#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=/dev/null #------------------ # Update functions #------------------ function _which() { command -v "$1" &> /dev/null } # Check URL's # --------------------- function _url_exists() { if _which wget; then if wget --spider "$1" 2>/dev/null; then return 0 # URL 'ok' else return 1 # URL 'fail' fi elif _which curl; then if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$1"; then return 0 # URL 'ok' else return 1 # URL 'fail' fi fi } function _urls() { URL_1="https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/hyperterm" URL_2="https://notabug.org/heckyel/hyperterm" if [[ $(_url_exists "$URL_1") -eq 0 ]]; then URL="$URL_1" RAW="$URL_1/blob/master" elif [[ $(_url_exists "$URL_2") -eq 0 ]]; then URL="$URL_2" RAW="$URL_2/raw/master" fi } # ---------------------- function ifexists_custom() { _urls "$@" if [ ! -e "$HOME/.hyperterm/_custom.sh" ]; then case $1 in wget) wget "$RAW/hyperterm/_custom.sh" -O "$HOME/.hyperterm/_custom.sh" ;; curl) curl "$RAW/hyperterm/_custom.sh" -o "$HOME/.hyperterm/_custom.sh" ;; git) cp -v /tmp/hyperterm/hyperterm/_custom.sh "$HOME/.hyperterm/" ;; esac fi } function updbashrc() { _urls "$@" # data integration if _which wget; then wget -nv "$RAW/hyperterm/hyperterm.sha512" -O "$HOME/.hyperterm/hyperterm.sha512" &> /dev/null ifexists_custom wget &> /dev/null elif _which curl; then curl "$RAW/hyperterm/hyperterm.sha512" -o "$HOME/.hyperterm/hyperterm.sha512" &> /dev/null ifexists_custom curl &> /dev/null fi # checksum of data verification (cd "$HOME/.hyperterm/" && sha512sum -c hyperterm.sha512 &> /dev/null) _interger=$? if _which git; then if [[ "$_interger" -eq 0 ]]; then # Import colors _colors_bash "$@" printf '%b' "${BOLD}${CYAN}" printf '%s\n' ' __ __ ______ ' printf '%s\n' ' / / / /_ ______ ___ ____/_ __/__ _________ ___ ' printf '%s\n' ' / /_/ / / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___// / / _ \/ ___/ __ `__ \ ' printf '%s\n' ' / __ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / / __/ / / / / / / / ' printf '%s\n' ' /_/ /_/\__, / .___/\___/_/ /_/ \___/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ ' printf '%s\n' ' /____/_/ ' printf '%s\n' ' ' printf '%b' "${BOLD}${GREY}" msg "¡Hurra! HyperTerm se ha actualizado y/o está en la versión actual." \ "Hooray! HyperTerm has been updated and/or is at the current version." msg "Puede reportarnos errores en https://todo.sr.ht/~heckyel/hyperterm" \ "You can report errors issues in https://todo.sr.ht/~heckyel/hyperterm" msg "Consigue tu copia de HyperTerm en: https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/hyperterm" \ "Get your HyperTerm copy on: https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/hyperterm" printf '%b\n' "$RESET" else if [[ $(_url_exists "$URL") -eq 0 ]]; then # clone '--depth=1' not support cgit (git clone $URL /tmp/hyperterm/ --depth=1 &> /dev/null) printf '%s\r' "##### (33%)" sleep 1 # core for i in autocomplete.sh colors.sh git.sh languages.sh status.sh update.sh; do install -m644 /tmp/hyperterm/hyperterm/core/$i "$HOME/.hyperterm/core/$i" done # themes for i in default.sh joy.sh light_theme.sh pure.sh special.sh; do install -m644 /tmp/hyperterm/hyperterm/themes/$i "$HOME/.hyperterm/themes/$i" done # tools (cp -f /tmp/hyperterm/hyperterm/tools/* "$HOME/.hyperterm/tools/" &> /dev/null) for i in hyperterm.sh hyperterm.sha512; do install -m644 /tmp/hyperterm/hyperterm/$i "$HOME/.hyperterm/$i" done (cp -f /tmp/hyperterm/.bash_profile "$HOME/" &> /dev/null) printf '%s\r' "############# (66%)" (ifexists_custom git &> /dev/null) sleep 1 (rm -fr /tmp/hyperterm/) printf '%s\n' "####################### (100%) done!" source "$HOME/.bashrc" else msg_err "El repo esta deshabilitado o no hay conexión a Internet" \ "The repo is disabled or connection failed" return 1 fi fi else msg_err "No hay curl y git. Por favor, instale los programas para actualizar HyperTerm" \ "I couldn't find not curl and git. Please, install the programs to update HyperTerm" return 1 fi } function updbashrc_custom() { _urls "$@" if [[ $(_url_exists "$URL") -eq 0 ]]; then while true do function _copy_c() { if _which wget; then wget "$RAW/hyperterm/_custom.sh" -O "$HOME/.hyperterm/_custom.sh"; source "$HOME/.bashrc" elif _which curl; then curl "$RAW/hyperterm/_custom.sh" -o "$HOME/.hyperterm/_custom.sh"; source "$HOME/.bashrc" fi } question=$(msg "¿Estás seguro de sobre-escribir _custom.sh? [s/N]: " \ "Are you sure to overwrite _custom.sh? [y/N]: ") read -r -p "$question" input case $input in [sS]|[yY]) _copy_c "$@"; break ;; [nN]|"") break ;; *) msg "Por favor responde sí o no" \ "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done else msg_err "El repo esta deshabilitado o no hay conexión a Internet" \ "The repo is disabled or connection failed" return 1 fi }