispose-of-an-html5-video-and-close-socket-or-connection

    this.media.setAttribute('src', this.config.blankVideo); // Load the new empty source
    // This will cancel existing requests
    // See https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/174

    this.media.load(); // Debugging

    this.debug.log('Cancelled network requests');

// ==========================================================================

function dedupe(array) {
  if (!is$1.array(array)) {
    return array;

  return array.filter(function (item, index) {
    return array.indexOf(item) === index;
} // Get the closest value in an array

function closest$1(array, value) {
  if (!is$1.array(array) || !array.length) {
    return null;

  return array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
    return Math.abs(curr - value) < Math.abs(prev - value) ? curr : prev;

// ==========================================================================

function generateId(prefix) {
  return "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));
} // Format string

function format(input) {
  for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
    args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];

  if (is$1.empty(input)) {
    return input;

  return input.toString().replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, i) {
    return args[i].toString();
} // Get percentage

function getPercentage(current, max) {
  if (current === 0 || max === 0 || Number.isNaN(current) || Number.isNaN(max)) {
    return 0;

  return (current / max * 100).toFixed(2);
} // Replace all occurances of a string in a string

var replaceAll = function replaceAll() {
  var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
  var find = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
  var replace = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';
  return input.replace(new RegExp(find.toString().replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, '\\$1'), 'g'), replace.toString());
}; // Convert to title case

var toTitleCase = function toTitleCase() {
  var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
  return input.toString().replace(/\w\S*/g, function (text) {
    return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1).toLowerCase();
}; // Convert string to pascalCase

function toPascalCase() {
  var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
  var string = input.toString(); // Convert kebab case

  string = replaceAll(string, '-', ' '); // Convert snake case

  string = replaceAll(string, '_', ' '); // Convert to title case

  string = toTitleCase(string); // Convert to pascal case

  return replaceAll(string, ' ', '');
} // Convert string to pascalCase

function toCamelCase() {
  var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
  var string = input.toString(); // Convert to pascal case

  string = toPascalCase(string); // Convert first character to lowercase

  return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1);
} // Remove HTML from a string

function stripHTML(source) {
  var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
  var element = document.createElement('div');
  element.innerHTML = source;
  return fragment.firstChild.innerText;
} // Like outerHTML, but also works for DocumentFragment

function getHTML(element) {
  var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
  return wrapper.innerHTML;

var resources = {
  pip: 'PIP',
  airplay: 'AirPlay',
  html5: 'HTML5',
  vimeo: 'Vimeo',
  youtube: 'YouTube'
var i18n = {
  get: function get() {
    var key = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
    var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};

    if (is$1.empty(key) || is$1.empty(config)) {
      return '';

    var string = getDeep(config.i18n, key);

    if (is$1.empty(string)) {
      if (Object.keys(resources).includes(key)) {
        return resources[key];

      return '';

    var replace = {
      '{seektime}': config.seekTime,
      '{title}': config.title
    Object.entries(replace).forEach(function (_ref) {
      var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
          k = _ref2[0],
          v = _ref2[1];

      string = replaceAll(string, k, v);
    return string;

var Storage = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  function Storage(player) {
    _classCallCheck(this, Storage);

    this.enabled = player.config.storage.enabled;
    this.key = player.config.storage.key;
  } // Check for actual support (see if we can use it)

  _createClass(Storage, [{
    key: "get",
    value: function get(key) {
      if (!Storage.supported || !this.enabled) {
        return null;

      var store = window.localStorage.getItem(this.key);

      if (is$1.empty(store)) {
        return null;

      var json = JSON.parse(store);
      return is$1.string(key) && key.length ? json[key] : json;
  }, {
    key: "set",
    value: function set(object) {
      // Bail if we don't have localStorage support or it's disabled
      if (!Storage.supported || !this.enabled) {
      } // Can only store objectst

      if (!is$1.object(object)) {
      } // Get current storage

      var storage = this.get(); // Default to empty object

      if (is$1.empty(storage)) {
        storage = {};
      } // Update the working copy of the values

      extend(storage, object); // Update storage

      window.localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(storage));
  }], [{
    key: "supported",
    get: function get() {
      try {
        if (!('localStorage' in window)) {
          return false;

        var test = '___test'; // Try to use it (it might be disabled, e.g. user is in private mode)
        // see: https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/131

        window.localStorage.setItem(test, test);
        return true;
      } catch (e) {
        return false;

  return Storage;

// ==========================================================================
// Fetch wrapper
// Using XHR to avoid issues with older browsers
// ==========================================================================
function fetch(url) {
  var responseType = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'text';
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    try {
      var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Check for CORS support

      if (!('withCredentials' in request)) {

      request.addEventListener('load', function () {
        if (responseType === 'text') {
          try {
          } catch (e) {
        } else {
      request.addEventListener('error', function () {
        throw new Error(request.status);
      request.open('GET', url, true); // Set the required response type

      request.responseType = responseType;
    } catch (e) {

// ==========================================================================

function loadSprite(url, id) {
  if (!is$1.string(url)) {

  var prefix = 'cache';
  var hasId = is$1.string(id);
  var isCached = false;

  var exists = function exists() {
    return document.getElementById(id) !== null;

  var update = function update(container, data) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    container.innerHTML = data; // Check again incase of race condition

    if (hasId && exists()) {
    } // Inject the SVG to the body

    document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', container);
  }; // Only load once if ID set

  if (!hasId || !exists()) {
    var useStorage = Storage.supported; // Create container

    var container = document.createElement('div');
    container.setAttribute('hidden', '');

    if (hasId) {
      container.setAttribute('id', id);
    } // Check in cache

    if (useStorage) {
      var cached = window.localStorage.getItem("".concat(prefix, "-").concat(id));
      isCached = cached !== null;

      if (isCached) {
        var data = JSON.parse(cached);
        update(container, data.content);
    } // Get the sprite

    fetch(url).then(function (result) {
      if (is$1.empty(result)) {

      if (useStorage) {
        window.localStorage.setItem("".concat(prefix, "-").concat(id), JSON.stringify({
          content: result

      update(container, result);
    }).catch(function () {});

// ==========================================================================

var getHours = function getHours(value) {
  return Math.trunc(value / 60 / 60 % 60, 10);
var getMinutes = function getMinutes(value) {
  return Math.trunc(value / 60 % 60, 10);
var getSeconds = function getSeconds(value) {
  return Math.trunc(value % 60, 10);
}; // Format time to UI friendly string

function formatTime() {
  var time = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
  var displayHours = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
  var inverted = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;

  // Bail if the value isn't a number
  if (!is$1.number(time)) {
    return formatTime(undefined, displayHours, inverted);
  } // Format time component to add leading zero

  var format = function format(value) {
    return "0".concat(value).slice(-2);
  }; // Breakdown to hours, mins, secs

  var hours = getHours(time);
  var mins = getMinutes(time);
  var secs = getSeconds(time); // Do we need to display hours?

  if (displayHours || hours > 0) {
    hours = "".concat(hours, ":");
  } else {
    hours = '';
  } // Render

  return "".concat(inverted && time > 0 ? '-' : '').concat(hours).concat(format(mins), ":").concat(format(secs));

var controls = {
  // Get icon URL
  getIconUrl: function getIconUrl() {
    var url = new URL(this.config.iconUrl, window.location);
    var cors = url.host !== window.location.host || browser.isIE && !window.svg4everybody;
    return {
      url: this.config.iconUrl,
      cors: cors
  // Find the UI controls
  findElements: function findElements() {
    try {
      this.elements.controls = getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper); // Buttons

      this.elements.buttons = {
        play: getElements.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.play),
        pause: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pause),
        restart: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.restart),
        rewind: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.rewind),
        fastForward: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fastForward),
        mute: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.mute),
        pip: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pip),
        airplay: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.airplay),
        settings: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.settings),
        captions: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.captions),
        fullscreen: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fullscreen)
      }; // Progress

      this.elements.progress = getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.progress); // Inputs

      this.elements.inputs = {
        seek: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.seek),
        volume: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume)
      }; // Display

      this.elements.display = {
        buffer: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.buffer),
        currentTime: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.currentTime),
        duration: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.duration)
      }; // Seek tooltip

      if (is$1.element(this.elements.progress)) {
        this.elements.display.seekTooltip = this.elements.progress.querySelector(".".concat(this.config.classNames.tooltip));

      return true;
    } catch (error) {
      // Log it
      this.debug.warn('It looks like there is a problem with your custom controls HTML', error); // Restore native video controls

      return false;
  // Create <svg> icon
  createIcon: function createIcon(type, attributes) {
    var namespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
    var iconUrl = controls.getIconUrl.call(this);
    var iconPath = "".concat(!iconUrl.cors ? iconUrl.url : '', "#").concat(this.config.iconPrefix); // Create <svg>

    var icon = document.createElementNS(namespace, 'svg');
    setAttributes(icon, extend(attributes, {
      'aria-hidden': 'true',
      focusable: 'false'
    })); // Create the <use> to reference sprite

    var use = document.createElementNS(namespace, 'use');
    var path = "".concat(iconPath, "-").concat(type); // Set `href` attributes
    // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/460
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/xlink:href

    if ('href' in use) {
      use.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', path);
    } // Always set the older attribute even though it's "deprecated" (it'll be around for ages)

    use.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', path); // Add <use> to <svg>

    return icon;
  // Create hidden text label
  createLabel: function createLabel(key) {
    var attr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
    var text = i18n.get(key, this.config);

    var attributes = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, attr), {}, {
      class: [attr.class, this.config.classNames.hidden].filter(Boolean).join(' ')

    return createElement('span', attributes, text);
  // Create a badge
  createBadge: function createBadge(text) {
    if (is$1.empty(text)) {
      return null;

    var badge = createElement('span', {
      class: this.config.classNames.menu.value
    badge.appendChild(createElement('span', {
      class: this.config.classNames.menu.badge
    }, text));
    return badge;
  // Create a <button>
  createButton: function createButton(buttonType, attr) {
    var _this = this;

    var attributes = extend({}, attr);
    var type = toCamelCase(buttonType);
    var props = {
      element: 'button',
      toggle: false,
      label: null,
      icon: null,
      labelPressed: null,
      iconPressed: null
    ['element', 'icon', 'label'].forEach(function (key) {
      if (Object.keys(attributes).includes(key)) {
        props[key] = attributes[key];
        delete attributes[key];
    }); // Default to 'button' type to prevent form submission

    if (props.element === 'button' && !Object.keys(attributes).includes('type')) {
      attributes.type = 'button';
    } // Set class name

    if (Object.keys(attributes).includes('class')) {
      if (!attributes.class.split(' ').some(function (c) {
        return c === _this.config.classNames.control;
      })) {
        extend(attributes, {
          class: "".concat(attributes.class, " ").concat(this.config.classNames.control)
    } else {
      attributes.class = this.config.classNames.control;
    } // Large play button

    switch (buttonType) {
      case 'play':
        props.toggle = true;
        props.label = 'play';
        props.labelPressed = 'pause';
        props.icon = 'play';
        props.iconPressed = 'pause';

      case 'mute':
        props.toggle = true;
        props.label = 'mute';
        props.labelPressed = 'unmute';
        props.icon = 'volume';
        props.iconPressed = 'muted';

      case 'captions':
        props.toggle = true;
        props.label = 'enableCaptions';
        props.labelPressed = 'disableCaptions';
        props.icon = 'captions-off';
        props.iconPressed = 'captions-on';

      case 'fullscreen':
        props.toggle = true;
        props.label = 'enterFullscreen';
        props.labelPressed = 'exitFullscreen';
        props.icon = 'enter-fullscreen';
        props.iconPressed = 'exit-fullscreen';

      case 'play-large':
        attributes.class += " ".concat(this.config.classNames.control, "--overlaid");
        type = 'play';
        props.label = 'play';
        props.icon = 'play';

        if (is$1.empty(props.label)) {
          props.label = type;

        if (is$1.empty(props.icon)) {
          props.icon = buttonType;


    var button = createElement(props.element); // Setup toggle icon and labels

    if (props.toggle) {
      // Icon
      button.appendChild(controls.createIcon.call(this, props.iconPressed, {
        class: 'icon--pressed'
      button.appendChild(controls.createIcon.call(this, props.icon, {
        class: 'icon--not-pressed'
      })); // Label/Tooltip

      button.appendChild(controls.createLabel.call(this, props.labelPressed, {
        class: 'label--pressed'
      button.appendChild(controls.createLabel.call(this, props.label, {
        class: 'label--not-pressed'
    } else {
      button.appendChild(controls.createIcon.call(this, props.icon));
      button.appendChild(controls.createLabel.call(this, props.label));
    } // Merge and set attributes

    extend(attributes, getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.buttons[type], attributes));
    setAttributes(button, attributes); // We have multiple play buttons

    if (type === 'play') {
      if (!is$1.array(this.elements.buttons[type])) {
        this.elements.buttons[type] = [];

    } else {
      this.elements.buttons[type] = button;

    return button;
  // Create an <input type='range'>
  createRange: function createRange(type, attributes) {
    // Seek input
    var input = createElement('input', extend(getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.inputs[type]), {
      type: 'range',
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      step: 0.01,
      value: 0,
      autocomplete: 'off',
      // A11y fixes for https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/905
      role: 'slider',
      'aria-label': i18n.get(type, this.config),
      'aria-valuemin': 0,
      'aria-valuemax': 100,
      'aria-valuenow': 0
    }, attributes));
    this.elements.inputs[type] = input; // Set the fill for webkit now

    controls.updateRangeFill.call(this, input); // Improve support on touch devices

    return input;
  // Create a <progress>
  createProgress: function createProgress(type, attributes) {
    var progress = createElement('progress', extend(getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.display[type]), {
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      value: 0,
      role: 'progressbar',
      'aria-hidden': true
    }, attributes)); // Create the label inside

    if (type !== 'volume') {
      progress.appendChild(createElement('span', null, '0'));
      var suffixKey = {
        played: 'played',
        buffer: 'buffered'
      var suffix = suffixKey ? i18n.get(suffixKey, this.config) : '';
      progress.innerText = "% ".concat(suffix.toLowerCase());

    this.elements.display[type] = progress;
    return progress;
  // Create time display
  createTime: function createTime(type, attrs) {
    var attributes = getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.display[type], attrs);
    var container = createElement('div', extend(attributes, {
      class: "".concat(attributes.class ? attributes.class : '', " ").concat(this.config.classNames.display.time, " ").trim(),
      'aria-label': i18n.get(type, this.config)
    }), '00:00'); // Reference for updates

    this.elements.display[type] = container;
    return container;
  // Bind keyboard shortcuts for a menu item
  // We have to bind to keyup otherwise Firefox triggers a click when a keydown event handler shifts focus
  // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1220143
  bindMenuItemShortcuts: function bindMenuItemShortcuts(menuItem, type) {
    var _this2 = this;

    // Navigate through menus via arrow keys and space
    on.call(this, menuItem, 'keydown keyup', function (event) {
      // We only care about space and ⬆️ ⬇️️ ➡️
      if (![32, 38, 39, 40].includes(event.which)) {
      } // Prevent play / seek

      event.stopPropagation(); // We're just here to prevent the keydown bubbling

      if (event.type === 'keydown') {

      var isRadioButton = matches$1(menuItem, '[role="menuitemradio"]'); // Show the respective menu

      if (!isRadioButton && [32, 39].includes(event.which)) {
        controls.showMenuPanel.call(_this2, type, true);
      } else {
        var target;

        if (event.which !== 32) {
          if (event.which === 40 || isRadioButton && event.which === 39) {
            target = menuItem.nextElementSibling;

            if (!is$1.element(target)) {
              target = menuItem.parentNode.firstElementChild;
          } else {
            target = menuItem.previousElementSibling;

            if (!is$1.element(target)) {
              target = menuItem.parentNode.lastElementChild;

          setFocus.call(_this2, target, true);
    }, false); // Enter will fire a `click` event but we still need to manage focus
    // So we bind to keyup which fires after and set focus here

    on.call(this, menuItem, 'keyup', function (event) {
      if (event.which !== 13) {

      controls.focusFirstMenuItem.call(_this2, null, true);
  // Create a settings menu item
  createMenuItem: function createMenuItem(_ref) {
    var _this3 = this;

    var value = _ref.value,
        list = _ref.list,
        type = _ref.type,
        title = _ref.title,
        _ref$badge = _ref.badge,
        badge = _ref$badge === void 0 ? null : _ref$badge,
        _ref$checked = _ref.checked,
        checked = _ref$checked === void 0 ? false : _ref$checked;
    var attributes = getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.inputs[type]);
    var menuItem = createElement('button', extend(attributes, {
      type: 'button',
      role: 'menuitemradio',
      class: "".concat(this.config.classNames.control, " ").concat(attributes.class ? attributes.class : '').trim(),
      'aria-checked': checked,
      value: value
    var flex = createElement('span'); // We have to set as HTML incase of special characters

    flex.innerHTML = title;

    if (is$1.element(badge)) {

    menuItem.appendChild(flex); // Replicate radio button behaviour

    Object.defineProperty(menuItem, 'checked', {
      enumerable: true,
      get: function get() {
        return menuItem.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true';
      set: function set(check) {
        // Ensure exclusivity
        if (check) {
          Array.from(menuItem.parentNode.children).filter(function (node) {
            return matches$1(node, '[role="menuitemradio"]');
          }).forEach(function (node) {
            return node.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false');

        menuItem.setAttribute('aria-checked', check ? 'true' : 'false');
    this.listeners.bind(menuItem, 'click keyup', function (event) {
      if (is$1.keyboardEvent(event) && event.which !== 32) {

      menuItem.checked = true;

      switch (type) {
        case 'language':
          _this3.currentTrack = Number(value);

        case 'quality':
          _this3.quality = value;

        case 'speed':
          _this3.speed = parseFloat(value);

      controls.showMenuPanel.call(_this3, 'home', is$1.keyboardEvent(event));
    }, type, false);
    controls.bindMenuItemShortcuts.call(this, menuItem, type);
  // Format a time for display
  formatTime: function formatTime$1() {
    var time = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
    var inverted = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;

    // Bail if the value isn't a number
    if (!is$1.number(time)) {
      return time;
    } // Always display hours if duration is over an hour

    var forceHours = getHours(this.duration) > 0;
    return formatTime(time, forceHours, inverted);
  // Update the displayed time
  updateTimeDisplay: function updateTimeDisplay() {
    var target = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
    var time = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
    var inverted = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;

    // Bail if there's no element to display or the value isn't a number
    if (!is$1.element(target) || !is$1.number(time)) {
    } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

    target.innerText = controls.formatTime(time, inverted);
  // Update volume UI and storage
  updateVolume: function updateVolume() {
    if (!this.supported.ui) {
    } // Update range

    if (is$1.element(this.elements.inputs.volume)) {
      controls.setRange.call(this, this.elements.inputs.volume, this.muted ? 0 : this.volume);
    } // Update mute state

    if (is$1.element(this.elements.buttons.mute)) {
      this.elements.buttons.mute.pressed = this.muted || this.volume === 0;
  // Update seek value and lower fill
  setRange: function setRange(target) {
    var value = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;

    if (!is$1.element(target)) {
    } // eslint-disable-next-line

    target.value = value; // Webkit range fill

    controls.updateRangeFill.call(this, target);
  // Update <progress> elements
  updateProgress: function updateProgress(event) {
    var _this4 = this;

    if (!this.supported.ui || !is$1.event(event)) {

    var value = 0;

    var setProgress = function setProgress(target, input) {
      var val = is$1.number(input) ? input : 0;
      var progress = is$1.element(target) ? target : _this4.elements.display.buffer; // Update value and label

      if (is$1.element(progress)) {
        progress.value = val; // Update text label inside

        var label = progress.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];

        if (is$1.element(label)) {
          label.childNodes[0].nodeValue = val;

    if (event) {
      switch (event.type) {
        // Video playing
        case 'timeupdate':
        case 'seeking':
        case 'seeked':
          value = getPercentage(this.currentTime, this.duration); // Set seek range value only if it's a 'natural' time event

          if (event.type === 'timeupdate') {
            controls.setRange.call(this, this.elements.inputs.seek, value);

        // Check buffer status

        case 'playing':
        case 'progress':
          setProgress(this.elements.display.buffer, this.buffered * 100);
  // Webkit polyfill for lower fill range
  updateRangeFill: function updateRangeFill(target) {
    // Get range from event if event passed
    var range = is$1.event(target) ? target.target : target; // Needs to be a valid <input type='range'>

    if (!is$1.element(range) || range.getAttribute('type') !== 'range') {
    } // Set aria values for https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/905

    if (matches$1(range, this.config.selectors.inputs.seek)) {
      range.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', this.currentTime);
      var currentTime = controls.formatTime(this.currentTime);
      var duration = controls.formatTime(this.duration);
      var format = i18n.get('seekLabel', this.config);
      range.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', format.replace('{currentTime}', currentTime).replace('{duration}', duration));
    } else if (matches$1(range, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume)) {
      var percent = range.value * 100;
      range.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', percent);
      range.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', "".concat(percent.toFixed(1), "%"));
    } else {
      range.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', range.value);
    } // WebKit only

    if (!browser.isWebkit) {
    } // Set CSS custom property

    range.style.setProperty('--value', "".concat(range.value / range.max * 100, "%"));
  // Update hover tooltip for seeking
  updateSeekTooltip: function updateSeekTooltip(event) {
    var _this5 = this;

    // Bail if setting not true
    if (!this.config.tooltips.seek || !is$1.element(this.elements.inputs.seek) || !is$1.element(this.elements.display.seekTooltip) || this.duration === 0) {

    var visible = "".concat(this.config.classNames.tooltip, "--visible");

    var toggle = function toggle(show) {
      return toggleClass(_this5.elements.display.seekTooltip, visible, show);
    }; // Hide on touch

    if (this.touch) {
    } // Determine percentage, if already visible

    var percent = 0;
    var clientRect = this.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect();

    if (is$1.event(event)) {
      percent = 100 / clientRect.width * (event.pageX - clientRect.left);
    } else if (hasClass(this.elements.display.seekTooltip, visible)) {
      percent = parseFloat(this.elements.display.seekTooltip.style.left, 10);
    } else {
    } // Set bounds

    if (percent < 0) {
      percent = 0;
    } else if (percent > 100) {
      percent = 100;
    } // Display the time a click would seek to

    controls.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.seekTooltip, this.duration / 100 * percent); // Set position

    this.elements.display.seekTooltip.style.left = "".concat(percent, "%"); // Show/hide the tooltip
    // If the event is a moues in/out and percentage is inside bounds

    if (is$1.event(event) && ['mouseenter', 'mouseleave'].includes(event.type)) {
      toggle(event.type === 'mouseenter');
  // Handle time change event
  timeUpdate: function timeUpdate(event) {
    // Only invert if only one time element is displayed and used for both duration and currentTime
    var invert = !is$1.element(this.elements.display.duration) && this.config.invertTime; // Duration

    controls.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.currentTime, invert ? this.duration - this.currentTime : this.currentTime, invert); // Ignore updates while seeking

    if (event && event.type === 'timeupdate' && this.media.seeking) {
    } // Playing progress

    controls.updateProgress.call(this, event);
  // Show the duration on metadataloaded or durationchange events
  durationUpdate: function durationUpdate() {
    // Bail if no UI or durationchange event triggered after playing/seek when invertTime is false
    if (!this.supported.ui || !this.config.invertTime && this.currentTime) {
    } // If duration is the 2**32 (shaka), Infinity (HLS), DASH-IF (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Number.MAX_VALUE) indicating live we hide the currentTime and progressbar.
    // https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/blob/5820d29d3c4c8a46e8b75f1e3afa3e68c1a9a2db/src/controller/buffer-controller.js#L415
    // https://github.com/google/shaka-player/blob/4d889054631f4e1cf0fbd80ddd2b71887c02e232/lib/media/streaming_engine.js#L1062
    // https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js/blob/69859f51b969645b234666800d4cb596d89c602d/src/dash/models/DashManifestModel.js#L338

    if (this.duration >= Math.pow(2, 32)) {
      toggleHidden(this.elements.display.currentTime, true);
      toggleHidden(this.elements.progress, true);
    } // Update ARIA values

    if (is$1.element(this.elements.inputs.seek)) {
      this.elements.inputs.seek.setAttribute('aria-valuemax', this.duration);
    } // If there's a spot to display duration

    var hasDuration = is$1.element(this.elements.display.duration); // If there's only one time display, display duration there

    if (!hasDuration && this.config.displayDuration && this.paused) {
      controls.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.currentTime, this.duration);
    } // If there's a duration element, update content

    if (hasDuration) {
      controls.updateTimeDisplay.call(this, this.elements.display.duration, this.duration);
    } // Update the tooltip (if visible)

  // Hide/show a tab
  toggleMenuButton: function toggleMenuButton(setting, toggle) {
    toggleHidden(this.elements.settings.buttons[setting], !toggle);
  // Update the selected setting
  updateSetting: function updateSetting(setting, container, input) {
    var pane = this.elements.settings.panels[setting];
    var value = null;
    var list = container;

    if (setting === 'captions') {
      value = this.currentTrack;
    } else {
      value = !is$1.empty(input) ? input : this[setting]; // Get default

      if (is$1.empty(value)) {
        value = this.config[setting].default;
      } // Unsupported value

      if (!is$1.empty(this.options[setting]) && !this.options[setting].includes(value)) {
        this.debug.warn("Unsupported value of '".concat(value, "' for ").concat(setting));
      } // Disabled value

      if (!this.config[setting].options.includes(value)) {
        this.debug.warn("Disabled value of '".concat(value, "' for ").concat(setting));
    } // Get the list if we need to

    if (!is$1.element(list)) {
      list = pane && pane.querySelector('[role="menu"]');
    } // If there's no list it means it's not been rendered...

    if (!is$1.element(list)) {
    } // Update the label

    var label = this.elements.settings.buttons[setting].querySelector(".".concat(this.config.classNames.menu.value));
    label.innerHTML = controls.getLabel.call(this, setting, value); // Find the radio option and check it

    var target = list && list.querySelector("[value=\"".concat(value, "\"]"));

    if (is$1.element(target)) {
      target.checked = true;
  // Translate a value into a nice label
  getLabel: function getLabel(setting, value) {
    switch (setting) {
      case 'speed':
        return value === 1 ? i18n.get('normal', this.config) : "".concat(value, "&times;");

      case 'quality':
        if (is$1.number(value)) {
          var label = i18n.get("qualityLabel.".concat(value), this.config);

          if (!label.length) {
            return "".concat(value, "p");

          return label;

        return toTitleCase(value);

      case 'captions':
        return captions.getLabel.call(this);

        return null;
  // Set the quality menu
  setQualityMenu: function setQualityMenu(options) {
    var _this6 = this;

    // Menu required
    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.settings.panels.quality)) {

    var type = 'quality';
    var list = this.elements.settings.panels.quality.querySelector('[role="menu"]'); // Set options if passed and filter based on uniqueness and config

    if (is$1.array(options)) {
      this.options.quality = dedupe(options).filter(function (quality) {
        return _this6.config.quality.options.includes(quality);
    } // Toggle the pane and tab

    var toggle = !is$1.empty(this.options.quality) && this.options.quality.length > 1;
    controls.toggleMenuButton.call(this, type, toggle); // Empty the menu

    emptyElement(list); // Check if we need to toggle the parent

    controls.checkMenu.call(this); // If we're hiding, nothing more to do

    if (!toggle) {
    } // Get the badge HTML for HD, 4K etc

    var getBadge = function getBadge(quality) {
      var label = i18n.get("qualityBadge.".concat(quality), _this6.config);

      if (!label.length) {
        return null;

      return controls.createBadge.call(_this6, label);
    }; // Sort options by the config and then render options

    this.options.quality.sort(function (a, b) {
      var sorting = _this6.config.quality.options;
      return sorting.indexOf(a) > sorting.indexOf(b) ? 1 : -1;
    }).forEach(function (quality) {
      controls.createMenuItem.call(_this6, {
        value: quality,
        list: list,
        type: type,
        title: controls.getLabel.call(_this6, 'quality', quality),
        badge: getBadge(quality)
    controls.updateSetting.call(this, type, list);
  // Set the looping options

  /* setLoopMenu() {
        // Menu required
        if (!is.element(this.elements.settings.panels.loop)) {
         const options = ['start', 'end', 'all', 'reset'];
        const list = this.elements.settings.panels.loop.querySelector('[role="menu"]');
         // Show the pane and tab
        toggleHidden(this.elements.settings.buttons.loop, false);
        toggleHidden(this.elements.settings.panels.loop, false);
         // Toggle the pane and tab
        const toggle = !is.empty(this.loop.options);
        controls.toggleMenuButton.call(this, 'loop', toggle);
         // Empty the menu
         options.forEach(option => {
            const item = createElement('li');
             const button = createElement(
                extend(getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.buttons.loop), {
                    type: 'button',
                    class: this.config.classNames.control,
                    'data-plyr-loop-action': option,
                i18n.get(option, this.config)
             if (['start', 'end'].includes(option)) {
                const badge = controls.createBadge.call(this, '00:00');
    }, */
  // Get current selected caption language
  // TODO: rework this to user the getter in the API?
  // Set a list of available captions languages
  setCaptionsMenu: function setCaptionsMenu() {
    var _this7 = this;

    // Menu required
    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.settings.panels.captions)) {
    } // TODO: Captions or language? Currently it's mixed

    var type = 'captions';
    var list = this.elements.settings.panels.captions.querySelector('[role="menucaptions"]');
    var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this);
    var toggle = Boolean(tracks.length); // Toggle the pane and tab

    controls.toggleMenuButton.call(this, type, toggle); // Empty the menu

    emptyElement(list); // Check if we need to toggle the parent

    controls.checkMenu.call(this); // If there's no captions, bail

    if (!toggle) {
    } // Generate options data

    var options = tracks.map(function (track, value) {
      return {
        value: value,
        checked: _this7.captions.toggled && _this7.currentTrack === value,
        title: captions.getLabel.call(_this7, track),
        badge: track.language && controls.createBadge.call(_this7, track.language.toUpperCase()),
        list: list,
        type: 'language'
    }); // Add the "Disabled" option to turn off captions

      value: -1,
      checked: !this.captions.toggled,
      title: i18n.get('disabled', this.config),
      list: list,
      type: 'language'
    }); // Generate options

    controls.updateSetting.call(this, type, list);
  // Set a list of available captions languages
  setSpeedMenu: function setSpeedMenu() {
    var _this8 = this;

    // Menu required
    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.settings.panels.speed)) {

    var type = 'speed';
    var list = this.elements.settings.panels.speed.querySelector('[role="menu"]'); // Filter out invalid speeds

    this.options.speed = this.options.speed.filter(function (o) {
      return o >= _this8.minimumSpeed && o <= _this8.maximumSpeed;
    }); // Toggle the pane and tab

    var toggle = !is$1.empty(this.options.speed) && this.options.speed.length > 1;
    controls.toggleMenuButton.call(this, type, toggle); // Empty the menu

    emptyElement(list); // Check if we need to toggle the parent

    controls.checkMenu.call(this); // If we're hiding, nothing more to do

    if (!toggle) {
    } // Create items

    this.options.speed.forEach(function (speed) {
      controls.createMenuItem.call(_this8, {
        value: speed,
        list: list,
        type: type,
        title: controls.getLabel.call(_this8, 'speed', speed)
    controls.updateSetting.call(this, type, list);
  // Check if we need to hide/show the settings menu
  checkMenu: function checkMenu() {
    var buttons = this.elements.settings.buttons;
    var visible = !is$1.empty(buttons) && Object.values(buttons).some(function (button) {
      return !button.hidden;
    toggleHidden(this.elements.settings.menu, !visible);
  // Focus the first menu item in a given (or visible) menu
  focusFirstMenuItem: function focusFirstMenuItem(pane) {
    var tabFocus = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;

    if (this.elements.settings.popup.hidden) {

    var target = pane;

    if (!is$1.element(target)) {
      target = Object.values(this.elements.settings.panels).find(function (p) {
        return !p.hidden;

    var firstItem = target.querySelector('[role^="menuitem"]');
    setFocus.call(this, firstItem, tabFocus);
  // Show/hide menu
  toggleMenu: function toggleMenu(input) {
    var popup = this.elements.settings.popup;
    var button = this.elements.buttons.settings; // Menu and button are required

    if (!is$1.element(popup) || !is$1.element(button)) {
    } // True toggle by default

    var hidden = popup.hidden;
    var show = hidden;

    if (is$1.boolean(input)) {
      show = input;
    } else if (is$1.keyboardEvent(input) && input.which === 27) {
      show = false;
    } else if (is$1.event(input)) {
      // If Plyr is in a shadowDOM, the event target is set to the component, instead of the
      // Element in the shadowDOM. The path, if available, is complete.
      var target = is$1.function(input.composedPath) ? input.composedPath()[0] : input.target;
      var isMenuItem = popup.contains(target); // If the click was inside the menu or if the click
      // wasn't the button or menu item and we're trying to
      // show the menu (a doc click shouldn't show the menu)

      if (isMenuItem || !isMenuItem && input.target !== button && show) {
    } // Set button attributes

    button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', show); // Show the actual popup

    toggleHidden(popup, !show); // Add class hook

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.menu.open, show); // Focus the first item if key interaction

    if (show && is$1.keyboardEvent(input)) {
      controls.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, null, true);
    } else if (!show && !hidden) {
      // If closing, re-focus the button
      setFocus.call(this, button, is$1.keyboardEvent(input));
  // Get the natural size of a menu panel
  getMenuSize: function getMenuSize(tab) {
    var clone = tab.cloneNode(true);
    clone.style.position = 'absolute';
    clone.style.opacity = 0;
    clone.removeAttribute('hidden'); // Append to parent so we get the "real" size

    tab.parentNode.appendChild(clone); // Get the sizes before we remove

    var width = clone.scrollWidth;
    var height = clone.scrollHeight; // Remove from the DOM

    return {
      width: width,
      height: height
  // Show a panel in the menu
  showMenuPanel: function showMenuPanel() {
    var _this9 = this;

    var type = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
    var tabFocus = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
    var target = this.elements.container.querySelector("#plyr-settings-".concat(this.id, "-").concat(type)); // Nothing to show, bail

    if (!is$1.element(target)) {
    } // Hide all other panels

    var container = target.parentNode;
    var current = Array.from(container.children).find(function (node) {
      return !node.hidden;
    }); // If we can do fancy animations, we'll animate the height/width

    if (support.transitions && !support.reducedMotion) {
      // Set the current width as a base
      container.style.width = "".concat(current.scrollWidth, "px");
      container.style.height = "".concat(current.scrollHeight, "px"); // Get potential sizes

      var size = controls.getMenuSize.call(this, target); // Restore auto height/width

      var restore = function restore(event) {
        // We're only bothered about height and width on the container
        if (event.target !== container || !['width', 'height'].includes(event.propertyName)) {
        } // Revert back to auto

        container.style.width = '';
        container.style.height = ''; // Only listen once

        off.call(_this9, container, transitionEndEvent, restore);
      }; // Listen for the transition finishing and restore auto height/width

      on.call(this, container, transitionEndEvent, restore); // Set dimensions to target

      container.style.width = "".concat(size.width, "px");
      container.style.height = "".concat(size.height, "px");
    } // Set attributes on current tab

    toggleHidden(current, true); // Set attributes on target

    toggleHidden(target, false); // Focus the first item

    controls.focusFirstMenuItem.call(this, target, tabFocus);
  // Set the download URL
  setDownloadUrl: function setDownloadUrl() {
    var button = this.elements.buttons.download; // Bail if no button

    if (!is$1.element(button)) {
    } // Set attribute

    button.setAttribute('href', this.download);
  // Build the default HTML
  create: function create(data) {
    var _this10 = this;

    var bindMenuItemShortcuts = controls.bindMenuItemShortcuts,
        createButton = controls.createButton,
        createProgress = controls.createProgress,
        createRange = controls.createRange,
        createTime = controls.createTime,
        setQualityMenu = controls.setQualityMenu,
        setSpeedMenu = controls.setSpeedMenu,
        showMenuPanel = controls.showMenuPanel;
    this.elements.controls = null; // Larger overlaid play button

    if (is$1.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes('play-large')) {
      this.elements.container.appendChild(createButton.call(this, 'play-large'));
    } // Create the container

    var container = createElement('div', getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper));
    this.elements.controls = container; // Default item attributes

    var defaultAttributes = {
      class: 'plyr__controls__item'
    }; // Loop through controls in order

    dedupe(is$1.array(this.config.controls) ? this.config.controls : []).forEach(function (control) {
      // Restart button
      if (control === 'restart') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'restart', defaultAttributes));
      } // Rewind button

      if (control === 'rewind') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'rewind', defaultAttributes));
      } // Play/Pause button

      if (control === 'play') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'play', defaultAttributes));
      } // Fast forward button

      if (control === 'fast-forward') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'fast-forward', defaultAttributes));
      } // Progress

      if (control === 'progress') {
        var progressContainer = createElement('div', {
          class: "".concat(defaultAttributes.class, " plyr__progress__container")
        var progress = createElement('div', getAttributesFromSelector(_this10.config.selectors.progress)); // Seek range slider

        progress.appendChild(createRange.call(_this10, 'seek', {
          id: "plyr-seek-".concat(data.id)
        })); // Buffer progress

        progress.appendChild(createProgress.call(_this10, 'buffer')); // TODO: Add loop display indicator
        // Seek tooltip

        if (_this10.config.tooltips.seek) {
          var tooltip = createElement('span', {
            class: _this10.config.classNames.tooltip
          }, '00:00');
          _this10.elements.display.seekTooltip = tooltip;

        _this10.elements.progress = progress;
      } // Media current time display

      if (control === 'current-time') {
        container.appendChild(createTime.call(_this10, 'currentTime', defaultAttributes));
      } // Media duration display

      if (control === 'duration') {
        container.appendChild(createTime.call(_this10, 'duration', defaultAttributes));
      } // Volume controls

      if (control === 'mute' || control === 'volume') {
        var volume = _this10.elements.volume; // Create the volume container if needed

        if (!is$1.element(volume) || !container.contains(volume)) {
          volume = createElement('div', extend({}, defaultAttributes, {
            class: "".concat(defaultAttributes.class, " plyr__volume").trim()
          _this10.elements.volume = volume;
        } // Toggle mute button

        if (control === 'mute') {
          volume.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'mute'));
        } // Volume range control
        // Ignored on iOS as it's handled globally
        // https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/Using_HTML5_Audio_Video/Device-SpecificConsiderations/Device-SpecificConsiderations.html

        if (control === 'volume' && !browser.isIos) {
          // Set the attributes
          var attributes = {
            max: 1,
            step: 0.05,
            value: _this10.config.volume
          }; // Create the volume range slider

          volume.appendChild(createRange.call(_this10, 'volume', extend(attributes, {
            id: "plyr-volume-".concat(data.id)
      } // Toggle captions button

      if (control === 'captions') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'captions', defaultAttributes));
      } // Settings button / menu

      if (control === 'settings' && !is$1.empty(_this10.config.settings)) {
        var wrapper = createElement('div', extend({}, defaultAttributes, {
          class: "".concat(defaultAttributes.class, " plyr__menu").trim(),
          hidden: ''
        wrapper.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'settings', {
          'aria-haspopup': true,
          'aria-controls': "plyr-settings-".concat(data.id),
          'aria-expanded': false
        var popup = createElement('div', {
          class: 'plyr__menu__container',
          id: "plyr-settings-".concat(data.id),
          hidden: ''
        var inner = createElement('div');
        var home = createElement('div', {
          id: "plyr-settings-".concat(data.id, "-home")
        }); // Create the menu

        var menu = createElement('div', {
          role: 'menu'
        _this10.elements.settings.panels.home = home; // Build the menu items

        _this10.config.settings.forEach(function (type) {
          // TODO: bundle this with the createMenuItem helper and bindings
          var menuItem = createElement('button', extend(getAttributesFromSelector(_this10.config.selectors.buttons.settings), {
            type: 'button',
            class: "".concat(_this10.config.classNames.control, " ").concat(_this10.config.classNames.control, "--forward"),
            role: 'menuitem',
            'aria-haspopup': true,
            hidden: ''
          })); // Bind menu shortcuts for keyboard users

          bindMenuItemShortcuts.call(_this10, menuItem, type); // Show menu on click

          on.call(_this10, menuItem, 'click', function () {
            showMenuPanel.call(_this10, type, false);
          var flex = createElement('span', null, i18n.get(type, _this10.config));
          var value = createElement('span', {
            class: _this10.config.classNames.menu.value
          }); // Speed contains HTML entities

          value.innerHTML = data[type];
          menu.appendChild(menuItem); // Build the panes

          var pane = createElement('div', {
            id: "plyr-settings-".concat(data.id, "-").concat(type),
            hidden: ''
          }); // Back button

          var backButton = createElement('button', {
            type: 'button',
            class: "".concat(_this10.config.classNames.control, " ").concat(_this10.config.classNames.control, "--back")
          }); // Visible label

          backButton.appendChild(createElement('span', {
            'aria-hidden': true
          }, i18n.get(type, _this10.config))); // Screen reader label

          backButton.appendChild(createElement('span', {
            class: _this10.config.classNames.hidden
          }, i18n.get('menuBack', _this10.config))); // Go back via keyboard

          on.call(_this10, pane, 'keydown', function (event) {
            // We only care about <-
            if (event.which !== 37) {
            } // Prevent seek

            event.stopPropagation(); // Show the respective menu

            showMenuPanel.call(_this10, 'home', true);
          }, false); // Go back via button click

          on.call(_this10, backButton, 'click', function () {
            showMenuPanel.call(_this10, 'home', false);
          }); // Add to pane

          pane.appendChild(backButton); // Menu

          pane.appendChild(createElement('div', {
            role: 'menu'
          })); // Menu Captions

          pane.appendChild(createElement('div', {
            role: 'menucaptions'
          _this10.elements.settings.buttons[type] = menuItem;
          _this10.elements.settings.panels[type] = pane;

        _this10.elements.settings.popup = popup;
        _this10.elements.settings.menu = wrapper;
      } // Picture in picture button

      if (control === 'pip' && support.pip) {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'pip', defaultAttributes));
      } // Airplay button

      if (control === 'airplay' && support.airplay) {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'airplay', defaultAttributes));
      } // Download button

      if (control === 'download') {
        var _attributes = extend({}, defaultAttributes, {
          element: 'a',
          href: _this10.download,
          target: '_blank'
        }); // Set download attribute for HTML5 only

        if (_this10.isHTML5) {
          _attributes.download = '';

        var download = _this10.config.urls.download;

        if (!is$1.url(download) && _this10.isEmbed) {
          extend(_attributes, {
            icon: "logo-".concat(_this10.provider),
            label: _this10.provider

        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'download', _attributes));
      } // Toggle fullscreen button

      if (control === 'fullscreen') {
        container.appendChild(createButton.call(_this10, 'fullscreen', defaultAttributes));
    }); // Set available quality levels

    if (this.isHTML5) {
      setQualityMenu.call(this, html5.getQualityOptions.call(this));

    return container;
  // Insert controls
  inject: function inject() {
    var _this11 = this;

    // Sprite
    if (this.config.loadSprite) {
      var icon = controls.getIconUrl.call(this); // Only load external sprite using AJAX

      if (icon.cors) {
        loadSprite(icon.url, 'sprite-plyr');
    } // Create a unique ID

    this.id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); // Null by default

    var container = null;
    this.elements.controls = null; // Set template properties

    var props = {
      id: this.id,
      seektime: this.config.seekTime,
      title: this.config.title
    var update = true; // If function, run it and use output

    if (is$1.function(this.config.controls)) {
      this.config.controls = this.config.controls.call(this, props);
    } // Convert falsy controls to empty array (primarily for empty strings)

    if (!this.config.controls) {
      this.config.controls = [];

    if (is$1.element(this.config.controls) || is$1.string(this.config.controls)) {
      // HTMLElement or Non-empty string passed as the option
      container = this.config.controls;
    } else {
      // Create controls
      container = controls.create.call(this, {
        id: this.id,
        seektime: this.config.seekTime,
        speed: this.speed,
        quality: this.quality,
        captions: captions.getLabel.call(this) // TODO: Looping
        // loop: 'None',

      update = false;
    } // Replace props with their value

    var replace = function replace(input) {
      var result = input;
      Object.entries(props).forEach(function (_ref2) {
        var _ref3 = _slicedToArray(_ref2, 2),
            key = _ref3[0],
            value = _ref3[1];

        result = replaceAll(result, "{".concat(key, "}"), value);
      return result;
    }; // Update markup

    if (update) {
      if (is$1.string(this.config.controls)) {
        container = replace(container);
    } // Controls container

    var target; // Inject to custom location

    if (is$1.string(this.config.selectors.controls.container)) {
      target = document.querySelector(this.config.selectors.controls.container);
    } // Inject into the container by default

    if (!is$1.element(target)) {
      target = this.elements.container;
    } // Inject controls HTML (needs to be before captions, hence "afterbegin")

    var insertMethod = is$1.element(container) ? 'insertAdjacentElement' : 'insertAdjacentHTML';
    target[insertMethod]('afterbegin', container); // Find the elements if need be

    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.controls)) {
    } // Add pressed property to buttons

    if (!is$1.empty(this.elements.buttons)) {
      var addProperty = function addProperty(button) {
        var className = _this11.config.classNames.controlPressed;
        Object.defineProperty(button, 'pressed', {
          enumerable: true,
          get: function get() {
            return hasClass(button, className);
          set: function set() {
            var pressed = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
            toggleClass(button, className, pressed);
      }; // Toggle classname when pressed property is set

      Object.values(this.elements.buttons).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (button) {
        if (is$1.array(button) || is$1.nodeList(button)) {
        } else {
    } // Edge sometimes doesn't finish the paint so force a repaint

    if (browser.isEdge) {
    } // Setup tooltips

    if (this.config.tooltips.controls) {
      var _this$config = this.config,
          classNames = _this$config.classNames,
          selectors = _this$config.selectors;
      var selector = "".concat(selectors.controls.wrapper, " ").concat(selectors.labels, " .").concat(classNames.hidden);
      var labels = getElements.call(this, selector);
      Array.from(labels).forEach(function (label) {
        toggleClass(label, _this11.config.classNames.hidden, false);
        toggleClass(label, _this11.config.classNames.tooltip, true);

 * Parse a string to a URL object
 * @param {String} input - the URL to be parsed
 * @param {Boolean} safe - failsafe parsing

function parseUrl(input) {
  var safe = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
  var url = input;

  if (safe) {
    var parser = document.createElement('a');
    parser.href = url;
    url = parser.href;

  try {
    return new URL(url);
  } catch (e) {
    return null;
} // Convert object to URLSearchParams

function buildUrlParams(input) {
  var params = new URLSearchParams();

  if (is$1.object(input)) {
    Object.entries(input).forEach(function (_ref) {
      var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
          key = _ref2[0],
          value = _ref2[1];

      params.set(key, value);

  return params;

var captions = {
  // Setup captions
  setup: function setup() {
    // Requires UI support
    if (!this.supported.ui) {
    } // Only Vimeo and HTML5 video supported at this point

    if (!this.isVideo || this.isYouTube || this.isHTML5 && !support.textTracks) {
      // Clear menu and hide
      if (is$1.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes('settings') && this.config.settings.includes('captions')) {

    } // Inject the container

    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.captions)) {
      this.elements.captions = createElement('div', getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.captions));
      insertAfter(this.elements.captions, this.elements.wrapper);
    } // Fix IE captions if CORS is used
    // Fetch captions and inject as blobs instead (data URIs not supported!)

    if (browser.isIE && window.URL) {
      var elements = this.media.querySelectorAll('track');
      Array.from(elements).forEach(function (track) {
        var src = track.getAttribute('src');
        var url = parseUrl(src);

        if (url !== null && url.hostname !== window.location.href.hostname && ['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol)) {
          fetch(src, 'blob').then(function (blob) {
            track.setAttribute('src', window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
          }).catch(function () {
    } // Get and set initial data
    // The "preferred" options are not realized unless / until the wanted language has a match
    // * languages: Array of user's browser languages.
    // * language:  The language preferred by user settings or config
    // * active:    The state preferred by user settings or config
    // * toggled:   The real captions state

    var browserLanguages = navigator.languages || [navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || 'en'];
    var languages = dedupe(browserLanguages.map(function (language) {
      return language.split('-')[0];
    var language = (this.storage.get('language') || this.config.captions.language || 'auto').toLowerCase(); // Use first browser language when language is 'auto'

    if (language === 'auto') {
      var _languages = _slicedToArray(languages, 1);

      language = _languages[0];

    var active = this.storage.get('captions');

    if (!is$1.boolean(active)) {
      active = this.config.captions.active;

    Object.assign(this.captions, {
      toggled: false,
      active: active,
      language: language,
      languages: languages
    }); // Watch changes to textTracks and update captions menu

    if (this.isHTML5) {
      var trackEvents = this.config.captions.update ? 'addtrack removetrack' : 'removetrack';
      on.call(this, this.media.textTracks, trackEvents, captions.update.bind(this));
    } // Update available languages in list next tick (the event must not be triggered before the listeners)

    setTimeout(captions.update.bind(this), 0);
  // Update available language options in settings based on tracks
  update: function update() {
    var _this = this;

    var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this, true); // Get the wanted language

    var _this$captions = this.captions,
        active = _this$captions.active,
        language = _this$captions.language,
        meta = _this$captions.meta,
        currentTrackNode = _this$captions.currentTrackNode;
    var languageExists = Boolean(tracks.find(function (track) {
      return track.language === language;
    })); // Handle tracks (add event listener and "pseudo"-default)

    if (this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo) {
      tracks.filter(function (track) {
        return !meta.get(track);
      }).forEach(function (track) {
        _this.debug.log('Track added', track); // Attempt to store if the original dom element was "default"

        meta.set(track, {
          default: track.mode === 'showing'
        }); // Turn off native caption rendering to avoid double captions
        // Note: mode='hidden' forces a track to download. To ensure every track
        // isn't downloaded at once, only 'showing' tracks should be reassigned
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

        if (track.mode === 'showing') {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          track.mode = 'hidden';
        } // Add event listener for cue changes

        on.call(_this, track, 'cuechange', function () {
          return captions.updateCues.call(_this);
    } // Update language first time it matches, or if the previous matching track was removed

    if (languageExists && this.language !== language || !tracks.includes(currentTrackNode)) {
      captions.setLanguage.call(this, language);
      captions.toggle.call(this, active && languageExists);
    } // Enable or disable captions based on track length

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.captions.enabled, !is$1.empty(tracks)); // Update available languages in list

    if (is$1.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes('settings') && this.config.settings.includes('captions')) {
  // Toggle captions display
  // Used internally for the toggleCaptions method, with the passive option forced to false
  toggle: function toggle(input) {
    var _this2 = this;

    var passive = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;

    // If there's no full support
    if (!this.supported.ui) {

    var toggled = this.captions.toggled; // Current state

    var activeClass = this.config.classNames.captions.active; // Get the next state
    // If the method is called without parameter, toggle based on current value

    var active = is$1.nullOrUndefined(input) ? !toggled : input; // Update state and trigger event

    if (active !== toggled) {
      // When passive, don't override user preferences
      if (!passive) {
        this.captions.active = active;
          captions: active
      } // Force language if the call isn't passive and there is no matching language to toggle to

      if (!this.language && active && !passive) {
        var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this);
        var track = captions.findTrack.call(this, [this.captions.language].concat(_toConsumableArray(this.captions.languages)), true); // Override user preferences to avoid switching languages if a matching track is added

        this.captions.language = track.language; // Set caption, but don't store in localStorage as user preference

        captions.set.call(this, tracks.indexOf(track));
      } // Toggle button if it's enabled

      if (this.elements.buttons.captions) {
        this.elements.buttons.captions.pressed = active;
      } // Add class hook

      toggleClass(this.elements.container, activeClass, active);
      this.captions.toggled = active; // Update settings menu

      controls.updateSetting.call(this, 'captions'); // Trigger event (not used internally)

      triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, active ? 'captionsenabled' : 'captionsdisabled');
    } // Wait for the call stack to clear before setting mode='hidden'
    // on the active track - forcing the browser to download it

    setTimeout(function () {
      if (active && _this2.captions.toggled) {
        _this2.captions.currentTrackNode.mode = 'hidden';
  // Set captions by track index
  // Used internally for the currentTrack setter with the passive option forced to false
  set: function set(index) {
    var passive = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
    var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this); // Disable captions if setting to -1

    if (index === -1) {
      captions.toggle.call(this, false, passive);

    if (!is$1.number(index)) {
      this.debug.warn('Invalid caption argument', index);

    if (!(index in tracks)) {
      this.debug.warn('Track not found', index);

    if (this.captions.currentTrack !== index) {
      this.captions.currentTrack = index;
      var track = tracks[index];

      var _ref = track || {},
          language = _ref.language; // Store reference to node for invalidation on remove

      this.captions.currentTrackNode = track; // Update settings menu

      controls.updateSetting.call(this, 'captions'); // When passive, don't override user preferences

      if (!passive) {
        this.captions.language = language;
          language: language
      } // Handle Vimeo captions

      if (this.isVimeo) {
      } // Trigger event

      triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, 'languagechange');
    } // Show captions

    captions.toggle.call(this, true, passive);

    if (this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo) {
      // If we change the active track while a cue is already displayed we need to update it
  // Set captions by language
  // Used internally for the language setter with the passive option forced to false
  setLanguage: function setLanguage(input) {
    var passive = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;

    if (!is$1.string(input)) {
      this.debug.warn('Invalid language argument', input);
    } // Normalize

    var language = input.toLowerCase();
    this.captions.language = language; // Set currentTrack

    var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this);
    var track = captions.findTrack.call(this, [language]);
    captions.set.call(this, tracks.indexOf(track), passive);
  // Get current valid caption tracks
  // If update is false it will also ignore tracks without metadata
  // This is used to "freeze" the language options when captions.update is false
  getTracks: function getTracks() {
    var _this3 = this;

    var update = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
    // Handle media or textTracks missing or null
    var tracks = Array.from((this.media || {}).textTracks || []); // For HTML5, use cache instead of current tracks when it exists (if captions.update is false)
    // Filter out removed tracks and tracks that aren't captions/subtitles (for example metadata)

    return tracks.filter(function (track) {
      return !_this3.isHTML5 || update || _this3.captions.meta.has(track);
    }).filter(function (track) {
      return ['captions', 'subtitles'].includes(track.kind);
  // Match tracks based on languages and get the first
  findTrack: function findTrack(languages) {
    var _this4 = this;

    var force = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
    var tracks = captions.getTracks.call(this);

    var sortIsDefault = function sortIsDefault(track) {
      return Number((_this4.captions.meta.get(track) || {}).default);

    var sorted = Array.from(tracks).sort(function (a, b) {
      return sortIsDefault(b) - sortIsDefault(a);
    var track;
    languages.every(function (language) {
      track = sorted.find(function (t) {
        return t.language === language;
      return !track; // Break iteration if there is a match
    }); // If no match is found but is required, get first

    return track || (force ? sorted[0] : undefined);
  // Get the current track
  getCurrentTrack: function getCurrentTrack() {
    return captions.getTracks.call(this)[this.currentTrack];
  // Get UI label for track
  getLabel: function getLabel(track) {
    var currentTrack = track;

    if (!is$1.track(currentTrack) && support.textTracks && this.captions.toggled) {
      currentTrack = captions.getCurrentTrack.call(this);

    if (is$1.track(currentTrack)) {
      if (!is$1.empty(currentTrack.label)) {
        return currentTrack.label;

      if (!is$1.empty(currentTrack.language)) {
        return track.language.toUpperCase();

      return i18n.get('enabled', this.config);

    return i18n.get('disabled', this.config);
  // Update captions using current track's active cues
  // Also optional array argument in case there isn't any track (ex: vimeo)
  updateCues: function updateCues(input) {
    // Requires UI
    if (!this.supported.ui) {

    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.captions)) {
      this.debug.warn('No captions element to render to');
    } // Only accept array or empty input

    if (!is$1.nullOrUndefined(input) && !Array.isArray(input)) {
      this.debug.warn('updateCues: Invalid input', input);

    var cues = input; // Get cues from track

    if (!cues) {
      var track = captions.getCurrentTrack.call(this);
      cues = Array.from((track || {}).activeCues || []).map(function (cue) {
        return cue.getCueAsHTML();
    } // Set new caption text

    var content = cues.map(function (cueText) {
      return cueText.trim();
    var changed = content !== this.elements.captions.innerHTML;

    if (changed) {
      // Empty the container and create a new child element
      var caption = createElement('span', getAttributesFromSelector(this.config.selectors.caption));
      caption.innerHTML = content;
      this.elements.captions.appendChild(caption); // Trigger event

      triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, 'cuechange');

// ==========================================================================
// Plyr default config
// ==========================================================================
var defaults$1 = {
  // Disable
  enabled: true,
  // Custom media title
  title: '',
  // Logging to console
  debug: false,
  // Auto play (if supported)
  autoplay: false,
  // Only allow one media playing at once (vimeo only)
  autopause: true,
  // Allow inline playback on iOS (this effects YouTube/Vimeo - HTML5 requires the attribute present)
  // TODO: Remove iosNative fullscreen option in favour of this (logic needs work)
  playsinline: true,
  // Default time to skip when rewind/fast forward
  seekTime: 10,
  // Default volume
  volume: 1,
  muted: false,
  // Pass a custom duration
  duration: null,
  // Display the media duration on load in the current time position
  // If you have opted to display both duration and currentTime, this is ignored
  displayDuration: true,
  // Invert the current time to be a countdown
  invertTime: true,
  // Clicking the currentTime inverts it's value to show time left rather than elapsed
  toggleInvert: true,
  // Force an aspect ratio
  // The format must be `'w:h'` (e.g. `'16:9'`)
  ratio: null,
  // Click video container to play/pause
  clickToPlay: true,
  // Auto hide the controls
  hideControls: true,
  // Reset to start when playback ended
  resetOnEnd: false,
  // Disable the standard context menu
  disableContextMenu: true,
  // Sprite (for icons)
  loadSprite: true,
  iconPrefix: 'plyr',
  iconUrl: '/theme/modules/plyr/plyr.svg',
  // Blank video (used to prevent errors on source change)
  blankVideo: '/theme/modules/plyr/blank.webm',
  // Quality default
  quality: {
    default: 576,
    // The options to display in the UI, if available for the source media
    options: [4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 576, 480, 360, 240],
    forced: false,
    onChange: null
  // Set loops
  loop: {
    active: false // start: null,
    // end: null,

  // Speed default and options to display
  speed: {
    selected: 1,
    // The options to display in the UI, if available for the source media (e.g. Vimeo and YouTube only support 0.5x-4x)
    options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 4]
  // Keyboard shortcut settings
  keyboard: {
    focused: true,
    global: false
  // Display tooltips
  tooltips: {
    controls: false,
    seek: true
  // Captions settings
  captions: {
    active: false,
    language: 'auto',
    // Listen to new tracks added after Plyr is initialized.
    // This is needed for streaming captions, but may result in unselectable options
    update: false
  // Fullscreen settings
  fullscreen: {
    enabled: true,
    // Allow fullscreen?
    fallback: true,
    // Fallback using full viewport/window
    iosNative: false // Use the native fullscreen in iOS (disables custom controls)
    // Selector for the fullscreen container so contextual / non-player content can remain visible in fullscreen mode
    // Non-ancestors of the player element will be ignored
    // container: null, // defaults to the player element

  // Local storage
  storage: {
    enabled: true,
    key: 'plyr'
  // Default controls
  controls: ['play-large', // 'restart',
  // 'rewind',
  'play', // 'fast-forward',
  'progress', 'current-time', // 'duration',
  'mute', 'volume', 'captions', 'settings', 'pip', 'airplay', // 'download',
  settings: ['captions', 'quality', 'speed'],
  // Localisation
  i18n: {
    restart: 'Restart',
    rewind: 'Rewind {seektime}s',
    play: 'Play',
    pause: 'Pause',
    fastForward: 'Forward {seektime}s',
    seek: 'Seek',
    seekLabel: '{currentTime} of {duration}',
    played: 'Played',
    buffered: 'Buffered',
    currentTime: 'Current time',
    duration: 'Duration',
    volume: 'Volume',
    mute: 'Mute',
    unmute: 'Unmute',
    enableCaptions: 'Enable captions',
    disableCaptions: 'Disable captions',
    download: 'Download',
    enterFullscreen: 'Enter fullscreen',
    exitFullscreen: 'Exit fullscreen',
    frameTitle: 'Player for {title}',
    captions: 'Captions',
    settings: 'Settings',
    pip: 'PIP',
    menuBack: 'Go back to previous menu',
    speed: 'Speed',
    normal: 'Normal',
    quality: 'Quality',
    loop: 'Loop',
    start: 'Start',
    end: 'End',
    all: 'All',
    reset: 'Reset',
    disabled: 'Disabled',
    enabled: 'Enabled',
    advertisement: 'Ad',
    qualityBadge: {
      2160: '4K',
      1440: 'HD',
      1080: 'HD',
      720: 'HD',
      576: 'SD',
      480: 'SD'
  // URLs
  urls: {
    download: null,
    vimeo: {
      sdk: 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js',
      iframe: 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/{0}?{1}',
      api: 'https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/{0}.json'
    youtube: {
      sdk: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api',
      api: 'https://noembed.com/embed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={0}'
    googleIMA: {
      sdk: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js'
  // Custom control listeners
  listeners: {
    seek: null,
    play: null,
    pause: null,
    restart: null,
    rewind: null,
    fastForward: null,
    mute: null,
    volume: null,
    captions: null,
    download: null,
    fullscreen: null,
    pip: null,
    airplay: null,
    speed: null,
    quality: null,
    loop: null,
    language: null
  // Events to watch and bubble
  events: [// Events to watch on HTML5 media elements and bubble
  // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Media_events
  'ended', 'progress', 'stalled', 'playing', 'waiting', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough', 'loadstart', 'loadeddata', 'loadedmetadata', 'timeupdate', 'volumechange', 'play', 'pause', 'error', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'emptied', 'ratechange', 'cuechange', // Custom events
  'download', 'enterfullscreen', 'exitfullscreen', 'captionsenabled', 'captionsdisabled', 'languagechange', 'controlshidden', 'controlsshown', 'ready', // YouTube
  'statechange', // Quality
  'qualitychange', // Ads
  'adsloaded', 'adscontentpause', 'adscontentresume', 'adstarted', 'adsmidpoint', 'adscomplete', 'adsallcomplete', 'adsimpression', 'adsclick'],
  // Selectors
  // Change these to match your template if using custom HTML
  selectors: {
    editable: 'input, textarea, select, [contenteditable]',
    container: '.plyr',
    controls: {
      container: null,
      wrapper: '.plyr__controls'
    labels: '[data-plyr]',
    buttons: {
      play: '[data-plyr="play"]',
      pause: '[data-plyr="pause"]',
      restart: '[data-plyr="restart"]',
      rewind: '[data-plyr="rewind"]',
      fastForward: '[data-plyr="fast-forward"]',
      mute: '[data-plyr="mute"]',
      captions: '[data-plyr="captions"]',
      download: '[data-plyr="download"]',
      fullscreen: '[data-plyr="fullscreen"]',
      pip: '[data-plyr="pip"]',
      airplay: '[data-plyr="airplay"]',
      settings: '[data-plyr="settings"]',
      loop: '[data-plyr="loop"]'
    inputs: {
      seek: '[data-plyr="seek"]',
      volume: '[data-plyr="volume"]',
      speed: '[data-plyr="speed"]',
      language: '[data-plyr="language"]',
      quality: '[data-plyr="quality"]'
    display: {
      currentTime: '.plyr__time--current',
      duration: '.plyr__time--duration',
      buffer: '.plyr__progress__buffer',
      loop: '.plyr__progress__loop',
      // Used later
      volume: '.plyr__volume--display'
    progress: '.plyr__progress',
    captions: '.plyr__captions',
    caption: '.plyr__caption'
  // Class hooks added to the player in different states
  classNames: {
    type: 'plyr--{0}',
    provider: 'plyr--{0}',
    video: 'plyr__video-wrapper',
    embed: 'plyr__video-embed',
    videoFixedRatio: 'plyr__video-wrapper--fixed-ratio',
    embedContainer: 'plyr__video-embed__container',
    poster: 'plyr__poster',
    posterEnabled: 'plyr__poster-enabled',
    ads: 'plyr__ads',
    control: 'plyr__control',
    controlPressed: 'plyr__control--pressed',
    playing: 'plyr--playing',
    paused: 'plyr--paused',
    stopped: 'plyr--stopped',
    loading: 'plyr--loading',
    hover: 'plyr--hover',
    tooltip: 'plyr__tooltip',
    cues: 'plyr__cues',
    hidden: 'plyr__sr-only',
    hideControls: 'plyr--hide-controls',
    isIos: 'plyr--is-ios',
    isTouch: 'plyr--is-touch',
    uiSupported: 'plyr--full-ui',
    noTransition: 'plyr--no-transition',
    display: {
      time: 'plyr__time'
    menu: {
      value: 'plyr__menu__value',
      badge: 'plyr__badge',
      open: 'plyr--menu-open'
    captions: {
      enabled: 'plyr--captions-enabled',
      active: 'plyr--captions-active'
    fullscreen: {
      enabled: 'plyr--fullscreen-enabled',
      fallback: 'plyr--fullscreen-fallback'
    pip: {
      supported: 'plyr--pip-supported',
      active: 'plyr--pip-active'
    airplay: {
      supported: 'plyr--airplay-supported',
      active: 'plyr--airplay-active'
    tabFocus: 'plyr__tab-focus',
    previewThumbnails: {
      // Tooltip thumbs
      thumbContainer: 'plyr__preview-thumb',
      thumbContainerShown: 'plyr__preview-thumb--is-shown',
      imageContainer: 'plyr__preview-thumb__image-container',
      timeContainer: 'plyr__preview-thumb__time-container',
      // Scrubbing
      scrubbingContainer: 'plyr__preview-scrubbing',
      scrubbingContainerShown: 'plyr__preview-scrubbing--is-shown'
  // Embed attributes
  attributes: {
    embed: {
      provider: 'data-plyr-provider',
      id: 'data-plyr-embed-id'
  // Advertisements plugin
  // Register for an account here: http://vi.ai/publisher-video-monetization/?aid=plyrio
  ads: {
    enabled: false,
    publisherId: '',
    tagUrl: ''
  // Preview Thumbnails plugin
  previewThumbnails: {
    enabled: false,
    src: ''
  // Vimeo plugin
  vimeo: {
    byline: false,
    portrait: false,
    title: false,
    speed: true,
    transparent: false,
    // Whether the owner of the video has a Pro or Business account
    // (which allows us to properly hide controls without CSS hacks, etc)
    premium: false,
    // Custom settings from Plyr
    referrerPolicy: null // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLIFrameElement/referrerPolicy

  // YouTube plugin
  youtube: {
    noCookie: true,
    // Whether to use an alternative version of YouTube without cookies
    rel: 0,
    // No related vids
    showinfo: 0,
    // Hide info
    iv_load_policy: 3,
    // Hide annotations
    modestbranding: 1 // Hide logos as much as possible (they still show one in the corner when paused)


// ==========================================================================
// Plyr states
// ==========================================================================
var pip = {
  active: 'picture-in-picture',
  inactive: 'inline'

// ==========================================================================
// Plyr supported types and providers
// ==========================================================================
var providers = {
  html5: 'html5',
  youtube: 'youtube',
  vimeo: 'vimeo'
var types = {
  audio: 'audio',
  video: 'video'
 * Get provider by URL
 * @param {String} url

function getProviderByUrl(url) {
  // YouTube
  if (/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com|youtu\.?be)\/.+$/.test(url)) {
    return providers.youtube;
  } // Vimeo

  if (/^https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/\d{0,9}(?=\b|\/)/.test(url)) {
    return providers.vimeo;

  return null;

// ==========================================================================
// Console wrapper
// ==========================================================================
var noop = function noop() {};

var Console = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  function Console() {
    var enabled = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;

    _classCallCheck(this, Console);

    this.enabled = window.console && enabled;

    if (this.enabled) {
      this.log('Debugging enabled');

  _createClass(Console, [{
    key: "log",
    get: function get() {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console) : noop;
  }, {
    key: "warn",
    get: function get() {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.warn, console) : noop;
  }, {
    key: "error",
    get: function get() {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      return this.enabled ? Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console) : noop;

  return Console;

var Fullscreen = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  function Fullscreen(player) {
    var _this = this;

    _classCallCheck(this, Fullscreen);

    // Keep reference to parent
    this.player = player; // Get prefix

    this.prefix = Fullscreen.prefix;
    this.property = Fullscreen.property; // Scroll position

    this.scrollPosition = {
      x: 0,
      y: 0
    }; // Force the use of 'full window/browser' rather than fullscreen

    this.forceFallback = player.config.fullscreen.fallback === 'force'; // Get the fullscreen element
    // Checks container is an ancestor, defaults to null

    this.player.elements.fullscreen = player.config.fullscreen.container && closest(this.player.elements.container, player.config.fullscreen.container); // Register event listeners
    // Handle event (incase user presses escape etc)

    on.call(this.player, document, this.prefix === 'ms' ? 'MSFullscreenChange' : "".concat(this.prefix, "fullscreenchange"), function () {
      // TODO: Filter for target??
    }); // Fullscreen toggle on double click

    on.call(this.player, this.player.elements.container, 'dblclick', function (event) {
      // Ignore double click in controls
      if (is$1.element(_this.player.elements.controls) && _this.player.elements.controls.contains(event.target)) {

    }); // Tap focus when in fullscreen

    on.call(this, this.player.elements.container, 'keydown', function (event) {
      return _this.trapFocus(event);
    }); // Update the UI

  } // Determine if native supported

  _createClass(Fullscreen, [{
    key: "onChange",
    value: function onChange() {
      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // Update toggle button

      var button = this.player.elements.buttons.fullscreen;

      if (is$1.element(button)) {
        button.pressed = this.active;
      } // Trigger an event

      triggerEvent.call(this.player, this.target, this.active ? 'enterfullscreen' : 'exitfullscreen', true);
  }, {
    key: "toggleFallback",
    value: function toggleFallback() {
      var toggle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;

      // Store or restore scroll position
      if (toggle) {
        this.scrollPosition = {
          x: window.scrollX || 0,
          y: window.scrollY || 0
      } else {
        window.scrollTo(this.scrollPosition.x, this.scrollPosition.y);
      } // Toggle scroll

      document.body.style.overflow = toggle ? 'hidden' : ''; // Toggle class hook

      toggleClass(this.target, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.fallback, toggle); // Force full viewport on iPhone X+

      if (browser.isIos) {
        var viewport = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]');
        var property = 'viewport-fit=cover'; // Inject the viewport meta if required

        if (!viewport) {
          viewport = document.createElement('meta');
          viewport.setAttribute('name', 'viewport');
        } // Check if the property already exists

        var hasProperty = is$1.string(viewport.content) && viewport.content.includes(property);

        if (toggle) {
          this.cleanupViewport = !hasProperty;

          if (!hasProperty) {
            viewport.content += ",".concat(property);
        } else if (this.cleanupViewport) {
          viewport.content = viewport.content.split(',').filter(function (part) {
            return part.trim() !== property;
      } // Toggle button and fire events

    } // Trap focus inside container

  }, {
    key: "trapFocus",
    value: function trapFocus(event) {
      // Bail if iOS, not active, not the tab key
      if (browser.isIos || !this.active || event.key !== 'Tab' || event.keyCode !== 9) {
      } // Get the current focused element

      var focused = document.activeElement;
      var focusable = getElements.call(this.player, 'a[href], button:not(:disabled), input:not(:disabled), [tabindex]');

      var _focusable = _slicedToArray(focusable, 1),
          first = _focusable[0];

      var last = focusable[focusable.length - 1];

      if (focused === last && !event.shiftKey) {
        // Move focus to first element that can be tabbed if Shift isn't used
      } else if (focused === first && event.shiftKey) {
        // Move focus to last element that can be tabbed if Shift is used
    } // Update UI

  }, {
    key: "update",
    value: function update() {
      if (this.enabled) {
        var mode;

        if (this.forceFallback) {
          mode = 'Fallback (forced)';
        } else if (Fullscreen.native) {
          mode = 'Native';
        } else {
          mode = 'Fallback';

        this.player.debug.log("".concat(mode, " fullscreen enabled"));
      } else {
        this.player.debug.log('Fullscreen not supported and fallback disabled');
      } // Add styling hook to show button

      toggleClass(this.player.elements.container, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.enabled, this.enabled);
    } // Make an element fullscreen

  }, {
    key: "enter",
    value: function enter() {
      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // iOS native fullscreen doesn't need the request step

      if (browser.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative) {
      } else if (!Fullscreen.native || this.forceFallback) {
      } else if (!this.prefix) {
          navigationUI: 'hide'
      } else if (!is$1.empty(this.prefix)) {
        this.target["".concat(this.prefix, "Request").concat(this.property)]();
    } // Bail from fullscreen

  }, {
    key: "exit",
    value: function exit() {
      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // iOS native fullscreen

      if (browser.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative) {
      } else if (!Fullscreen.native || this.forceFallback) {
      } else if (!this.prefix) {
        (document.cancelFullScreen || document.exitFullscreen).call(document);
      } else if (!is$1.empty(this.prefix)) {
        var action = this.prefix === 'moz' ? 'Cancel' : 'Exit';
    } // Toggle state

  }, {
    key: "toggle",
    value: function toggle() {
      if (!this.active) {
      } else {
  }, {
    key: "usingNative",
    // If we're actually using native
    get: function get() {
      return Fullscreen.native && !this.forceFallback;
    } // Get the prefix for handlers

  }, {
    key: "enabled",
    // Determine if fullscreen is enabled
    get: function get() {
      return (Fullscreen.native || this.player.config.fullscreen.fallback) && this.player.config.fullscreen.enabled && this.player.supported.ui && this.player.isVideo;
    } // Get active state

  }, {
    key: "active",
    get: function get() {
      if (!this.enabled) {
        return false;
      } // Fallback using classname

      if (!Fullscreen.native || this.forceFallback) {
        return hasClass(this.target, this.player.config.classNames.fullscreen.fallback);

      var element = !this.prefix ? document.fullscreenElement : document["".concat(this.prefix).concat(this.property, "Element")];
      return element && element.shadowRoot ? element === this.target.getRootNode().host : element === this.target;
    } // Get target element

  }, {
    key: "target",
    get: function get() {
      return browser.isIos && this.player.config.fullscreen.iosNative ? this.player.media : this.player.elements.fullscreen || this.player.elements.container;
  }], [{
    key: "native",
    get: function get() {
      return !!(document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled);
  }, {
    key: "prefix",
    get: function get() {
      // No prefix
      if (is$1.function(document.exitFullscreen)) {
        return '';
      } // Check for fullscreen support by vendor prefix

      var value = '';
      var prefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
      prefixes.some(function (pre) {
        if (is$1.function(document["".concat(pre, "ExitFullscreen")]) || is$1.function(document["".concat(pre, "CancelFullScreen")])) {
          value = pre;
          return true;

        return false;
      return value;
  }, {
    key: "property",
    get: function get() {
      return this.prefix === 'moz' ? 'FullScreen' : 'Fullscreen';

  return Fullscreen;

// ==========================================================================
// Load image avoiding xhr/fetch CORS issues
// Server status can't be obtained this way unfortunately, so this uses "naturalWidth" to determine if the image has loaded
// By default it checks if it is at least 1px, but you can add a second argument to change this
// ==========================================================================
function loadImage(src) {
  var minWidth = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var image = new Image();

    var handler = function handler() {
      delete image.onload;
      delete image.onerror;
      (image.naturalWidth >= minWidth ? resolve : reject)(image);

    Object.assign(image, {
      onload: handler,
      onerror: handler,
      src: src

var ui = {
  addStyleHook: function addStyleHook() {
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.selectors.container.replace('.', ''), true);
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.uiSupported, this.supported.ui);
  // Toggle native HTML5 media controls
  toggleNativeControls: function toggleNativeControls() {
    var toggle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;

    if (toggle && this.isHTML5) {
      this.media.setAttribute('controls', '');
    } else {
  // Setup the UI
  build: function build() {
    var _this = this;

    // Re-attach media element listeners
    // TODO: Use event bubbling?
    this.listeners.media(); // Don't setup interface if no support

    if (!this.supported.ui) {
      this.debug.warn("Basic support only for ".concat(this.provider, " ").concat(this.type)); // Restore native controls

      ui.toggleNativeControls.call(this, true); // Bail

    } // Inject custom controls if not present

    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.controls)) {
      // Inject custom controls
      controls.inject.call(this); // Re-attach control listeners

    } // Remove native controls

    ui.toggleNativeControls.call(this); // Setup captions for HTML5

    if (this.isHTML5) {
    } // Reset volume

    this.volume = null; // Reset mute state

    this.muted = null; // Reset loop state

    this.loop = null; // Reset quality setting

    this.quality = null; // Reset speed

    this.speed = null; // Reset volume display

    controls.updateVolume.call(this); // Reset time display

    controls.timeUpdate.call(this); // Update the UI

    ui.checkPlaying.call(this); // Check for picture-in-picture support

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.pip.supported, support.pip && this.isHTML5 && this.isVideo); // Check for airplay support

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.airplay.supported, support.airplay && this.isHTML5); // Add iOS class

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.isIos, browser.isIos); // Add touch class

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.isTouch, this.touch); // Ready for API calls

    this.ready = true; // Ready event at end of execution stack

    setTimeout(function () {
      triggerEvent.call(_this, _this.media, 'ready');
    }, 0); // Set the title

    ui.setTitle.call(this); // Assure the poster image is set, if the property was added before the element was created

    if (this.poster) {
      ui.setPoster.call(this, this.poster, false).catch(function () {});
    } // Manually set the duration if user has overridden it.
    // The event listeners for it doesn't get called if preload is disabled (#701)

    if (this.config.duration) {
  // Setup aria attribute for play and iframe title
  setTitle: function setTitle() {
    // Find the current text
    var label = i18n.get('play', this.config); // If there's a media title set, use that for the label

    if (is$1.string(this.config.title) && !is$1.empty(this.config.title)) {
      label += ", ".concat(this.config.title);
    } // If there's a play button, set label

    Array.from(this.elements.buttons.play || []).forEach(function (button) {
      button.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
    }); // Set iframe title
    // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/124

    if (this.isEmbed) {
      var iframe = getElement.call(this, 'iframe');

      if (!is$1.element(iframe)) {
      } // Default to media type

      var title = !is$1.empty(this.config.title) ? this.config.title : 'video';
      var format = i18n.get('frameTitle', this.config);
      iframe.setAttribute('title', format.replace('{title}', title));
  // Toggle poster
  togglePoster: function togglePoster(enable) {
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.posterEnabled, enable);
  // Set the poster image (async)
  // Used internally for the poster setter, with the passive option forced to false
  setPoster: function setPoster(poster) {
    var _this2 = this;

    var passive = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;

    // Don't override if call is passive
    if (passive && this.poster) {
      return Promise.reject(new Error('Poster already set'));
    } // Set property synchronously to respect the call order

    this.media.setAttribute('data-poster', poster); // Wait until ui is ready

    return ready.call(this) // Load image
    .then(function () {
      return loadImage(poster);
    }).catch(function (err) {
      // Hide poster on error unless it's been set by another call
      if (poster === _this2.poster) {
        ui.togglePoster.call(_this2, false);
      } // Rethrow

      throw err;
    }).then(function () {
      // Prevent race conditions
      if (poster !== _this2.poster) {
        throw new Error('setPoster cancelled by later call to setPoster');
    }).then(function () {
      Object.assign(_this2.elements.poster.style, {
        backgroundImage: "url('".concat(poster, "')"),
        // Reset backgroundSize as well (since it can be set to "cover" for padded thumbnails for youtube)
        backgroundSize: ''
      ui.togglePoster.call(_this2, true);
      return poster;
  // Check playing state
  checkPlaying: function checkPlaying(event) {
    var _this3 = this;

    // Class hooks
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.playing, this.playing);
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.paused, this.paused);
    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.stopped, this.stopped); // Set state

    Array.from(this.elements.buttons.play || []).forEach(function (target) {
      Object.assign(target, {
        pressed: _this3.playing
      target.setAttribute('aria-label', i18n.get(_this3.playing ? 'pause' : 'play', _this3.config));
    }); // Only update controls on non timeupdate events

    if (is$1.event(event) && event.type === 'timeupdate') {
    } // Toggle controls

  // Check if media is loading
  checkLoading: function checkLoading(event) {
    var _this4 = this;

    this.loading = ['stalled', 'waiting'].includes(event.type); // Clear timer

    clearTimeout(this.timers.loading); // Timer to prevent flicker when seeking

    this.timers.loading = setTimeout(function () {
      // Update progress bar loading class state
      toggleClass(_this4.elements.container, _this4.config.classNames.loading, _this4.loading); // Update controls visibility

    }, this.loading ? 250 : 0);
  // Toggle controls based on state and `force` argument
  toggleControls: function toggleControls(force) {
    var controlsElement = this.elements.controls;

    if (controlsElement && this.config.hideControls) {
      // Don't hide controls if a touch-device user recently seeked. (Must be limited to touch devices, or it occasionally prevents desktop controls from hiding.)
      var recentTouchSeek = this.touch && this.lastSeekTime + 2000 > Date.now(); // Show controls if force, loading, paused, button interaction, or recent seek, otherwise hide

      this.toggleControls(Boolean(force || this.loading || this.paused || controlsElement.pressed || controlsElement.hover || recentTouchSeek));
  // Migrate any custom properties from the media to the parent
  migrateStyles: function migrateStyles() {
    var _this5 = this;

    // Loop through values (as they are the keys when the object is spread 🤔)
    Object.values(_objectSpread2({}, this.media.style)) // We're only fussed about Plyr specific properties
    .filter(function (key) {
      return !is$1.empty(key) && key.startsWith('--plyr');
    }).forEach(function (key) {
      // Set on the container
      _this5.elements.container.style.setProperty(key, _this5.media.style.getPropertyValue(key)); // Clean up from media element

    }); // Remove attribute if empty

    if (is$1.empty(this.media.style)) {

var Listeners = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  function Listeners(player) {
    _classCallCheck(this, Listeners);

    this.player = player;
    this.lastKey = null;
    this.focusTimer = null;
    this.lastKeyDown = null;
    this.handleKey = this.handleKey.bind(this);
    this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this);
    this.setTabFocus = this.setTabFocus.bind(this);
    this.firstTouch = this.firstTouch.bind(this);
  } // Handle key presses

  _createClass(Listeners, [{
    key: "handleKey",
    value: function handleKey(event) {
      var player = this.player;
      var elements = player.elements;
      var code = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which;
      var pressed = event.type === 'keydown';
      var repeat = pressed && code === this.lastKey; // Bail if a modifier key is set

      if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) {
      } // If the event is bubbled from the media element
      // Firefox doesn't get the keycode for whatever reason

      if (!is$1.number(code)) {
      } // Seek by the number keys

      var seekByKey = function seekByKey() {
        // Divide the max duration into 10th's and times by the number value
        player.currentTime = player.duration / 10 * (code - 48);
      }; // Handle the key on keydown
      // Reset on keyup

      if (pressed) {
        // Check focused element
        // and if the focused element is not editable (e.g. text input)
        // and any that accept key input http://webaim.org/techniques/keyboard/
        var focused = document.activeElement;

        if (is$1.element(focused)) {
          var editable = player.config.selectors.editable;
          var seek = elements.inputs.seek;

          if (focused !== seek && matches$1(focused, editable)) {

          if (event.which === 32 && matches$1(focused, 'button, [role^="menuitem"]')) {
        } // Which keycodes should we prevent default

        var preventDefault = [32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79]; // If the code is found prevent default (e.g. prevent scrolling for arrows)

        if (preventDefault.includes(code)) {

        switch (code) {
          case 48:
          case 49:
          case 50:
          case 51:
          case 52:
          case 53:
          case 54:
          case 55:
          case 56:
          case 57:
            // 0-9
            if (!repeat) {


          case 32:
          case 75:
            // Space and K key
            if (!repeat) {


          case 38:
            // Arrow up

          case 40:
            // Arrow down

          case 77:
            // M key
            if (!repeat) {
              player.muted = !player.muted;


          case 39:
            // Arrow forward

          case 37:
            // Arrow back

          case 70:
            // F key

          case 67:
            // C key
            if (!repeat) {


          case 76:
            // L key
            player.loop = !player.loop;
        } // Escape is handle natively when in full screen
        // So we only need to worry about non native

        if (code === 27 && !player.fullscreen.usingNative && player.fullscreen.active) {
        } // Store last code for next cycle

        this.lastKey = code;
      } else {
        this.lastKey = null;
    } // Toggle menu

  }, {
    key: "toggleMenu",
    value: function toggleMenu(event) {
      controls.toggleMenu.call(this.player, event);
    } // Device is touch enabled

  }, {
    key: "firstTouch",
    value: function firstTouch() {
      var player = this.player;
      var elements = player.elements;
      player.touch = true; // Add touch class

      toggleClass(elements.container, player.config.classNames.isTouch, true);
  }, {
    key: "setTabFocus",
    value: function setTabFocus(event) {
      var player = this.player;
      var elements = player.elements;
      clearTimeout(this.focusTimer); // Ignore any key other than tab

      if (event.type === 'keydown' && event.which !== 9) {
      } // Store reference to event timeStamp

      if (event.type === 'keydown') {
        this.lastKeyDown = event.timeStamp;
      } // Remove current classes

      var removeCurrent = function removeCurrent() {
        var className = player.config.classNames.tabFocus;
        var current = getElements.call(player, ".".concat(className));
        toggleClass(current, className, false);
      }; // Determine if a key was pressed to trigger this event

      var wasKeyDown = event.timeStamp - this.lastKeyDown <= 20; // Ignore focus events if a key was pressed prior

      if (event.type === 'focus' && !wasKeyDown) {
      } // Remove all current

      removeCurrent(); // Delay the adding of classname until the focus has changed
      // This event fires before the focusin event

      if (event.type !== 'focusout') {
        this.focusTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          var focused = document.activeElement; // Ignore if current focus element isn't inside the player

          if (!elements.container.contains(focused)) {

          toggleClass(document.activeElement, player.config.classNames.tabFocus, true);
        }, 10);
    } // Global window & document listeners

  }, {
    key: "global",
    value: function global() {
      var toggle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
      var player = this.player; // Keyboard shortcuts

      if (player.config.keyboard.global) {
        toggleListener.call(player, window, 'keydown keyup', this.handleKey, toggle, false);
      } // Click anywhere closes menu

      toggleListener.call(player, document.body, 'click', this.toggleMenu, toggle); // Detect touch by events

      once.call(player, document.body, 'touchstart', this.firstTouch); // Tab focus detection

      toggleListener.call(player, document.body, 'keydown focus blur focusout', this.setTabFocus, toggle, false, true);
    } // Container listeners

  }, {
    key: "container",
    value: function container() {
      var player = this.player;
      var config = player.config,
          elements = player.elements,
          timers = player.timers; // Keyboard shortcuts

      if (!config.keyboard.global && config.keyboard.focused) {
        on.call(player, elements.container, 'keydown keyup', this.handleKey, false);
      } // Toggle controls on mouse events and entering fullscreen

      on.call(player, elements.container, 'mousemove mouseleave touchstart touchmove enterfullscreen exitfullscreen', function (event) {
        var controlsElement = elements.controls; // Remove button states for fullscreen

        if (controlsElement && event.type === 'enterfullscreen') {
          controlsElement.pressed = false;
          controlsElement.hover = false;
        } // Show, then hide after a timeout unless another control event occurs

        var show = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'mousemove'].includes(event.type);
        var delay = 0;

        if (show) {
          ui.toggleControls.call(player, true); // Use longer timeout for touch devices

          delay = player.touch ? 3000 : 2000;
        } // Clear timer

        clearTimeout(timers.controls); // Set new timer to prevent flicker when seeking

        timers.controls = setTimeout(function () {
          return ui.toggleControls.call(player, false);
        }, delay);
      }); // Set a gutter for Vimeo

      var setGutter = function setGutter(ratio, padding, toggle) {
        if (!player.isVimeo || player.config.vimeo.premium) {

        var target = player.elements.wrapper.firstChild;

        var _ratio = _slicedToArray(ratio, 2),
            y = _ratio[1];

        var _getAspectRatio$call = getAspectRatio.call(player),
            _getAspectRatio$call2 = _slicedToArray(_getAspectRatio$call, 2),
            videoX = _getAspectRatio$call2[0],
            videoY = _getAspectRatio$call2[1];

        target.style.maxWidth = toggle ? "".concat(y / videoY * videoX, "px") : null;
        target.style.margin = toggle ? '0 auto' : null;
      }; // Resize on fullscreen change

      var setPlayerSize = function setPlayerSize(measure) {
        // If we don't need to measure the viewport
        if (!measure) {
          return setAspectRatio.call(player);

        var rect = elements.container.getBoundingClientRect();
        var width = rect.width,
            height = rect.height;
        return setAspectRatio.call(player, "".concat(width, ":").concat(height));

      var resized = function resized() {
        timers.resized = setTimeout(setPlayerSize, 50);

      on.call(player, elements.container, 'enterfullscreen exitfullscreen', function (event) {
        var _player$fullscreen = player.fullscreen,
            target = _player$fullscreen.target,
            usingNative = _player$fullscreen.usingNative; // Ignore events not from target

        if (target !== elements.container) {
        } // If it's not an embed and no ratio specified

        if (!player.isEmbed && is$1.empty(player.config.ratio)) {

        var isEnter = event.type === 'enterfullscreen'; // Set the player size when entering fullscreen to viewport size

        var _setPlayerSize = setPlayerSize(isEnter),
            padding = _setPlayerSize.padding,
            ratio = _setPlayerSize.ratio; // Set Vimeo gutter

        setGutter(ratio, padding, isEnter); // If not using native browser fullscreen API, we need to check for resizes of viewport

        if (!usingNative) {
          if (isEnter) {
            on.call(player, window, 'resize', resized);
          } else {
            off.call(player, window, 'resize', resized);
    } // Listen for media events

  }, {
    key: "media",
    value: function media() {
      var _this = this;

      var player = this.player;
      var elements = player.elements; // Time change on media

      on.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate seeking seeked', function (event) {
        return controls.timeUpdate.call(player, event);
      }); // Display duration

      on.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange loadeddata loadedmetadata', function (event) {
        return controls.durationUpdate.call(player, event);
      }); // Handle the media finishing

      on.call(player, player.media, 'ended', function () {
        // Show poster on end
        if (player.isHTML5 && player.isVideo && player.config.resetOnEnd) {
          // Restart
          player.restart(); // Call pause otherwise IE11 will start playing the video again

      }); // Check for buffer progress

      on.call(player, player.media, 'progress playing seeking seeked', function (event) {
        return controls.updateProgress.call(player, event);
      }); // Handle volume changes

      on.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange', function (event) {
        return controls.updateVolume.call(player, event);
      }); // Handle play/pause

      on.call(player, player.media, 'playing play pause ended emptied timeupdate', function (event) {
        return ui.checkPlaying.call(player, event);
      }); // Loading state

      on.call(player, player.media, 'waiting canplay seeked playing', function (event) {
        return ui.checkLoading.call(player, event);
      }); // Click video

      if (player.supported.ui && player.config.clickToPlay && !player.isAudio) {
        // Re-fetch the wrapper
        var wrapper = getElement.call(player, ".".concat(player.config.classNames.video)); // Bail if there's no wrapper (this should never happen)

        if (!is$1.element(wrapper)) {
        } // On click play, pause or restart

        on.call(player, elements.container, 'click', function (event) {
          var targets = [elements.container, wrapper]; // Ignore if click if not container or in video wrapper

          if (!targets.includes(event.target) && !wrapper.contains(event.target)) {
          } // Touch devices will just show controls (if hidden)

          if (player.touch && player.config.hideControls) {

          if (player.ended) {
            _this.proxy(event, player.restart, 'restart');

            _this.proxy(event, function () {
            }, 'play');
          } else {
            _this.proxy(event, function () {
            }, 'play');
      } // Disable right click

      if (player.supported.ui && player.config.disableContextMenu) {
        on.call(player, elements.wrapper, 'contextmenu', function (event) {
        }, false);
      } // Volume change

      on.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange', function () {
        // Save to storage
          volume: player.volume,
          muted: player.muted
      }); // Speed change

      on.call(player, player.media, 'ratechange', function () {
        // Update UI
        controls.updateSetting.call(player, 'speed'); // Save to storage

          speed: player.speed
      }); // Quality change

      on.call(player, player.media, 'qualitychange', function (event) {
        // Update UI
        controls.updateSetting.call(player, 'quality', null, event.detail.quality);
      }); // Update download link when ready and if quality changes

      on.call(player, player.media, 'ready qualitychange', function () {
      }); // Proxy events to container
      // Bubble up key events for Edge

      var proxyEvents = player.config.events.concat(['keyup', 'keydown']).join(' ');
      on.call(player, player.media, proxyEvents, function (event) {
        var _event$detail = event.detail,
            detail = _event$detail === void 0 ? {} : _event$detail; // Get error details from media

        if (event.type === 'error') {
          detail = player.media.error;

        triggerEvent.call(player, elements.container, event.type, true, detail);
    } // Run default and custom handlers

  }, {
    key: "proxy",
    value: function proxy(event, defaultHandler, customHandlerKey) {
      var player = this.player;
      var customHandler = player.config.listeners[customHandlerKey];
      var hasCustomHandler = is$1.function(customHandler);
      var returned = true; // Execute custom handler

      if (hasCustomHandler) {
        returned = customHandler.call(player, event);
      } // Only call default handler if not prevented in custom handler

      if (returned !== false && is$1.function(defaultHandler)) {
        defaultHandler.call(player, event);
    } // Trigger custom and default handlers

  }, {
    key: "bind",
    value: function bind(element, type, defaultHandler, customHandlerKey) {
      var _this2 = this;

      var passive = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : true;
      var player = this.player;
      var customHandler = player.config.listeners[customHandlerKey];
      var hasCustomHandler = is$1.function(customHandler);
      on.call(player, element, type, function (event) {
        return _this2.proxy(event, defaultHandler, customHandlerKey);
      }, passive && !hasCustomHandler);
    } // Listen for control events

  }, {
    key: "controls",
    value: function controls$1() {
      var _this3 = this;

      var player = this.player;
      var elements = player.elements; // IE doesn't support input event, so we fallback to change

      var inputEvent = browser.isIE ? 'change' : 'input'; // Play/pause toggle

      if (elements.buttons.play) {
        Array.from(elements.buttons.play).forEach(function (button) {
          _this3.bind(button, 'click', function () {
          }, 'play');
      } // Pause

      this.bind(elements.buttons.restart, 'click', player.restart, 'restart'); // Rewind

      this.bind(elements.buttons.rewind, 'click', player.rewind, 'rewind'); // Rewind

      this.bind(elements.buttons.fastForward, 'click', player.forward, 'fastForward'); // Mute toggle

      this.bind(elements.buttons.mute, 'click', function () {
        player.muted = !player.muted;
      }, 'mute'); // Captions toggle

      this.bind(elements.buttons.captions, 'click', function () {
        return player.toggleCaptions();
      }); // Download

      this.bind(elements.buttons.download, 'click', function () {
        triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'download');
      }, 'download'); // Fullscreen toggle

      this.bind(elements.buttons.fullscreen, 'click', function () {
      }, 'fullscreen'); // Picture-in-Picture

      this.bind(elements.buttons.pip, 'click', function () {
        player.pip = 'toggle';
      }, 'pip'); // Airplay

      this.bind(elements.buttons.airplay, 'click', player.airplay, 'airplay'); // Settings menu - click toggle

      this.bind(elements.buttons.settings, 'click', function (event) {
        // Prevent the document click listener closing the menu

        controls.toggleMenu.call(player, event);
      }, null, false); // Can't be passive as we're preventing default
      // Settings menu - keyboard toggle
      // We have to bind to keyup otherwise Firefox triggers a click when a keydown event handler shifts focus
      // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1220143

      this.bind(elements.buttons.settings, 'keyup', function (event) {
        var code = event.which; // We only care about space and return

        if (![13, 32].includes(code)) {
        } // Because return triggers a click anyway, all we need to do is set focus

        if (code === 13) {
          controls.focusFirstMenuItem.call(player, null, true);

        } // Prevent scroll

        event.preventDefault(); // Prevent playing video (Firefox)

        event.stopPropagation(); // Toggle menu

        controls.toggleMenu.call(player, event);
      }, null, false // Can't be passive as we're preventing default
      ); // Escape closes menu

      this.bind(elements.settings.menu, 'keydown', function (event) {
        if (event.which === 27) {
          controls.toggleMenu.call(player, event);
      }); // Set range input alternative "value", which matches the tooltip time (#954)

      this.bind(elements.inputs.seek, 'mousedown mousemove', function (event) {
        var rect = elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect();
        var percent = 100 / rect.width * (event.pageX - rect.left);
        event.currentTarget.setAttribute('seek-value', percent);
      }); // Pause while seeking

      this.bind(elements.inputs.seek, 'mousedown mouseup keydown keyup touchstart touchend', function (event) {
        var seek = event.currentTarget;
        var code = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which;
        var attribute = 'play-on-seeked';

        if (is$1.keyboardEvent(event) && code !== 39 && code !== 37) {
        } // Record seek time so we can prevent hiding controls for a few seconds after seek

        player.lastSeekTime = Date.now(); // Was playing before?

        var play = seek.hasAttribute(attribute); // Done seeking

        var done = ['mouseup', 'touchend', 'keyup'].includes(event.type); // If we're done seeking and it was playing, resume playback

        if (play && done) {
        } else if (!done && player.playing) {
          seek.setAttribute(attribute, '');
      }); // Fix range inputs on iOS
      // Super weird iOS bug where after you interact with an <input type="range">,
      // it takes over further interactions on the page. This is a hack

      if (browser.isIos) {
        var inputs = getElements.call(player, 'input[type="range"]');
        Array.from(inputs).forEach(function (input) {
          return _this3.bind(input, inputEvent, function (event) {
            return repaint(event.target);
      } // Seek

      this.bind(elements.inputs.seek, inputEvent, function (event) {
        var seek = event.currentTarget; // If it exists, use seek-value instead of "value" for consistency with tooltip time (#954)

        var seekTo = seek.getAttribute('seek-value');

        if (is$1.empty(seekTo)) {
          seekTo = seek.value;

        player.currentTime = seekTo / seek.max * player.duration;
      }, 'seek'); // Seek tooltip

      this.bind(elements.progress, 'mouseenter mouseleave mousemove', function (event) {
        return controls.updateSeekTooltip.call(player, event);
      }); // Preview thumbnails plugin
      // TODO: Really need to work on some sort of plug-in wide event bus or pub-sub for this

      this.bind(elements.progress, 'mousemove touchmove', function (event) {
        var previewThumbnails = player.previewThumbnails;

        if (previewThumbnails && previewThumbnails.loaded) {
      }); // Hide thumbnail preview - on mouse click, mouse leave, and video play/seek. All four are required, e.g., for buffering

      this.bind(elements.progress, 'mouseleave touchend click', function () {
        var previewThumbnails = player.previewThumbnails;

        if (previewThumbnails && previewThumbnails.loaded) {
          previewThumbnails.endMove(false, true);
      }); // Show scrubbing preview

      this.bind(elements.progress, 'mousedown touchstart', function (event) {
        var previewThumbnails = player.previewThumbnails;

        if (previewThumbnails && previewThumbnails.loaded) {
      this.bind(elements.progress, 'mouseup touchend', function (event) {
        var previewThumbnails = player.previewThumbnails;

        if (previewThumbnails && previewThumbnails.loaded) {
      }); // Polyfill for lower fill in <input type="range"> for webkit

      if (browser.isWebkit) {
        Array.from(getElements.call(player, 'input[type="range"]')).forEach(function (element) {
          _this3.bind(element, 'input', function (event) {
            return controls.updateRangeFill.call(player, event.target);
      } // Current time invert
      // Only if one time element is used for both currentTime and duration

      if (player.config.toggleInvert && !is$1.element(elements.display.duration)) {
        this.bind(elements.display.currentTime, 'click', function () {
          // Do nothing if we're at the start
          if (player.currentTime === 0) {

          player.config.invertTime = !player.config.invertTime;

      } // Volume

      this.bind(elements.inputs.volume, inputEvent, function (event) {
        player.volume = event.target.value;
      }, 'volume'); // Update controls.hover state (used for ui.toggleControls to avoid hiding when interacting)

      this.bind(elements.controls, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function (event) {
        elements.controls.hover = !player.touch && event.type === 'mouseenter';
      }); // Also update controls.hover state for any non-player children of fullscreen element (as above)

      if (elements.fullscreen) {
        Array.from(elements.fullscreen.children).filter(function (c) {
          return !c.contains(elements.container);
        }).forEach(function (child) {
          _this3.bind(child, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function (event) {
            elements.controls.hover = !player.touch && event.type === 'mouseenter';
      } // Update controls.pressed state (used for ui.toggleControls to avoid hiding when interacting)

      this.bind(elements.controls, 'mousedown mouseup touchstart touchend touchcancel', function (event) {
        elements.controls.pressed = ['mousedown', 'touchstart'].includes(event.type);
      }); // Show controls when they receive focus (e.g., when using keyboard tab key)

      this.bind(elements.controls, 'focusin', function () {
        var config = player.config,
            timers = player.timers; // Skip transition to prevent focus from scrolling the parent element

        toggleClass(elements.controls, config.classNames.noTransition, true); // Toggle

        ui.toggleControls.call(player, true); // Restore transition

        setTimeout(function () {
          toggleClass(elements.controls, config.classNames.noTransition, false);
        }, 0); // Delay a little more for mouse users

        var delay = _this3.touch ? 3000 : 4000; // Clear timer

        clearTimeout(timers.controls); // Hide again after delay

        timers.controls = setTimeout(function () {
          return ui.toggleControls.call(player, false);
        }, delay);
      }); // Mouse wheel for volume

      this.bind(elements.inputs.volume, 'wheel', function (event) {
        // Detect "natural" scroll - suppored on OS X Safari only
        // Other browsers on OS X will be inverted until support improves
        var inverted = event.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice; // Get delta from event. Invert if `inverted` is true

        var _map = [event.deltaX, -event.deltaY].map(function (value) {
          return inverted ? -value : value;
            _map2 = _slicedToArray(_map, 2),
            x = _map2[0],
            y = _map2[1]; // Using the biggest delta, normalize to 1 or -1 (or 0 if no delta)

        var direction = Math.sign(Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(y) ? x : y); // Change the volume by 2%

        player.increaseVolume(direction / 50); // Don't break page scrolling at max and min

        var volume = player.media.volume;

        if (direction === 1 && volume < 1 || direction === -1 && volume > 0) {
      }, 'volume', false);

  return Listeners;

var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};

function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
	return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;

var loadjs_umd = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
  (function (root, factory) {
      module.exports = factory();
  })(commonjsGlobal, function () {
     * Global dependencies.
     * @global {Object} document - DOM
    var devnull = function devnull() {},
        bundleIdCache = {},
        bundleResultCache = {},
        bundleCallbackQueue = {};
     * Subscribe to bundle load event.
     * @param {string[]} bundleIds - Bundle ids
     * @param {Function} callbackFn - The callback function

    function subscribe(bundleIds, callbackFn) {
      // listify
      bundleIds = bundleIds.push ? bundleIds : [bundleIds];
      var depsNotFound = [],
          i = bundleIds.length,
          numWaiting = i,
          q; // define callback function

      fn = function fn(bundleId, pathsNotFound) {
        if (pathsNotFound.length) depsNotFound.push(bundleId);
        if (!numWaiting) callbackFn(depsNotFound);
      }; // register callback

      while (i--) {
        bundleId = bundleIds[i]; // execute callback if in result cache

        r = bundleResultCache[bundleId];

        if (r) {
          fn(bundleId, r);
        } // add to callback queue

        q = bundleCallbackQueue[bundleId] = bundleCallbackQueue[bundleId] || [];
     * Publish bundle load event.
     * @param {string} bundleId - Bundle id
     * @param {string[]} pathsNotFound - List of files not found

    function publish(bundleId, pathsNotFound) {
      // exit if id isn't defined
      if (!bundleId) return;
      var q = bundleCallbackQueue[bundleId]; // cache result

      bundleResultCache[bundleId] = pathsNotFound; // exit if queue is empty

      if (!q) return; // empty callback queue

      while (q.length) {
        q[0](bundleId, pathsNotFound);
        q.splice(0, 1);
     * Execute callbacks.
     * @param {Object or Function} args - The callback args
     * @param {string[]} depsNotFound - List of dependencies not found

    function executeCallbacks(args, depsNotFound) {
      // accept function as argument
      if (args.call) args = {
        success: args
      }; // success and error callbacks

      if (depsNotFound.length) (args.error || devnull)(depsNotFound);else (args.success || devnull)(args);
     * Load individual file.
     * @param {string} path - The file path
     * @param {Function} callbackFn - The callback function

    function loadFile(path, callbackFn, args, numTries) {
      var doc = document,
          async = args.async,
          maxTries = (args.numRetries || 0) + 1,
          beforeCallbackFn = args.before || devnull,
          pathname = path.replace(/[\?|#].*$/, ''),
          pathStripped = path.replace(/^(css|img)!/, ''),
      numTries = numTries || 0;

      if (/(^css!|\.css$)/.test(pathname)) {
        // css
        e = doc.createElement('link');
        e.rel = 'stylesheet';
        e.href = pathStripped; // tag IE9+

        isLegacyIECss = 'hideFocus' in e; // use preload in IE Edge (to detect load errors)

        if (isLegacyIECss && e.relList) {
          isLegacyIECss = 0;
          e.rel = 'preload';
          e.as = 'style';
      } else if (/(^img!|\.(png|gif|jpg|svg|webp)$)/.test(pathname)) {
        // image
        e = doc.createElement('img');
        e.src = pathStripped;
      } else {
        // javascript
        e = doc.createElement('script');
        e.src = path;
        e.async = async === undefined ? true : async;

      e.onload = e.onerror = e.onbeforeload = function (ev) {
        var result = ev.type[0]; // treat empty stylesheets as failures to get around lack of onerror
        // support in IE9-11

        if (isLegacyIECss) {
          try {
            if (!e.sheet.cssText.length) result = 'e';
          } catch (x) {
            // sheets objects created from load errors don't allow access to
            // `cssText` (unless error is Code:18 SecurityError)
            if (x.code != 18) result = 'e';
        } // handle retries in case of load failure

        if (result == 'e') {
          // increment counter
          numTries += 1; // exit function and try again

          if (numTries < maxTries) {
            return loadFile(path, callbackFn, args, numTries);
        } else if (e.rel == 'preload' && e.as == 'style') {
          // activate preloaded stylesheets
          return e.rel = 'stylesheet'; // jshint ignore:line
        } // execute callback

        callbackFn(path, result, ev.defaultPrevented);
      }; // add to document (unless callback returns `false`)

      if (beforeCallbackFn(path, e) !== false) doc.head.appendChild(e);
     * Load multiple files.
     * @param {string[]} paths - The file paths
     * @param {Function} callbackFn - The callback function

    function loadFiles(paths, callbackFn, args) {
      // listify paths
      paths = paths.push ? paths : [paths];
      var numWaiting = paths.length,
          x = numWaiting,
          pathsNotFound = [],
          i; // define callback function

      fn = function fn(path, result, defaultPrevented) {
        // handle error
        if (result == 'e') pathsNotFound.push(path); // handle beforeload event. If defaultPrevented then that means the load
        // will be blocked (ex. Ghostery/ABP on Safari)

        if (result == 'b') {
          if (defaultPrevented) pathsNotFound.push(path);else return;

        if (!numWaiting) callbackFn(pathsNotFound);
      }; // load scripts

      for (i = 0; i < x; i++) {
        loadFile(paths[i], fn, args);
     * Initiate script load and register bundle.
     * @param {(string|string[])} paths - The file paths
     * @param {(string|Function|Object)} [arg1] - The (1) bundleId or (2) success
     *   callback or (3) object literal with success/error arguments, numRetries,
     *   etc.
     * @param {(Function|Object)} [arg2] - The (1) success callback or (2) object
     *   literal with success/error arguments, numRetries, etc.

    function loadjs(paths, arg1, arg2) {
      var bundleId, args; // bundleId (if string)

      if (arg1 && arg1.trim) bundleId = arg1; // args (default is {})

      args = (bundleId ? arg2 : arg1) || {}; // throw error if bundle is already defined

      if (bundleId) {
        if (bundleId in bundleIdCache) {
          throw "LoadJS";
        } else {
          bundleIdCache[bundleId] = true;

      function loadFn(resolve, reject) {
        loadFiles(paths, function (pathsNotFound) {
          // execute callbacks
          executeCallbacks(args, pathsNotFound); // resolve Promise

          if (resolve) {
              success: resolve,
              error: reject
            }, pathsNotFound);
          } // publish bundle load event

          publish(bundleId, pathsNotFound);
        }, args);

      if (args.returnPromise) return new Promise(loadFn);else loadFn();
     * Execute callbacks when dependencies have been satisfied.
     * @param {(string|string[])} deps - List of bundle ids
     * @param {Object} args - success/error arguments

    loadjs.ready = function ready(deps, args) {
      // subscribe to bundle load event
      subscribe(deps, function (depsNotFound) {
        // execute callbacks
        executeCallbacks(args, depsNotFound);
      return loadjs;
     * Manually satisfy bundle dependencies.
     * @param {string} bundleId - The bundle id

    loadjs.done = function done(bundleId) {
      publish(bundleId, []);
     * Reset loadjs dependencies statuses

    loadjs.reset = function reset() {
      bundleIdCache = {};
      bundleResultCache = {};
      bundleCallbackQueue = {};
     * Determine if bundle has already been defined
     * @param String} bundleId - The bundle id

    loadjs.isDefined = function isDefined(bundleId) {
      return bundleId in bundleIdCache;
    }; // export

    return loadjs;

// ==========================================================================
function loadScript(url) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    loadjs_umd(url, {
      success: resolve,
      error: reject

function parseId(url) {
  if (is$1.empty(url)) {
    return null;

  if (is$1.number(Number(url))) {
    return url;

  var regex = /^.*(vimeo.com\/|video\/)(\d+).*/;
  return url.match(regex) ? RegExp.$2 : url;
} // Set playback state and trigger change (only on actual change)

function assurePlaybackState(play) {
  if (play && !this.embed.hasPlayed) {
    this.embed.hasPlayed = true;

  if (this.media.paused === play) {
    this.media.paused = !play;
    triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, play ? 'play' : 'pause');

var vimeo = {
  setup: function setup() {
    var player = this; // Add embed class for responsive

    toggleClass(player.elements.wrapper, player.config.classNames.embed, true); // Set speed options from config

    player.options.speed = player.config.speed.options; // Set intial ratio

    setAspectRatio.call(player); // Load the SDK if not already

    if (!is$1.object(window.Vimeo)) {
      loadScript(player.config.urls.vimeo.sdk).then(function () {
      }).catch(function (error) {
        player.debug.warn('Vimeo SDK (player.js) failed to load', error);
    } else {
  // API Ready
  ready: function ready() {
    var _this = this;

    var player = this;
    var config = player.config.vimeo;

    var premium = config.premium,
        referrerPolicy = config.referrerPolicy,
        frameParams = _objectWithoutProperties(config, ["premium", "referrerPolicy"]); // If the owner has a pro or premium account then we can hide controls etc

    if (premium) {
      Object.assign(frameParams, {
        controls: false,
        sidedock: false
    } // Get Vimeo params for the iframe

    var params = buildUrlParams(_objectSpread2({
      loop: player.config.loop.active,
      autoplay: player.autoplay,
      muted: player.muted,
      gesture: 'media',
      playsinline: !this.config.fullscreen.iosNative
    }, frameParams)); // Get the source URL or ID

    var source = player.media.getAttribute('src'); // Get from <div> if needed

    if (is$1.empty(source)) {
      source = player.media.getAttribute(player.config.attributes.embed.id);

    var id = parseId(source); // Build an iframe

    var iframe = createElement('iframe');
    var src = format(player.config.urls.vimeo.iframe, id, params);
    iframe.setAttribute('src', src);
    iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '');
    iframe.setAttribute('allow', 'autoplay,fullscreen,picture-in-picture'); // Set the referrer policy if required

    if (!is$1.empty(referrerPolicy)) {
      iframe.setAttribute('referrerPolicy', referrerPolicy);
    } // Inject the package

    var poster = player.poster;

    if (premium) {
      iframe.setAttribute('data-poster', poster);
      player.media = replaceElement(iframe, player.media);
    } else {
      var wrapper = createElement('div', {
        class: player.config.classNames.embedContainer,
        'data-poster': poster
      player.media = replaceElement(wrapper, player.media);
    } // Get poster image

    fetch(format(player.config.urls.vimeo.api, id), 'json').then(function (response) {
      if (is$1.empty(response)) {
      } // Get the URL for thumbnail

      var url = new URL(response[0].thumbnail_large); // Get original image

      url.pathname = "".concat(url.pathname.split('_')[0], ".jpg"); // Set and show poster

      ui.setPoster.call(player, url.href).catch(function () {});
    }); // Setup instance
    // https://github.com/vimeo/player.js

    player.embed = new window.Vimeo.Player(iframe, {
      autopause: player.config.autopause,
      muted: player.muted
    player.media.paused = true;
    player.media.currentTime = 0; // Disable native text track rendering

    if (player.supported.ui) {
    } // Create a faux HTML5 API using the Vimeo API

    player.media.play = function () {
      assurePlaybackState.call(player, true);
      return player.embed.play();

    player.media.pause = function () {
      assurePlaybackState.call(player, false);
      return player.embed.pause();

    player.media.stop = function () {
      player.currentTime = 0;
    }; // Seeking

    var currentTime = player.media.currentTime;
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentTime', {
      get: function get() {
        return currentTime;
      set: function set(time) {
        // Vimeo will automatically play on seek if the video hasn't been played before
        // Get current paused state and volume etc
        var embed = player.embed,
            media = player.media,
            paused = player.paused,
            volume = player.volume;
        var restorePause = paused && !embed.hasPlayed; // Set seeking state and trigger event

        media.seeking = true;
        triggerEvent.call(player, media, 'seeking'); // If paused, mute until seek is complete

        Promise.resolve(restorePause && embed.setVolume(0)) // Seek
        .then(function () {
          return embed.setCurrentTime(time);
        }) // Restore paused
        .then(function () {
          return restorePause && embed.pause();
        }) // Restore volume
        .then(function () {
          return restorePause && embed.setVolume(volume);
        }).catch(function () {// Do nothing
    }); // Playback speed

    var speed = player.config.speed.selected;
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'playbackRate', {
      get: function get() {
        return speed;
      set: function set(input) {
        player.embed.setPlaybackRate(input).then(function () {
          speed = input;
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ratechange');
        }).catch(function () {
          // Cannot set Playback Rate, Video is probably not on Pro account
          player.options.speed = [1];
    }); // Volume

    var volume = player.config.volume;
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'volume', {
      get: function get() {
        return volume;
      set: function set(input) {
        player.embed.setVolume(input).then(function () {
          volume = input;
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange');
    }); // Muted

    var muted = player.config.muted;
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'muted', {
      get: function get() {
        return muted;
      set: function set(input) {
        var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : false;
        player.embed.setVolume(toggle ? 0 : player.config.volume).then(function () {
          muted = toggle;
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange');
    }); // Loop

    var loop = player.config.loop;
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'loop', {
      get: function get() {
        return loop;
      set: function set(input) {
        var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : player.config.loop.active;
        player.embed.setLoop(toggle).then(function () {
          loop = toggle;
    }); // Source

    var currentSrc;
    player.embed.getVideoUrl().then(function (value) {
      currentSrc = value;
    }).catch(function (error) {
    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentSrc', {
      get: function get() {
        return currentSrc;
    }); // Ended

    Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'ended', {
      get: function get() {
        return player.currentTime === player.duration;
    }); // Set aspect ratio based on video size

    Promise.all([player.embed.getVideoWidth(), player.embed.getVideoHeight()]).then(function (dimensions) {
      var _dimensions = _slicedToArray(dimensions, 2),
          width = _dimensions[0],
          height = _dimensions[1];

      player.embed.ratio = [width, height];
    }); // Set autopause

    player.embed.setAutopause(player.config.autopause).then(function (state) {
      player.config.autopause = state;
    }); // Get title

    player.embed.getVideoTitle().then(function (title) {
      player.config.title = title;
    }); // Get current time

    player.embed.getCurrentTime().then(function (value) {
      currentTime = value;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate');
    }); // Get duration

    player.embed.getDuration().then(function (value) {
      player.media.duration = value;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange');
    }); // Get captions

    player.embed.getTextTracks().then(function (tracks) {
      player.media.textTracks = tracks;
    player.embed.on('cuechange', function (_ref) {
      var _ref$cues = _ref.cues,
          cues = _ref$cues === void 0 ? [] : _ref$cues;
      var strippedCues = cues.map(function (cue) {
        return stripHTML(cue.text);
      captions.updateCues.call(player, strippedCues);
    player.embed.on('loaded', function () {
      // Assure state and events are updated on autoplay
      player.embed.getPaused().then(function (paused) {
        assurePlaybackState.call(player, !paused);

        if (!paused) {
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing');

      if (is$1.element(player.embed.element) && player.supported.ui) {
        var frame = player.embed.element; // Fix keyboard focus issues
        // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/317

        frame.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
    player.embed.on('bufferstart', function () {
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'waiting');
    player.embed.on('bufferend', function () {
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing');
    player.embed.on('play', function () {
      assurePlaybackState.call(player, true);
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing');
    player.embed.on('pause', function () {
      assurePlaybackState.call(player, false);
    player.embed.on('timeupdate', function (data) {
      player.media.seeking = false;
      currentTime = data.seconds;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate');
    player.embed.on('progress', function (data) {
      player.media.buffered = data.percent;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'progress'); // Check all loaded

      if (parseInt(data.percent, 10) === 1) {
        triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'canplaythrough');
      } // Get duration as if we do it before load, it gives an incorrect value
      // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/891

      player.embed.getDuration().then(function (value) {
        if (value !== player.media.duration) {
          player.media.duration = value;
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange');
    player.embed.on('seeked', function () {
      player.media.seeking = false;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'seeked');
    player.embed.on('ended', function () {
      player.media.paused = true;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ended');
    player.embed.on('error', function (detail) {
      player.media.error = detail;
      triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'error');
    }); // Rebuild UI

    setTimeout(function () {
      return ui.build.call(player);
    }, 0);

// ==========================================================================

function parseId$1(url) {
  if (is$1.empty(url)) {
    return null;

  var regex = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|&v=)([^#&?]*).*/;
  return url.match(regex) ? RegExp.$2 : url;
} // Set playback state and trigger change (only on actual change)

function assurePlaybackState$1(play) {
  if (play && !this.embed.hasPlayed) {
    this.embed.hasPlayed = true;

  if (this.media.paused === play) {
    this.media.paused = !play;
    triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, play ? 'play' : 'pause');

function getHost(config) {
  if (config.noCookie) {
    return 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com';

  if (window.location.protocol === 'http:') {
    return 'http://www.youtube.com';
  } // Use YouTube's default

  return undefined;

var youtube = {
  setup: function setup() {
    var _this = this;

    // Add embed class for responsive
    toggleClass(this.elements.wrapper, this.config.classNames.embed, true); // Setup API

    if (is$1.object(window.YT) && is$1.function(window.YT.Player)) {
    } else {
      // Reference current global callback
      var callback = window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady; // Set callback to process queue

      window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () {
        // Call global callback if set
        if (is$1.function(callback)) {

      }; // Load the SDK

      loadScript(this.config.urls.youtube.sdk).catch(function (error) {
        _this.debug.warn('YouTube API failed to load', error);
  // Get the media title
  getTitle: function getTitle(videoId) {
    var _this2 = this;

    var url = format(this.config.urls.youtube.api, videoId);
    fetch(url).then(function (data) {
      if (is$1.object(data)) {
        var title = data.title,
            height = data.height,
            width = data.width; // Set title

        _this2.config.title = title;
        ui.setTitle.call(_this2); // Set aspect ratio

        _this2.embed.ratio = [width, height];

    }).catch(function () {
      // Set aspect ratio
  // API ready
  ready: function ready() {
    var player = this; // Ignore already setup (race condition)

    var currentId = player.media && player.media.getAttribute('id');

    if (!is$1.empty(currentId) && currentId.startsWith('youtube-')) {
    } // Get the source URL or ID

    var source = player.media.getAttribute('src'); // Get from <div> if needed

    if (is$1.empty(source)) {
      source = player.media.getAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.id);
    } // Replace the <iframe> with a <div> due to YouTube API issues

    var videoId = parseId$1(source);
    var id = generateId(player.provider); // Get poster, if already set

    var poster = player.poster; // Replace media element

    var container = createElement('div', {
      id: id,
      'data-poster': poster
    player.media = replaceElement(container, player.media); // Id to poster wrapper

    var posterSrc = function posterSrc(s) {
      return "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/".concat(videoId, "/").concat(s, "default.jpg");
    }; // Check thumbnail images in order of quality, but reject fallback thumbnails (120px wide)

    loadImage(posterSrc('maxres'), 121) // Higest quality and unpadded
    .catch(function () {
      return loadImage(posterSrc('sd'), 121);
    }) // 480p padded 4:3
    .catch(function () {
      return loadImage(posterSrc('hq'));
    }) // 360p padded 4:3. Always exists
    .then(function (image) {
      return ui.setPoster.call(player, image.src);
    }).then(function (src) {
      // If the image is padded, use background-size "cover" instead (like youtube does too with their posters)
      if (!src.includes('maxres')) {
        player.elements.poster.style.backgroundSize = 'cover';
    }).catch(function () {});
    var config = player.config.youtube; // Setup instance
    // https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference

    player.embed = new window.YT.Player(id, {
      videoId: videoId,
      host: getHost(config),
      playerVars: extend({}, {
        autoplay: player.config.autoplay ? 1 : 0,
        // Autoplay
        hl: player.config.hl,
        // iframe interface language
        controls: player.supported.ui ? 0 : 1,
        // Only show controls if not fully supported
        disablekb: 1,
        // Disable keyboard as we handle it
        playsinline: !player.config.fullscreen.iosNative ? 1 : 0,
        // Allow iOS inline playback
        // Captions are flaky on YouTube
        cc_load_policy: player.captions.active ? 1 : 0,
        cc_lang_pref: player.config.captions.language,
        // Tracking for stats
        widget_referrer: window ? window.location.href : null
      }, config),
      events: {
        onError: function onError(event) {
          // YouTube may fire onError twice, so only handle it once
          if (!player.media.error) {
            var code = event.data; // Messages copied from https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#onError

            var message = {
              2: 'The request contains an invalid parameter value. For example, this error occurs if you specify a video ID that does not have 11 characters, or if the video ID contains invalid characters, such as exclamation points or asterisks.',
              5: 'The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.',
              100: 'The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.',
              101: 'The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.',
              150: 'The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.'
            }[code] || 'An unknown error occured';
            player.media.error = {
              code: code,
              message: message
            triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'error');
        onPlaybackRateChange: function onPlaybackRateChange(event) {
          // Get the instance
          var instance = event.target; // Get current speed

          player.media.playbackRate = instance.getPlaybackRate();
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ratechange');
        onReady: function onReady(event) {
          // Bail if onReady has already been called. See issue #1108
          if (is$1.function(player.media.play)) {
          } // Get the instance

          var instance = event.target; // Get the title

          youtube.getTitle.call(player, videoId); // Create a faux HTML5 API using the YouTube API

          player.media.play = function () {
            assurePlaybackState$1.call(player, true);

          player.media.pause = function () {
            assurePlaybackState$1.call(player, false);

          player.media.stop = function () {

          player.media.duration = instance.getDuration();
          player.media.paused = true; // Seeking

          player.media.currentTime = 0;
          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentTime', {
            get: function get() {
              return Number(instance.getCurrentTime());
            set: function set(time) {
              // If paused and never played, mute audio preventively (YouTube starts playing on seek if the video hasn't been played yet).
              if (player.paused && !player.embed.hasPlayed) {
              } // Set seeking state and trigger event

              player.media.seeking = true;
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'seeking'); // Seek after events sent

          }); // Playback speed

          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'playbackRate', {
            get: function get() {
              return instance.getPlaybackRate();
            set: function set(input) {
          }); // Volume

          var volume = player.config.volume;
          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'volume', {
            get: function get() {
              return volume;
            set: function set(input) {
              volume = input;
              instance.setVolume(volume * 100);
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange');
          }); // Muted

          var muted = player.config.muted;
          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'muted', {
            get: function get() {
              return muted;
            set: function set(input) {
              var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : muted;
              muted = toggle;
              instance[toggle ? 'mute' : 'unMute']();
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange');
          }); // Source

          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentSrc', {
            get: function get() {
              return instance.getVideoUrl();
          }); // Ended

          Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'ended', {
            get: function get() {
              return player.currentTime === player.duration;
          }); // Get available speeds

          var speeds = instance.getAvailablePlaybackRates(); // Filter based on config

          player.options.speed = speeds.filter(function (s) {
            return player.config.speed.options.includes(s);
          }); // Set the tabindex to avoid focus entering iframe

          if (player.supported.ui) {
            player.media.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);

          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate');
          triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange'); // Reset timer

          clearInterval(player.timers.buffering); // Setup buffering

          player.timers.buffering = setInterval(function () {
            // Get loaded % from YouTube
            player.media.buffered = instance.getVideoLoadedFraction(); // Trigger progress only when we actually buffer something

            if (player.media.lastBuffered === null || player.media.lastBuffered < player.media.buffered) {
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'progress');
            } // Set last buffer point

            player.media.lastBuffered = player.media.buffered; // Bail if we're at 100%

            if (player.media.buffered === 1) {
              clearInterval(player.timers.buffering); // Trigger event

              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'canplaythrough');
          }, 200); // Rebuild UI

          setTimeout(function () {
            return ui.build.call(player);
          }, 50);
        onStateChange: function onStateChange(event) {
          // Get the instance
          var instance = event.target; // Reset timer

          var seeked = player.media.seeking && [1, 2].includes(event.data);

          if (seeked) {
            // Unset seeking and fire seeked event
            player.media.seeking = false;
            triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'seeked');
          } // Handle events
          // -1   Unstarted
          // 0    Ended
          // 1    Playing
          // 2    Paused
          // 3    Buffering
          // 5    Video cued

          switch (event.data) {
            case -1:
              // Update scrubber
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate'); // Get loaded % from YouTube

              player.media.buffered = instance.getVideoLoadedFraction();
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'progress');

            case 0:
              assurePlaybackState$1.call(player, false); // YouTube doesn't support loop for a single video, so mimick it.

              if (player.media.loop) {
                // YouTube needs a call to `stopVideo` before playing again
              } else {
                triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ended');


            case 1:
              // Restore paused state (YouTube starts playing on seek if the video hasn't been played yet)
              if (!player.config.autoplay && player.media.paused && !player.embed.hasPlayed) {
              } else {
                assurePlaybackState$1.call(player, true);
                triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing'); // Poll to get playback progress

                player.timers.playing = setInterval(function () {
                  triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate');
                }, 50); // Check duration again due to YouTube bug
                // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/374
                // https://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=8690

                if (player.media.duration !== instance.getDuration()) {
                  player.media.duration = instance.getDuration();
                  triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange');


            case 2:
              // Restore audio (YouTube starts playing on seek if the video hasn't been played yet)
              if (!player.muted) {

              assurePlaybackState$1.call(player, false);

            case 3:
              // Trigger waiting event to add loading classes to container as the video buffers.
              triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'waiting');

          triggerEvent.call(player, player.elements.container, 'statechange', false, {
            code: event.data

// ==========================================================================
var media = {
  // Setup media
  setup: function setup() {
    // If there's no media, bail
    if (!this.media) {
      this.debug.warn('No media element found!');
    } // Add type class

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.type.replace('{0}', this.type), true); // Add provider class

    toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.provider.replace('{0}', this.provider), true); // Add video class for embeds
    // This will require changes if audio embeds are added

    if (this.isEmbed) {
      toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.type.replace('{0}', 'video'), true);
    } // Inject the player wrapper

    if (this.isVideo) {
      // Create the wrapper div
      this.elements.wrapper = createElement('div', {
        class: this.config.classNames.video
      }); // Wrap the video in a container

      wrap(this.media, this.elements.wrapper); // Poster image container

      this.elements.poster = createElement('div', {
        class: this.config.classNames.poster

    if (this.isHTML5) {
    } else if (this.isYouTube) {
    } else if (this.isVimeo) {

var destroy = function destroy(instance) {
  // Destroy our adsManager
  if (instance.manager) {
  } // Destroy our adsManager

  if (instance.elements.displayContainer) {


var Ads = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
   * Ads constructor.
   * @param {Object} player
   * @return {Ads}
  function Ads(player) {
    var _this = this;

    _classCallCheck(this, Ads);

    this.player = player;
    this.config = player.config.ads;
    this.playing = false;
    this.initialized = false;
    this.elements = {
      container: null,
      displayContainer: null
    this.manager = null;
    this.loader = null;
    this.cuePoints = null;
    this.events = {};
    this.safetyTimer = null;
    this.countdownTimer = null; // Setup a promise to resolve when the IMA manager is ready

    this.managerPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      // The ad is loaded and ready
      _this.on('loaded', resolve); // Ads failed

      _this.on('error', reject);

  _createClass(Ads, [{
    key: "load",

     * Load the IMA SDK
    value: function load() {
      var _this2 = this;

      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // Check if the Google IMA3 SDK is loaded or load it ourselves

      if (!is$1.object(window.google) || !is$1.object(window.google.ima)) {
        loadScript(this.player.config.urls.googleIMA.sdk).then(function () {
        }).catch(function () {
          // Script failed to load or is blocked
          _this2.trigger('error', new Error('Google IMA SDK failed to load'));
      } else {
     * Get the ads instance ready

  }, {
    key: "ready",
    value: function ready() {
      var _this3 = this;

      // Double check we're enabled
      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // Start ticking our safety timer. If the whole advertisement
      // thing doesn't resolve within our set time; we bail

      this.startSafetyTimer(12000, 'ready()'); // Clear the safety timer

      this.managerPromise.then(function () {
      }); // Set listeners on the Plyr instance

      this.listeners(); // Setup the IMA SDK

    } // Build the tag URL

  }, {
    key: "setupIMA",

     * In order for the SDK to display ads for our video, we need to tell it where to put them,
     * so here we define our ad container. This div is set up to render on top of the video player.
     * Using the code below, we tell the SDK to render ads within that div. We also provide a
     * handle to the content video player - the SDK will poll the current time of our player to
     * properly place mid-rolls. After we create the ad display container, we initialize it. On
     * mobile devices, this initialization is done as the result of a user action.
    value: function setupIMA() {
      var _this4 = this;

      // Create the container for our advertisements
      this.elements.container = createElement('div', {
        class: this.player.config.classNames.ads
      this.player.elements.container.appendChild(this.elements.container); // So we can run VPAID2

      google.ima.settings.setVpaidMode(google.ima.ImaSdkSettings.VpaidMode.ENABLED); // Set language

      google.ima.settings.setLocale(this.player.config.ads.language); // Set playback for iOS10+

      google.ima.settings.setDisableCustomPlaybackForIOS10Plus(this.player.config.playsinline); // We assume the adContainer is the video container of the plyr element that will house the ads

      this.elements.displayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(this.elements.container, this.player.media); // Create ads loader

      this.loader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(this.elements.displayContainer); // Listen and respond to ads loaded and error events

      this.loader.addEventListener(google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED, function (event) {
        return _this4.onAdsManagerLoaded(event);
      }, false);
      this.loader.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, function (error) {
        return _this4.onAdError(error);
      }, false); // Request video ads to be pre-loaded

     * Request advertisements

  }, {
    key: "requestAds",
    value: function requestAds() {
      var container = this.player.elements.container;

      try {
        // Request video ads
        var request = new google.ima.AdsRequest();
        request.adTagUrl = this.tagUrl; // Specify the linear and nonlinear slot sizes. This helps the SDK
        // to select the correct creative if multiple are returned

        request.linearAdSlotWidth = container.offsetWidth;
        request.linearAdSlotHeight = container.offsetHeight;
        request.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = container.offsetWidth;
        request.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = container.offsetHeight; // We only overlay ads as we only support video.

        request.forceNonLinearFullSlot = false; // Mute based on current state

      } catch (e) {
     * Update the ad countdown
     * @param {Boolean} start

  }, {
    key: "pollCountdown",
    value: function pollCountdown() {
      var _this5 = this;

      var start = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;

      if (!start) {

      var update = function update() {
        var time = formatTime(Math.max(_this5.manager.getRemainingTime(), 0));
        var label = "".concat(i18n.get('advertisement', _this5.player.config), " - ").concat(time);

        _this5.elements.container.setAttribute('data-badge-text', label);

      this.countdownTimer = setInterval(update, 100);
     * This method is called whenever the ads are ready inside the AdDisplayContainer
     * @param {Event} adsManagerLoadedEvent

  }, {
    key: "onAdsManagerLoaded",
    value: function onAdsManagerLoaded(event) {
      var _this6 = this;

      // Load could occur after a source change (race condition)
      if (!this.enabled) {
      } // Get the ads manager

      var settings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings(); // Tell the SDK to save and restore content video state on our behalf

      settings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = true;
      settings.enablePreloading = true; // The SDK is polling currentTime on the contentPlayback. And needs a duration
      // so it can determine when to start the mid- and post-roll

      this.manager = event.getAdsManager(this.player, settings); // Get the cue points for any mid-rolls by filtering out the pre- and post-roll

      this.cuePoints = this.manager.getCuePoints(); // Add listeners to the required events
      // Advertisement error events

      this.manager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, function (error) {
        return _this6.onAdError(error);
      }); // Advertisement regular events

      Object.keys(google.ima.AdEvent.Type).forEach(function (type) {
        _this6.manager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type[type], function (e) {
          return _this6.onAdEvent(e);
      }); // Resolve our adsManager

  }, {
    key: "addCuePoints",
    value: function addCuePoints() {
      var _this7 = this;

      // Add advertisement cue's within the time line if available
      if (!is$1.empty(this.cuePoints)) {
        this.cuePoints.forEach(function (cuePoint) {
          if (cuePoint !== 0 && cuePoint !== -1 && cuePoint < _this7.player.duration) {
            var seekElement = _this7.player.elements.progress;

            if (is$1.element(seekElement)) {
              var cuePercentage = 100 / _this7.player.duration * cuePoint;
              var cue = createElement('span', {
                class: _this7.player.config.classNames.cues
              cue.style.left = "".concat(cuePercentage.toString(), "%");
     * This is where all the event handling takes place. Retrieve the ad from the event. Some
     * events (e.g. ALL_ADS_COMPLETED) don't have the ad object associated
     * https://developers.google.com/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/html5/v3/apis#ima.AdEvent.Type
     * @param {Event} event

  }, {
    key: "onAdEvent",
    value: function onAdEvent(event) {
      var _this8 = this;

      var container = this.player.elements.container; // Retrieve the ad from the event. Some events (e.g. ALL_ADS_COMPLETED)
      // don't have ad object associated

      var ad = event.getAd();
      var adData = event.getAdData(); // Proxy event

      var dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(type) {
        triggerEvent.call(_this8.player, _this8.player.media, "ads".concat(type.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase()));
      }; // Bubble the event


      switch (event.type) {
        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED:
          // This is the first event sent for an ad - it is possible to determine whether the
          // ad is a video ad or an overlay
          this.trigger('loaded'); // Start countdown


          if (!ad.isLinear()) {
            // Position AdDisplayContainer correctly for overlay
            ad.width = container.offsetWidth;
            ad.height = container.offsetHeight;
          } // console.info('Ad type: ' + event.getAd().getAdPodInfo().getPodIndex());
          // console.info('Ad time: ' + event.getAd().getAdPodInfo().getTimeOffset());


        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED:
          // Set volume to match player

        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED:
          // All ads for the current videos are done. We can now request new advertisements
          // in case the video is re-played
          // TODO: Example for what happens when a next video in a playlist would be loaded.
          // So here we load a new video when all ads are done.
          // Then we load new ads within a new adsManager. When the video
          // Is started - after - the ads are loaded, then we get ads.
          // You can also easily test cancelling and reloading by running
          // player.ads.cancel() and player.ads.play from the console I guess.
          // this.player.source = {
          //     type: 'video',
          //     title: 'View From A Blue Moon',
          //     sources: [{
          //         src:
          // 'https://cdn.plyr.io/static/demo/View_From_A_Blue_Moon_Trailer-HD.mp4', type:
          // 'video/mp4', }], poster:
          // 'https://cdn.plyr.io/static/demo/View_From_A_Blue_Moon_Trailer-HD.jpg', tracks:
          // [ { kind: 'captions', label: 'English', srclang: 'en', src:
          // 'https://cdn.plyr.io/static/demo/View_From_A_Blue_Moon_Trailer-HD.en.vtt',
          // default: true, }, { kind: 'captions', label: 'French', srclang: 'fr', src:
          // 'https://cdn.plyr.io/static/demo/View_From_A_Blue_Moon_Trailer-HD.fr.vtt', }, ],
          // };
          // TODO: So there is still this thing where a video should only be allowed to start
          // playing when the IMA SDK is ready or has failed
          if (this.player.ended) {
          } else {
            // The SDK won't allow new ads to be called without receiving a contentComplete()


        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED:
          // This event indicates the ad has started - the video player can adjust the UI,
          // for example display a pause button and remaining time. Fired when content should
          // be paused. This usually happens right before an ad is about to cover the content

        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED:
          // This event indicates the ad has finished - the video player can perform
          // appropriate UI actions, such as removing the timer for remaining time detection.
          // Fired when content should be resumed. This usually happens when an ad finishes
          // or collapses

        case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOG:
          if (adData.adError) {
            this.player.debug.warn("Non-fatal ad error: ".concat(adData.adError.getMessage()));

     * Any ad error handling comes through here
     * @param {Event} event

  }, {
    key: "onAdError",
    value: function onAdError(event) {
      this.player.debug.warn('Ads error', event);
     * Setup hooks for Plyr and window events. This ensures
     * the mid- and post-roll launch at the correct time. And
     * resize the advertisement when the player resizes

  }, {
    key: "listeners",
    value: function listeners() {
      var _this9 = this;

      var container = this.player.elements.container;
      var time;
      this.player.on('canplay', function () {
      this.player.on('ended', function () {
      this.player.on('timeupdate', function () {
        time = _this9.player.currentTime;
      this.player.on('seeked', function () {
        var seekedTime = _this9.player.currentTime;

        if (is$1.empty(_this9.cuePoints)) {

        _this9.cuePoints.forEach(function (cuePoint, index) {
          if (time < cuePoint && cuePoint < seekedTime) {

            _this9.cuePoints.splice(index, 1);
      }); // Listen to the resizing of the window. And resize ad accordingly
      // TODO: eventually implement ResizeObserver

      window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
        if (_this9.manager) {
          _this9.manager.resize(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL);
     * Initialize the adsManager and start playing advertisements

  }, {
    key: "play",
    value: function play() {
      var _this10 = this;

      var container = this.player.elements.container;

      if (!this.managerPromise) {
      } // Play the requested advertisement whenever the adsManager is ready

      this.managerPromise.then(function () {
        // Set volume to match player
        _this10.manager.setVolume(_this10.player.volume); // Initialize the container. Must be done via a user action on mobile devices


        try {
          if (!_this10.initialized) {
            // Initialize the ads manager. Ad rules playlist will start at this time
            _this10.manager.init(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL); // Call play to start showing the ad. Single video and overlay ads will
            // start at this time; the call will be ignored for ad rules


          _this10.initialized = true;
        } catch (adError) {
          // An error may be thrown if there was a problem with the
          // VAST response
      }).catch(function () {});
     * Resume our video

  }, {
    key: "resumeContent",
    value: function resumeContent() {
      // Hide the advertisement container
      this.elements.container.style.zIndex = ''; // Ad is stopped

      this.playing = false; // Play video

     * Pause our video

  }, {
    key: "pauseContent",
    value: function pauseContent() {
      // Show the advertisement container
      this.elements.container.style.zIndex = 3; // Ad is playing

      this.playing = true; // Pause our video.

     * Destroy the adsManager so we can grab new ads after this. If we don't then we're not
     * allowed to call new ads based on google policies, as they interpret this as an accidental
     * video requests. https://developers.google.com/interactive-
     * media-ads/docs/sdks/android/faq#8

  }, {
    key: "cancel",
    value: function cancel() {
      // Pause our video
      if (this.initialized) {
      } // Tell our instance that we're done for now

      this.trigger('error'); // Re-create our adsManager

     * Re-create our adsManager

  }, {
    key: "loadAds",
    value: function loadAds() {
      var _this11 = this;

      // Tell our adsManager to go bye bye
      this.managerPromise.then(function () {
        // Destroy our adsManager
        if (_this11.manager) {
        } // Re-set our adsManager promises

        _this11.managerPromise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
          _this11.on('loaded', resolve);

        }); // Now that the manager has been destroyed set it to also be un-initialized

        _this11.initialized = false; // Now request some new advertisements

      }).catch(function () {});
     * Handles callbacks after an ad event was invoked
     * @param {String} event - Event type

  }, {
    key: "trigger",
    value: function trigger(event) {
      var _this12 = this;

      for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
        args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];

      var handlers = this.events[event];

      if (is$1.array(handlers)) {
        handlers.forEach(function (handler) {
          if (is$1.function(handler)) {
            handler.apply(_this12, args);
     * Add event listeners
     * @param {String} event - Event type
     * @param {Function} callback - Callback for when event occurs
     * @return {Ads}

  }, {
    key: "on",
    value: function on(event, callback) {
      if (!is$1.array(this.events[event])) {
        this.events[event] = [];

      return this;
     * Setup a safety timer for when the ad network doesn't respond for whatever reason.
     * The advertisement has 12 seconds to get its things together. We stop this timer when the
     * advertisement is playing, or when a user action is required to start, then we clear the
     * timer on ad ready
     * @param {Number} time
     * @param {String} from

  }, {
    key: "startSafetyTimer",
    value: function startSafetyTimer(time, from) {
      var _this13 = this;

      this.player.debug.log("Safety timer invoked from: ".concat(from));
      this.safetyTimer = setTimeout(function () {

      }, time);
     * Clear our safety timer(s)
     * @param {String} from

  }, {
    key: "clearSafetyTimer",
    value: function clearSafetyTimer(from) {
      if (!is$1.nullOrUndefined(this.safetyTimer)) {
        this.player.debug.log("Safety timer cleared from: ".concat(from));
        this.safetyTimer = null;
  }, {
    key: "enabled",
    get: function get() {
      var config = this.config;
      return this.player.isHTML5 && this.player.isVideo && config.enabled && (!is$1.empty(config.publisherId) || is$1.url(config.tagUrl));
  }, {
    key: "tagUrl",
    get: function get() {
      var config = this.config;

      if (is$1.url(config.tagUrl)) {
        return config.tagUrl;

      var params = {
        AV_PUBLISHERID: '58c25bb0073ef448b1087ad6',
        AV_CHANNELID: '5a0458dc28a06145e4519d21',
        AV_URL: window.location.hostname,
        cb: Date.now(),
        AV_WIDTH: 640,
        AV_HEIGHT: 480,
        AV_CDIM2: config.publisherId
      var base = 'https://go.aniview.com/api/adserver6/vast/';
      return "".concat(base, "?").concat(buildUrlParams(params));

  return Ads;

var parseVtt = function parseVtt(vttDataString) {
  var processedList = [];
  var frames = vttDataString.split(/\r\n\r\n|\n\n|\r\r/);
  frames.forEach(function (frame) {
    var result = {};
    var lines = frame.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
    lines.forEach(function (line) {
      if (!is$1.number(result.startTime)) {
        // The line with start and end times on it is the first line of interest
        var matchTimes = line.match(/([0-9]{2})?:?([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2,3})( ?--> ?)([0-9]{2})?:?([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2,3})/); // Note that this currently ignores caption formatting directives that are optionally on the end of this line - fine for non-captions VTT

        if (matchTimes) {
          result.startTime = Number(matchTimes[1] || 0) * 60 * 60 + Number(matchTimes[2]) * 60 + Number(matchTimes[3]) + Number("0.".concat(matchTimes[4]));
          result.endTime = Number(matchTimes[6] || 0) * 60 * 60 + Number(matchTimes[7]) * 60 + Number(matchTimes[8]) + Number("0.".concat(matchTimes[9]));
      } else if (!is$1.empty(line.trim()) && is$1.empty(result.text)) {
        // If we already have the startTime, then we're definitely up to the text line(s)
        var lineSplit = line.trim().split('#xywh=');

        var _lineSplit = _slicedToArray(lineSplit, 1);

        result.text = _lineSplit[0];

        // If there's content in lineSplit[1], then we have sprites. If not, then it's just one frame per image
        if (lineSplit[1]) {
          var _lineSplit$1$split = lineSplit[1].split(',');

          var _lineSplit$1$split2 = _slicedToArray(_lineSplit$1$split, 4);

          result.x = _lineSplit$1$split2[0];
          result.y = _lineSplit$1$split2[1];
          result.w = _lineSplit$1$split2[2];
          result.h = _lineSplit$1$split2[3];

    if (result.text) {
  return processedList;
 * Preview thumbnails for seek hover and scrubbing
 * Seeking: Hover over the seek bar (desktop only): shows a small preview container above the seek bar
 * Scrubbing: Click and drag the seek bar (desktop and mobile): shows the preview image over the entire video, as if the video is scrubbing at very high speed
 * Notes:
 * - Thumbs are set via JS settings on Plyr init, not HTML5 'track' property. Using the track property would be a bit gross, because it doesn't support custom 'kinds'. kind=metadata might be used for something else, and we want to allow multiple thumbnails tracks. Tracks must have a unique combination of 'kind' and 'label'. We would have to do something like kind=metadata,label=thumbnails1 / kind=metadata,label=thumbnails2. Square peg, round hole
 * - VTT info: the image URL is relative to the VTT, not the current document. But if the url starts with a slash, it will naturally be relative to the current domain. https://support.jwplayer.com/articles/how-to-add-preview-thumbnails
 * - This implementation uses multiple separate img elements. Other implementations use background-image on one element. This would be nice and simple, but Firefox and Safari have flickering issues with replacing backgrounds of larger images. It seems that YouTube perhaps only avoids this because they don't have the option for high-res previews (even the fullscreen ones, when mousedown/seeking). Images appear over the top of each other, and previous ones are discarded once the new ones have been rendered

var fitRatio = function fitRatio(ratio, outer) {
  var targetRatio = outer.width / outer.height;
  var result = {};

  if (ratio > targetRatio) {
    result.width = outer.width;
    result.height = 1 / ratio * outer.width;
  } else {
    result.height = outer.height;
    result.width = ratio * outer.height;

  return result;

var PreviewThumbnails = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
   * PreviewThumbnails constructor.
   * @param {Plyr} player
   * @return {PreviewThumbnails}
  function PreviewThumbnails(player) {
    _classCallCheck(this, PreviewThumbnails);

    this.player = player;
    this.thumbnails = [];
    this.loaded = false;
    this.lastMouseMoveTime = Date.now();
    this.mouseDown = false;
    this.loadedImages = [];
    this.elements = {
      thumb: {},
      scrubbing: {}

  _createClass(PreviewThumbnails, [{
    key: "load",
    value: function load() {
      var _this = this;

      // Toggle the regular seek tooltip
      if (this.player.elements.display.seekTooltip) {
        this.player.elements.display.seekTooltip.hidden = this.enabled;

      if (!this.enabled) {

      this.getThumbnails().then(function () {
        if (!_this.enabled) {
        } // Render DOM elements

        _this.render(); // Check to see if thumb container size was specified manually in CSS


        _this.loaded = true;
    } // Download VTT files and parse them

  }, {
    key: "getThumbnails",
    value: function getThumbnails() {
      var _this2 = this;

      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        var src = _this2.player.config.previewThumbnails.src;

        if (is$1.empty(src)) {
          throw new Error('Missing previewThumbnails.src config attribute');
        } // Resolve promise

        var sortAndResolve = function sortAndResolve() {
          // Sort smallest to biggest (e.g., [120p, 480p, 1080p])
          _this2.thumbnails.sort(function (x, y) {
            return x.height - y.height;

          _this2.player.debug.log('Preview thumbnails', _this2.thumbnails);

        }; // Via callback()

        if (is$1.function(src)) {
          src(function (thumbnails) {
            _this2.thumbnails = thumbnails;
        } // VTT urls
        else {
            // If string, convert into single-element list
            var urls = is$1.string(src) ? [src] : src; // Loop through each src URL. Download and process the VTT file, storing the resulting data in this.thumbnails

            var promises = urls.map(function (u) {
              return _this2.getThumbnail(u);
            }); // Resolve

    } // Process individual VTT file

  }, {
    key: "getThumbnail",
    value: function getThumbnail(url) {
      var _this3 = this;

      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        fetch(url).then(function (response) {
          var thumbnail = {
            frames: parseVtt(response),
            height: null,
            urlPrefix: ''
          }; // If the URLs don't start with '/', then we need to set their relative path to be the location of the VTT file
          // If the URLs do start with '/', then they obviously don't need a prefix, so it will remain blank
          // If the thumbnail URLs start with with none of '/', 'http://' or 'https://', then we need to set their relative path to be the location of the VTT file

          if (!thumbnail.frames[0].text.startsWith('/') && !thumbnail.frames[0].text.startsWith('http://') && !thumbnail.frames[0].text.startsWith('https://')) {
            thumbnail.urlPrefix = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
          } // Download the first frame, so that we can determine/set the height of this thumbnailsDef

          var tempImage = new Image();

          tempImage.onload = function () {
            thumbnail.height = tempImage.naturalHeight;
            thumbnail.width = tempImage.naturalWidth;



          tempImage.src = thumbnail.urlPrefix + thumbnail.frames[0].text;
  }, {
    key: "startMove",
    value: function startMove(event) {
      if (!this.loaded) {

      if (!is$1.event(event) || !['touchmove', 'mousemove'].includes(event.type)) {
      } // Wait until media has a duration

      if (!this.player.media.duration) {

      if (event.type === 'touchmove') {
        // Calculate seek hover position as approx video seconds
        this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration * (this.player.elements.inputs.seek.value / 100);
      } else {
        // Calculate seek hover position as approx video seconds
        var clientRect = this.player.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect();
        var percentage = 100 / clientRect.width * (event.pageX - clientRect.left);
        this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration * (percentage / 100);

        if (this.seekTime < 0) {
          // The mousemove fires for 10+px out to the left
          this.seekTime = 0;

        if (this.seekTime > this.player.media.duration - 1) {
          // Took 1 second off the duration for safety, because different players can disagree on the real duration of a video
          this.seekTime = this.player.media.duration - 1;

        this.mousePosX = event.pageX; // Set time text inside image container

        this.elements.thumb.time.innerText = formatTime(this.seekTime);
      } // Download and show image

  }, {
    key: "endMove",
    value: function endMove() {
      this.toggleThumbContainer(false, true);
  }, {
    key: "startScrubbing",
    value: function startScrubbing(event) {
      // Only act on left mouse button (0), or touch device (event.button does not exist or is false)
      if (is$1.nullOrUndefined(event.button) || event.button === false || event.button === 0) {
        this.mouseDown = true; // Wait until media has a duration

        if (this.player.media.duration) {
          this.toggleThumbContainer(false, true); // Download and show image

  }, {
    key: "endScrubbing",
    value: function endScrubbing() {
      var _this4 = this;

      this.mouseDown = false; // Hide scrubbing preview. But wait until the video has successfully seeked before hiding the scrubbing preview

      if (Math.ceil(this.lastTime) === Math.ceil(this.player.media.currentTime)) {
        // The video was already seeked/loaded at the chosen time - hide immediately
      } else {
        // The video hasn't seeked yet. Wait for that
        once.call(this.player, this.player.media, 'timeupdate', function () {
          // Re-check mousedown - we might have already started scrubbing again
          if (!_this4.mouseDown) {
     * Setup hooks for Plyr and window events

  }, {
    key: "listeners",
    value: function listeners() {
      var _this5 = this;

      // Hide thumbnail preview - on mouse click, mouse leave (in listeners.js for now), and video play/seek. All four are required, e.g., for buffering
      this.player.on('play', function () {
        _this5.toggleThumbContainer(false, true);
      this.player.on('seeked', function () {
      this.player.on('timeupdate', function () {
        _this5.lastTime = _this5.player.media.currentTime;
     * Create HTML elements for image containers

  }, {
    key: "render",
    value: function render() {
      // Create HTML element: plyr__preview-thumbnail-container
      this.elements.thumb.container = createElement('div', {
        class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.thumbContainer
      }); // Wrapper for the image for styling

      this.elements.thumb.imageContainer = createElement('div', {
        class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.imageContainer
      this.elements.thumb.container.appendChild(this.elements.thumb.imageContainer); // Create HTML element, parent+span: time text (e.g., 01:32:00)

      var timeContainer = createElement('div', {
        class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.timeContainer
      this.elements.thumb.time = createElement('span', {}, '00:00');
      this.elements.thumb.container.appendChild(timeContainer); // Inject the whole thumb

      if (is$1.element(this.player.elements.progress)) {
      } // Create HTML element: plyr__preview-scrubbing-container

      this.elements.scrubbing.container = createElement('div', {
        class: this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.scrubbingContainer
  }, {
    key: "destroy",
    value: function destroy() {
      if (this.elements.thumb.container) {

      if (this.elements.scrubbing.container) {
  }, {
    key: "showImageAtCurrentTime",
    value: function showImageAtCurrentTime() {
      var _this6 = this;

      if (this.mouseDown) {
      } else {
      } // Find the desired thumbnail index
      // TODO: Handle a video longer than the thumbs where thumbNum is null

      var thumbNum = this.thumbnails[0].frames.findIndex(function (frame) {
        return _this6.seekTime >= frame.startTime && _this6.seekTime <= frame.endTime;
      var hasThumb = thumbNum >= 0;
      var qualityIndex = 0; // Show the thumb container if we're not scrubbing

      if (!this.mouseDown) {
      } // No matching thumb found

      if (!hasThumb) {
      } // Check to see if we've already downloaded higher quality versions of this image

      this.thumbnails.forEach(function (thumbnail, index) {
        if (_this6.loadedImages.includes(thumbnail.frames[thumbNum].text)) {
          qualityIndex = index;
      }); // Only proceed if either thumbnum or thumbfilename has changed

      if (thumbNum !== this.showingThumb) {
        this.showingThumb = thumbNum;
    } // Show the image that's currently specified in this.showingThumb

  }, {
    key: "loadImage",
    value: function loadImage() {
      var _this7 = this;

      var qualityIndex = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
      var thumbNum = this.showingThumb;
      var thumbnail = this.thumbnails[qualityIndex];
      var urlPrefix = thumbnail.urlPrefix;
      var frame = thumbnail.frames[thumbNum];
      var thumbFilename = thumbnail.frames[thumbNum].text;
      var thumbUrl = urlPrefix + thumbFilename;

      if (!this.currentImageElement || this.currentImageElement.dataset.filename !== thumbFilename) {
        // If we're already loading a previous image, remove its onload handler - we don't want it to load after this one
        // Only do this if not using sprites. Without sprites we really want to show as many images as possible, as a best-effort
        if (this.loadingImage && this.usingSprites) {
          this.loadingImage.onload = null;
        } // We're building and adding a new image. In other implementations of similar functionality (YouTube), background image
        // is instead used. But this causes issues with larger images in Firefox and Safari - switching between background
        // images causes a flicker. Putting a new image over the top does not

        var previewImage = new Image();
        previewImage.src = thumbUrl;
        previewImage.dataset.index = thumbNum;
        previewImage.dataset.filename = thumbFilename;
        this.showingThumbFilename = thumbFilename;
        this.player.debug.log("Loading image: ".concat(thumbUrl)); // For some reason, passing the named function directly causes it to execute immediately. So I've wrapped it in an anonymous function...

        previewImage.onload = function () {
          return _this7.showImage(previewImage, frame, qualityIndex, thumbNum, thumbFilename, true);

        this.loadingImage = previewImage;
      } else {
        // Update the existing image
        this.showImage(this.currentImageElement, frame, qualityIndex, thumbNum, thumbFilename, false);
        this.currentImageElement.dataset.index = thumbNum;
  }, {
    key: "showImage",
    value: function showImage(previewImage, frame, qualityIndex, thumbNum, thumbFilename) {
      var newImage = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : true;
      this.player.debug.log("Showing thumb: ".concat(thumbFilename, ". num: ").concat(thumbNum, ". qual: ").concat(qualityIndex, ". newimg: ").concat(newImage));
      this.setImageSizeAndOffset(previewImage, frame);

      if (newImage) {
        this.currentImageElement = previewImage;

        if (!this.loadedImages.includes(thumbFilename)) {
      } // Preload images before and after the current one
      // Show higher quality of the same frame
      // Each step here has a short time delay, and only continues if still hovering/seeking the same spot. This is to protect slow connections from overloading

      this.preloadNearby(thumbNum, true).then(this.preloadNearby(thumbNum, false)).then(this.getHigherQuality(qualityIndex, previewImage, frame, thumbFilename));
    } // Remove all preview images that aren't the designated current image

  }, {
    key: "removeOldImages",
    value: function removeOldImages(currentImage) {
      var _this8 = this;

      // Get a list of all images, convert it from a DOM list to an array
      Array.from(this.currentImageContainer.children).forEach(function (image) {
        if (image.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'img') {

        var removeDelay = _this8.usingSprites ? 500 : 1000;

        if (image.dataset.index !== currentImage.dataset.index && !image.dataset.deleting) {
          // Wait 200ms, as the new image can take some time to show on certain browsers (even though it was downloaded before showing). This will prevent flicker, and show some generosity towards slower clients
          // First set attribute 'deleting' to prevent multi-handling of this on repeat firing of this function
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          image.dataset.deleting = true; // This has to be set before the timeout - to prevent issues switching between hover and scrub

          var currentImageContainer = _this8.currentImageContainer;
          setTimeout(function () {

            _this8.player.debug.log("Removing thumb: ".concat(image.dataset.filename));
          }, removeDelay);
    } // Preload images before and after the current one. Only if the user is still hovering/seeking the same frame
    // This will only preload the lowest quality

  }, {
    key: "preloadNearby",
    value: function preloadNearby(thumbNum) {
      var _this9 = this;

      var forward = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        setTimeout(function () {
          var oldThumbFilename = _this9.thumbnails[0].frames[thumbNum].text;

          if (_this9.showingThumbFilename === oldThumbFilename) {
            // Find the nearest thumbs with different filenames. Sometimes it'll be the next index, but in the case of sprites, it might be 100+ away
            var thumbnailsClone;

            if (forward) {
              thumbnailsClone = _this9.thumbnails[0].frames.slice(thumbNum);
            } else {
              thumbnailsClone = _this9.thumbnails[0].frames.slice(0, thumbNum).reverse();

            var foundOne = false;
            thumbnailsClone.forEach(function (frame) {
              var newThumbFilename = frame.text;

              if (newThumbFilename !== oldThumbFilename) {
                // Found one with a different filename. Make sure it hasn't already been loaded on this page visit
                if (!_this9.loadedImages.includes(newThumbFilename)) {
                  foundOne = true;

                  _this9.player.debug.log("Preloading thumb filename: ".concat(newThumbFilename));

                  var urlPrefix = _this9.thumbnails[0].urlPrefix;
                  var thumbURL = urlPrefix + newThumbFilename;
                  var previewImage = new Image();
                  previewImage.src = thumbURL;

                  previewImage.onload = function () {
                    _this9.player.debug.log("Preloaded thumb filename: ".concat(newThumbFilename));

                    if (!_this9.loadedImages.includes(newThumbFilename)) _this9.loadedImages.push(newThumbFilename); // We don't resolve until the thumb is loaded

            }); // If there are none to preload then we want to resolve immediately

            if (!foundOne) {
        }, 300);
    } // If user has been hovering current image for half a second, look for a higher quality one

  }, {
    key: "getHigherQuality",
    value: function getHigherQuality(currentQualityIndex, previewImage, frame, thumbFilename) {
      var _this10 = this;

      if (currentQualityIndex < this.thumbnails.length - 1) {
        // Only use the higher quality version if it's going to look any better - if the current thumb is of a lower pixel density than the thumbnail container
        var previewImageHeight = previewImage.naturalHeight;

        if (this.usingSprites) {
          previewImageHeight = frame.h;

        if (previewImageHeight < this.thumbContainerHeight) {
          // Recurse back to the loadImage function - show a higher quality one, but only if the viewer is on this frame for a while
          setTimeout(function () {
            // Make sure the mouse hasn't already moved on and started hovering at another image
            if (_this10.showingThumbFilename === thumbFilename) {
              _this10.player.debug.log("Showing higher quality thumb for: ".concat(thumbFilename));

              _this10.loadImage(currentQualityIndex + 1);
          }, 300);
  }, {
    key: "toggleThumbContainer",
    value: function toggleThumbContainer() {
      var toggle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
      var clearShowing = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
      var className = this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.thumbContainerShown;
      this.elements.thumb.container.classList.toggle(className, toggle);

      if (!toggle && clearShowing) {
        this.showingThumb = null;
        this.showingThumbFilename = null;
  }, {
    key: "toggleScrubbingContainer",
    value: function toggleScrubbingContainer() {
      var toggle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
      var className = this.player.config.classNames.previewThumbnails.scrubbingContainerShown;
      this.elements.scrubbing.container.classList.toggle(className, toggle);

      if (!toggle) {
        this.showingThumb = null;
        this.showingThumbFilename = null;
  }, {
    key: "determineContainerAutoSizing",
    value: function determineContainerAutoSizing() {
      if (this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight > 20 || this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientWidth > 20) {
        // This will prevent auto sizing in this.setThumbContainerSizeAndPos()
        this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS = true;
    } // Set the size to be about a quarter of the size of video. Unless option dynamicSize === false, in which case it needs to be set in CSS

  }, {
    key: "setThumbContainerSizeAndPos",
    value: function setThumbContainerSizeAndPos() {
      if (!this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS) {
        var thumbWidth = Math.floor(this.thumbContainerHeight * this.thumbAspectRatio);
        this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.style.height = "".concat(this.thumbContainerHeight, "px");
        this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.style.width = "".concat(thumbWidth, "px");
      } else if (this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight > 20 && this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientWidth < 20) {
        var _thumbWidth = Math.floor(this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight * this.thumbAspectRatio);

        this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.style.width = "".concat(_thumbWidth, "px");
      } else if (this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight < 20 && this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientWidth > 20) {
        var thumbHeight = Math.floor(this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientWidth / this.thumbAspectRatio);
        this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.style.height = "".concat(thumbHeight, "px");

  }, {
    key: "setThumbContainerPos",
    value: function setThumbContainerPos() {
      var seekbarRect = this.player.elements.progress.getBoundingClientRect();
      var plyrRect = this.player.elements.container.getBoundingClientRect();
      var container = this.elements.thumb.container; // Find the lowest and highest desired left-position, so we don't slide out the side of the video container

      var minVal = plyrRect.left - seekbarRect.left + 10;
      var maxVal = plyrRect.right - seekbarRect.left - container.clientWidth - 10; // Set preview container position to: mousepos, minus seekbar.left, minus half of previewContainer.clientWidth

      var previewPos = this.mousePosX - seekbarRect.left - container.clientWidth / 2;

      if (previewPos < minVal) {
        previewPos = minVal;

      if (previewPos > maxVal) {
        previewPos = maxVal;

      container.style.left = "".concat(previewPos, "px");
    } // Can't use 100% width, in case the video is a different aspect ratio to the video container

  }, {
    key: "setScrubbingContainerSize",
    value: function setScrubbingContainerSize() {
      var _fitRatio = fitRatio(this.thumbAspectRatio, {
        width: this.player.media.clientWidth,
        height: this.player.media.clientHeight
          width = _fitRatio.width,
          height = _fitRatio.height;

      this.elements.scrubbing.container.style.width = "".concat(width, "px");
      this.elements.scrubbing.container.style.height = "".concat(height, "px");
    } // Sprites need to be offset to the correct location

  }, {
    key: "setImageSizeAndOffset",
    value: function setImageSizeAndOffset(previewImage, frame) {
      if (!this.usingSprites) {
      } // Find difference between height and preview container height

      var multiplier = this.thumbContainerHeight / frame.h; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

      previewImage.style.height = "".concat(previewImage.naturalHeight * multiplier, "px"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

      previewImage.style.width = "".concat(previewImage.naturalWidth * multiplier, "px"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

      previewImage.style.left = "-".concat(frame.x * multiplier, "px"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign

      previewImage.style.top = "-".concat(frame.y * multiplier, "px");
  }, {
    key: "enabled",
    get: function get() {
      return this.player.isHTML5 && this.player.isVideo && this.player.config.previewThumbnails.enabled;
  }, {
    key: "currentImageContainer",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.mouseDown) {
        return this.elements.scrubbing.container;

      return this.elements.thumb.imageContainer;
  }, {
    key: "usingSprites",
    get: function get() {
      return Object.keys(this.thumbnails[0].frames[0]).includes('w');
  }, {
    key: "thumbAspectRatio",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.usingSprites) {
        return this.thumbnails[0].frames[0].w / this.thumbnails[0].frames[0].h;

      return this.thumbnails[0].width / this.thumbnails[0].height;
  }, {
    key: "thumbContainerHeight",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.mouseDown) {
        var _fitRatio2 = fitRatio(this.thumbAspectRatio, {
          width: this.player.media.clientWidth,
          height: this.player.media.clientHeight
            height = _fitRatio2.height;

        return height;
      } // If css is used this needs to return the css height for sprites to work (see setImageSizeAndOffset)

      if (this.sizeSpecifiedInCSS) {
        return this.elements.thumb.imageContainer.clientHeight;

      return Math.floor(this.player.media.clientWidth / this.thumbAspectRatio / 4);
  }, {
    key: "currentImageElement",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.mouseDown) {
        return this.currentScrubbingImageElement;

      return this.currentThumbnailImageElement;
    set: function set(element) {
      if (this.mouseDown) {
        this.currentScrubbingImageElement = element;
      } else {
        this.currentThumbnailImageElement = element;

  return PreviewThumbnails;

var source = {
  // Add elements to HTML5 media (source, tracks, etc)
  insertElements: function insertElements(type, attributes) {
    var _this = this;

    if (is$1.string(attributes)) {
      insertElement(type, this.media, {
        src: attributes
    } else if (is$1.array(attributes)) {
      attributes.forEach(function (attribute) {
        insertElement(type, _this.media, attribute);
  // Update source
  // Sources are not checked for support so be careful
  change: function change(input) {
    var _this2 = this;

    if (!getDeep(input, 'sources.length')) {
      this.debug.warn('Invalid source format');
    } // Cancel current network requests

    html5.cancelRequests.call(this); // Destroy instance and re-setup

    this.destroy.call(this, function () {
      // Reset quality options
      _this2.options.quality = []; // Remove elements

      _this2.media = null; // Reset class name

      if (is$1.element(_this2.elements.container)) {
      } // Set the type and provider

      var sources = input.sources,
          type = input.type;

      var _sources = _slicedToArray(sources, 1),
          _sources$ = _sources[0],
          _sources$$provider = _sources$.provider,
          provider = _sources$$provider === void 0 ? providers.html5 : _sources$$provider,
          src = _sources$.src;

      var tagName = provider === 'html5' ? type : 'div';
      var attributes = provider === 'html5' ? {} : {
        src: src
      Object.assign(_this2, {
        provider: provider,
        type: type,
        // Check for support
        supported: support.check(type, provider, _this2.config.playsinline),
        // Create new element
        media: createElement(tagName, attributes)
      }); // Inject the new element

      _this2.elements.container.appendChild(_this2.media); // Autoplay the new source?

      if (is$1.boolean(input.autoplay)) {
        _this2.config.autoplay = input.autoplay;
      } // Set attributes for audio and video

      if (_this2.isHTML5) {
        if (_this2.config.crossorigin) {
          _this2.media.setAttribute('crossorigin', '');

        if (_this2.config.autoplay) {
          _this2.media.setAttribute('autoplay', '');

        if (!is$1.empty(input.poster)) {
          _this2.poster = input.poster;

        if (_this2.config.loop.active) {
          _this2.media.setAttribute('loop', '');

        if (_this2.config.muted) {
          _this2.media.setAttribute('muted', '');

        if (_this2.config.playsinline) {
          _this2.media.setAttribute('playsinline', '');
      } // Restore class hook

      ui.addStyleHook.call(_this2); // Set new sources for html5

      if (_this2.isHTML5) {
        source.insertElements.call(_this2, 'source', sources);
      } // Set video title

      _this2.config.title = input.title; // Set up from scratch

      media.setup.call(_this2); // HTML5 stuff

      if (_this2.isHTML5) {
        // Setup captions
        if (Object.keys(input).includes('tracks')) {
          source.insertElements.call(_this2, 'track', input.tracks);
      } // If HTML5 or embed but not fully supported, setupInterface and call ready now

      if (_this2.isHTML5 || _this2.isEmbed && !_this2.supported.ui) {
        // Setup interface
      } // Load HTML5 sources

      if (_this2.isHTML5) {
      } // Update previewThumbnails config & reload plugin

      if (!is$1.empty(input.previewThumbnails)) {
        Object.assign(_this2.config.previewThumbnails, input.previewThumbnails); // Cleanup previewThumbnails plugin if it was loaded

        if (_this2.previewThumbnails && _this2.previewThumbnails.loaded) {

          _this2.previewThumbnails = null;
        } // Create new instance if it is still enabled

        if (_this2.config.previewThumbnails.enabled) {
          _this2.previewThumbnails = new PreviewThumbnails(_this2);
      } // Update the fullscreen support

    }, true);

 * Returns a number whose value is limited to the given range.
 * Example: limit the output of this computation to between 0 and 255
 * (x * 255).clamp(0, 255)
 * @param {Number} input
 * @param {Number} min The lower boundary of the output range
 * @param {Number} max The upper boundary of the output range
 * @returns A number in the range [min, max]
 * @type Number
function clamp() {
  var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
  var min = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
  var max = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 255;
  return Math.min(Math.max(input, min), max);

// TODO: Use a WeakMap for private globals
// const globals = new WeakMap();
// Plyr instance

var Plyr = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  function Plyr(target, options) {
    var _this = this;

    _classCallCheck(this, Plyr);

    this.timers = {}; // State

    this.ready = false;
    this.loading = false;
    this.failed = false; // Touch device

    this.touch = support.touch; // Set the media element

    this.media = target; // String selector passed

    if (is$1.string(this.media)) {
      this.media = document.querySelectorAll(this.media);
    } // jQuery, NodeList or Array passed, use first element

    if (window.jQuery && this.media instanceof jQuery || is$1.nodeList(this.media) || is$1.array(this.media)) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      this.media = this.media[0];
    } // Set config

    this.config = extend({}, defaults$1, Plyr.defaults, options || {}, function () {
      try {
        return JSON.parse(_this.media.getAttribute('data-plyr-config'));
      } catch (e) {
        return {};
    }()); // Elements cache

    this.elements = {
      container: null,
      fullscreen: null,
      captions: null,
      buttons: {},
      display: {},
      progress: {},
      inputs: {},
      settings: {
        popup: null,
        menu: null,
        panels: {},
        buttons: {}
    }; // Captions

    this.captions = {
      active: null,
      currentTrack: -1,
      meta: new WeakMap()
    }; // Fullscreen

    this.fullscreen = {
      active: false
    }; // Options

    this.options = {
      speed: [],
      quality: []
    }; // Debugging
    // TODO: move to globals

    this.debug = new Console(this.config.debug); // Log config options and support

    this.debug.log('Config', this.config);
    this.debug.log('Support', support); // We need an element to setup

    if (is$1.nullOrUndefined(this.media) || !is$1.element(this.media)) {
      this.debug.error('Setup failed: no suitable element passed');
    } // Bail if the element is initialized

    if (this.media.plyr) {
      this.debug.warn('Target already setup');
    } // Bail if not enabled

    if (!this.config.enabled) {
      this.debug.error('Setup failed: disabled by config');
    } // Bail if disabled or no basic support
    // You may want to disable certain UAs etc

    if (!support.check().api) {
      this.debug.error('Setup failed: no support');
    } // Cache original element state for .destroy()

    var clone = this.media.cloneNode(true);
    clone.autoplay = false;
    this.elements.original = clone; // Set media type based on tag or data attribute
    // Supported: video, audio, vimeo, youtube

    var type = this.media.tagName.toLowerCase(); // Embed properties

    var iframe = null;
    var url = null; // Different setup based on type

    switch (type) {
      case 'div':
        // Find the frame
        iframe = this.media.querySelector('iframe'); // <iframe> type

        if (is$1.element(iframe)) {
          // Detect provider
          url = parseUrl(iframe.getAttribute('src'));
          this.provider = getProviderByUrl(url.toString()); // Rework elements

          this.elements.container = this.media;
          this.media = iframe; // Reset classname

          this.elements.container.className = ''; // Get attributes from URL and set config

          if (url.search.length) {
            var truthy = ['1', 'true'];

            if (truthy.includes(url.searchParams.get('autoplay'))) {
              this.config.autoplay = true;

            if (truthy.includes(url.searchParams.get('loop'))) {
              this.config.loop.active = true;
            } // TODO: replace fullscreen.iosNative with this playsinline config option
            // YouTube requires the playsinline in the URL

            if (this.isYouTube) {
              this.config.playsinline = truthy.includes(url.searchParams.get('playsinline'));
              this.config.youtube.hl = url.searchParams.get('hl'); // TODO: Should this be setting language?
            } else {
              this.config.playsinline = true;
        } else {
          // <div> with attributes
          this.provider = this.media.getAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.provider); // Remove attribute

        } // Unsupported or missing provider

        if (is$1.empty(this.provider) || !Object.keys(providers).includes(this.provider)) {
          this.debug.error('Setup failed: Invalid provider');
        } // Audio will come later for external providers

        this.type = types.video;

      case 'video':
      case 'audio':
        this.type = type;
        this.provider = providers.html5; // Get config from attributes

        if (this.media.hasAttribute('crossorigin')) {
          this.config.crossorigin = true;

        if (this.media.hasAttribute('autoplay')) {
          this.config.autoplay = true;

        if (this.media.hasAttribute('playsinline') || this.media.hasAttribute('webkit-playsinline')) {
          this.config.playsinline = true;

        if (this.media.hasAttribute('muted')) {
          this.config.muted = true;

        if (this.media.hasAttribute('loop')) {
          this.config.loop.active = true;


        this.debug.error('Setup failed: unsupported type');
    } // Check for support again but with type

    this.supported = support.check(this.type, this.provider, this.config.playsinline); // If no support for even API, bail

    if (!this.supported.api) {
      this.debug.error('Setup failed: no support');

    this.eventListeners = []; // Create listeners

    this.listeners = new Listeners(this); // Setup local storage for user settings

    this.storage = new Storage(this); // Store reference

    this.media.plyr = this; // Wrap media

    if (!is$1.element(this.elements.container)) {
      this.elements.container = createElement('div', {
        tabindex: 0
      wrap(this.media, this.elements.container);
    } // Migrate custom properties from media to container (so they work 😉)

    ui.migrateStyles.call(this); // Add style hook

    ui.addStyleHook.call(this); // Setup media

    media.setup.call(this); // Listen for events if debugging

    if (this.config.debug) {
      on.call(this, this.elements.container, this.config.events.join(' '), function (event) {
        _this.debug.log("event: ".concat(event.type));
    } // Setup fullscreen

    this.fullscreen = new Fullscreen(this); // Setup interface
    // If embed but not fully supported, build interface now to avoid flash of controls

    if (this.isHTML5 || this.isEmbed && !this.supported.ui) {
    } // Container listeners

    this.listeners.container(); // Global listeners

    this.listeners.global(); // Setup ads if provided

    if (this.config.ads.enabled) {
      this.ads = new Ads(this);
    } // Autoplay if required

    if (this.isHTML5 && this.config.autoplay) {
      setTimeout(function () {
        return silencePromise(_this.play());
      }, 10);
    } // Seek time will be recorded (in listeners.js) so we can prevent hiding controls for a few seconds after seek

    this.lastSeekTime = 0; // Setup preview thumbnails if enabled

    if (this.config.previewThumbnails.enabled) {
      this.previewThumbnails = new PreviewThumbnails(this);
  } // ---------------------------------------
  // API
  // ---------------------------------------

   * Types and provider helpers

  _createClass(Plyr, [{
    key: "play",

     * Play the media, or play the advertisement (if they are not blocked)
    value: function play() {
      var _this2 = this;

      if (!is$1.function(this.media.play)) {
        return null;
      } // Intecept play with ads

      if (this.ads && this.ads.enabled) {
        this.ads.managerPromise.then(function () {
          return _this2.ads.play();
        }).catch(function () {
          return silencePromise(_this2.media.play());
      } // Return the promise (for HTML5)

      return this.media.play();
     * Pause the media

  }, {
    key: "pause",
    value: function pause() {
      if (!this.playing || !is$1.function(this.media.pause)) {
        return null;

      return this.media.pause();
     * Get playing state

  }, {
    key: "togglePlay",

     * Toggle playback based on current status
     * @param {Boolean} input
    value: function togglePlay(input) {
      // Toggle based on current state if nothing passed
      var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : !this.playing;

      if (toggle) {
        return this.play();

      return this.pause();
     * Stop playback

  }, {
    key: "stop",
    value: function stop() {
      if (this.isHTML5) {
      } else if (is$1.function(this.media.stop)) {
     * Restart playback

  }, {
    key: "restart",
    value: function restart() {
      this.currentTime = 0;
     * Rewind
     * @param {Number} seekTime - how far to rewind in seconds. Defaults to the config.seekTime

  }, {
    key: "rewind",
    value: function rewind(seekTime) {
      this.currentTime -= is$1.number(seekTime) ? seekTime : this.config.seekTime;
     * Fast forward
     * @param {Number} seekTime - how far to fast forward in seconds. Defaults to the config.seekTime

  }, {
    key: "forward",
    value: function forward(seekTime) {
      this.currentTime += is$1.number(seekTime) ? seekTime : this.config.seekTime;
     * Seek to a time
     * @param {Number} input - where to seek to in seconds. Defaults to 0 (the start)

  }, {
    key: "increaseVolume",

     * Increase volume
     * @param {Boolean} step - How much to decrease by (between 0 and 1)
    value: function increaseVolume(step) {
      var volume = this.media.muted ? 0 : this.volume;
      this.volume = volume + (is$1.number(step) ? step : 0);
     * Decrease volume
     * @param {Boolean} step - How much to decrease by (between 0 and 1)

  }, {
    key: "decreaseVolume",
    value: function decreaseVolume(step) {
     * Set muted state
     * @param {Boolean} mute

  }, {
    key: "toggleCaptions",

     * Toggle captions
     * @param {Boolean} input - Whether to enable captions
    value: function toggleCaptions(input) {
      captions.toggle.call(this, input, false);
     * Set the caption track by index
     * @param {Number} - Caption index

  }, {
    key: "airplay",

     * Trigger the airplay dialog
     * TODO: update player with state, support, enabled
    value: function airplay() {
      // Show dialog if supported
      if (support.airplay) {
     * Toggle the player controls
     * @param {Boolean} [toggle] - Whether to show the controls

  }, {
    key: "toggleControls",
    value: function toggleControls(toggle) {
      // Don't toggle if missing UI support or if it's audio
      if (this.supported.ui && !this.isAudio) {
        // Get state before change
        var isHidden = hasClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.hideControls); // Negate the argument if not undefined since adding the class to hides the controls

        var force = typeof toggle === 'undefined' ? undefined : !toggle; // Apply and get updated state

        var hiding = toggleClass(this.elements.container, this.config.classNames.hideControls, force); // Close menu

        if (hiding && is$1.array(this.config.controls) && this.config.controls.includes('settings') && !is$1.empty(this.config.settings)) {
          controls.toggleMenu.call(this, false);
        } // Trigger event on change

        if (hiding !== isHidden) {
          var eventName = hiding ? 'controlshidden' : 'controlsshown';
          triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, eventName);

        return !hiding;

      return false;
     * Add event listeners
     * @param {String} event - Event type
     * @param {Function} callback - Callback for when event occurs

  }, {
    key: "on",
    value: function on$1(event, callback) {
      on.call(this, this.elements.container, event, callback);
     * Add event listeners once
     * @param {String} event - Event type
     * @param {Function} callback - Callback for when event occurs

  }, {
    key: "once",
    value: function once$1(event, callback) {
      once.call(this, this.elements.container, event, callback);
     * Remove event listeners
     * @param {String} event - Event type
     * @param {Function} callback - Callback for when event occurs

  }, {
    key: "off",
    value: function off$1(event, callback) {
      off(this.elements.container, event, callback);
     * Destroy an instance
     * Event listeners are removed when elements are removed
     * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory
     * @param {Function} callback - Callback for when destroy is complete
     * @param {Boolean} soft - Whether it's a soft destroy (for source changes etc)

  }, {
    key: "destroy",
    value: function destroy(callback) {
      var _this3 = this;

      var soft = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;

      if (!this.ready) {

      var done = function done() {
        // Reset overflow (incase destroyed while in fullscreen)
        document.body.style.overflow = ''; // GC for embed

        _this3.embed = null; // If it's a soft destroy, make minimal changes

        if (soft) {
          if (Object.keys(_this3.elements).length) {
            // Remove elements
            removeElement(_this3.elements.wrapper); // Clear for GC

            _this3.elements.buttons.play = null;
            _this3.elements.captions = null;
            _this3.elements.controls = null;
            _this3.elements.wrapper = null;
          } // Callback

          if (is$1.function(callback)) {
        } else {
          // Unbind listeners
          unbindListeners.call(_this3); // Replace the container with the original element provided

          replaceElement(_this3.elements.original, _this3.elements.container); // Event

          triggerEvent.call(_this3, _this3.elements.original, 'destroyed', true); // Callback

          if (is$1.function(callback)) {
          } // Reset state

          _this3.ready = false; // Clear for garbage collection

          setTimeout(function () {
            _this3.elements = null;
            _this3.media = null;
          }, 200);
      }; // Stop playback

      this.stop(); // Clear timeouts

      clearTimeout(this.timers.resized); // Provider specific stuff

      if (this.isHTML5) {
        // Restore native video controls
        ui.toggleNativeControls.call(this, true); // Clean up

      } else if (this.isYouTube) {
        // Clear timers
        clearInterval(this.timers.playing); // Destroy YouTube API

        if (this.embed !== null && is$1.function(this.embed.destroy)) {
        } // Clean up

      } else if (this.isVimeo) {
        // Destroy Vimeo API
        // then clean up (wait, to prevent postmessage errors)
        if (this.embed !== null) {
        } // Vimeo does not always return

        setTimeout(done, 200);
     * Check for support for a mime type (HTML5 only)
     * @param {String} type - Mime type

  }, {
    key: "supports",
    value: function supports(type) {
      return support.mime.call(this, type);
     * Check for support
     * @param {String} type - Player type (audio/video)
     * @param {String} provider - Provider (html5/youtube/vimeo)
     * @param {Boolean} inline - Where player has `playsinline` sttribute

  }, {
    key: "isHTML5",
    get: function get() {
      return this.provider === providers.html5;
  }, {
    key: "isEmbed",
    get: function get() {
      return this.isYouTube || this.isVimeo;
  }, {
    key: "isYouTube",
    get: function get() {
      return this.provider === providers.youtube;
  }, {
    key: "isVimeo",
    get: function get() {
      return this.provider === providers.vimeo;
  }, {
    key: "isVideo",
    get: function get() {
      return this.type === types.video;
  }, {
    key: "isAudio",
    get: function get() {
      return this.type === types.audio;
  }, {
    key: "playing",
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.ready && !this.paused && !this.ended);
     * Get paused state

  }, {
    key: "paused",
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.media.paused);
     * Get stopped state

  }, {
    key: "stopped",
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.paused && this.currentTime === 0);
     * Get ended state

  }, {
    key: "ended",
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.media.ended);
  }, {
    key: "currentTime",
    set: function set(input) {
      // Bail if media duration isn't available yet
      if (!this.duration) {
      } // Validate input

      var inputIsValid = is$1.number(input) && input > 0; // Set

      this.media.currentTime = inputIsValid ? Math.min(input, this.duration) : 0; // Logging

      this.debug.log("Seeking to ".concat(this.currentTime, " seconds"));
     * Get current time
    get: function get() {
      return Number(this.media.currentTime);
     * Get buffered

  }, {
    key: "buffered",
    get: function get() {
      var buffered = this.media.buffered; // YouTube / Vimeo return a float between 0-1

      if (is$1.number(buffered)) {
        return buffered;
      } // HTML5
      // TODO: Handle buffered chunks of the media
      // (i.e. seek to another section buffers only that section)

      if (buffered && buffered.length && this.duration > 0) {
        return buffered.end(0) / this.duration;

      return 0;
     * Get seeking status

  }, {
    key: "seeking",
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.media.seeking);
     * Get the duration of the current media

  }, {
    key: "duration",
    get: function get() {
      // Faux duration set via config
      var fauxDuration = parseFloat(this.config.duration); // Media duration can be NaN or Infinity before the media has loaded

      var realDuration = (this.media || {}).duration;
      var duration = !is$1.number(realDuration) || realDuration === Infinity ? 0 : realDuration; // If config duration is funky, use regular duration

      return fauxDuration || duration;
     * Set the player volume
     * @param {Number} value - must be between 0 and 1. Defaults to the value from local storage and config.volume if not set in storage

  }, {
    key: "volume",
    set: function set(value) {
      var volume = value;
      var max = 1;
      var min = 0;

      if (is$1.string(volume)) {
        volume = Number(volume);
      } // Load volume from storage if no value specified

      if (!is$1.number(volume)) {
        volume = this.storage.get('volume');
      } // Use config if all else fails

      if (!is$1.number(volume)) {
        volume = this.config.volume;
      } // Maximum is volumeMax

      if (volume > max) {
        volume = max;
      } // Minimum is volumeMin

      if (volume < min) {
        volume = min;
      } // Update config

      this.config.volume = volume; // Set the player volume

      this.media.volume = volume; // If muted, and we're increasing volume manually, reset muted state

      if (!is$1.empty(value) && this.muted && volume > 0) {
        this.muted = false;
     * Get the current player volume
    get: function get() {
      return Number(this.media.volume);
  }, {
    key: "muted",
    set: function set(mute) {
      var toggle = mute; // Load muted state from storage

      if (!is$1.boolean(toggle)) {
        toggle = this.storage.get('muted');
      } // Use config if all else fails

      if (!is$1.boolean(toggle)) {
        toggle = this.config.muted;
      } // Update config

      this.config.muted = toggle; // Set mute on the player

      this.media.muted = toggle;
     * Get current muted state
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.media.muted);
     * Check if the media has audio

  }, {
    key: "hasAudio",
    get: function get() {
      // Assume yes for all non HTML5 (as we can't tell...)
      if (!this.isHTML5) {
        return true;

      if (this.isAudio) {
        return true;
      } // Get audio tracks

      return Boolean(this.media.mozHasAudio) || Boolean(this.media.webkitAudioDecodedByteCount) || Boolean(this.media.audioTracks && this.media.audioTracks.length);
     * Set playback speed
     * @param {Number} speed - the speed of playback (0.5-2.0)

  }, {
    key: "speed",
    set: function set(input) {
      var _this4 = this;

      var speed = null;

      if (is$1.number(input)) {
        speed = input;

      if (!is$1.number(speed)) {
        speed = this.storage.get('speed');

      if (!is$1.number(speed)) {
        speed = this.config.speed.selected;
      } // Clamp to min/max

      var min = this.minimumSpeed,
          max = this.maximumSpeed;
      speed = clamp(speed, min, max); // Update config

      this.config.speed.selected = speed; // Set media speed

      setTimeout(function () {
        _this4.media.playbackRate = speed;
      }, 0);
     * Get current playback speed
    get: function get() {
      return Number(this.media.playbackRate);
     * Get the minimum allowed speed

  }, {
    key: "minimumSpeed",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.isYouTube) {
        // https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#setPlaybackRate
        return Math.min.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(this.options.speed));

      if (this.isVimeo) {
        // https://github.com/vimeo/player.js/#setplaybackrateplaybackrate-number-promisenumber-rangeerrorerror
        return 0.5;
      } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/32320020/1191319

      return 0.0625;
     * Get the maximum allowed speed

  }, {
    key: "maximumSpeed",
    get: function get() {
      if (this.isYouTube) {
        // https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#setPlaybackRate
        return Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(this.options.speed));

      if (this.isVimeo) {
        // https://github.com/vimeo/player.js/#setplaybackrateplaybackrate-number-promisenumber-rangeerrorerror
        return 2;
      } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/32320020/1191319

      return 16;
     * Set playback quality
     * Currently HTML5 & YouTube only
     * @param {Number} input - Quality level

  }, {
    key: "quality",
    set: function set(input) {
      var config = this.config.quality;
      var options = this.options.quality;

      if (!options.length) {

      var quality = [!is$1.empty(input) && Number(input), this.storage.get('quality'), config.selected, config.default].find(is$1.number);
      var updateStorage = true;

      if (!options.includes(quality)) {
        var value = closest$1(options, quality);
        this.debug.warn("Unsupported quality option: ".concat(quality, ", using ").concat(value, " instead"));
        quality = value; // Don't update storage if quality is not supported

        updateStorage = false;
      } // Update config

      config.selected = quality; // Set quality

      this.media.quality = quality; // Save to storage

      if (updateStorage) {
          quality: quality
     * Get current quality level
    get: function get() {
      return this.media.quality;
     * Toggle loop
     * TODO: Finish fancy new logic. Set the indicator on load as user may pass loop as config
     * @param {Boolean} input - Whether to loop or not

  }, {
    key: "loop",
    set: function set(input) {
      var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : this.config.loop.active;
      this.config.loop.active = toggle;
      this.media.loop = toggle; // Set default to be a true toggle

      /* const type = ['start', 'end', 'all', 'none', 'toggle'].includes(input) ? input : 'toggle';
           switch (type) {
              case 'start':
                  if (this.config.loop.end && this.config.loop.end <= this.currentTime) {
                      this.config.loop.end = null;
                  this.config.loop.start = this.currentTime;
                  // this.config.loop.indicator.start = this.elements.display.played.value;
               case 'end':
                  if (this.config.loop.start >= this.currentTime) {
                      return this;
                  this.config.loop.end = this.currentTime;
                  // this.config.loop.indicator.end = this.elements.display.played.value;
               case 'all':
                  this.config.loop.start = 0;
                  this.config.loop.end = this.duration - 2;
                  this.config.loop.indicator.start = 0;
                  this.config.loop.indicator.end = 100;
               case 'toggle':
                  if (this.config.loop.active) {
                      this.config.loop.start = 0;
                      this.config.loop.end = null;
                  } else {
                      this.config.loop.start = 0;
                      this.config.loop.end = this.duration - 2;
                  this.config.loop.start = 0;
                  this.config.loop.end = null;
          } */
     * Get current loop state
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.media.loop);
     * Set new media source
     * @param {Object} input - The new source object (see docs)

  }, {
    key: "source",
    set: function set(input) {
      source.change.call(this, input);
     * Get current source
    get: function get() {
      return this.media.currentSrc;
     * Get a download URL (either source or custom)

  }, {
    key: "download",
    get: function get() {
      var download = this.config.urls.download;
      return is$1.url(download) ? download : this.source;
     * Set the download URL
    set: function set(input) {
      if (!is$1.url(input)) {

      this.config.urls.download = input;
     * Set the poster image for a video
     * @param {String} input - the URL for the new poster image

  }, {
    key: "poster",
    set: function set(input) {
      if (!this.isVideo) {
        this.debug.warn('Poster can only be set for video');

      ui.setPoster.call(this, input, false).catch(function () {});
     * Get the current poster image
    get: function get() {
      if (!this.isVideo) {
        return null;

      return this.media.getAttribute('poster') || this.media.getAttribute('data-poster');
     * Get the current aspect ratio in use

  }, {
    key: "ratio",
    get: function get() {
      if (!this.isVideo) {
        return null;

      var ratio = reduceAspectRatio(getAspectRatio.call(this));
      return is$1.array(ratio) ? ratio.join(':') : ratio;
     * Set video aspect ratio
    set: function set(input) {
      if (!this.isVideo) {
        this.debug.warn('Aspect ratio can only be set for video');

      if (!is$1.string(input) || !validateRatio(input)) {
        this.debug.error("Invalid aspect ratio specified (".concat(input, ")"));

      this.config.ratio = input;
     * Set the autoplay state
     * @param {Boolean} input - Whether to autoplay or not

  }, {
    key: "autoplay",
    set: function set(input) {
      var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : this.config.autoplay;
      this.config.autoplay = toggle;
     * Get the current autoplay state
    get: function get() {
      return Boolean(this.config.autoplay);
  }, {
    key: "currentTrack",
    set: function set(input) {
      captions.set.call(this, input, false);
     * Get the current caption track index (-1 if disabled)
    get: function get() {
      var _this$captions = this.captions,
          toggled = _this$captions.toggled,
          currentTrack = _this$captions.currentTrack;
      return toggled ? currentTrack : -1;
     * Set the wanted language for captions
     * Since tracks can be added later it won't update the actual caption track until there is a matching track
     * @param {String} - Two character ISO language code (e.g. EN, FR, PT, etc)

  }, {
    key: "language",
    set: function set(input) {
      captions.setLanguage.call(this, input, false);
     * Get the current track's language
    get: function get() {
      return (captions.getCurrentTrack.call(this) || {}).language;
     * Toggle picture-in-picture playback on WebKit/MacOS
     * TODO: update player with state, support, enabled
     * TODO: detect outside changes

  }, {
    key: "pip",
    set: function set(input) {
      // Bail if no support
      if (!support.pip) {
      } // Toggle based on current state if not passed

      var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : !this.pip; // Toggle based on current state
      // Safari

      if (is$1.function(this.media.webkitSetPresentationMode)) {
        this.media.webkitSetPresentationMode(toggle ? pip.active : pip.inactive);
      } // Chrome

      if (is$1.function(this.media.requestPictureInPicture)) {
        if (!this.pip && toggle) {
        } else if (this.pip && !toggle) {
     * Get the current picture-in-picture state
    get: function get() {
      if (!support.pip) {
        return null;
      } // Safari

      if (!is$1.empty(this.media.webkitPresentationMode)) {
        return this.media.webkitPresentationMode === pip.active;
      } // Chrome

      return this.media === document.pictureInPictureElement;
  }], [{
    key: "supported",
    value: function supported(type, provider, inline) {
      return support.check(type, provider, inline);
     * Load an SVG sprite into the page
     * @param {String} url - URL for the SVG sprite
     * @param {String} [id] - Unique ID

  }, {
    key: "loadSprite",
    value: function loadSprite$1(url, id) {
      return loadSprite(url, id);
     * Setup multiple instances
     * @param {*} selector
     * @param {Object} options

  }, {
    key: "setup",
    value: function setup(selector) {
      var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
      var targets = null;

      if (is$1.string(selector)) {
        targets = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
      } else if (is$1.nodeList(selector)) {
        targets = Array.from(selector);
      } else if (is$1.array(selector)) {
        targets = selector.filter(is$1.element);

      if (is$1.empty(targets)) {
        return null;

      return targets.map(function (t) {
        return new Plyr(t, options);

  return Plyr;

Plyr.defaults = cloneDeep(defaults$1);

export default Plyr;