from youtube import util, yt_data_extract, proto, local_playlist
from youtube import yt_app
import settings

import json
import urllib
import base64
from math import ceil
import mimetypes
from flask import request
import flask

# Sort: 1
    # Upload date: 2
    # View count: 3
    # Rating: 1
    # Relevance: 0
# Offset: 9
# Filters: 2
    # Upload date: 1
    # Type: 2
    # Duration: 3

features = {
    '4k': 14,
    'hd': 4,
    'hdr': 25,
    'subtitles': 5,
    'creative_commons': 6,
    '3d': 7,
    'live': 8,
    'purchased': 9,
    '360': 15,
    'location': 23,

def page_number_to_sp_parameter(page, autocorrect, sort, filters):
    offset = (int(page) - 1)*20    # 20 results per page
    autocorrect = proto.nested(8, proto.uint(1, 1 - int(autocorrect) ))
    filters_enc = proto.nested(2, proto.uint(1, filters['time']) + proto.uint(2, filters['type']) + proto.uint(3, filters['duration']))
    result = proto.uint(1, sort) + filters_enc + autocorrect + proto.uint(9, offset) + proto.string(61, b'')
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(result).decode('ascii')

def get_search_json(query, page, autocorrect, sort, filters):
    url = "" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query)
    headers = {
        'Host': '',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)',
        'Accept': '*/*',
        'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
        'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '1',
        'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20180418',
    url += "&pbj=1&sp=" + page_number_to_sp_parameter(page, autocorrect, sort, filters).replace("=", "%3D")
    content = util.fetch_url(url, headers=headers, report_text="Got search results", debug_name='search_results')
    info = json.loads(content)
    return info

def get_search_page():
    if len(request.args) == 0:
        return flask.render_template('base.html', title="Search")

    if 'query' not in request.args:

    query = request.args.get("query")
    page = request.args.get("page", "1")
    autocorrect = int(request.args.get("autocorrect", "1"))
    sort = int(request.args.get("sort", "0"))
    filters = {}
    filters['time'] = int(request.args.get("time", "0"))
    filters['type'] = int(request.args.get("type", "0"))
    filters['duration'] = int(request.args.get("duration", "0"))
    info = get_search_json(query, page, autocorrect, sort, filters)
    estimated_results = int(info[1]['response']['estimatedResults'])
    estimated_pages = ceil(estimated_results/20)

    # almost always is the first "section", but if there's an advertisement for a google product like Stadia or Home in the search results, then that becomes the first "section" and the search results are in the second. So just join all of them for resiliency
    results = []
    for section in info[1]['response']['contents']['twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer']['primaryContents']['sectionListRenderer']['contents']:
        results += section['itemSectionRenderer']['contents']

    parsed_results = []
    corrections = {'type': None}
    for renderer in results:
        type = list(renderer.keys())[0]
        if type == 'shelfRenderer':
        if type == 'didYouMeanRenderer':
            renderer = renderer[type]
            corrected_query_string = request.args.to_dict(flat=False)
            corrected_query_string['query'] = [renderer['correctedQueryEndpoint']['searchEndpoint']['query']]
            corrected_query_url = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/search?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(corrected_query_string, doseq=True)

            corrections = {
                'type': 'did_you_mean',
                'corrected_query': yt_data_extract.format_text_runs(renderer['correctedQuery']['runs']),
                'corrected_query_url': corrected_query_url,
        if type == 'showingResultsForRenderer':
            renderer = renderer[type]
            no_autocorrect_query_string = request.args.to_dict(flat=False)
            no_autocorrect_query_string['autocorrect'] = ['0']
            no_autocorrect_query_url = util.URL_ORIGIN + '/search?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(no_autocorrect_query_string, doseq=True)

            corrections = {
                'type': 'showing_results_for',
                'corrected_query': yt_data_extract.format_text_runs(renderer['correctedQuery']['runs']),
                'original_query_url': no_autocorrect_query_url,
                'original_query': renderer['originalQuery']['simpleText'],

        info = yt_data_extract.parse_info_prepare_for_html(renderer)
        if info['type'] != 'unsupported':

    return flask.render_template('search.html',
        header_playlist_names = local_playlist.get_playlist_names(),
        query = query,
        estimated_results = estimated_results,
        estimated_pages = estimated_pages,
        corrections = corrections,
        results = parsed_results,
        parameters_dictionary = request.args,

def get_search_engine_xml():
    with open("youtube/opensearch.xml", 'rb') as f:
        content ='$port_number', str(settings.port_number).encode())
        return flask.Response(content, mimetype='application/xml')