from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import gevent.socket from youtube import yt_app from youtube import util # these are just so the files get run - they import yt_app and add routes to it from youtube import watch import settings from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer import urllib import urllib3 import socket import socks, sockshandler import subprocess import re def youtu_be(env, start_response): id = env['PATH_INFO'][1:] env['PATH_INFO'] = '/watch' env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'v=' + id yield from yt_app(env, start_response) def proxy_site(env, start_response): headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)', 'Accept': '*/*', } url = "https://" + env['SERVER_NAME'] + env['PATH_INFO'] if env['QUERY_STRING']: url += '?' + env['QUERY_STRING'] content, response = util.fetch_url(url, headers, return_response=True) headers = response.getheaders() if isinstance(headers, urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict): headers = headers.items() start_response('200 OK', headers ) yield content site_handlers = { '':yt_app, '':youtu_be, '': proxy_site, '': proxy_site, '': proxy_site, } def split_url(url): ''' Split into ('', '/foo/bar.html')''' # XXX: Is this regex safe from REDOS? # python STILL doesn't have a proper regular expression engine like grep uses built in... match = re.match(r'(?:https?://)?([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)+?)(/.*|$)', url) if match is None: raise ValueError('Invalid or unsupported url: ' + url) return, def error_code(code, start_response): start_response(code, ()) return code.encode() def site_dispatch(env, start_response): client_address = env['REMOTE_ADDR'] try: method = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] path = env['PATH_INFO'] if method=="POST" and client_address not in ('', '::1'): yield error_code('403 Forbidden', start_response) return try: env['SERVER_NAME'], env['PATH_INFO'] = split_url(path[1:]) except ValueError: yield error_code('404 Not Found', start_response) return base_name = '' for domain in reversed(env['SERVER_NAME'].split('.')): if base_name == '': base_name = domain else: base_name = domain + '.' + base_name try: handler = site_handlers[base_name] except KeyError: continue else: yield from handler(env, start_response) break else: # did not break yield error_code('404 Not Found', start_response) return ''' except http_errors.Code200 as e: # Raised in scenarios where a simple status message is to be returned, such as a terminated channel start_response('200 OK', ()) yield str(e).encode('utf-8') except http_errors.Error404 as e: start_response('404 Not Found', ()) yield str(e).encode('utf-8') except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: start_response(str(e.code) + ' ' + e.reason, ()) yield b'While fetching url, the following error occured:\n' + str(e).encode('utf-8') except socket.error as e: start_response('502 Bad Gateway', ()) print(str(e)) yield b'502 Bad Gateway' ''' except Exception: start_response('500 Internal Server Error', ()) yield b'500 Internal Server Error' raise return if settings.allow_foreign_addresses: server = WSGIServer(('', settings.port_number), site_dispatch) else: server = WSGIServer(('', settings.port_number), site_dispatch) print('Started httpserver on port ' , settings.port_number) server.serve_forever()