# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Werkzeug is the Swiss Army knife of Python web development.

    It provides useful classes and functions for any WSGI application to make
    the life of a python web developer much easier.  All of the provided
    classes are independent from each other so you can mix it with any other

    :copyright: 2007 Pallets
    :license: BSD-3-Clause
import sys
from types import ModuleType

__version__ = "0.15.4"

# This import magic raises concerns quite often which is why the implementation
# and motivation is explained here in detail now.
# The majority of the functions and classes provided by Werkzeug work on the
# HTTP and WSGI layer.  There is no useful grouping for those which is why
# they are all importable from "werkzeug" instead of the modules where they are
# implemented.  The downside of that is, that now everything would be loaded at
# once, even if unused.
# The implementation of a lazy-loading module in this file replaces the
# werkzeug package when imported from within.  Attribute access to the werkzeug
# module will then lazily import from the modules that implement the objects.

# import mapping to objects in other modules
all_by_module = {
    "werkzeug.debug": ["DebuggedApplication"],
    "werkzeug.local": [
    "werkzeug.serving": ["run_simple"],
    "werkzeug.test": ["Client", "EnvironBuilder", "create_environ", "run_wsgi_app"],
    "werkzeug.testapp": ["test_app"],
    "werkzeug.exceptions": ["abort", "Aborter"],
    "werkzeug.urls": [
    "werkzeug.formparser": ["parse_form_data"],
    "werkzeug.utils": [
    "werkzeug.wsgi": [
    "werkzeug.datastructures": [
    "werkzeug.useragents": ["UserAgent"],
    "werkzeug.http": [
    "werkzeug.wrappers": [
    "werkzeug.middleware.dispatcher": ["DispatcherMiddleware"],
    "werkzeug.middleware.shared_data": ["SharedDataMiddleware"],
    "werkzeug.security": ["generate_password_hash", "check_password_hash"],
    # the undocumented easteregg ;-)
    "werkzeug._internal": ["_easteregg"],

# modules that should be imported when accessed as attributes of werkzeug
attribute_modules = frozenset(["exceptions", "routing"])

object_origins = {}
for module, items in all_by_module.items():
    for item in items:
        object_origins[item] = module

class module(ModuleType):
    """Automatically import objects from the modules."""

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in object_origins:
            module = __import__(object_origins[name], None, None, [name])
            for extra_name in all_by_module[module.__name__]:
                setattr(self, extra_name, getattr(module, extra_name))
            return getattr(module, name)
        elif name in attribute_modules:
            __import__("werkzeug." + name)
        return ModuleType.__getattribute__(self, name)

    def __dir__(self):
        """Just show what we want to show."""
        result = list(new_module.__all__)
        return result

# keep a reference to this module so that it's not garbage collected
old_module = sys.modules["werkzeug"]

# setup the new module and patch it into the dict of loaded modules
new_module = sys.modules["werkzeug"] = module("werkzeug")
        "__file__": __file__,
        "__package__": "werkzeug",
        "__path__": __path__,
        "__doc__": __doc__,
        "__version__": __version__,
        "__all__": tuple(object_origins) + tuple(attribute_modules),
        "__docformat__": "restructuredtext en",

# Due to bootstrapping issues we need to import exceptions here.
# Don't ask :-(