#!/usr/bin/env python3 from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import gevent.socket from youtube import yt_app from youtube import util # these are just so the files get run - they import yt_app and add routes to it from youtube import watch, search, playlist, channel, local_playlist, comments, subscriptions import settings from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer import urllib import urllib3 import socket import socks, sockshandler import subprocess import re import sys import time def youtu_be(env, start_response): id = env['PATH_INFO'][1:] env['PATH_INFO'] = '/watch' if not env['QUERY_STRING']: env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'v=' + id else: env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&v=' + id yield from yt_app(env, start_response) RANGE_RE = re.compile(r'bytes=(\d+-(?:\d+)?)') def parse_range(range_header, content_length): # Range header can be like bytes=200-1000 or bytes=200- # amount_received is the length of bytes from the range that have already # been received match = RANGE_RE.fullmatch(range_header.strip()) if not match: print('Unsupported range header format:', range_header) return None start, end = match.group(1).split('-') start_byte = int(start) if not end: end_byte = start_byte + content_length - 1 else: end_byte = int(end) return start_byte, end_byte def proxy_site(env, start_response, video=False): send_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)', 'Accept': '*/*', } current_range_start = 0 range_end = None if 'HTTP_RANGE' in env: send_headers['Range'] = env['HTTP_RANGE'] url = "https://" + env['SERVER_NAME'] + env['PATH_INFO'] # remove /name portion if video and '/videoplayback/name/' in url: url = url[0:url.rfind('/name/')] if env['QUERY_STRING']: url += '?' + env['QUERY_STRING'] try_num = 1 first_attempt = True current_attempt_position = 0 while try_num <= 3: # Try a given byte position three times if not first_attempt: print('(Try %d)' % try_num, 'Trying with', send_headers['Range']) if video: params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING']) params_use_tor = int(params.get('use_tor', '0')[0]) use_tor = (settings.route_tor == 2) or params_use_tor response, cleanup_func = util.fetch_url_response(url, send_headers, use_tor=use_tor, max_redirects=10) else: response, cleanup_func = util.fetch_url_response(url, send_headers) response_headers = response.headers if isinstance(response_headers, urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict): response_headers = response_headers.items() if video: response_headers = (list(response_headers) +[('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')]) if first_attempt: start_response(str(response.status) + ' ' + response.reason, response_headers) content_length = int(dict(response_headers).get('Content-Length', 0)) if response.status >= 400: print('Error: YouTube returned "%d %s" while routing %s' % ( response.status, response.reason, url.split('?')[0])) total_received = 0 retry = False while True: # a bit over 3 seconds of 360p video # we want each TCP packet to transmit in large multiples, # such as 65,536, so we shouldn't read in small chunks # such as 8192 lest that causes the socket library to limit the # TCP window size # Might need fine-tuning, since this gives us 4*65536 # The tradeoff is that larger values (such as 6 seconds) only # allows video to buffer in those increments, meaning user must # wait until the entire chunk is downloaded before video starts # playing content_part = response.read(32*8192) total_received += len(content_part) if not content_part: # Sometimes YouTube closes the connection before sending all of # the content. Retry with a range request for the missing # content. See # https://github.com/user234683/youtube-local/issues/40 if total_received < content_length: if 'Range' in send_headers: int_range = parse_range(send_headers['Range'], content_length) if not int_range: # give up b/c unrecognized range break start, end = int_range else: start, end = 0, (content_length - 1) fail_byte = start + total_received send_headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (fail_byte, end) print( 'Warning: YouTube closed the connection before byte', str(fail_byte) + '.', 'Expected', start+content_length, 'bytes.' ) retry = True first_attempt = False if fail_byte == current_attempt_position: try_num += 1 else: try_num = 1 current_attempt_position = fail_byte break yield content_part cleanup_func(response) if retry: # YouTube will return 503 Service Unavailable if you do a bunch # of range requests too quickly. time.sleep(1) continue else: break else: # no break print('Error: YouTube closed the connection before', 'providing all content. Retried three times:', url.split('?')[0]) def proxy_video(env, start_response): yield from proxy_site(env, start_response, video=True) site_handlers = { 'youtube.com': yt_app, 'youtube-nocookie.com': yt_app, 'youtu.be': youtu_be, 'ytimg.com': proxy_site, 'ggpht.com': proxy_site, 'googleusercontent.com': proxy_site, 'sponsor.ajay.app': proxy_site, 'googlevideo.com': proxy_video, } def split_url(url): ''' Split https://sub.example.com/foo/bar.html into ('sub.example.com', '/foo/bar.html')''' # XXX: Is this regex safe from REDOS? # python STILL doesn't have a proper regular expression engine like grep uses built in... match = re.match(r'(?:https?://)?([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)+?)(/.*|$)', url) if match is None: raise ValueError('Invalid or unsupported url: ' + url) return match.group(1), match.group(2) def error_code(code, start_response): start_response(code, ()) return code.encode() def site_dispatch(env, start_response): client_address = env['REMOTE_ADDR'] try: # correct malformed query string with ? separators instead of & env['QUERY_STRING'] = env['QUERY_STRING'].replace('?', '&') # Fix PATH_INFO for UWSGI if 'REQUEST_URI' in env: env['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.parse.unquote( env['REQUEST_URI'].split('?')[0] ) method = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] path = env['PATH_INFO'] if (method == "POST" and client_address not in ('', '::1') and not settings.allow_foreign_post_requests): yield error_code('403 Forbidden', start_response) return # redirect localhost:8080 to localhost:8080/https://youtube.com if path == '' or path == '/': start_response('302 Found', [('Location', '/https://youtube.com')]) return try: env['SERVER_NAME'], env['PATH_INFO'] = split_url(path[1:]) except ValueError: yield error_code('404 Not Found', start_response) return base_name = '' for domain in reversed(env['SERVER_NAME'].split('.')): if base_name == '': base_name = domain else: base_name = domain + '.' + base_name try: handler = site_handlers[base_name] except KeyError: continue else: yield from handler(env, start_response) break else: # did not break yield error_code('404 Not Found', start_response) return except Exception: start_response('500 Internal Server Error', ()) yield b'500 Internal Server Error' raise return class FilteredRequestLog: '''Don't log noisy thumbnail and avatar requests''' filter_re = re.compile(r'''(?x) "GET\ /https://( i[.]ytimg[.]com/| www[.]youtube[.]com/data/subscription_thumbnails/| yt3[.]ggpht[.]com/| www[.]youtube[.]com/api/timedtext| [-\w]+[.]googlevideo[.]com/).*"\ (200|206) ''') def __init__(self): pass def write(self, s): if not self.filter_re.search(s): sys.stderr.write(s) if __name__ == '__main__': if settings.allow_foreign_addresses: server = WSGIServer(('', settings.port_number), site_dispatch, log=FilteredRequestLog()) ip_server = '' else: server = WSGIServer(('', settings.port_number), site_dispatch, log=FilteredRequestLog()) ip_server = '' print('Starting httpserver at http://%s:%s/' % (ip_server, settings.port_number)) server.serve_forever() # for uwsgi, gunicorn, etc. application = site_dispatch