# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details.
Waiting for I/O completion.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys

from gevent.event import Event
from gevent.hub import get_hub
from gevent.hub import sleep as _g_sleep
from gevent._compat import integer_types
from gevent._compat import iteritems
from gevent._compat import itervalues
from gevent._util import copy_globals
from gevent._util import _NONE

from errno import EINTR
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
    def _original_select(_r, _w, _x, _t):
        # windows cant handle three empty lists, but we've always
        # accepted that, so don't try the compliance check on windows
        return ((), (), ())
    from select import select as _original_select

    from select import poll as original_poll
    from select import POLLIN, POLLOUT, POLLNVAL
    __implements__ = ['select', 'poll']
except ImportError:
    original_poll = None
    __implements__ = ['select']

__all__ = ['error'] + __implements__

import select as __select__

error = __select__.error

__imports__ = copy_globals(__select__, globals(),

_EV_READ = 1

def get_fileno(obj):
        fileno_f = obj.fileno
    except AttributeError:
        if not isinstance(obj, integer_types):
            raise TypeError('argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method: %r' % (obj,))
        return obj
        return fileno_f()

class SelectResult(object):
    __slots__ = ('read', 'write', 'event')

    def __init__(self):
        self.read = []
        self.write = []
        self.event = Event()

    def add_read(self, socket):

    add_read.event = _EV_READ

    def add_write(self, socket):

    add_write.event = _EV_WRITE

    def __add_watchers(self, watchers, fdlist, callback, io, pri):
        for fd in fdlist:
            watcher = io(get_fileno(fd), callback.event)
            watcher.priority = pri
            watcher.start(callback, fd)

    def _make_watchers(self, watchers, rlist, wlist):
        loop = get_hub().loop
        io = loop.io
        MAXPRI = loop.MAXPRI

            self.__add_watchers(watchers, rlist, self.add_read, io, MAXPRI)
            self.__add_watchers(watchers, wlist, self.add_write, io, MAXPRI)
        except IOError as ex:
            raise error(*ex.args)

    def _closeall(self, watchers):
        for watcher in watchers:
        del watchers[:]

    def select(self, rlist, wlist, timeout):
        watchers = []
            self._make_watchers(watchers, rlist, wlist)
            return self.read, self.write, []

def select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
    """An implementation of :meth:`select.select` that blocks only the current greenlet.

    .. caution:: *xlist* is ignored.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.2a1
       Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if timeout is negative. This matches Python 3's
       behaviour (Python 2 would raise a ``select.error``). Previously gevent had
       undefined behaviour.
    .. versionchanged:: 1.2a1
       Raise an exception if any of the file descriptors are invalid.
    if timeout is not None and timeout < 0:
        # Raise an error like the real implementation; which error
        # depends on the version. Python 3, where select.error is OSError,
        # raises a ValueError (which makes sense). Older pythons raise
        # the error from the select syscall...but we don't actually get there.
        # We choose to just raise the ValueError as it makes more sense and is
        # forward compatible
        raise ValueError("timeout must be non-negative")

    # First, do a poll with the original select system call. This
    # is the most efficient way to check to see if any of the file descriptors
    # have previously been closed and raise the correct corresponding exception.
    # (Because libev tends to just return them as ready...)
    # We accept the *xlist* here even though we can't below because this is all about
    # error handling.
    sel_results = ((), (), ())
        sel_results = _original_select(rlist, wlist, xlist, 0)
    except error as e:
        enumber = getattr(e, 'errno', None) or e.args[0]
        if enumber != EINTR:
            # Ignore interrupted syscalls

    if sel_results[0] or sel_results[1] or sel_results[2]:
        # If we actually had stuff ready, go ahead and return it. No need
        # to go through the trouble of doing our own stuff.
        # However, because this is typically a place where scheduling switches
        # can occur, we need to make sure that's still the case; otherwise a single
        # consumer could monopolize the thread. (shows up in test_ftplib.)
        return sel_results

    result = SelectResult()
    return result.select(rlist, wlist, timeout)

if original_poll is not None:
    class PollResult(object):
        __slots__ = ('events', 'event')

        def __init__(self):
            self.events = set()
            self.event = Event()

        def add_event(self, events, fd):
            if events < 0:
                result_flags = POLLNVAL
                result_flags = 0
                if events & _EV_READ:
                    result_flags = POLLIN
                if events & _EV_WRITE:
                    result_flags |= POLLOUT

            self.events.add((fd, result_flags))

    class poll(object):
        An implementation of :class:`select.poll` that blocks only the current greenlet.

        .. caution:: ``POLLPRI`` data is not supported.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1b1
        def __init__(self):
            self.fds = {} # {int -> watcher}
            self.loop = get_hub().loop

        def register(self, fd, eventmask=_NONE):
            if eventmask is _NONE:
                flags = _EV_READ | _EV_WRITE
                flags = 0
                if eventmask & POLLIN:
                    flags = _EV_READ
                if eventmask & POLLOUT:
                    flags |= _EV_WRITE
                # If they ask for POLLPRI, we can't support
                # that. Should we raise an error?

            fileno = get_fileno(fd)
            watcher = self.loop.io(fileno, flags)
            watcher.priority = self.loop.MAXPRI
            self.fds[fileno] = watcher

        def modify(self, fd, eventmask):
            self.register(fd, eventmask)

        def poll(self, timeout=None):
            poll the registered fds.

            .. versionchanged:: 1.2a1
               File descriptors that are closed are reported with POLLNVAL.
            result = PollResult()
                for fd, watcher in iteritems(self.fds):
                    watcher.start(result.add_event, fd, pass_events=True)
                if timeout is not None and timeout > -1:
                    timeout /= 1000.0
                return list(result.events)
                for awatcher in itervalues(self.fds):

        def unregister(self, fd):
            Unregister the *fd*.

            .. versionchanged:: 1.2a1
               Raise a `KeyError` if *fd* was not registered, like the standard
               library. Previously gevent did nothing.
            fileno = get_fileno(fd)
            del self.fds[fileno]

del original_poll