#!/bin/bash # Set up symbols function _symbols() { # Import colors _colors_bash "$@" __ps="$(printf '%b\u7C%s' "${BOLD}${LEMON}" "${RESET}")" # | __ss="$(printf '%b\u2714' "${BOLD}${CYAN}")" # ✔ __dss="$(printf '%b\u002A' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ∗ __ahs="$(printf '%b\u2191' "${BOLD}${CYAN}")" # ↑ __bhs="$(printf '%b\u2193' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ↓ __duphs="$(printf '%b\u25B2' "${BOLD}${YELLOW}")" # ▲ __duplls="$(printf '%b\u25BC' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ▼ __duus="$(printf '%bdu' "${BOLD}${CYAN}")" # du __upulls="$(printf '%b\u25BD' "${BOLD}${GREEN}")" # ▽ __sts="$(printf '%b\u2192\u004D' "${BOLD}${CYAN}")" # →M __usts="$(printf '%b\u2190\u004D' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ←M __stusts="$(printf '%b' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # __uts="$(printf '%b\u003F' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ? __nfs="$(printf '%b\u002B' "${BOLD}${CYAN}")" # + __dfs="$(printf '%bD' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # D __rns="$(printf '%b\u2387 ' "${BOLD}${RED}")" # ⎇ } function _get_git_branch() { # On branches, this will return the branch name # On non-branches, (no branch) ref="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///')" if [[ -n $ref ]]; then printf '%s' "$ref" else printf "(no branch)" fi } function _get_git_progress() { # Detect in-progress actions (e.g. merge, rebase) # https://github.com/git/git/blob/v1.9-rc2/wt-status.c#L1199-L1241 git_dir="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)" # git merge if [[ -f "$git_dir/MERGE_HEAD" ]]; then printf " [merge]" elif [[ -d "$git_dir/rebase-apply" ]]; then # git am if [[ -f "$git_dir/rebase-apply/applying" ]]; then printf " [am]" # git rebase else printf " [rebase]" fi elif [[ -d "$git_dir/rebase-merge" ]]; then # git rebase --interactive/--merge printf " [rebase]" elif [[ -f "$git_dir/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ]]; then # git cherry-pick printf " [cherry-pick]" fi if [[ -f "$git_dir/BISECT_LOG" ]]; then # git bisect printf " [bisect]" fi if [[ -f "$git_dir/REVERT_HEAD" ]]; then # git revert --no-commit printf " [revert]" fi } _prompt_is_branch1_behind_branch2 () { # $ git log origin/master..master -1 # commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32 # Author: Todd Wolfson # Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700 # # Unsynced commit # Find the first log (if any) that is in branch1 but not branch2 first_log="$(git log "$1..$2" -1 2> /dev/null)" # Exit with 0 if there is a first log, 1 if there is not [[ -n "$first_log" ]] } _prompt_branch_exists () { # List remote branches | # Find our branch and exit with 0 or 1 if found/not found git branch --remote 2> /dev/null | grep --quiet "$1" } _prompt_parse_git_ahead () { # Grab the local and remote branch branch="$(_get_git_branch)" remote="$(git config --get "branch.${branch}.remote" || echo -n "origin")" remote_branch="$remote/$branch" # $ git log origin/master..master # commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32 # Author: Todd Wolfson # Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700 # # Unsynced commit # If the remote branch is behind the local branch # or it has not been merged into origin (remote branch doesn't exist) if (_prompt_is_branch1_behind_branch2 "$remote_branch" "$branch" || ! _prompt_branch_exists "$remote_branch"); then echo -n "0"; else echo -n "1"; fi } _prompt_parse_git_behind() { # Grab the branch branch="$(_get_git_branch)" remote="$(git config --get "branch.${branch}.remote" || echo -n "origin")" remote_branch="$remote/$branch" # $ git log master..origin/master # commit 4a633f715caf26f6e9495198f89bba20f3402a32 # Author: Todd Wolfson # Date: Sun Jul 7 22:12:17 2013 -0700 # # Unsynced commit # If the local branch is behind the remote branch if _prompt_is_branch1_behind_branch2 "$branch" "$remote_branch"; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_dirty() { # If the git status has *any* changes (e.g. dirty), printf our character if [[ -n "$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null)" ]]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } # start counter on git function _git_dirty_count() { local _dirty_status local _git_status _dirty_status="$(_prompt_parse_git_dirty)" _git_status="$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null)" if [[ "$_dirty_status" == 0 ]]; then local change_count change_count="$(echo "$_git_status" | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]')" case $change_count in 1) printf '%b\u2022%s' "${BOLD}${GREY}" "$change_count";; 2) printf '%b\u2236%s' "${BOLD}${GREY}" "$change_count";; 3) printf '%b\u2026%s' "${BOLD}${GREY}" "$change_count";; *) printf '%b\u00BB%s' "${BOLD}${GREY}" "$change_count";; esac fi } function _git_behind_count() { local __behind_count __behind_count="$(git rev-list --left-right --count origin/master...HEAD | cut -f1 2> /dev/null)" case $__behind_count in 0) echo -n '';; *) echo -n "$__behind_count";; esac } function _git_ahead_count() { local __ahead_count __ahead_count="$(git rev-list --left-right --count origin/master...HEAD | cut -f2 2> /dev/null)" case $__ahead_count in 0) echo -n '';; *) echo -n "$__ahead_count";; esac } # ends counter on git function _prompt_parse_git_untracked() { local untracked local evaltask untracked="$(git status 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'Untracked files:' <<<"$untracked" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_newfile() { local newfile local evaltask newfile="$(git status 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'new file:' <<<"$newfile" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_deleted_file() { local deleted_file local evaltask deleted_file="$(git status 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'deleted:' <<<"$deleted_file" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_renamed() { local renamed local evaltask renamed="$(git status 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'renamed:' <<<"$renamed" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_unstage() { local unstage local evaltask unstage="$(git status 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'not staged' <<<"$unstage" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_parse_git_stage() { local stage local evaltask stage="$(git status -s 2>&1 | tee)" grep -E 'M' <<<"$stage" &> /dev/null evaltask=$? if [ "$evaltask" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n '0'; else echo -n '1'; fi } function _prompt_is_on_git() { git rev-parse 2> /dev/null } function _prompt_get_git_status() { _symbols "$@" # Grab the git dirty and git behind count_dirty="$(_git_dirty_count)" count_behind="$(_git_behind_count)" count_ahead="$(_git_ahead_count)" dirty_branch="$(_prompt_parse_git_dirty)" branch_ahead="$(_prompt_parse_git_ahead)" branch_behind="$(_prompt_parse_git_behind)" branch_stage="$(_prompt_parse_git_stage)" branch_unstage="$(_prompt_parse_git_unstage)" branch_untracked="$(_prompt_parse_git_untracked)" branch_newfile="$(_prompt_parse_git_newfile)" branch_deleted_file="$(_prompt_parse_git_deleted_file)" branch_renamed="$(_prompt_parse_git_renamed)" # Iterate through all the cases and if it matches, then printf case ${dirty_branch}${branch_ahead}${branch_behind}${branch_stage}${branch_unstage}${branch_newfile}${branch_untracked}${branch_deleted_file}${branch_renamed} in 111111111) printf '%s' "${__ss}";; 100111111) printf '%s' "${__ps}${__ahs}$count_ahead${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind";; 110111111) printf '%s%s' "${__upulls}" "$count_behind";; 101111111) printf '%s%s' "${__ahs}" "$count_ahead";; 010111111) printf '%s%s%s' "${__duplls}" "$count_behind" "$count_dirty";; 001111111) printf '%s%s%s' "${__duphs}" "$count_ahead" "$count_dirty";; 000111111) printf '%s%s%s' "${__duus}" "$count_behind-$count_ahead" "$count_dirty";; 000111011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__ahs}$count_ahead${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__uts}${__ps}" "$count_dirty" ;; 010111011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__uts}" "${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010110111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}" "${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010110011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__uts}" "${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010100001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__usts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010000001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__stusts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010010100) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}" "${__ps}${__sts}${__ps}$count_dirty";; 010010000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__bhs}$count_behind${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}${__ps}${__uts}" "${__ps}${__sts}${__ps}$count_dirty";; 011001111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}" "$count_dirty";; 011000111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011001101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011001011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__uts}" "$count_dirty" ;; 011001001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011000101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011000001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011011111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}" "$count_dirty";; 011010111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011010101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty" ;; 011010001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011011011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 011011101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011110111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011110011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 011111011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 011101001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__usts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011101001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__usts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 011111110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011110110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011110010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011010100) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty" ;; 011010000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011001010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011001000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011000110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011000010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011000000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011000100) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011010010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011011010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__sts}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 011111010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__dss}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001001111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}" "$count_dirty";; 001000111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001001101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001001011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 001001001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001000101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001000001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001011111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}" "$count_dirty";; 001010111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty" ;; 001010101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty" ;; 001010001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001011011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 001011101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001110111) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__nfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001110011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__nfs}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 001111011) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__uts}" "$count_dirty";; 001101001) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__usts}${__uts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001101101) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__usts}${__dfs}" "$count_dirty";; 001111110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001110110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__nfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001110010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001010100) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty" ;; 001010000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001001010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001001000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001000110) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001000010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001000000) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001000100) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__stusts}${__nfs}${__dfs}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001010010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__nfs}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001011010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__sts}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; 001111010) printf '%s%s' "${__ps}${__duus}${__uts}${__rns}" "$count_dirty";; *) echo -n "${__uts}" ;; esac # # dirty + unpushed = du stage + unstage = # ∗ ↑ ↓ →M ←M + ? D ⎇ # echo "${dirty_branch}${branch_ahead}${branch_behind}${branch_stage}${branch_unstage}${branch_newfile}${branch_untracked}${branch_deleted_file}${branch_renamed}" # 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 } _prompt_get_git_info() { # Import colors _colors_bash "$@" # Grab the branch branch="$(_get_git_branch)" # If there are any branches if [[ -n $branch ]]; then # Printf the branch output="$branch" # Add on the git status output="$output$(_prompt_get_git_status "$@")" # Printf our output printf '%b%s%b' "${BOLD}${LEMON}" "git:($output" "${BOLD}${LEMON})" fi } __prompt_git() { if _prompt_is_on_git &> /dev/null; then echo -n "${BOLD}${WHITE} on $RESET" && \ echo -n "$(_prompt_get_git_info "$@")" && \ echo -n "${BOLD}${RED}$(_get_git_progress)" && \ echo -n "$RESET" fi }