const Q = document.querySelector.bind(document); const QA = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); const QId = document.getElementById.bind(document); let seconds, minutes, hours; function text(msg) { return document.createTextNode(msg); } function clearNode(node) { while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } function toTimestamp(seconds) { seconds = Math.floor(seconds); minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60); seconds = seconds % 60; hours = Math.floor(minutes/60); minutes = minutes % 60; if (hours) { return `0${hours}:`.slice(-3) + `0${minutes}:`.slice(-3) + `0${seconds}`.slice(-2); } return `0${minutes}:`.slice(-3) + `0${seconds}`.slice(-2); } let cur_track_idx = 0; function getActiveTranscriptTrackIdx() { let textTracks = QId("js-video-player").textTracks; if (!textTracks.length) return; for (let i=0; i < textTracks.length; i++) { if (textTracks[i].mode == "showing") { cur_track_idx = i; return cur_track_idx; } } return cur_track_idx; } function getActiveTranscriptTrack() { return QId("js-video-player").textTracks[getActiveTranscriptTrackIdx()]; } function getDefaultTranscriptTrackIdx() { let textTracks = QId("js-video-player").textTracks; return textTracks.length - 1; } function doXhr(url, callback=null) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url); xhr.onload = (e) => { callback(e.currentTarget.response); } xhr.send(); return xhr; } // function copyTextToClipboard(text) { let textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); // // *** This styling is an extra step which is likely not required. *** // // Why is it here? To ensure: // 1. the element is able to have focus and selection. // 2. if element was to flash render it has minimal visual impact. // 3. less flakyness with selection and copying which **might** occur if // the textarea element is not visible. // // The likelihood is the element won't even render, not even a // flash, so some of these are just precautions. However in // Internet Explorer the element is visible whilst the popup // box asking the user for permission for the web page to // copy to the clipboard. // // Place in top-left corner of screen regardless of scroll position. = 'fixed'; = 0; = 0; // Ensure it has a small width and height. Setting to 1px / 1em // doesn't work as this gives a negative w/h on some browsers. = '2em'; = '2em'; // We don't need padding, reducing the size if it does flash render. = 0; // Clean up any borders. = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; // Avoid flash of white box if rendered for any reason. = 'transparent'; textArea.value = text; let parent_el = video.parentElement; parent_el.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus();; try { let successful = document.execCommand('copy'); let msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'; console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg); } catch (err) { console.log('Oops, unable to copy'); } parent_el.removeChild(textArea); } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { cur_track_idx = getDefaultTranscriptTrackIdx(); });