from youtube import util import flask import settings import traceback import re from sys import exc_info yt_app = flask.Flask(__name__) yt_app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True yt_app.url_map.strict_slashes = False yt_app.add_url_rule('/settings', 'settings_page', settings.settings_page, methods=['POST', 'GET']) @yt_app.route('/') def homepage(): return flask.render_template('home.html', title="Youtube local") theme_names = { 0: 'light_theme', 1: 'gray_theme', 2: 'dark_theme', } @yt_app.context_processor def inject_theme_preference(): return { 'theme_path': '/' + theme_names[settings.theme] + '.css', } @yt_app.template_filter('commatize') def commatize(num): if num is None: return '' if isinstance(num, str): num = int(num) return '{:,}'.format(num) def timestamp_replacement(match): time_seconds = 0 for part in':'): time_seconds = 60*time_seconds + int(part) return ( '<a href="#" onclick="document.querySelector(\'video\').currentTime=' + str(time_seconds) + '">' + + '</a>' ) TIMESTAMP_RE = re.compile(r'\b(\d?\d:)?\d?\d:\d\d\b') @yt_app.template_filter('timestamps') def timestamps(text): return TIMESTAMP_RE.sub(timestamp_replacement, text) @yt_app.errorhandler(500) def error_page(e): if (exc_info()[0] == util.FetchError and exc_info()[1].code == '429' and settings.route_tor ): error_message = ('Error: Youtube blocked the request because the Tor' ' exit node is overutilized. Try getting a new exit node by' ' using the New Identity button in the Tor Browser.') if exc_info()[1].ip: error_message += ' Exit node IP address: ' + exc_info()[1].ip return flask.render_template('error.html', error_message=error_message), 502 return flask.render_template('error.html', traceback=traceback.format_exc()), 500