import json import urllib import html from string import Template import base64 from math import ceil from youtube.common import default_multi_get, get_thumbnail_url, URL_ORIGIN from youtube import common, proto with open("yt_search_results_template.html", "r") as file: yt_search_results_template = with open("yt_search_template.html", "r") as file: yt_search_template = page_button_template = Template('''$page''') current_page_button_template = Template('''
''') # Sort: 1 # Upload date: 2 # View count: 3 # Rating: 1 # Offset: 9 # Filters: 2 # Upload date: 1 # Type: 2 # Duration: 3 features = { '4k': 14, 'hd': 4, 'hdr': 25, 'subtitles': 5, 'creative_commons': 6, '3d': 7, 'live': 8, 'purchased': 9, '360': 15, 'location': 23, } def page_number_to_sp_parameter(page, autocorrect=1): offset = (int(page) - 1)*20 # 20 results per page autocorrect = proto.nested(8, proto.uint(1, 1 - int(autocorrect) )) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(proto.uint(9, offset) + proto.string(61, b'') + autocorrect).decode('ascii') def get_search_json(query, page, autocorrect): url = "" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) headers = { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '1', 'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180418', } url += "&pbj=1&sp=" + page_number_to_sp_parameter(page, autocorrect) content = common.fetch_url(url, headers=headers) info = json.loads(content) return info def page_buttons_html(page_start, page_end, current_page, query): result = "" for page in range(page_start, page_end+1): if page == current_page: template = current_page_button_template else: template = page_button_template result += template.substitute(page=page, href=URL_ORIGIN + "/search?query=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&page=" + str(page)) return result showing_results_for = Template('''
Showing results for $corrected_query
Search instead for $original_query
''') did_you_mean = Template('''
Did you mean $corrected_query
''') def get_search_page(query_string, parameters=()): qs_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string) if len(qs_query) == 0: return yt_search_template query = qs_query["query"][0] page = qs_query.get("page", "1")[0] autocorrect = qs_query.get("autocorrect", "1")[0] info = get_search_json(query, page, autocorrect) estimated_results = int(info[1]['response']['estimatedResults']) estimated_pages = ceil(estimated_results/20) results = info[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer']['primaryContents']['sectionListRenderer']['contents'][0]['itemSectionRenderer']['contents'] corrections = '' result_list_html = "" for renderer in results: type = list(renderer.keys())[0] if type == 'shelfRenderer': continue if type == 'didYouMeanRenderer': renderer = renderer[type] corrected_query_string = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string) corrected_query_string['query'] = [renderer['correctedQueryEndpoint']['searchEndpoint']['query']] corrected_query_url = URL_ORIGIN + '/search?' + common.make_query_string(corrected_query_string) corrections = did_you_mean.substitute( corrected_query_url = corrected_query_url, corrected_query = common.format_text_runs(renderer['correctedQuery']['runs']), ) continue if type == 'showingResultsForRenderer': renderer = renderer[type] no_autocorrect_query_string = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string) no_autocorrect_query_string['autocorrect'] = ['0'] no_autocorrect_query_url = URL_ORIGIN + '/search?' + common.make_query_string(no_autocorrect_query_string) corrections = showing_results_for.substitute( corrected_query = common.format_text_runs(renderer['correctedQuery']['runs']), original_query_url = no_autocorrect_query_url, original_query = html.escape(renderer['originalQuery']['simpleText']), ) continue result_list_html += common.renderer_html(renderer, current_query_string=query_string) page = int(page) if page <= 5: page_start = 1 page_end = min(9, estimated_pages) else: page_start = page - 4 page_end = min(page + 4, estimated_pages) result = Template(yt_search_results_template).substitute( header = common.get_header(query), results = result_list_html, page_title = query + " - Search", search_box_value = html.escape(query), number_of_results = '{:,}'.format(estimated_results), number_of_pages = '{:,}'.format(estimated_pages), page_buttons = page_buttons_html(page_start, page_end, page, query), corrections = corrections ) return result