from youtube import util import ast import re import os import collections import flask from flask import request SETTINGS_INFO = collections.OrderedDict([ ('route_tor', { 'type': int, 'default': 0, 'label': 'Route Tor', 'comment': '''0 - Off 1 - On, except video 2 - On, including video (see warnings)''', 'options': [ (0, 'Off'), (1, 'On, except video'), (2, 'On, including video (see warnings)'), ], }), ('tor_port', { 'type': int, 'default': 9150, 'comment': '', }), ('port_number', { 'type': int, 'default': 8080, 'comment': '', }), ('allow_foreign_addresses', { 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'comment': '''This will allow others to connect to your Youtube Local instance as a website. For security reasons, enabling this is not recommended.''', 'hidden': True, }), ('subtitles_mode', { 'type': int, 'default': 0, 'comment': '''0 - off by default 1 - only manually created subtitles on by default 2 - enable even if automatically generated is all that's available''', 'label': 'Default subtitles mode', 'options': [ (0, 'Off'), (1, 'Manually created only'), (2, 'Automatic if manual unavailable'), ], }), ('subtitles_language', { 'type': str, 'default': 'en', 'comment': '''ISO 639 language code:''', }), ('related_videos_mode', { 'type': int, 'default': 1, 'comment': '''0 - Related videos disabled 1 - Related videos always shown 2 - Related videos hidden; shown by clicking a button''', 'options': [ (0, 'Disabled'), (1, 'Always shown'), (2, 'Shown by clicking button'), ], }), ('comments_mode', { 'type': int, 'default': 1, 'comment': '''0 - Video comments disabled 1 - Video comments always shown 2 - Video comments hidden; shown by clicking a button''', 'options': [ (0, 'Disabled'), (1, 'Always shown'), (2, 'Shown by clicking button'), ], }), ('enable_comment_avatars', { 'type': bool, 'default': True, 'comment': '', }), ('default_comment_sorting', { 'type': int, 'default': 0, 'comment': '''0 to sort by top 1 to sort by newest''', 'options': [ (0, 'Top'), (1, 'Newest'), ], }), ('theater_mode', { 'type': bool, 'default': True, 'comment': '', }), ('default_resolution', { 'type': int, 'default': 720, 'comment': '', 'options': [ (360, '360p'), (720, '720p'), ], }), ('use_video_hotkeys', { 'label': 'Enable video hotkeys', 'type': bool, 'default': True, 'comment': '', }), ('proxy_images', { 'label': 'proxy images', 'type': bool, 'default': True, 'comment': '', }), ('use_comments_js', { 'label': 'Enable comments.js', 'type': bool, 'default': True, 'comment': '', }), ('theme', { 'type': int, 'default': 0, 'comment': '', 'options': [ (0, 'Light'), (1, 'Gray'), (2, 'Dark'), ], }), ('font', { 'type': int, 'default': 1, 'comment': '', 'options': [ (0, 'Browser default'), (1, 'Arial'), (2, 'Liberation Serif'), (3, 'Verdana'), (4, 'Tahoma'), ], }), ('autocheck_subscriptions', { 'type': bool, 'default': 0, 'comment': '', }), ('gather_googlevideo_domains', { 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'comment': '''Developer use to debug 403s''', 'hidden': True, }), ('debugging_save_responses', { 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'comment': '''Save all responses from youtube for debugging''', 'hidden': True, }), ('settings_version', { 'type': int, 'default': 3, 'comment': '''Do not change, remove, or comment out this value, or else your settings may be lost or corrupted''', 'hidden': True, }), ]) program_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) acceptable_targets = SETTINGS_INFO.keys() | {'enable_comments', 'enable_related_videos'} def comment_string(comment): result = '' for line in comment.splitlines(): result += '# ' + line + '\n' return result def save_settings(settings_dict): with open(settings_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for setting_name, setting_info in SETTINGS_INFO.items(): file.write(comment_string(setting_info['comment']) + setting_name + ' = ' + repr(settings_dict[setting_name]) + '\n\n') def add_missing_settings(settings_dict): result = default_settings() result.update(settings_dict) return result def default_settings(): return {key: setting_info['default'] for key, setting_info in SETTINGS_INFO.items()} def upgrade_to_2(settings_dict): '''Upgrade to settings version 2''' new_settings = settings_dict.copy() if 'enable_comments' in settings_dict: new_settings['comments_mode'] = int(settings_dict['enable_comments']) del new_settings['enable_comments'] if 'enable_related_videos' in settings_dict: new_settings['related_videos_mode'] = int(settings_dict['enable_related_videos']) del new_settings['enable_related_videos'] new_settings['settings_version'] = 2 return new_settings def upgrade_to_3(settings_dict): new_settings = settings_dict.copy() if 'route_tor' in settings_dict: new_settings['route_tor'] = int(settings_dict['route_tor']) new_settings['settings_version'] = 3 return new_settings upgrade_functions = { 1: upgrade_to_2, 2: upgrade_to_3, } def log_ignored_line(line_number, message): print("WARNING: Ignoring settings.txt line " + str(node.lineno) + " (" + message + ")") if os.path.isfile("settings.txt"): print("Running in portable mode") settings_dir = os.path.normpath('./') data_dir = os.path.normpath('./data') else: print("Running in non-portable mode") settings_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath("~/.youtube-local")) data_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath("~/.youtube-local/data")) if not os.path.exists(settings_dir): os.makedirs(settings_dir) settings_file_path = os.path.join(settings_dir, 'settings.txt') try: with open(settings_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: settings_text = except FileNotFoundError: current_settings_dict = default_settings() save_settings(current_settings_dict) else: if re.fullmatch(r'\s*', settings_text): # blank file current_settings_dict = default_settings() save_settings(current_settings_dict) else: # parse settings in a safe way, without exec current_settings_dict = {} attributes = { ast.Constant: 'value', ast.NameConstant: 'value', ast.Num: 'n', ast.Str: 's', } module_node = ast.parse(settings_text) for node in module_node.body: if type(node) != ast.Assign: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only assignments are allowed") continue if len(node.targets) > 1: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only simple single-variable assignments allowed") continue target = node.targets[0] if type(target) != ast.Name: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only simple single-variable assignments allowed") continue if not in acceptable_targets: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, + " is not a valid setting") continue if type(node.value) not in attributes: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only literals allowed for values") continue current_settings_dict[] = node.value.__getattribute__(attributes[type(node.value)]) # upgrades latest_version = SETTINGS_INFO['settings_version']['default'] while current_settings_dict.get('settings_version',1) < latest_version: current_version = current_settings_dict.get('settings_version', 1) print('Upgrading settings.txt to version', current_version+1) upgrade_func = upgrade_functions[current_version] # Must add missing settings here rather than below because # save_settings needs all settings to be present current_settings_dict = add_missing_settings( upgrade_func(current_settings_dict)) save_settings(current_settings_dict) # some settings not in the file, add those missing settings to the file if not current_settings_dict.keys() >= SETTINGS_INFO.keys(): print('Adding missing settings to settings.txt') current_settings_dict = add_missing_settings(current_settings_dict) save_settings(current_settings_dict) globals().update(current_settings_dict) if route_tor: print("Tor routing is ON") else: print("Tor routing is OFF - your Youtube activity is NOT anonymous") hooks = {} def add_setting_changed_hook(setting, func): '''Called right before new settings take effect''' if setting in hooks: hooks[setting].append(func) else: hooks[setting] = [func] def set_img_prefix(old_value=None, value=None): global img_prefix if value is None: value = proxy_images if value: img_prefix = '/' else: img_prefix = '' set_img_prefix() add_setting_changed_hook('proxy_images', set_img_prefix) def settings_page(): if request.method == 'GET': return flask.render_template('settings.html', settings = [(setting_name, setting_info, current_settings_dict[setting_name]) for setting_name, setting_info in SETTINGS_INFO.items()] ) elif request.method == 'POST': for key, value in request.values.items(): if key in SETTINGS_INFO: if SETTINGS_INFO[key]['type'] is bool and value == 'on': current_settings_dict[key] = True else: current_settings_dict[key] = SETTINGS_INFO[key]['type'](value) else: flask.abort(400) # need this bullshit because browsers don't send anything when an input is unchecked expected_inputs = {setting_name for setting_name, setting_info in SETTINGS_INFO.items() if not SETTINGS_INFO[setting_name].get('hidden', False)} missing_inputs = expected_inputs - set(request.values.keys()) for setting_name in missing_inputs: assert SETTINGS_INFO[setting_name]['type'] is bool, missing_inputs current_settings_dict[setting_name] = False # call setting hooks for setting_name, value in current_settings_dict.items(): old_value = globals()[setting_name] if value != old_value and setting_name in hooks: for func in hooks[setting_name]: func(old_value, value) globals().update(current_settings_dict) save_settings(current_settings_dict) return flask.redirect(util.URL_ORIGIN + '/settings', 303) else: flask.abort(400)