import ast default_settings = '''route_tor = False port_number = 80 allow_foreign_addresses = False # 0 - off by default # 1 - only manually created subtitles on by default # 2 - enable even if automatically generated is all that's available subtitles_mode = 0 # ISO 639 language code: subtitles_language = "en" enable_related_videos = True enable_comments = True enable_comment_avatars = True # 0 to sort by top # 1 to sort by newest default_comment_sorting = 0 # developer use to debug 403s gather_googlevideo_domains = False ''' exec(default_settings) allowed_targets = set(("route_tor", "port_number", "allow_foreign_addresses", "subtitles_mode", "subtitles_language", "enable_related_videos", "enable_comments", "enable_comment_avatars", "default_comment_sorting", "gather_googlevideo_domains")) def log_ignored_line(line_number, message): print("settings.txt: Ignoring line " + str(node.lineno) + " (" + message + ")") try: with open('settings.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: settings_text = except FileNotFoundError: with open('settings.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(default_settings) else: attributes = { ast.NameConstant: 'value', ast.Num: 'n', ast.Str: 's', } module_node = ast.parse(settings_text) for node in module_node.body: if type(node) != ast.Assign: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only assignments are allowed") continue if len(node.targets) > 1: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only simple single-variable assignments allowed") continue target = node.targets[0] if type(target) != ast.Name: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only simple single-variable assignments allowed") continue if not in allowed_targets: log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "target is not a valid setting") continue if type(node.value) not in (ast.NameConstant, ast.Num, ast.Str): log_ignored_line(node.lineno, "only literals allowed for values") continue locals()[] = node.value.__getattribute__(attributes[type(node.value)])